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December 09, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 12-9-1924

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Published every morning except Monday
during the Universit year by the Board in
Control of Student publications.

Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
2ispatchcs credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished ;therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
ef postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master (General.-
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M .busi-
ness, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 176-"M
Editor,.. , "".........John G. Garlinghouse
ews Editor............RobertG . Ramsav
City Editor...........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
Gecrge W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. henry k redk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. fhal
Sports Editor.........William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield
Woioen's Editor .............Verena Moran
Music andDrama...R.. obert B. Henderson
Telegraph Editor......William J. Walthour
Louise Barley Helen S. Ramsay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann
Leslie S. Bennets Marie Reed
Smith Cady r. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B. Crosby Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
Joseph O. Gartner Herman Wise
Manning Houseworth Eugene H. Gutekunst
Elizabet h S, Kennedy Robert T. DeVore
Elizabeth Liebernann tanley C. Cri hton
Winfield 11. Line Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. Ohlmacher Thomas V. Koykka
William C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advertising..."...E... -... L. Dunne
Advertising .. ...................J. J. Firim
Advertising..................--H. A. Marks
Advirtising.................H. M. Rockwell
Accounts.....................Byron Parker
Circulation................. ,R. C. Winter
Publication................John W. Conlin
P. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast
Gordon Burris H. L. Newmann
. Dentz ThomasOlmtead
Philip Deitz J. D. Ryan
David Fox~ N. Rosenzweig
Norman ereehling Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F. I. Schoenfeld
F. Johnson S. H. Sinclair
L. H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer

moment to typify this spirit and have1
been given the reins of government;
that they may work toward this end.;
The case of the federal government
against the Chicago sanitary corpora-
tion, which opehed yesterday before
the United States supremne court in I
Washington, promises to be more than
a mere local or sectional proposition.
In fact, it has assumed international
proportions in view of the recent ac-
tion of the Canadian engineers in con-

to play us? How would we feel ifI
some school with whom we had sched-
uled a game came out with the state-
ment that there was no excuse for the
contest? But I do not believe the
editorial represents the attitude of the
school as a whole, for it is the first
word of disapproval of this game that
.1 have heard.
In closing I might suggest that The
Daily dig up a few new topics for
editorials and let the old ones, includ-
ing the one of Saturday, have a rest.
An editorial on how they play chuck-

Donald E. L. Snyder al >: 15 olt ek
in the Whitney theatre.
A review, by Robert lManibeid.

B'ooks Jake the Best Gifts

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ference with United States authorities luck in China would be as interesting, Scoring an innnediate hit in all de-
on the St. Lawrence waterway project more original, and less offensive than parings-iineatii i all (ls-
when they characterized the pilfering 1 the one of Saturday. partmeitse-linescancinand musi
of the waters of Lake Michigan -A Daily Reader.
through the drainage canal as danger- annual 1Union opera, opened last night!
ous and even prohibitive of nakinx MORE MOVIES at the Whitney theatre.
the proposed waterway a success. To the Editor: Promptly at 8:15 o'clock, to the
Before coming to any definite con- It is the purpose of this letter to !swinging lilt of the medley overture,
clusions on the suit, it niay be well to call to public light an existing de- the curtain rose. Slowly, evenly, with
review the highlights in the develop- plorable condition which is worthy a quite professional majesty, the lift-
ment of this sixteen year old child of of the consideration of every man on ing drop disclosed the first glimpsei
the courts. In the beginning, the War the Campus. In one phase of our con- of a new Mimes production, Great
department and the sanitary corpora- duct, at least, we are unpardonably hanging sweeps of black,secorated
tio ageedawa hak i th ealyuncouth and selfish. Tphe matter in( with panels of Chinese artistry backed
tion agreed away back in the early unuhadsefs.Tmtr n a narrow strip of stage broken only
'80s that not over 4,1G7 cubic feet of I question is the manner in which we a nw stroustge Toe only
water per second should be drawn endeavor to beat our neighbor into a by two ponderous gongs. The music
neigborstopped, then started. Two oriental
from Lake Michigan through the Chi- movie theatre by rendering him flat- page boys shuffled out as the sweeps
cago drainage canal. In 1908, finding ter than a sardine through the press, rolledt back, advanced to the gongs,
that approximately 10,000 cubic feet, ing of an army of "we's" from be-
or more than double the amount hind. Were these shows attended by
agreed upon, was being used by Chi- men alone there would be no call for
cago to dispose of its sewage, the gov- this letter of indignation; the condi-
emnent institUted the suit which is tion would not be pardonable but it
about to culminate. imight be endurable. However since
The apparent cause of the failure this is a co-educational institution and
to keep the agreement was the re women constitutionally have as much
luctance of the sanitary district in right as we have to laugh at Keaton's
providing any other means of sewage antics in "The Navigator" it is our
disposal due to the enormous cost duty as a civilized race to make it.
and the difficulty of gaining the need- possible for them to do so without
ed appropriation from the Illinois fir.t being reduced to a pulp.
legislature. In the meantime, the The particular instance that I have .
various cities along the shores of the in mind is the second evening per-
Great Lakes have been suffering be- formance at the Majestic on Thanks-
cause of the appreciable lowering oft giving Day. This was no special oc-
the water level thus actually impair- casion; it is the normal behavior of
ing their harbor facilities. the crowd every Sunday evening when
Sensing almost certain defeat, the a good show happens to be billed. Of
directors of the sanitary district hit course, everyone denies his share in
upon another method of concealing pushing and passes all the 1lame
the real issue. Their latest move has back over his shoulder. This blame
been one to line up all of the advo-. passes back to the edge of the crow4
cates and supporters of the Great unadmitted where there is no more
Lakes-Gulf of Mexi(O barge canal "back" and excessive atmospheric
proposition on their side of the case pressure offers the only feasible ex-
and in opposition tu the govei nment iplanationl. 1(al E. iL. Suvydi'
on the assumption that a decision In writing this I realize that in Author of "Tickled To Death"
against them, which would result in such a crowd there is always a temp _ ---------------
cutting the present flow of about 12,- tation to forsake one's better judg- strfeuk a single ilow, an d, turning,
000 cubic feet per second in the drain- ment and lower one's self to the spirit lpushled back the delicate screens
age canal to the former limit of 4,16? of the mob, but mob rule has had its which had concealed the set.
cubic feet, would make the barge place at Michigan and has passed on And then the flay. A fast moving
canal impossible. and now only a few of its direct line- medley of Barre Hill singing. Dan
In the light of the findings of Army age make themselves apparent fron Warner and Philip Miller dancing,
engineers, the contentions of the time to time. Let us try to free our- Raing love, Willard Rpanagel being
sanitary corporation dwindle to their selves from this unchivalrous con- ridiculots-all (: the cast and
proper insignificance. According to duct. Cattle act similarly when being chor uses playing together to make
these experts;' not over 1,000 cubic loaded for market, but they are sup- "Tickled To Death" the unquestioned
feet per second need be drawn from posed to be dumb animals, and we are success which it was.
Lake Michigan to make the barge ca- only going to a show; besides, we are larre hill as the priest Fugi San is
ral practicable. Furthermore, they supposed to have reasoning power and the undoubted star of the show. His
have testified to t-he effect that the St. the capability to use it. Let us use it voice, st-ong, clear and wonderful in
Lawrence waterway project is morei then and have.onsideratn for j tonequalith (ommands therough sat-
than likely to be a failure unless tle!ladies who are present. Would you aion msheaudlience through his
various mnusical numbers. Almostj
present flow is cut down to the for- push and jam as hard and could you e(jual in appeal was the dancing of
."__ i ha-v , r, s for thos bhaindif one . . * .A,- +-

Vloth Ends of the Diagonal

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The Romantic Comedy
The Proud Princess

Night Editor-THOS. P. HENRY, JR.
Germany seems to be following the'
pplitical trend of the time, establishedt
by Great Britain, in returning an es-
sentially conservative government to
power. In Sunday's national vote, the
German people distinctly repudiated
the extreme nationalists and commun-
ists, giving their support largely to
the coalition of three parties who
united in an effort to prevent the re-
turn to influence of supporters of theI
old monarchy.I
Forgetting minor differences the

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1-)f ,n NAr.11-rnnr ntirl Philin Millor in tbA

three liberal parties, the Socialists,limerlimt. D-i )an Warnr ianidiin phiviI iiLer in L th6
the Cleral, ad the mocasadI It is to be hoped that the case will pof these ladies ere your guest? The arts of "P1eaches" Joyce and George
he Clericals, and the Democrats mad be seen in its proper light by the mob is a powerful machine which does bancroit. "Walking HBome With You"
dcateommn ap t the republ dope tosn members of the supreme court andr not reflect the brain power and good in the first act and "Peaches" in the
whot wl rev n to thse that their decision will be made ac- judgment of its members. One should second were the musical hits of the
who would revert to the days of ton t cori agisicgad ' favo not lend to its movements without first evening. Particmlaily in the latter
militarism or who favor a ommunis-he robable con- was bthe dancing exceptional. Graceful,
tic regime similar to that of Soviet of both waterway piojects to say carefully half carelessly abandoned and lighted
[nthine gimsmisrothtofovetsequences were the entire mob to act i
Russia. While they did not make anynoing of the rights of the Great j here and there with bits of playful
Lakes harbor cities. as you might decide to act. comedy, the number swept its colorful
significant gains and have far from e, Entire'ly outside of the rudeness of wa notehat fte-uine
substantial majority, they are at least Enieyotdefthrunssf way into the heai-ts of the audience.
assured that the greater portion yhys such behavior there lies the selfish- 1"l chind a Fan," the opening chorus
serany wisthe gathe ontition of CAMPUS OPINION ness of 'endangering the person who of the second act, displayed the most
heren gosvesrnhents a n Anonymou c. t has chanced to arrive at the door a colorful costumes of the performance.
disregardedi. The nimes of communi- few moments earlier than you. Since In this number the much-heralded
that they realize the benefits of the cants, wilt, however, beeregarded as y black ostrich fans set off the brilliant
Dwspn th wihrwlo th confidential upon request. you both cannot occupy the samebikosrhfasetffhehilan
Dawes plan, the withdrawal of the space at the same time why not be gowns of the show girls chorus, while
French from the Ruhr, the introduc-ug t w Barre Hill sang a quaint song of
tion f a ew god mak, reewed COMMIENTING ON D)AILY courteous enough to allow him his staglIie hns n mr
Id Id CMMENINGON DILYstrangely mixed Chinese and Amer-
tin of a new gol mark, renewed right of precedence. With the rail.
friendly relations with foreign nations EDITORIALS icon rythmn. Four girls in silver and
---all accomplishments of the repub- For the last few year-s I have been Iings and glass panelled doors at the gold creations provided the back stage
- entrances to our theatres it is a variety, and the girls chorus did a bit
lican government. They see prosper- reading the editorials in The, Daily, miracle that accidents do not happen. of a sing-song dance by way of an
ity and peace ahead and have given and can by now, almost recite some This is a matter well worth a stu- introduction.
their approval to the coalition respon- of the old stand-bys by heart. For dent's careful consideration; let us It is difficult to properly distribute
TibIes. .esthink it over and see if we can find the honors in the light comedy parts.
There is in this an interesting anything gentlemanly in such con- Willard Spa nagel as T Yung, a
analogy with conditions in the United which always sets up a howl when a duct. Why stamp ourselves as "hood- Chinaman who has seen something of
duct Wh stmp urslve asthe wor-ld, c-onvinmcedl the multitude
States and England. While the liberal few instructors or assistant professors s the is anvEd thni milibryo.
. .ums? that he is an E, d Wynn in embryo.,
coalition in Germany does not have are promoted. Another favorite is -William L. Metcalf, '26E. Robert Henderson as the Countess
the earmarks of conservatism, it is the the one which asserts that the sopho- Valeri Mischkinoff is a most perfect
group which is acting as a business mores who do a little hazing near the burlesque of the affected foreign (?)
stabilizer and is bringing the German Fall Games time are the poorest men EDITORIAL COMMENT ( n(oblewoman. Gordon Ibbotson as
people out of their depression. The in their class. I personally have seen Professor Tombs makes the most of a
result of the election is very similar sophomores take part in those little wholly droll and over-exaggerated
to that of our recent political contest festivals who lave later become class A FORMIDABLE RESPONSIBILITY role as the leader of the American
except for the fact that the American officers, nembers of Phi Beta Kappa, The Nation party, and ('hrles Livingstone as
decision was of a more marked char- assistants in the sciences, etc. Thus "The University of Michigan, inI Marceline Potter is a laughable vamp
in constant pseudo-fear of being
acter. In both cases business govern- all these sinners were not the crumbs creating for Robert Frost a. life fel- 'sco.mlrcisod." Charles ligley as
ment and a conservative liberalism of their classes. lowship by the terms of which he is Galahad Jump supports Livingstone
were vindicated. Radicalism of either The editorial, or effort, rather, in required to do nothing more than re- in a light coimiedy part.
variety has been distinctly repudiated. Saturday's Daily was not a new topic main in residence and write poetry, Russl Cciring and Richard Elliott
In Germany it was the communists either, for we had some of this same has done a handsome and iberal deed in the parts of Jack I oughton and
and monarchists, in this country the I "bunk" about last year's game with at the same time that it has assumed Nyan Toy are leasimg leads. Their
semi-radical Progressives who failed the Marines. Its author, or perpe- a rather formidable responsibility. It love scenes, scattered throughout the
to gain active support. In England a trator in more descriptive terms, can- has subsidized an artist of the finest entire production, lend the necessary
similar result obtained in the defeat not therefore, lay claim to originality, quality in a day when such subsidies atmophere of stage love to theshow.
of the Labor party, largely because of although he could put in a strong bid are all too rare when the institution ot6big rsings, ndenlil actssthe
its (lickeings with the Russian gov- for first prize in crudity anid (lisregard Iof the private patron seems dead be- pat of thines n vo(- ent whte pr-
gIoIptrnsesdedb-nt to0 Chinese environmnt to per
ernment. Peoples everywhere seem iof other people's feelings. The edi- yond revival and when the question feetion.
to fear extremes, preferring to make torial (which I believe must have been of subsidy by the state is at best but 'Te sets, too, descerve mention-
changes slowly as the need becomes written for somnething to take up feebly discussed. But what shall be more mention than space here per-
distinctly apparent, space) strongly insinuates that our I its attitude toward Mr. Frost, who so Emits. The firt act, set in the garden
From these facts some might draw game with the Naval Academy team eminently deserves the favor bestowed of the Chinese mc'nasteryjof the god
the erroneous conclusion that world next year was scheduled for mer- upon him? It isto be hoped that there Ching Ling, has as a background the
progress is retarded. The people of cenary purposes and clearly states will be no attitude at all. Ann Arbor's temple of the monastery, resplendant
today, they would say, deny the pos- there is no reason for playing this business henceforth is to let Mr. Frost with red tile iroof anddragomcorices.
msibility of innovation or reform. To game. alone-to dine him very seldom, give completes the se t. In the second act
a certain extent this is true. For this Is net the fir-t of these assertions him no work to do, make no complaint simplicity is the imotive, af green drop

Express it in terms of

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