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December 11, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 12-11-1924

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Given Promotion


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tv all members of
.the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th, P11evident until
3:30 p. m. (11.30 a. mn. Saturday=
Volume 6 ITHRSD)AY, lDECEMIBER 1, 1924 'Nmbier 67

otices to arpear in this Cnkmlim st
he left in the box at the l)a&lv o~ice
j rox ided fcr tat urpose before 4
o'ciock preceeding the d&y of issue.
'sni 7 A-. FY


Chemist Honored


Unaiaersity Leetuare:
Mr. Paul Blanshard of New York, author and lecturer, and Field See=
rotary of the League for Industrial Democracy, will deliver an open lecture
in Natural Science Auditorium, on Friday afternoon, December 12th, at 4:15
/o'clock, on the sul)ject: "The Challenge of Labor to the College Student."
All those interested are invited. Edmund F. Day.
Uni versit y Women-House Presidents :
All signing-outs lips for the month of November must be brought to the
officte of the Dean of Women immediately.
Jean Haminilton, D~ean of Women.
.l a Socedad Ii ispanica [ecturre:
The first lecture of the Sociedladl Hispanica series will be pr -sented to-
r Ight. at 7::30 in room i2,3; Tappain.Lull. Mr. Gustave Michaud will givQ3
ln il] ust rated1 talk on the subject "Panama, su ihitoria, (desa rrollo0, y os i-
1ili drdes.'' Members cf the socicdad are to I~e a I'luit ted tree.

mteets in Io l )-n23,(rei -t 1,y Imildi-I
1:3d :1 ii', - E' ^,, ; Thu'I aE] latc> "
chutrch comn (ii a I t1;;a''bal.
VU11on11assemtv1 vrjoit.
rooms 319h-321 , I Ipionl.
i :10--Alpli a N t uiels'on fourth flour
ofi~ttcrare- bi iildii-.
jin room 306, Unlioni.
17:0i- - Professoer Michaud speaksto'
jSociedad H ispaitzca in room 20.1,
'Tappan liail.
'j s:Of---student s' recita' ill school o
"TPickled to Dea0thi" at Whitney the-
:15 ;r,~ llrn hpy .~~ih'~iiiI

The remtining games of Volley ball
scheduled bet ween the groups will be '
played off this week. A post poned
game bet ween groups ,? and 4 will be
played Thursday, December 11th at.
8:3(1 P. M. The finals in the I ourna-i
reent will b~e scheduled and announc-
edl later in the week, although Tues-
clay, December 16th can be set aside

tGroup 7,r 9:00u1P. M. Group 2 vs.
Group 3. Tbursday, December 11,
S:t .M. Group 2 vs. Group 4. (Post-
Pled ga me.)
,,v~1. 20 silver loving cuiips will
.; 'warde by the intraimral depart-
' el by the (close of' the, school year it
is etima ted. i'Iichligan is one of theo
.iisCools tlh.t gve cups and
s<o Mts to p rticilpan ts in intramural
mfI hletics without charging an entrance
Sweaters will lie given winning
Sam s in all-cain pus competition as
wc-ll as in inter-class comlpetition.

by the winners for the deciding con- (Clas ,spe cdlball, won by the soph lits
tests. Tphe gr'oup captaiins andidniana- i arrwTid with the titlle 13 sweaters,
gers are urgedi to have their teams!;while num~erals w ere awarded the
on the floor before actual playing Mledlics5 who were ,cond in the titular
time, and any members of groups who race. Cji-oss c'ount'y- winners were al-
have or have not played in the first soawre sweaters.
rounds and desire to play now should-
communicate with their group exe- lUrbana, Ill., Dec. 1.-Paavo Nurmi,
cutives or see them at Waterman gym Olympic champion, who is at present
previous to time of scheduled game. in titis country has been extended an
The schedule for this week is as; invitation by the Illinois Athletic as-



Group 5 Freshmen :
There will be a meeting of Croup 5, Thursday at 7:15 in Rooms 31 9-321.
of the U'nion. Richar id Saivge, Captin.
UW~i er!tiy of Ann Arbor:
l'riday, December 12thi, will be Club Night for December. Dr. insdale
:ine Dr Stanley will speak. The program will bwgin at "S:15 p. in.
Evanls llolbrok, (Chair ian of Prop-nn Comm~ittee.
Musiiic Slaidents Recital:
The following program to which the general public is invited will be
given in the Recital Hall of the School of M usic, Thursday evening, a:S8:00
o6elock by students of the University School of Music.
Saraba nle and Bourree (Bac;h) Dona. El .:e::tyn; "Ffrn the Brake the
righting ile f~nd Michael Robast~- (lids His 7. ve be at lPeace-" (Homer), C.
1,c Mills; Siciliemw~ (3ach-lMaier; Ma'f garet Strauss and :Arthur Gnau;
Romhance, F major (Beethoven) Jeannette Emmons; Etincelles (Moskowski)
Helen Van Blois; "Cade la sera" (Mililotti) Margaret Calvert; Ballade GI
minor (Chopin) Elizabeth Davies.
Accompaniments by H-elen Bllahnik, Gwendolyn Wilson and Anna
Broene. C'harlves A. Sink, Secretary.
Varsity Glee Club:
Rehearsal at 7 in the Assembly Room of the Union.
Ca~rl B. Schoemaker, Ma na ger.
Alliha Nit:
A11l41a Nu will mi-eet tonight at 7:30 on the fotirth floor of the Literary
I wild ng. ~James J. D)unni.
Alllha pI:1lon Mu i:
Reguhlar meeting tis evening at 7:30, Room 306G Michigan Ulnion, for
thte purpose of electing new rmembers.
Arthur .11. Smith, 1.krarian.
"The Mracle"-Public 1Lecure:
Rudolf K'olrmer, represent i i. e of Max Reinhart and Morris (lest, will
give his lecture tonight :,t 8:00 1).im. at Ulniversity Hall. The lecture will
hie given on "The Miracle,'' the -1anious prodluctioni to be pre'Iuceed in Clev'e-
lana~ Christmas evening. \l. on'tra'r is a graz~iuate of tie I [ni,-rsitv of
Berlin 'mnd has received an honorary (legree from the PUnivor,,ity of Vienna.
la is a journalist as well as a ]laywrile. Those interested in the stage or
in journalism. will find his lecture of interest. The piublic is cordially in-
viied Admission free. Mr. Kotimner is being presented unde'r the r.u:>>ices
of the Play Production Classes. T1. S. Stein.
One of those tasty barbecued meat sandwiches. They
certainly are especially satisfying in this snappy weather.
440 South State Street Phone 1:I1-{1

FThe promotion of Josiah McKan.
commandant of the Marc. Island nave- !
Yard from rear- to vice-admir'al and
his selection to command the IUnitod
States scouting fleet 'has just beia-

_ .. ,,
.<?2tti 2.L ti' C'ilt ? il ' .(}.IIIl.
v , , ,
: t - ta .. ' , cF psi
, .. '
f f , ..
-' .;'a<_ 4 z .. .stet a ; . 4:Qnn
r , .... n i
_,tr, . ck. ' -z Lt _. _ w;, ; 'azt.ztey tire- I

SGilbert N. Le'.'is. above, of Berkeley,
('allf., fanio'ks Ani i an clientist, itas
lwen e '.~l h 1 1>a i'v in saber of theI
P'oyal 11] { >111 a ii of Grieat Britain. lie
ish'v1 11'I 5 ietIB n ao i

I..aW rece Kans.. Dec. 10.--- Alumni
P op Corn W agof n Ieo the University or Kansas will be,
Disrupts order ablto 11"azttendl' the reuion this, year
Caliii ,v ithout going; bacl; in person since
C liiCj f fl te meetings will be sent out by
'; radio.

nntn ed tYita .1e aua can in.an B ng-'11lI [II IIII:1161i I hI I IhIII tI 11l101 lil I1 1111 11 hIIIII 1 IllII1 iI2ll I Ii I 111 IfIIIIII III1111 1 ih I f t~l11J1111 III I l l hl'
-'"- of ladIr tlite fi re hose truck and oh"
Dean f O'egonle ac g<rcd. a dder outfit ruished lFLaN -
Visits Unive rsity-; f~lo o 2n. somindirectiy in front ORDER NOW!
o', tfle ie 'a o'y buhlilding. 1Firemen M
Dean George W. Peavy, '95, of the li e t~b i, y r e l do\wniifron ir _ 1 (
1 'evOehes l ss fcaing State 'street -t --
forestry school of the Oregon Agri- I ii~ Tth i' fr~ti ('so 'i( Jj i - nn risu m 1 t,, lti7 g i -id
Cultural college at Corvallis, Ore., oIows. Tb''a th t it"5'"1t etLrit ltt r A P E BO K T Y U E V C
sto1ped in Ann Arbor yesterdlay, rnp oni' ;5 a a ;. '1a rotuntd a N W S M I O K T g E V
his way to a nmeetin gin 'Washi ngt on, i mi,( t iweafl ha -c o lrii fi ie. ,
D. C., to vidfit members ofthe Un i vet'- t i ;h s 1:51d ov(sQay . 9 ' 3 N I J E1 SY
sity faculty. rTh1e Dean rec'eived Ik:I : 1 hr':a ilor 's!:Oied I Haal11 l "! (-
masters deg ee an 1'resti'y all 195 ,'v" Ira ar e,v 'o'. t r'lmd V.%a';Mt . B J O I
from this inyr~ .s! - . 'r ' Wi t il II(
Subseribe for TFhe ihgi )11 rci:~l ~r r ealt Mich11111i111.lilrll l:4111i11111iI11111t91111HHIH1L11111t141111411111C1'ln 3.________________________________:1411111111111.' _______

follows: Wednesday, December 10, soeiation to pt rt.ici, ate in th-e Illinois
8: 30 P. M. Relay Carnival. If lhe accepts a spec-
Group I vs. Group 4; Group 6 vs. ial race will be arranged.
Student Supplies!!l
We Have All Kinds.
1111 South University Ave. Phone 11 60-R

Artis tic Silverware

K5~ K/bK...

In ao ir-il'ier of distinctive clesig'ns 'n ay 1e

b'Ufi c -,i rliold's.

As aChritmasgift

yr~tA i'll fiUa few th '$i "'Satisfy So

\('111 u, sobI1c (Xc). al'ticle

13 sii'vc y plate.



302 South State Street

11 - :, h I


. W

Phone 889-R

a Corona for

5 1





T ALK it over with
the family, and


see if some




Ne ck ,wear




Belts tand Buckles
H osiery
Flann11el1 Shirts

doesm't light up at
the thought of such
a useful and endur-
ing gift. Maybe they
will give it to you!
17 Nickel's Arcade








If s eeed gat] T W UE RTII CO. 'V.
Men know from their personal d valings with this store that wha tceei'ears the J. F.
Wuerth Company label i-ust he cDi ra. iney know ti iat the (luaiity is always depend-
able. So it is only natural that they sk.llld Ise sgreatly pleased t(-) Ie remembered at
Christmas time with gifts seleeted for themn at th*. store. A%'sit will pay you.




' %".
. " .
_ "'+




,,i er

Don't Borrow-Subscribe Today.


Next to Wuerik Theater


DoWnt6 Wfl


.I" ~ ~Y~llI". ~1..~1P.". .'"r lr.t1.:.'d ', . e.'°11/"I"vi"1l1~" "l1''f.'"t.v .l/..'"~.e./.e°..,. .s'1.7:"11. '.0".".f"l~":4 fl.. fl . 4'* '° r

Dance 1 T-

rPd0d da"a de wiieJ d l ce'' a~Vr"ca~r's~~o n r.495u4 i: a" ..

° .:.'.' '".<. s"'.". , " ,: .'," ^". ". .r.~° ,A..""","o.':::e'J.". ,. ,' .0" .'.° - ,a" .0". ,+" ./.o."

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