.7 AF
VOL. XXXV. No. 72
nraiATr' nrr-rkTn
A "a oll .vI idl
l Tom;,s tn1 c
iU lil Ii U LfI /R I dPlayground, Scores Detracting
Influence Of Student Activities
"College is no longer, if it ever was, "It is discouraging enough for the
solely a place for those who wish to college to have to work With such ma-
become cultured; it is a social prac- terial. It is more discouraging to have
tice ground where men and women life constantly imposed uonlA the in-
TTEMPT AT ELIMINATING RI- learn to make friends and to carry stitution, as in the case of the inter-
VATE OPERATIONS on mutual undertakings where they collegiate athletics, thus effectively
FETRFISthey acquire a certain amount of pol- preventing thedevelopment of higher
PREDICTSoyfre PASSAGEe, te aims among students."
PREDICTS PASSAGE ish and enjoy, free from worries, the The evil influence of the alumni in
most delightful period of their life.' their glorification of the less import-
This is the opinion or Robert C. An- ant features of college life also re-
Senator Underwood Charges Washing- gell, of the sociology department, who ceives a share of the blame. "As for-
ton Herald Editorial Influenced was authorized by President Marion mer Dean Keppel has said," the re-
by LobbyIs's L. Burton and the deans of the several port continues, "The interest of many
schools and colleges to make an in- an alumnus in the team of his co!-
Washington, Dec. 16.--(By A.P.)- vestigation of student conditions. lege is really no mare acadenic than
The Underwood Muscle.Shoals 11ll to- "The difficulties which the liberal is that of the Chicago man in the
arts college in a state university faces I Cubs, and many a father holds forth
day hurtled the most formidable ob- are compounded chiefly of two ele- upon i , ,s
stacle that has yet been placed in its ments, intellectual indeifference and lege exactly as he would upon those-
path when it weathered a determined numbers," the report declares. "Either of a promising three-year-o 0 in his
attempt to eliminate its private alone would present a formidable stable."
operation feature and limit to gov- problem, but together they give rise The investigation admits that so
ernment operation. to a well nigh insolvable one. The (Continued on Page Three)
The amendment of Senator Smith, freshman throngs which yearly tax !Te
Democrat, South Carolina, which the capacity of our recitation roomsi
would have struck out all of the leas- require large classes, formal testing fl
ing provisions of the bill, was defeat- of knowledge, credit by hours, grad-I
ed by a vote of 49-32. Senator Under- ing systems, absence reports, warn- rP RO S[ CHANCES
wood said he regarded the vote as as- ings and probations, things which do
curing final passage of liis bill, which not tend to make education vital.
he predicted would be disposed of be- !Were these men and women who flock IN
fore Chri tmas. to our colleges possessed with a burn-
The vote was split widely, more ing desire for knowledge the problems
Republicans than Democrats voting of their numbers might be satisfac- &'ul"y Dsc, ses NeCd of New Pan
to sustain the Alabama senator's bill. torily met. But unfortunately very ' for E 1matling Present
Thirty-four Republicans and 15 Demo- few are guilty of such a feeling." I ishiney.
crats voted against the amendment Mr. Angell then goes on to say that
and eight Republicans, 21 Democrats, lack of preparation for intellectual AWAIT REGENT ACTIONi
one Farmer-Labor member and two pursuits is an important problem. He
says that "when all classes come back$
-insurgents voted for it to college the college must give that C anyes which might eliminateI
.;(natr tneiirwot.d toda LiJ ...y acti e, l.osit..e.background which i
lose Begils IDehnte on Amumal Naval
Appropriaion Mill tlheut
Aivaltliig Declslon.
\Vashington, Dec. iC.--(y A.P.) -
The move to bring about a congres-
sional inquiry into the state of the
Navy, one of t he outgrowths of Wa5Ii-
ngt)n's nl west controversy, today
encountered opposition at the White
House and delay in the senate naval;
The opposition from the White
House was based on the ground that
a general investigation, such as pro-
posed in the senate, was unnecessary.
The postponement of action by the
naval committee, called upon to con-
cider an investigation resolution by
Senator King, Democrat, Utah, was
decided upon to permit study of what
was described by Chairman Hale as a
"substitute plan."
Without waiting for the question of
an investigction to be decided, the
house began general debate on the an-
nual naval appropriation bill with its
provision for an expenditure of near-
ly $300,000.000 on the naval est ab-
lishment during th-e next fiscal Year.
_-_ , ._.
Carritt, Visitang Professor From ITIATE RIC TO
Enrgland, Astounded With Contrast IINIV[.IEUV IVO
Between Life Here And At Oxford
Some conception of how the Uni- est freshman must know more than liii
versity appears to a member of the he does of the life he is describing,
faculty of Oxford university is given and al of whom are articulate in the
Carritt recently published in the that outsiders see most of the game, j'O(iNCH1 ILL CIRCULATE PETI-
Manchester Guardian, noted English at least they are best able to de- 'O TO A T OT
newspaper. Professor Carritt is at scribe it to other outsiders; for they CAMPUS
present a visiting professor in the know what needs explanation and
philosophy department here. their impressibility is not dulled by
In this communication Professor custom. By the time I come to know FACULTY IN FAVOR
Carritt describes his first impres- more I may have less to tell.
sions of the University, and views "The first impression, though ex- W1i be Presented to Board of Regents
a'ceepted American customs from the pected is still overwhelming. It is at Monthly XeetIng
standpoint of an observer unfamiliar that of huge numbers, complex or- Thursday
with such. The article follows: ganization, sharp contrast of inter-
"When a teacher from one of the ests and of standards. On the first
older English universities Is pitch- night of term the President gives an Members of the Student council
forked, on the first day of term, into address or sermon, intended chieflyvtetunanimouslylast nght to pe
t ion the Board of Regents that the
the rich and complex life of an for freshmen, in the auditorium which
American university in the middle seats 6,000. Some 2,000 are turned new Literary building be named James
west it might seem the crudest im- away, in spite of the sweltering Brrill Angell hall, after the late
pertinence for him to utter his first weather, for lack of standing room. President Angel, one of the great
impressions. For around him he finds Haw many, I wonder, would have zt j#Petitions to this effect will be di-
somte six hundred lprofessors and ten tended such a function at Oxford ors-
thousand students of whom the. raw- Cambridge and how few would have culated on the campus today to ob-
sat through the hour? On the next taini as many signatures as passible
evening he holds a reception at and will be submitted to the Regents
which newcomers on the staff are in- at their regular meeting next Thurs-
trodlucel to some three hundred and (lay.
fifty "members of the faculty." Both This action was taken by the coun-
functions are effectively reported cil because it believes that "no more
nextctiorning in the university dailyftting name could be given to Michi-
OLgans magnificent new Literary col-
VIL aper eclite'l and ruXniby students. fagtidng thaniicil be g i touild
The organizution of such membersjlogemlr a one whielp wosl
Isss' DrughtBefoe SeiateBut ustie intense and it is carried into I conimemorate one of Michigan's most
Issz_ I'rc tt Before Senate But mit s di rrbeloved presidents and one of Amer-
I'arlfr.mentary Situatlon every department. Since a big ath-
Prevents Jeelsion letic event may be watched by be- centuforemost educators of the last
tween fifty and a hundred thousandble lieves, according to Alfred B. Con-
sea nble,25, president, that the nan-
tickets, are issued, and railway seats gh
on the special trains booked months ingn nm
l3Gtaa~l U1LL~wou tuayagan Iactive, positive background wbich in
took notice of the Washington Her- former t fr
aid's editorial attacking him and his it outside. It must create the intel
bill by charging on the senate floor lectual stomach as well as present the
that the editorial had been influenced food."
by the fertilizer interests. The report, in turning to student
Declaring lie found truth of hiis activities, blames them for detracting,
statement that a lobby had influenced the student from intellectual pur-
the editorial, he read a bulletin which suits. "'t'wenty hours of preparation
le said had been issued by the na- a week outside of the class rooms is
tional fertilizer association with its a liberal average," it says. "The stu-
office in Washington. The organiza- dents' interest in the external, rather
tion, he asserted, was referred to by than the vital, is too apparent to re-
farmers as the "fertilizer trust." j quire exposition. Three forms of
The bulletin said the Underwood achievement are coveted, which give
bill was as objectioriable as the Ford immediate and obvious glory. Places
proposal, and, as quoted by, Senator on athletic teams, ditorships of stu-
Underwood added that "the writer dent publications, presidencies of stu-
aid interviewed many senators dur- dent organizations, are sought with;
ing the last week and has been as- j unflogging zeal, and scholarship rele-
sured that they would carry, the op- gated to a subordinate position. What
position to the last ditch." with athletic practice, committee
meetings, play and musical club re-
hearsals, moving pictures, dances, in-
UVCIPI T O RTTENDfl tercollegiate gamn.s, rnd, what is
worse, hours and hours of idle talk
about these and other diversions, lit-
tle time is left for the princip~al pur-,
HINGTOpose of the college study.
Several members of the physics de- Michidan
i artment are planning to attend theML
annual meeting of the American As- In Students Who
sociation for the Advancement of Classics
Science, which is to be hield Dec. 29i Study-Ca ic
ix . sington, Dec. 16-(By A.P.)--
(ishonesty in examuina tiofns notice- The controversy as to whether the
. another unsuccessful attempt was
ablea t the plc,;;tnt time wve(e dis- nary is deficient and how if compares in the senate to a
Emade i h eaetoday tobnin ;a
cussed at the monthly neeting of the wit ter ea a gl>ig frces vote on President Coolidge's veto of
ecaculty of the latjciary college which jtthe postal pay increase bill. Those
aclyothlteaycleewihcussien. I desiring to override the veto sue-
was held Monday afternoon. Several The matter of relative strength, d eng ao oerr1d5 to 3metting
suggestions 'ere made I ut the final 'however, has beemisargey rengardceeed by a vote of 51 to 30 in getting
report will ict be mmade until after ty sii C lde i h the issue before the senate, but the
the Itege ts have discussed the mat- iaanion he iss giving the naval sues- pal-iianentary situation prevented a
ter at their next meeting. tion. lie regards adequate uefense decision and the bill went back to its'
It was recommiendleltat all examni- .splce on the table.
eat ions be miOr'e thratuyr r as the real guidle i mie nval buillng The move for immediate consider-
natio be Worecarefully lproctored, rather~ than end~eavor solely to build'
and carried on under stricter super- her fornshipwit e r nytios. ation of the veto was made by Sena-
ision by the instrctorship o ship otr aons for Ashurst, Democrat, Arizona, dur-i
ifessors. ibcgy the opening hoursafter("hair-
The faclty em.uhraied1 the old [I mn Sterling of the post office Coi-
plan of :lowVing th& . suler aid mitt , had introduced a Iil I tpo
more advanced clases to hold their wi ing increased postal rates in line
examinations under thslionor-sys-fwith recommendations with Postman-
tem whenever the tuder ts in those :ter-General New. The Arizona sena-!
courses desire and to have their ex- Ior objected to the second reading of
aminations so conducted. the Sterling bill, thus preventing the
For the purpose of making the in- ~measure being referred to a coin-
stiuction more effective it was recom- rn- R.LT'n Speis aed - mittee.
mneided that all large lecture'cour;e; T. age, '2, Is Named As a result of today's skirmish, the
be divided into smaller groups. his ; As . ;postal pay situation is practicaly at a
has been the aim of the faculty of i stalemate, Senator Ashurst said later.
the college, but some courses are OVER 400 TO ATTEND 1 Time Sterling bill cannot be referr'ed'
still given in which too men-ry stuto a committee for action until rou-
dents are enrolled, naking discussion Holding a final gathering of the tine legislative biusiness is again in
difficult, if not impossible according class before the Christmas holiday, er.Likewise, the vetoed measure
to the faculty.; cannrot Ice called up in the face of
th is ermnwl ahra 21 unanous conisent agreement giving
" A tenativeexamination schedul e s ermnwngte a aa np2e a
tenatie ealnnaton cheuleo'clock this noon in the umaimn assembly 1 right of way 'to the Muscle Shoals
was presented for criticism lby Prof.
H. C. Carver of the mathematics de- hall of the Union for luncheon. Ticket bill and then to the Isle of Pinesl
partment, but this schedule will not i sales indicate that more than 400 treaty, until the same opportunity is
definitely be accepted until after the freshmen will be pmesent at the meet-affcrded.
Christmas vacation. The examination ing, which is being conducted by the
period will begin January 26.
The election of militery science nerlass deartment of the Union CE S LUKS
courses by freshmen was also dis- in co-operation with the yearlings. a
cussed, but no action will betaken I'Richard T. Savage, '28, will act asA
on this matter until the final dis- toastmaster and will be introduced ri I 54 PINS FORl UfI~U
cussion at the January meeting. by William L. l)iener, '26, chairman of;
the Union underclass department.
Coach George Little will give the ma Final arrangements for a dance to
Se To discover specch on the program, talking on be given Dec. 30 in Mt. Clemens for ,
Sf"The Western Confernc" and le will townspeople and University studentsI
isalsodiscuss Micligan's football sched- were made in the meeting of the Mt.
m ng t e fs ule for next year. Robert -Brown,'2i Clemens club last night in room 31G
captain of next year's football team. of the Union. The proceeds of the
will also speak. dance are to be used to estahbhish a
In an effort to discover whether Other speakers will bs IHenry scholarship in the University for the
the church is losing its influence [Grinnell, '28, president of the fresh- best athlete graduate from the local
among students, and the reason for ! man literary class, Paul Burton, '2B Ihigh school. With contributions
it, Chimes, campus opinion monthly, president of the freshman engine*r- from business men, the scholarship
is distributing a thousand question-i ing class and Charles Johnson, '28E, will amount to about $500.1
naires on the campus. The investiga- captain of the freshman for the fall
I tion is being conducted in co-opera- games. * +
tion with the National Council of Ted Rhoades' orchestra has been ! 'd(,a-yy Fec
Student Religious work. secured to furnish music during theI
The first two questions are con- luncheon and Burton Hyde, '25M, willRT
I .
Michigan Theater Group Will Offer
Year's Second Play at
"Icebound," by Owen Davis, will be
presented at the Whitney theater to-
night under the auspices of the Mich-
Igan Theater league. This is the see-
I ond production to be offered in Ann
Arbor by this organization this year,
"The Romantic Age," by A. A. Milne
being presented earlier.
Carl Reed, who has played in the
? other p~roductions offered by thisJ
group, will,,have the leai" in "Ice.
bound." The setting4 of the story is ins
I New England, and the situation cen-
ters around the last will and testa-
ment of a dead mother.
"Mixed Mar-iages," and the "Mot-
lusc" were played last year by mem-
hers of the Cleveland Playhouse.
These plays were also brought to the j
Whitney by the Michigan, Theater I
league, known at that time as the
"Michigan Repertory Theater."
Two years ago "Icebound" won the .
Pulitzer prize for the best Anierica1
drama. After a career as a successfulz
author-of popular lays, Owen Davis ,
wrote this work of a more serious na-
ture, *which was also a big success.
"R. U. R." by Karel Kapek, is to be
produced by this group in the middle
of January. Katherine Wick Kelley,!
who played in the Cleveland perform-
ance of this play, will also appear in!
1 Ann Arbor.;
to Jan. 2, in Washington, D. C. Amongt
those going to Washington are Prof.t
Ernest F. Barker, Prof. Walter F.
Colby, Dr. Jean P. Cooley, and Prof.
A. W. Smith', all of the physics de-
partment. !
- Scientists from all over the coun-!
try will assemble at this convention
and all branches of science will be
represented. The various scientific
groups which compose the society
will arrange individual meetings so
that those men belonging to more
than one section will be able to at-I
tend several meetings.
Prof. W. P. Wood of the metallurg-
ical engineering department present-
ed a paper on the "Causes and Con-
trolling Factors in the Corrosion of.
Iron and Steel" before the Detroit
chapter of the American Society for
Steel Treating Monday. The paper, I
the only one read during the Decem-
ber meeting, included a resume of the
theories of corrosion and outlined
the factors controlling the rate of dis-
The paper made several references
to research work conducted by Pro- i
fessor Wood in the metallurgical
laboratories of the department.
Jimmie is a far seeing man. His
eyes seldom search in vain. His
hobby is the locating of lost art-
icles. Just recently he was re-
suca tr adltional caatr sPei
beforehand. Practice is carried on by
dent Anehl is aracter whic Pri-
artificial light as well as in daytime; dent An el is a practice which 'l
the tactics of a match are worked out give Michigan something of the schul
andl rehearsed beforehand, and some- a iy atmosphere which her camim
times actually brought off in every needs.
detail. cheering on the field is pre- It is definitely known that may o'
concerted and drilled. the faculty members favor namin
I Continued. on Page Three) the building after President Angel
r'h petitions will be placed in stn- m
Enrollment of students in the clas-
sic and comparative philolgy classes
in the University of Michigan ex-
ceed that of all other state univer-
sities in the country, according to a
survey which was recently conducted
by the University of California. At
Michigan there are 550 students en-
rolled in thes courses. The Univer-
sity of Texas is second on the list,
with 417 students, followed by the
University of California, which has
an enrollment of 400 in the classic
and comparative philology courses.
The department at the University
consists of five professors, an assist-
ant professor, and one instructor. At
the University of Texas the courses
are conducted under the direction f
two professors, an associate profes-
sor, and an instructor. Five profes-
sors and two associate professors
make up the lepartment at the Uni-
versity fo California.
Hlere the average class enrollment
is 29rstudents,rwhile at the Univer-
sity of Texas it is 16. The report
(toes not give the average class en-
rollment for the University of Cali-
City To Witness
Partial Eclipse1
The eclipse of the sun which will
occur on Sunday, January 24, will be
98 per cent visible in Ann Arbor, ac-
cording to Prof. W. J. Hussey, direc-
tor of the University observatory. The
greatest extent of the eclipse will be
reached at about 8:20 o'clock in the
The total eclipse will be seen in
the northern part of the state, in thef
district around Grayling, Harrisville,
and Traverse City. New Haven, Conn.,
and Buffalo, N. Y., and points on a
near the campus, at all meeting pla-es
and will also be sent to all the frater-
! nities.
President Angell came to the l-
versity to serve in the capacity o
president in 1871, and continued in
this position for 38 years, when hc
re-sIgnation was ac;epted in90t . 1is
educational service for Michigan dur-
ing al these years was broken omy
by his absence for a few years when
the national government saw fit to
call him to Washington.
When his resignation was accepted,
} the honorary title of President Emeri-
tus was conferred upon him and al-
though he gave up active work, he
continued to serve in the capacity of
professor of international law. He
died, after an illness of four months,
on April 1, 1915.
Badgers Hold
Fussing Title
Of Conference
Madison, Wis., Dec. 16.-The Uni-
versity of'Wisconsin has at least one
Conference title--it is flying the Big
Ten championship flag of "fussers."
Scott Ii. Goodnight, cean of men at
the university, was authority for this
statement yesterday in a talk to mem-
bers of the soThomiore council. He
condemned the state of affairs under
which Wisconsin students spend
$100,000 a year for dancing.]
lie exhorted the students to make
a determined effort to see to it that
Wisconsin's reputation as a "fussers'
Paradise" is eradicated. The council
is an elective body chosen from the
membership of the sophomore class.
"A tradition is being established out-
-side of Wisconsin among alumni and
other institutions of the Big Ten that
we are a bunch of cake-eaters," said
Dean Goodnight.
The student branch of the Ameri-
can society of Mechanical Engineers
will showthe film, "xwelding gand
Cutting" at 7:30 o'clock tonight iii
Natural Science auditorium. Mr. I.
H. Griffith, '12E, of the Union Carbide
company of New York city, will de-
liver a lecture in conjunction with
the film showing.
This film was prepared to ac-
quaint students with the several ap-
plications of the Oxy-Acetylene pro-
cess of welding and cutting to various
industries. It is put out under the
joint auspices of the Linde Air Prod-
ucts company, Prest-O-Lite company,
-Union Carbide cominanv, and the Ox-
itures Chimes;
)ancing included
Ihe thinks of college Dplications in
cerned with church attendance. The
third inquires as to the interest in
church activities and organizations.
Then, after asking the belief of the
student, the questionnaire asks opin-
ions on "evolution, sin, redemption,
heaven and hell, divinity of Christ."
The last questions endeavor to dis-
cove'what the student prefers as tie
text for sermons, and if the philo-
sophical ideas are preferred. The stu-
dent is also asked as to his favorite
Ann Arbor minister. The question of
the popularity of the Bible is touched
in the questionnaire. -
give several s
phone. It is re
be in the assen
o'clock so that
promptly at th
Tickets may
main desk in t
are priced ats
elections on the xylo-
equested that everyone
mbly hall before 12:15;
Chimes can claiiil a wide variety of ';
(L11 i111G ,-Zv Dlii CIUn VCLIIULvY VL 1 i nLL 1 It C llr" 111
the meeting may start subject matter in its December is- "Printer's Ink, Professional." Mr.
at time. sue, which will be sold on the campus EBaker points out a few weaknesses
still be secured at the today, for sports, journalism, danc- I in student productions, with sugges-
lie Union lobby.,rThey !
ents. ing, religion in several discussions, tions for improvement. Valentine!
"Opera, women and kindred sub- Davies, '27, deals with the Union
j(ects, all find a place in the "I-loll-; Opera.
fdayVacation Number." ' ie women's share of the issue is
The genral facts about the issue I devoted to the progress of the Wo-
are that the cover design is by Alvin ! men's League building fund, humor-
Wolfson, '25L, that there are 72 pages ous comment on dating, the menace
*NI!IPuaII d. in all, and that the contributors in- of the barber shop-bobbed hair, and
dlude not only faculty members and a criticism of reigning rules for wo-
students, but men of vocations as var- men at the University.
ied as the subjects. G. W. D,
nishing hydrogen sul- Ted Shawn, the noted dancer, has,
e Universities labora- not only written an article under the Ald 'h' Deba
made when new equip- title "We Need to Dance," but has rI""'
of its kind to be in- posed for the illustrations. "Strategy Baseball Ruling
on the Court," by Edwin J. Mather,[
head basketball coach, acquaints the "Resolved. That nlaving summer
Madison, Wis., Dec. 16.-University Departure fi
of Wisconsin's radio broadcasting method of fur:
station, WHA, has received a class B fide gas to th
rating, the highest rank for stations tories will be n
using wave-lengths in excess of 360 nent, the first
stalled in any