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Explaining the individual point sys-
t1m by which a record of each wo-
uan's activities on campus is kept,
Charlol'te Blagdon, '25, stated that ac-
cording to the constitution of the Wo--
man's League no woman may carryj
more than 12 points at one time.
Twenty-eight cases of women hav-
ing more than 12 points were report-
ed to the point system committee dur-
ing the month of November. Twenty-
seven of those reduced their points
to 12 with the exception of four cases!
which have the approval of the judic-
iary council. One case is still pend-
ing and no cases of women having
more than 12 points occurred in De-
A card file containing 808 cards al-
phabetically arranged indicating the
number of activities a woman is par-
ticipating in and the number of points
she has is kept in the office of thej
dean of women and is accessible at
any time. The purpose of this system
in limiting one woman is to give
others anopportunity to take part
in activities. Miss Blagdon stated, "I
~believe a woman could not keep) hert
scholarship up and yet take more
Sthan 12 points." This file system
.nakes it possible for any one to con-
s, ult the files when making 'up) comn-
mittees, and to judge whether an in-
justice is being done in placing a cer-
tain woman on a committee, and in
distributing the services women on
campus can render among a larger,
In addition there is a card file al-
phabetically arranged of the organi-,
zations on campus, both files are keptr
by the following committee: Doris!
Bessenger, '25, Dorothy Pudrith, '26,
and Jeanne Briggs, '25. s-
In answer to some discontent ex-
pressed in limiting activities Miss
I3lagdon said that the committee
could raise the number of points a
woman may carry, or lower the num-'
' h'! ati
Decan Jean
fall show 1,h
men there V
734 women o
Of a total
60 per centv
lectures, and
class women
all the lectur
cording to t
887 entering
missed the r
quired of
did not atte
of lectures IV
ing their att
SeW 1925, u
ed ex4planati
t: the depar
usually 'Thow
tion cards a
dents' own
Hamilton Gives Report 'OTArURSCL
CampusLecture Attendance
stics on attendance at ing 1 ig sections and since they met
Hamilton's lectures this only six times it was impossible to By contrasting the present, social
at of the 887 entering wo- call upon persons by namne," said conditions in our country with the
vas a total attendance of Miss Hamilton. past and present conditions of several
r 82 per cent attendance. Miss Hamilton stated that on the European countries, Mrs. Freemont
of 460 freshmen women, whole the notes taken on the lectures Ward, past president of the Women's*
were present at all of the were good but there was a great dif- club, pointed out to the members 'of
of a total of 274 upper ference in the capacity of the students that socity at their meeting yester-
, 55 per cent attended to take analyzed notes., Those taken day afternoon in Lane hall that, "We
res required of them. Ac- on the discussions were almost use- may have the greatest hope for the
hese figures out of the less. Next year Miss Hamilton plans future, that nowhere can there be
women about 17 per cent to devote part of one lecture to the found anything to equal our social
number of lectures re- analysis of note taking. achievement."
them. Those freshmen, Miss Hamilton gave four nights a Mrs. Ward summarized her travels
and junior women who week for six weeks to these lectures. in Sweden, Finland, Germany, France,
end the required number Her effort is to make clear to each and England, pointing out in each
ill receive letters requir- woman what her place, her possibili- case how the social conditions had
endance to lectures in ties, and her responsibilities on cam- changed. "Sweden is no longer held
unless they have present- pus are; to present to her the extra- by force to unite with the Danes, the
ons which are acceptable curricular activities in which she may ; Norwegians and the Finns but is unit-
tment. The explanations find interest and may give service. ed with these countries in a federa-
v errors in the registra- These might be found in the course tion for self-interest and commercial
ttributable to the stu- of her year of residence. Offering purposes." In commenting on the
carelessness. In addition them for her consideration in October art of the various countries, the
Class basketball practices will be
held this week as follows: Four o'-1
clock, Thursday, . seniors; 4:40 o'-
clock, juniors; 5:20 o'clock, sopho-1
Music section of the Faculty Wo-
men's club will meet with Mrs. Frank
N. Wilson, Lawrence street, at ' o'-
clock tonight.
Theta Sigma, honorary journalistic
society, will hold an important meet-
i~ag at:4 o'clock today in room 207,E
University hall.
The T. W. C. A. Christmas work-
During vacation let us plan
and estimate your gown for
the Hop. Give us fifteen '
minutes now and we will
save you hours during Blue-
book time.;
shop will be open between 2 and 6! All women who are going to be in
o clock today and tomorrow. Women Ann Arbor during vacation are re
are urged to come in and help, for , quested to sign up at Newberry bal
there are several dolls that must be before Friday noon.
--There will be an important IV. A.
Any houses who have Christmas j A..meeting at 5 o'clock today in Bar
trees they are willing to give to the bour gymnasium.
hospital should call the social service
department of the University hospital China has no domestic animals, and
and they will be called for not before therefore has to Luy its bones for mah
Friday. jongg sets from this country.
I -
A Gift from Goodyear's
44 letters will be sent to freshmen
and upper class women whose bolts
exceeded a reasonable number. I
Miss Hamilton stated that she be-
lieved better work could be accom-
plishred next year by having the up-
per class women separate from the
freshmen. "The interest this year
was uneven. One of the largest
groups displayednthe most interest
and one of the smallest the least in-
terest. The uninterested people areJ
apt to be those entering college late
in life whose attitude seems to indi-
cate that these lectures are not neces-
sary for them, and that type which is
not interested in the academic work
of her entering year should mean fine speaker stated that the German art
economy and fuller happiness. That was very graceful and active, but that
the course results in these things is no museum could surpass those of the
attested by the zeal with which wo- French in depicting true history.
men signed up for tryouts, submitted Mrs. N. O. Betz, representative of
articles, responded to invitations to the American Child Health associa-
identify themselves with organiza- tion (f New York, spoke briefly of
tions; not the least of the privileges their aim to raise the standard of
was hearing President Burton ad- child health throughout tie country
dress the upper class women on and nontedi out the importance of,
"What Things are Worth While" on millk in this connection. Mrs. Betz
Sept. 29. stated that as a result of investigation
The whole plan is a well consider- by the state, the condition of the
ed purposeful effort in the interest of n ill{ in Ann Arbor had been found
I socialized living among the women of satisfactory and urged that more milk
Michigan. be consumed.
A RTISTIC pottery makes
delightful Christmas
gifst. Bowls, vases, candle-
sticks, jardinieres and many
other pieces. Dull and lustre
finishes. All colors. Extra-
ordnary values at 50c to $5,
Consulting Customer
222 Nickels Arcade
of the University and who look, upon
these lectures with distaste because
they are required."
"The difficulty for discussion in
bothm the small and~ large group from
the fact tsatI constanlly had to r-
peat tended to slow up the discus-
sions. Another difficulty was in hav-j
f .. .. ,..
... ;
Email - a n rnn - er - a
her of points for an activity. But the M91L U H IW H:IiNG i
fact that no new cases w ere reported shlws thaU flhwo enlu lltaki gItU
shows that the women are taking the~
responsibility as the eligibility com-H J[N T
mittee hoped when it wrote into thelonsyte "w exctahgii-
points system ''we expect each girl,
as a matter of personal honor, to Cards announcing second tryouts
limit the number of her points." for Junior Girls' play have been mail-
ed to the 204 women who were select-
ed by Miss Amy Loomis, director, and
InT ;and the chairmen of the various play
committees. They have been chosen
rom those who participated in the
T OR women who expect to take part
aS IOWVS lDining ROOm
614 Monroe, near State
$5,00 Week
Two Meals Per Day
First Class Food
Phone 1660-W
I ,
Adell Ewell and Mary White were
elected freshmen representatives to
the Board of Directors at the
meeting of all freshmen womeni
held yesterday afternoon in Barbourj
gymnasium. These women will be re- ;
sponsible for voicing the opinions of
the freshmen class at the meetings of
the Board of Directors from now un-
til June. Elections to this office are
held every fall between Thanksgiving
in the second tryouts should, if pos-
sible, prepare specialty dances in
groups of two or more. The perform-
ances should be vs finished as possi-
ble in order that the committee may
judge accurately of the ability of
each individual.
The second tryouts will be held
from 4 to 5:30 o'clock, Thursday,
Jan. 8, and Friday, Jan. 9, and from
9 to 11:30 o'clock, Saturday, Jan. 10,
in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
Select Your Christmas Gifts
from our complete stock before you leave
for your vacation. You can find some-
thing that will please everybody.
Come in and let us show you how we can
please Mother, Qad, Brother, Sister and
Crippen's Drug Stores
"A Store in Every Shopping Center"
723 Norih University Ave.
and the Christmas holidays.
day, Jan. 8, in the Press building on
There will be an important meeting Maynard street. All women who
of all women tryouts for the Michi- signed up earlier in the fall are re-
ganensian at 3:30 o'clock on Thurs- 1 quested to attend.
.: .: 4
. ,. -
s.. ,
z r
/ ,
/ ,
"<..c .
' s
.. ,
31I9 Smith 1111.n St.
Your e kucation is not complete until you see this show
ANN Up n NW fO DEC, 15
AVDOH To 20th
Ann Arbor Implement Co. Show Room
Corner West Huron and Ashley Streets
today 's
r ,. .
ve . ore
Xmas Special
Silk Lingerie
Dear to a Woman 's
Just arrived --the smartest dress
number of the season. Velvet
Front, with satin quarter-with or
without anklet. Also Plain Strip
all-over satin.
Give lingerie this Christmas and you'll be giving'
something every woman loves. What feminine
heart doesn't rejoice in a bit of silken loveliness,
its daintiness emphasized by lacy trimmings and
delicately tinted ribbons. Step-in sets, nighties,
vests and chemises in lovely pastel shades, illus-
trating Fashion's newest conceits in smart lingerie,
are here for Christmas giving. There are also
trim underthings in clever tailored style, to make
delightful gifts.
A footstool to
make the easy
chair more com-
fortable will eosi
only $3.5k.
A lovely Tea
Wagon to make
afternoon t e a
ni o r e pleasant.
Home gifts are true gifts, for every member
of the family appreciates them. If you wish to
select something for a Home gift we will pack it
and send it. Choose your Home gifts immediately.
They will continue to carry your "Merry Christ-
mas" message for years and will bring infinite
pleasure to every member of the household.
There are countless small pieces of furniture
that may be easily sent-and that will be greatly
appreciated. Even if you wish to buy something
inexpensive you will be delightfully surprised to
find just such gifts arranged in our Furniture
11irrors, $7.00 up
Candle Sticks, $2.50
Telephone Sets, $4.75
End Tables, $5.75
Windsor (hairs, $6.00
Reed Chairs, $10
Card Tabl es. 3.0
It a n .u a I,.dnnns