PAGE EIGHT Given Promotion I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tv all members of .the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th, P11evident until 3:30 p. m. (11.30 a. mn. Saturday= Volume 6 ITHRSD)AY, lDECEMIBER 1, 1924 'Nmbier 67 THE MICH-IGAN DAILY IWHAT'SGOING ON otices to arpear in this Cnkmlim st he left in the box at the l)a&lv o~ice j rox ided fcr tat urpose before 4 o'ciock preceeding the d&y of issue. 'sni 7 A-. FY I I Chemist Honored THURDAYDECEBER11, 1924 Unaiaersity Leetuare: Mr. Paul Blanshard of New York, author and lecturer, and Field See= rotary of the League for Industrial Democracy, will deliver an open lecture in Natural Science Auditorium, on Friday afternoon, December 12th, at 4:15 /o'clock, on the sul)ject: "The Challenge of Labor to the College Student." All those interested are invited. Edmund F. Day. Uni versit y Women-House Presidents : All signing-outs lips for the month of November must be brought to the officte of the Dean of Women immediately. Jean Haminilton, D~ean of Women. .l a Socedad Ii ispanica [ecturre: The first lecture of the Sociedladl Hispanica series will be pr -sented to- r Ight. at 7::30 in room i2,3; Tappain.Lull. Mr. Gustave Michaud will givQ3 ln il] ust rated1 talk on the subject "Panama, su ihitoria, (desa rrollo0, y os i- 1ili drdes.'' Members cf the socicdad are to I~e a I'luit ted tree. mteets in Io l )-n23,(rei -t 1,y Imildi-I 1:3d :1 ii', - E' ^,, ; Thu'I aE] latc> " chutrch comn (ii a I t1;;a''bal. VU11on11assemtv1 vrjoit. rooms 319h-321 , I Ipionl. i :10--Alpli a N t uiels'on fourth flour ofi~ttcrare- bi iildii-. jin room 306, Unlioni. 17:0i- - Professoer Michaud speaksto' jSociedad H ispaitzca in room 20.1, 'Tappan liail. 'j s:Of---student s' recita' ill school o "TPickled to Dea0thi" at Whitney the- ,ator. :15 ;r,~ llrn hpy .~~ih'~iiiI FRESHMAN GROUPS The remtining games of Volley ball scheduled bet ween the groups will be ' played off this week. A post poned game bet ween groups ,? and 4 will be played Thursday, December 11th at. 8:3(1 P. M. The finals in the I ourna-i reent will b~e scheduled and announc- edl later in the week, although Tues- clay, December 16th can be set aside tGroup 7,r 9:00u1P. M. Group 2 vs. Group 3. Tbursday, December 11, S:t .M. Group 2 vs. Group 4. (Post- Pled ga me.) ,,v~1. 20 silver loving cuiips will .; 'warde by the intraimral depart- ' el by the (close of' the, school year it is etima ted. i'Iichligan is one of theo .iisCools tlh.t gve cups and s>ices of the Play Production Classes. T1. S. Stein. Try! One of those tasty barbecued meat sandwiches. They certainly are especially satisfying in this snappy weather. THE BARBECUE INN 440 South State Street Phone 1:I1-{1 FThe promotion of Josiah McKan. commandant of the Marc. Island nave- ! Yard from rear- to vice-admir'al and his selection to command the IUnitod States scouting fleet 'has just beia- _ .. ,, .a i'v in saber of theI P'oyal 11] { >111 a ii of Grieat Britain. lie ish'v1 11'I 5 ietIB n ao i focs I..aW rece Kans.. Dec. 10.--- Alumni P op Corn W agof n Ieo the University or Kansas will be, Disrupts order ablto 11"azttendl' the reuion this, year Caliii ,v ithout going; bacl; in person since C liiCj f fl te meetings will be sent out by '; radio. nntn ed tYita .1e aua can B ng-'11lI [II IIII:1161i I hI I IhIII tI 11l101 lil I1 1111 11 hIIIII 1 IllII1 iI2ll I Ii I 111 IfIIIIII III1111 1 ih I f t~l11J1111 III I l l hl' -'"- of ladIr tlite fi re hose truck and oh" Dean f O'egonle ac g