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December 17, 1924 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 12-17-1924

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W~l E~5AYI )'X'EM R 17, ? :):-

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Purple Drill.For U'D ;AD~lllf Frosh Mat Team PA~Ii
Notre Dame Game~IWdI ILUL I Lacks Material HHIIfII I
S Evanston, MI., Dec. 16.-As the f i r ~t Itl i f ti Coach B~otchen, freshman wrestling T F 1A M A~
. ~~i -- ,, l 0-- frs n ai nn i liP T Nr i, lT FF:CR M 99 1

Sigma Phi Leads
Fraternity Tank
Men In Prelims

Ket aktalmetra. rh1Sigma1
-________________________Knbsebl etra ot- veloping a formidable team out of the i jtim a rie
Ca____r__n____ooker___rod__Hubbard,____oth__western, is having difficulty in selecttIho1ckeyTeam iiWill Arramge atis 07t-Of ow candidates that have been report ((i~CI! hi ther and1 Stiad l cleaveFor
mu1(1 f Oypcig a suitable lineup. So tar he hasI r numberhle ihh sigt hmtre ie ee hsi iniey 'its
M e b r f t r nly pi lea m, .M ICHI AN -NAVY TICKETS Tarrived at nothingk defninitimehree tinanda weekllist ei ntul falolt et 1otn lslaenotbel efevtesndthat t ctheirfinalsnah iin
Reur robably announce the team later fneet toda
Tickets for the Michigan-Navy I' the week.-_
STRON:GIN DASH ES basketball game, scheduled to IICahKn a elho aeiY STI TO MIAKE SURVEY scarcity of candidates for the yal PLAY'K NT C Y E T in h
be played Friday night, Jan. 3, rial in having six letter men from last ___ n a qa s(u o h 11r-K N U K E T i h
Michigan's chances for a strong, inYtfelhoswlgon year and also in having several new Julius W'einberg, proprietor of the qureenrta freshe(ms e
sale at the Athletic associationji men who are giving the veterans a Coliseumn, has received word from his I ort for gymnasium while they work Coach M1ather put his Varsity as- style a
welblne rc emare excep-I offices rategeldhueDc. ke insuranceco an to th fet htout with the wrestling squad. After ~etball ;quadl tiough another stiff ; Leonard
wel baancd tacktea i th fild ous, Dc.cee for their lpositions. The:omnr thefctha a conerence with Dr. May, director "io y'tryafennibests
tionally bright this season dlue to thej 29, it was announced by Harry team suffered a severe blow when their survey of his ase is now corn- ofactaterman onmneteidmyCoachnoon pbracstce
return of a large number of veterans,' Tillotson, manager of ticket "oIraawh a1epcedt ie ndulihat lie can take whatever io aemngysu, CoiaIcharaionfor he ame ithfancy dv
among whom are many star perform- sales, yesterday. The tickets will 1 be a fxuea guard this year, as !seps he wishes to clear up the de-!c en was orearnged tohe mat,'sentcy I Iea eintn was seco
er, and an unusual large number of sell for $1 apiece. declared ineligible.1 Bill Christman,.Ibie in his building which was dam- tseqeharprdo temtKntcyStud tLeigo. requre
sqalfrom work in the gymnasiumI Sc~immiaging occupied almost the url
capable sophomores from last year's 1 an "N" man from last year, will like- ged severely by fire some ie ago. 200, andt
freshman team. The distances, I ly take the place of Graham at the' It is not certain as yet what effect classes. With this requirement alol-1 entire time of the court athletes ater Theta
hurdles, and weight events, Michi- ! unn!ur oiin Bre Mi-ti ilhv o h osblte o shed, it is believed that a greatly in -la short passing drill early in thei Sigma N
i etalready. hsya.Wt a-Irunngurpoiin BanyMtIthsilhventepsibiisfr
gan's weak spots last year, have been event ]!chllanyear.y WithnCapit i creased squad of freshmen mat can- afternoon. Mather~ divided his pro-I have two
then evnstaBeecune ih- utrooikeon ftihissulehs en gep uroaracticealora eer.diates will report to Coach otchen. tees into two()Itamus for two scrim- T'he other
gral teghnd n eea fIman with one year's experience andI too late in the season to aemptesins rpesn
tire' evnts tha were cunted Mihi-tvaurersairsheonouhey structurealiThis year the freshman squad is aeseio. In the first game thereesn
gnu's last season are in even better ;goodl form, Michigan should pull time duo to an~ inured knee, but ,evni MVr Weinberg and the Athletic favored with a room used exclusively Blues (efeatedl the Oranges, anid thei With D
chaelhiwyar a number of points in this event, is now back in un)U )ndprfr - ,e Vafl . sol ae omk hn by the freshman grapplers. The squad revampedl lineup repeated in the se-;n all tliv
With it definitely decided that D- oi ati rokrwsfredt nuoth aifcinifmtnherf o c iate ineolretwl ook ere. atyear was greatly handicapped i ! nd fracas. In the first game, the iliminai y
.iohaigaro inwiht n Pes ubbard, Olympic broad jump AsepntrainingrookerinowasuforertOntthe atsfacotion maknofdsthe h oernDti ernYost wl ko verhatBluese.consisted of Captain aggerty, lading t
capowill run in the sprints this due to hie~ being on the Olympic team, for berths oni the Varsity are: Iai- au b doe ovar clearing away TI I ben riedman, Doyle, Cherry, and Kuen- ;asrd finis
yer ihigan's cdash squa~d loomns up h le will not get into shape as early 0(olde fCoc 11itevat';enough iof tipe v.rekae to inale shat- Th tisqua hs eMlpacicngzel. The losers lind p with Gregory,1 stroke, t
as second to none in the country as usual. grid squad; Russell Smith, who was i - losS iic. 1If enough can be donemesa Friday aftrnon.Aftereao, ltel 1adr, n I .f. hav th
with such men as Wittman, Confer- ;Altough Michigan will feel the a guardI on the Lafayette, Indian,'to even g;ive tie hockey team a place hita fenon.AtrteKezlSaadDvsaloboenaent
ence champion in the century dash lo,s of Ray Smith and McCellvan in high school championship team twvo for praciCe, the aumbhoities mnay d- hldy tannIWl ) into the gamie andl Gin and i Kiesbach inishedt
:woo eary agrsbbadoinnrHoutharigdupioacnFareloha tw thearsagoghlijeumadLiCeoachi toagrahedliththewortwno gnefrrth frshmnoad Al-cmpufweeslterahitednodteAlue-eaam4pyar
this event last year, and Leschinsky, e roth reha quad that both of whoma aeAl-ttebrhsar;e al out-of-town schedule for wretlngmets Te scizimitiaes last un il nearly six in the 2 111G e rmtefeha aeA1Saebrh
from the freshmnan team, who turned have done six feet consistently. They in Indiana and Montana respective-! the team if there is nt sufficient O'clock. ;numbllere
in marks of 10 flat for the hundred are Weeks andl Roth and if they can Ily; McClure and Ettlingfer. space availaile at the Coliseum toI Austin, Texas, .Dec. 1.-Rosc,oe The work of the squad in general Epsilont
yar aha (1:- eod o terpa hi good performances of For the center position, Coach Kent 11( rn:t the playing of games there. Coleman Martin, 20, is the youngest! loo:ed stsatr lhuh tee [h i
200, on the sqluad. He also is credited! last year the loss of the two veterans has five men to select from but it is1 One project in mind is that of bank- man on the faculty of the University laore several rough spots to 1)e polish- oclock,
with breaking Charlie Paddock'sj will not be so heavily felt. Weeks a problem to pick 0rn0 who will work I in; up the sideCs of the rink and cleoar- (f Texas. lie is a tutor in the govern- ed Off b fore the opening of the Con- event on
world's record of 21:2-10 seconds for was one year on the Notre Dame the best with the forwards. At rs- I ing away the section of the roof that mient deartment and is working for ference schedule. The fetucky game events f<
tile 200 meters b~y 1-10 of a second, in track team and that year he placed in ent Joe Greaves, although inexper-I at present sags over the middle of 1 his A. A. to be granted in June. Ie will undoubtedly fill the need of con-; yard fre(
the Olymipic trials heldt on Ferry field the Conference championship meet in enced, is showing n well while it the skating surface. AY. Yost willj is also a member of Phi Beta Kappa. pet ition in another game bef ore the! 220 Yard1
ls:srn.Higgins, a veteran, has this event, is also possibe that Coach Kent will lok into all the possiilities5 when he fig rTen cardl is opened. back str
odn aehnrdi es hn1 e- Hbadi outdo ownhssat"o" Baker, of football fame looks over the bulding today. New York, Dec. IG.-More go01( was1 The squad will leave for the Ken- s~yle.
only and can be counted on to 1)0'specialty, the broad jump, of which at the pivot job.-- --ishpe abodMny,$0,00t Lukcnetat9 'cokFdyj
among the first' to the tape in this hie is Olympic champion, again this George Kershaw, Jack Carstons, plaiving exuc ieicce and has been show- India and $00,000 to Holland. I night. RE Al1
event. Besides these four stars there year. Besides Hubbard, Coach Far- and Red Hoffman are "N" candidates ing ill)parzticularly well this season.
is Parker and Sterling, two sopho- roll is counting on developing Snider for the forward positions. The lasti Baker is also a good forwardl and will
mores that turned in some fast times and Northrop in this event as both two were members of last year s team I make a strong bid for one of the
last year.( men are more than avrage jumpers. while Kershaw has bad two yars berths. Aw
In the distance runs where Michi-i In the hurdles Michigan should be_____IC
gan was woefully weak last year1 much stronger this year as in Snyder,
Coach Farrell has a number of men 'Walk, Voelker, and Hulse, Coach Far-
in both the one and two mile events jrel has t'our fast men. Snyder is re-
thatoff should be able to winl places this ceiving a lot of Coach "Farrel's at-IId C+ l ifr
year. In the miles both Hicks and M. tention. FOR STUDENTS, T!EACH ERS, ART9ISTS ETC.-
Reinke are back and with the experi-( With Feinsinger and Roesser re- In ay Tour-All e"W ad in LONDON, IS$ hIUSSEg

Phi lead the field in the pre-
s Monday afternoon in the
of men qualifying for the
the interfraternity swimming
be, held at 4:15 o'clock today
M. C. A. pool. Dunnakin
in three events, the 220
.e style, the 100 yard free
t(d the backstroke, while
reached the finals in the
roke, and, Starrett lead the
vers. Sigma Alpha Epsilon
md(, with Darnall passing the
euts in three events;, the 40,
the 100 yard free style.
Delta. Clhi, Theta Phi D~elta,
u, and Phi Lambda Phi each
men entered in the finals,.
r qualifiers for today's. meet
Cone organization.
unnal~in winning first place0
Tree of his races in the pre-
heats, and w ithi Sta.rret t
h-e fancy divers, while Leon-
bed fourth in the breast-
he Sigma P'hi's appear to
best chance to copn theo inter-
y title: though D)arnall who
first in the 100 yard and the
free styles and i'ankzed third
20 mnay grather a sufficient;
or' points to give Sigma Alpha
the victory.
als will start pronitly at 4:15
with the relay as the first
ithe program. The ordler of
Iollow: relay, fancy dive,. 40
estyle, )10 yard breast-stroke.
I frcee style, p~lunge, 40 yard
oke0, andl The 100 yardl fr~e


ence gained last year shvould turn in turnig for the quarter milee ana witn
some fast times. Jung and H-ornberg- Mueller, Ohlheiser, and Douglas from
er showed up exceptiophally wvell last the freshman team this °event should
year on the freshman squad. The for- be well fortified. Herrnstein, Meese,
men is credited with doing under 4:30 and K~oplin are other men that show
and Hornberger has done nearly as strong possibilities.
'well. While in the two mile there are Coach Farrell is counting on Lov-
four men, Callahan, Briggs, Baker, etto and Munz, two sophomores, to
and Mason who should form a strong handle the shot put in acceptable
squad. Briggs and Baker are sopho-' manner as both of these men have
mores that showed up well on the consistently put it over 42 feet, and
freshman team and on the varsity when Doyle, who won the Conference
cross country team this year. Briggs 1 chanmpionship in this event last
especially appears to have strong pos- ;apring, reports after basketball sea-
sibilities. son, Michigan shoud be able to cop;
With C. l einke, Cochran, and Frey-. a numb~er of points in this event.

Expenses Incuded..'P J V a1UUPUIANID PARIS
Other Tour~s Include Ini Charge of CompetentIDirectors Thor-
Italy, Switzerlanid at on glily E xperienuced in European
Moderate Cost. Travel.

711 North
University Ave.

Sia o


Next to
Je Theatre







I lW.2\\\\. \ - - -- -- 1 -

I I -

bong, three "M" men, back in the half
mile, Coach Farrell is not worrying
about this "department. Hart, Pfluke, I .
and~ Walsh are three fast men from
the freshman team that will be able
to take the place of any of the vet-
err.ns in case of injury.
The pole vault should be consider-
ably strengthened this year by the
addlition of Prout from the freshman
team,' as lie has dlone 12 feet in this

Princeton, N. J., Dec. 16.-Medical of-
ficials of Princeton university are
considering the practicability of in-
stalling a chlorine gas chamber for
the cure of colds in the new infirmary
soon to 1)0 constructed. Trhe cholrine
cold cure has been used with great
sutccess by the U. S. Army.

L~'oo wea1o {veY1
sic 3.le1o I2c°


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A lexander Slippers
Ivill mlike an ce-
ceptal'le gift for




a r
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w r
rl Written and P 110ed b ashm Jone

t=Mer Christmas
a and a Hap*py



Neckx vear





Paj amas
W o- Mufflers






the ,F1ans Shop

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