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December 17, 1924 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 12-17-1924

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~V~~l~JA'., bl,-cEi~I.R7,1924


C~~~~f OC.I1I~fPychology Students Secure
10 CSMOOLITNS~Data InLibrary Study Haill: We Extend
TOGO ' POLI :Unsuspecting students in the library iods on non-attention was two mm11
-Ihave in the past two weeks been utes. c^
F re gn, AiecAn tiRmts Attend Used to secure some statistics for the The caues f disturbances were Our best wihes for a Merry
ixuhont cqan Sle tmzent. Members o Prof. 'H Y numerous and varied. Only three mn Christmas and a happy New w
With BulsineSS tIen icCluzsky' s sect ions in psychology of! dividuals owed their inattention toYer-
educationi have beeni observing 26 i * :lsc caa Yecnnear.l
M M RSENTERTAIN student , ostensibly in the library toj 225 distractions consisted in the in -
I .zLUdy, with a view to deermnng the dimdrisnerely looking u 0r ga For the New Year we suggest .
Michigan's Cosmopolitan club was freqiuency, periods, and causes for ing around for no apparent reason that you make a habit of eat-
th ~est of the Chamber of Con- xLziter tetof'~sdsrce Women entering or moving about the -1 at the Ann Arbor Des
merc at a luncheon held yesterdayj from the contemplation of ooks. romgaue 6Iadesditrciosw
-in this experiment to discover how romcud66ad0ditato' taurant. You will be well sat-
noon in the -Chamber of Commerce, Intense interest in the persons sit ,
inn. More than 20 of the foreign and1ftnho long, and why the average tin opposite them was manifested by -, fied. ,.
American students took advantage 0 oftwse imtetopyhl-4 fteosredsuet-te't
the opprtunity offered to become bet- 1 ° cl""cs were divided into pairs.i4ofteosrv tuns-hst tistics do not show 'the reasons fori =
ter acquainted with the business and lIt wa s th<.a duty of each pair to ob- this. Talkative neighbors caused 87 ~=
professional men of Ann Arbor. The e ~cfrahl-orro oe I nterruptions and the library clock A -_-
[divid ;al seated in the library and to (24. Twenty day dreamers were dis- e0Arbor
clb record the exact number of minutes coeein wle eecuh a-
members of the Cosmopolitanclbcoeeantwveercugtap-WI
Rensis IAkert, '26E, president of anid cause o each distraction. Ac- Ipng'
the club, explained the nature and! curte resulits were assured by the j Furthier summarization discloses e, i i11 ra ht
aims of the foreiign student organiza- ch ckingr of indeendent observations. 'that five of twenty stdents waste 25=
tinbfoetunigtwasein ve t (asdscoedthtth voa-,.,o mremnue ad e ohvey Suh the adntwv hera'edb fu s-Iy2 S- - /an t
to John D. Akerman, 25E, who acted sUkn a aprdo ords twenty waste fifteen or more minutes 21(Sut am Str
ascara. Aemnh an ratosee hrymntsad very hour spent in the library. One-
from Russia after the war, told some- thaiz^ the average length of these per- of this number, however, apparently, _
thing of the dificulties encounteredj suffers no relaxation of attention butw
by thie foreign student in making ac- 9'ciock. Trains f:r i.aginawv, iay City, alo there is an average of oein ! "I's in the Place Where You at"'
quitacs nastrange country and 1Mackinaw v Cit, y leave hreat :15,Itweanty whoignores books cnlucoh l veaempletely.
"Every bit of help extended by the 2, 707 and 9:09 o'clock. Trains; it can1@Nl@11beliiIconcluded!@N thatl@1111@1llltheIS@@average~itG@E
Chamber and the Ann Arbor people, to Cleveland leave at 6:15, 9:51, 11:46,'sudent wastes about a fourth' of tha3~
to the foreign students in an effort l3:2?1 and 9:99, and for Cincinnati and time which he wouldl state conscien-...
towards better understanding is deep-1 I Inldinapolis at 8:03, 9 :51 and 9:09 tic uly ho slent, in concentrateco
ly appreciated," he said. o'clock. study.y
Music was furnished by Timothy
Bishop, '25, of Greece, and by Ramp
Chen, '2, of China. Bishop was re- !f_
called to the piano a number of times,!:il
and Chen by his performance on thel®0
Chinese violin gave the business men
a novel form of music. The jiu jut-: 09Qi 1V 0
su which wsa to have had a part on D ad{(
the program was postponed due to ]J ak
the absence of one of the performers.M a eke 'a H a yi4*
with a - vb o
upcaltrain service for students .K n.
oatumring to their homes dur ing
Chfristmas vacation has been arranged
by both the Michigan Central and the It's Personal-It's Useful
for students' going to Toledo will, writing. We will guarantee to
leave Ann Arbor at 12:40 oclock Fri
dr.y, Ann Arbor time, arriving in To-1 fit him. C of rt b e D ress
ledo at 2 o'clock. IAR''?"T>;'T «.,.l <,-il2 C d



Ain opportunity
in the insurance field

INSURANCE offers fertile oppor-
wtunities for college-trained men.
It is an essential part of the com-.
mercial and industrial activities of
the world.
The Insurance Company of North
America, the Oldest American Fire
and Marine Insurance Company,
has desirable openings in its organi-
zation for college men.
Inquiries are invited


3rd 6& Walnut Sts.



_.. a



Regular trains southbound on the!
Ann Arbor road leave at 12:40 and
4:15 o'clock arriving in Toledo at 2:10
and 6:50 o'clock respectively. North-
bound trains on this road leave Ann
Arbor at 9:10 and 5:56 o'clock, con-
necting with Grand Trunk, Michigan}
Central, Pere Marquette, and G. R.
Lc I for all principL points in upper
and lower Michigan.{
Daily trains will be run on the!
Michigan Central line to New York,s
leaving at 3:21, 6:03, and 10:43
o'clock. Trains to Boston drill run
daily at 3:21 and 6:03 o'clock, to
Philadelphia at 11:46 and 3:21, for
Chicago at 6:36, 9:41, 2:26, 3:49,
11 :44, 2:24 o'clock, for G rand Rapids
at 6:36, 9:41, 2:11, 7:00 and 2:24

vI'. 1 n t :. wouiU jliZprize 01o
those beautiful and useful Wahl
Sets, put .up 'in a neat Christmas
302 'State. St.
Pen Specialists

The gift supreme is one of
these dressing gowns. They're
in many colors and patterns.
Very well made. And very
cornifoi table. $ 10 to $20.

H~ere are the gifts for the man
who likes to wear dinner or
c ;ening clothes! Scarfs, $3
to $5. Gloves, $3 to $6.
Vests, $7 to $8.50.

For Golfers!
Here are sweaters and hose
that will delight any ,golfer!
Of pure wool in many pat-
terns. Sweaters, $4 to $7.
Imported hose, $3 to $6.


pp1 n l;x c K~ a_




A Most

r I
< <

( ti
1 'z
' .

Eight Reule-w
Conlin gifts
that will de- ay a
at Christmas
Scores of others
to choose from
Main at,, Washingt ou

New, Patterns!
'You'11 never make a mistake
in gift selection if you choose
sakart ties from this big; new as-
sor'tmenit. At all prices, from
75c to $2.50.

'Round. Home
For wear while lounging
around home, there's nothing
better than one of these new
house coats or smoking jackets.
They're $5 to $10.


Everyone needs them. AUTO ROBES AND STEAMER RUGS. We have
a larger assortment and are offering Wool and Camel hair Blankets, Robes, and Shawls,
in block plaids, checks, stripes, etc. The very best and at reasonable, prices. A special
blanket at $4.98.
Give Brother a Corduroy Coat

Give Shiprts! hi4


"Tm ye


"Bradley" Coats & Sweaters

Leather jacl wt(~s, Sheep L Iied Jackets, liackinaws, 0Overcoat s, l1vool Underwear,
,Socks, G~olf llase, Gloves, etc.
1"I ulet Shirts, Corduroy, Mloleskin and Wool Arimy Shirtis
Brief Cacses, Alarm (locks, Sc~out Axes, Canteenis, Less Fits, etc.

All Colors!


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