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December 09, 1924 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 12-9-1924

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;" rr"fe~Mzr is Its Best, Use !lioulil
r , ein Pr'eventionou PremlIa tre
Value of the X-ray lies in the (ex-
anmation of projectiles rather thbani
in: the revealing of fiaws in the guns;
i i the opinion of P1rof. A. E. White, of
the engimeeri 1ig rcsearch ide.11):it-
j 1t. C o~tz~ntii n jU pon the t.r atf
innt of {col. E. 1T. Dickeinson be f or
~the national defense ferum(1of lieAm -
crican Societyv of Mechanical lHogfin-
cers in NowV Yor k recently to the ef-
'fect that the installation of X-r-ay
equipment at thae WatertowD r: tS;ol
for 111P purn o:;e of detectilng flaw S i
'thienmet Aliec structulre of the gn
Would1( materially lessen the, numibe'r
CJ di strous a ccidents, he stated his
ljolief that the X-ray could be put toj
latter use in preventing premature
~"Premature explosions are more of-
t4,n due to defective powder conldition:,. I
I~ i tty fto ses, and 1imperfect p roject ii es
tfia to (defec(tive giuns"," rail Prof, -
s r hite. During the late war he
asin charge of thea cceptance, from
r.- l'1allirgicr I standpoint, of all
gAin'; ul to 14 inch calibre which wr
rt'ceciv(ed by the watr department.
S"No gun will standh un uinder the
renen dous shock resulting when a
;-)clell] explodes, within it," ('ontinuefl
Professor White, "and with laultY
fjti s and defective projectiles there is
thie ever-plresent pos.siliity that: an ex--
1losion will take place within t he
L4i" ases of the projectiles have
.r tendency to show "pipes," or infinit-
cl:iiml holes which penetrate the
on-se. These holes make it almost a
< rl..3ity that, premature explosions
i>ill occur.
k X-rays should serve to determinieV
fi dise flaws and consequently reduceT

British Take Military Control In Sudan1

You Ivill wvish to make T HA T ilIFT something
P~ert' useful-something persona!

J1:; now the daily companion and pride of many a man who says it is thc first
:i ,'}ac ry fountain pen he has ever owned.
B~r ng in a sample of handwriting. Mr. Rider, who is a handwriting
cr-rcrt, can select and fit the point so it is sure to please.


302 S~itate St.


Don't Borrow -Subscribe rf ay


The kind you'll want to send at Christ-
mas tiune. Let us pack a' box of the-c
nice fresh candics for you.

For Roayal Laughter1

The Anglo-Egypt ian crisis enii--sed by the assass.1 ation ef 1I:tai-Ce m. k a pnear ,oit warl Y
to be at an end, hut fears are held that the heavy penlties levied by B'it;1;a i ill cu eursnsa ogi':g?;'o-
tians, among whom native leaders have been agitating a strong ilationaliJic tet>litl for01'soilie Year,;T', The 8rit-
ish artilery seen drawn up before the Sphinx, is a inong Ilie I ro lswh MII- are tkn over conlt vol oW tip ot
from Egytian forces. Below (left to rught, i1wair aia, the rie v premier; (h'n''ral I,ord AllJ'm by,, :uew a
for "Britain in Egypt; anti Zagloul Pasha, who s t epped down as prem jor rat her fthan a-c'fe wholly to IhIIi


& SON, CO.

20C-204 East Liberty St.

... .

greatly thew number of preatore cx Seattle Wash., D ec. 8.-Do rfing thir ii
plosions. r~cent visit; here, memberhcis of dwh Ox-

~-"'------------f ord (deba te te(am were enlt ertainiled
rat; dinnivr by the ('lkliodle> scliola so
s z 'an s C ime TO P la i he Iac(llt y aof the University o \Wash-
M-hitnslhmelT Pa

, ,

A s soon as adjulstmnlts (a1. 1', made,'.
Sin ther chain of gears, Micligi; .n's
iiies in the tower of the old en-r
jr ;neering shops will play the foa.l icr
Canihridge Quarters" a half hour ^
Inter than formei ly. In tha morning
1lt,~e pal will sound at 7:58 a,, stu-,
Oc'nts file to classes, instead of at =
l,:28 as formerly, and in the evening ;
.453 8In ?stead ,of 0t.. 5:28 according 1-o
;itnnouncemlelt made at the offices of
;:ecretary Shirley W. Smith.
Action toward _ch)anging the time
of ,ounding the chimes was taken
following suggestLion by Prof. 0. W.
Io ,wton, acting director o;' the engi-
ulecrir~g shops, who pointed ours thalt
thle new hour will more nearly mark
the tine of opening and closing; of the
17niversity day.
Anromicemnen L of change il 11
ine of ringing the chlinm''n, brin g:,;(o
m3ind l'Michigan's cearlte >? iVl :;. It''-"
f"rring to this in all t0 rt;V-Ie ifAlie(
M-ay 1.919, ise of he v Alu1mnii s,
R eferececLil)rIrian ma eri o,, a II v 'm
A. Finnoy, '71, says T, -was <a hand -*
0ell of ?o:'sz vi e h 'inli us
used to c,0ll the student bodyIon
cluinbers to prayer-; at GA. 'li. The
uuderfgradiuate body at that time,
o,).25, 1s4 1, numnbered a;evcn, x (
I'rehin('i 0 Ion"." oiloi'-ore(.
Ly1'; il £x~ V'. FianIE'y syI 'th
nullel' 0of .; ad >It haid increa'rd lto
irn-0than half <a Ihundred, and in re-,
spon!,C to the needl of a better hell
one brad been 5sec'ured froth ilt, ic--
{ganiCentrialI railroad.
Quoting from Nh : sF;:1 r:nd's '".111s
tory of the UnIiveri y,'' Mr.m'. ia nay
csays, '"at this period t ntents of till
(lasses lived together'i in peaefe andl
I' a rnony ; at latWhatever mischie~f t
mnay have occurr edt A-thin the college
ball:, -was of t100, lif its leconseqni"e ,,to l
be re ported beyond the0,}. It is tract
the janitor w,. s sonct ica I ronl('(11
to find the bell in Early morning;.
Thereupon, hie was obliged to go from}
r'oomu to room and awaken its con-i
stituency individually.''i
With the erection of l In d(1001)10
towered Library buildin~g in 1,83~, :Mr.
I.-inn cy pointsa (lit, the t'ni : 'rsi y ye -
eietby gift a peal of bells. Pthe
be;!I,1Itle same peal which is now lo-
S(-t ed in 1 hle towver of the eig~ii'e I-?
in.- 'shops, were (led icat ed with a p-j
proir ae exer cises 'on Dec. 14~, 18032.I
but it was not until 1885 that a (cloch
was obtained fob' ringinig Ith l:;
thlen known as dihe "Library Chimes."
"Ini connection with the demiolition i
of the lea ding room,; and towers (rt
the old Library in July 1917, for I':
construction of thet new 1uildiliig, Ihl
(clock and hells we re taken down, and(
c wr ing t he sun~mner of that ye.,,.,, wore
-installed in the towrer of the enin eet-
} '(aii idgc Quar'ters," was nitrio-r
1duced tlin St. Mary's, ('Init bridge, E1Fn g-
-land, more10t haii a cent ury .ago, 0an4 I
is; said to be from an air written by '
I laiidel or based on a imot if ill is
"'rlesiah." .Many yearS htIS 4cr it was
1 (op)ted for the clock tower of the
P amli'nlemlt 1buIlding n ai' Weatiliin-;

* Te Rga ShoeCo
a, C"o. _Mk -O Viin11I las
AIll All
1 'I I rice
5C:rcide6Rho 604 E. Liberty
( :Vl1 h 9E IE 1 1 896l 8i l 11 18& t9Sl#i 1lpilf¢~ is

J :t IJ :! : L Mr s d '
1- AFRYi O WzLeO.
o'ts s
iu'aF ~li , 2e ! " ' ,'id "
51 coa Vana
AN) I AP'dI IN [
/It ViyoMuc T f
Roar yr iflI1)Vi231;c 17::erI
r 11~c,-tr lrms, this pcture i for you
A - i Pi ci ued fro a te vzns{ tio l
'ta'' cUCCS-,S, by ti'e man wo made
vv ,,..rv . IiN ADDITi'Iid '-
HItFc4)aDyi:b4 $"MON; Y B ~URN"
I ia .a : V} 11 111 T HE1 I M CS X-5 'I'S T 0 3 , k fJ) I Y S T A R Sf

A cyclonic comedy
w'eds and meddling

of newly-

lf ~
. -'4-


&Sce the confirmed bachelor
getting his when he double-
croa ' the brotherh uil of fan-
cy-fr c and falls fog pair of
s= of? boiledi eyes !
The Death' a
RIE l!
--S -SI O vi1")

Ai j': ;T1 1 thin
P o r tia a a n sf. k . if t S1 . @.,,i e ld r '. .1 . '' 4 ' -e
Fi, ei icl l al
(J i thefI n' No'Aht Artey i edsch, ineith Va u deville
--SEN NPT'I' t'OM EI)---
" 1'''1'6- bAU ' IF ' t'A~ e



'NI t' 'f'
dim , 'S


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