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December 07, 1924 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 12-7-1924

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t + w , ,. +4 *1'."rr

i Sports

-f- A-~

Writer Excludes Southern Schools This Year
By Norman E. BrownI
The selection of an All-eastern'
eleven this year presents a greater
problem than ever before for several1
'reasons. I..".. - "'
uSome of them are:j
The inability to compare logic-
rJ .ally and concretely the strength of
f4he several outstanding teams of
that section. Lafayette, West Vir-
ginia, Pennsylvania, Penn State,
Columbia, Dartmouth, Yale, Rtut-
eis y a u e -l e e s n ntheir various orbits. But because
of the divergence in their sched-1
~iles there is no basis of comparison .
when individuals are considered.)
Great scoring records alone meanj
something but not all.
The quantity of good but not great
t ackfield men. _________
The prevalence of good linemen IIS TA
h have departed from my previous,
custom this year and have (oflined I mss Craig, Pennsylvania; BJorl
all-eastern to the eastern college; man, Dartmouth.
_alone. In past seasons I have includ-I Tackles: Starobin, Syracuse; Beat
ed the soutnhern colleges in the Bayne! tie, Princeton.
category. Guards: Diehl, Dartmouth; Far
a te South should haeitCW~n
s:.ee<'onl team---the mielber; o Center: Lovejoy, Yale.
that eleven to be ive'igied Individ- Quarter: Darling, Boston C.
wally In thue final sellectin ofthe Halfbacks:. Pond, Yale; Koppisc]
S "il-Amoeau Sqtuad.Couba
- T'he end scicction3 were eailyComia
r ode' Fullback: Hazel, Rutgers.
At the guard positions Penn State SECOND TEAMH
a~gan l~esout ue o te po~i'til Ends: stout, Princeton; Bingha'i
corrbination D~ieh-l and Farwickt
present. These two men are the out-1
standing guards of the year in the Tac -Hlleran, Dartmouth
east by clear margins. , Pernb Stare.
Lvejoy of Yalle ousts Garhisch at j Guart:. . 1'cth Pnnsylvania
ciiedeptthcrsiggame the pwrh
e~i~er espie te crshig -House, Penn State.
SArmy veteran plays. This choice is
ii u- de' harder 'ov Carbisch's great _Center: Garbach, Army.
hooting which beat the Navy.I Quarter: Di iore, Pincetwn.
In view of thle fact that Dinsmore; Halfbacks' Chicknoski, Lafayette
did not carry the quarterback burden Benkert, Rutgers.
at Princeton most of the time hisi Fullback: McBride, Syracuse.
selection for the secondl team at thati _________________
post may seem odd. He did show ,
h,1,owever, that he is one of the best
"quarters in the east. .
?Pond Invaluable Member. 1
As for the halfbacks. Benkert of
Runtgers miished the year as the l
greatest point scorer in the east.
1. cannot place him above either Pond of Yale, or Koappiseli of Columbia,
----- however. Pond is the greatest "miud
horse" in football today.!lie handles
a ball cleanly, running Last andl cuteTh ,-
Cauldr'oni footed on any kind of ground, and
II. S.plays heads-up ball under, the most

j hefrtheee atrrfifirst o; a fnal eleven at er nd!lokoarth iterrifricuer illtliltIIItbafllttleisotwastfinalltrecognizedtlaslyear and look ver the situatin. Mr. Shuter_,
small is the difference in strength. linished behind Minnesota in the Big hingntigdfnieyi-ida
Ihonorable M1ention. jTen championship. Unless Wein-,hvn ohn eiieyi ida i t
Ens-tffrrgfBrw,'usyo is rebuilt within the month the {the time, went. C hristm as G i sW
Dartmouth, will be practically forced to give Threut
Dartmouth, Wagner of Columbia,y up its season. An outdoor rink is un- h"Oe rslsweete n "Come- ynae
Sheldon of Brown, Luman of Yale, satisfactory at best as the games back"m Operas"comsie OnrDducbynme.old Be Selce No
(Berry of Lafayette, Kneen of Cornell. must be played in the afternoon andj which established the Mimes presen- fO u Beece No
the snow makes it difficult to keep tations as the outtanding college - Our Holiday Selections XW ere Never
f . 'teice in condition. shows in the country. Item, one fully
t"-equipped theatre boasting all the -
rik 'h e latest staging devices and space to Mo e omnpee-
b. " uilr aUninalrsu imAt tie rehearse all productions and buildLe Fil.M
buit fr anoina su. A tmeset S-- llYour C rismaisN ees
wegaean prcieweentiand paint the scenery for them. Itm1U-,~ NL
being held students might be allowed one organization which works most'=
to us;e the ice on presentation of sea- of the year toward the coming show
'sonl ticets. The money made by this and which systematically trains men
means would pay for the equipment t iltepstosvctdb rd n ih aecr ftehce Schlanderer. Seyfried
jadmgttk caeoth hokyuation. -
tasexpenses. Such a rink migt' Since 1 the growh of te Opera = Jewelers 304 South Main
well lbe built on Ferry feld. Michi- has been comet-like. It has invaded :W
gan is perfectly adapted to winter the east and left them crying for-
come from northern towns and th'Ivitein a omparativeltote The it -
'. Nmate of Ann Arbor p.-'~e ie har a ul nte't
1 or a larme pa "t of the winter. At: of thce old Union dance hail, and is
{ any ate, sameflimo, mut hbe done in now usedl as the heduarters for,
SOrder to save hokey as a sort at each of the annual producetions. The,
Mh h1 ianzt. general quality of the shows has in''-'
--___._ _--_-- .--creased in excellence and as it has
gone so has the elaborateness of the:
ik irco Opera. Each year has seen a show
The DllG~tt)Iwithl much originality, irresistable,
f(Continucd ircirn Pale Ten) 1.ace and remarkable smoothness and
Pzolish. It is safe to say that this is
amateurs, for before this he had beendualoteirytoheeotso
connected with Fred Stone's famous c.Mrie htr
e 1, M r im r h te . ...: .r: t ... .: I" t {.,:v :.,ff - *r "<7 . .7 -rT , .

e; 1
of Y



tern,,' and bci'ore' that hie had man aged
hde tour., of such celebrities as 'lrs.
Pat Campbell and C'hariotte Walker.
The show was the best amateur
l. r(duction that Bell'(1 had ever seen
nrd he immediately became interest-
s rd in this Ir. Shuter. If the wvar
,ginlcd before the next Michigan- Union
i~~wawa resented lwould lhe come
to Ann Arbor andl (irect the show,
he as-e'd. Where was Ann Arbor
n~td wha t was the Michigcn n Jic
!opera? queried Mr. 'hut er. When it
-.as tiade plain tr 1'Dianl iu ' what and
where the Oner-i w M 1r. Shiuter
ihowetll(slig-titeres~''Ct. lut at thiat
Hr ethe v.Ur shiowe,'d 1ini) inut ion to
{end andl no d in ite arrangemxents were
m' [d e.
Peace reigned onice more in thae late
fall of 1918 and 'Mr. Shut er hard re-
turnied to his home in Now York
, when one mHorning there came a
letter from the University of ~ici
Mih-gan. Who could write him from there,
he wondered, dndl opened the letter.
It was from Curtis Bell and reminded
of his conversation r'cgarding the
j Aichigan Opera. Would he come out.
to Ann Ai bor, all exp' uses paid, and

His ceaseless efforts backed by a+
vrast store of actual expnerience and a
keenu sense of what is good theatre
and what is not have put the Opera
organization where it is today. He{
pcssesises an uncanny sense of propor-1I
ticn in musical comedy. For the first I
few months of each year he is faced'
with a past amount of material of,
every sort. Musical, comical, scenic,
and human. Out of this mass hie as-
sembles a nroduction 'that runs asl
sm'noothily as the Follies in their sec-
Hlow hie does it cannot be discos-
e; ed. flis system cannot be analyzed
for lie works silently, efficiently and i
itlhout mnuchi ado about anything-
except v hen ado is called for--then)
it, is. forthcoming with dlispatch. H~e
(oes not go out for 'publicity, fewv
recogulze himi on thme campus, or real-
ize what hie: does (luring the mionth If
between Septemtber and opening of
the Opera. All they -realize 'is that
another; rem 'rkable Opera will rep-
resent Michigan on the, road this year.I
Buit the power behind this all that 1
they realize must be. but (10 not par-
. ticiularly considler is Ermest Mbortimeru
Sb ut r.


WATCH our window for
the wvonderful display of
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.. _

'ckles-Kearney of Cornell, Wal-
f of Syracuse, McGinley of Penn-
vania, Surabian Of. Williams.
Lads-McManus, Boston College.,
enteYr'--Affeld =of Cornell, Johnson
Pitt, Gray of Penn State.


luarters-Dlooley of Dartmouth,

y k
p !
7 7
Q 1
t j


1) v 17 0 11.1 #70


gMichigan with all her champion-
!ships and athletic glory is one of the
Smost backward schools athletically in
its class. Football, basketball, base-
Sball, and(1 track are given a-great deaf
of attention b~y the authorities and
thie student body but a number of
other shorts are pitifully neglected
mnd several more are entirely ignored.
;several of these sporty rate as, much
attention as, any of the others.
Listed among thke minor sport",
i which are recognized by the athletic
authorities are hockey, tennis, wrest-
' ing, golf, and cross country. The!
tennis and golf teanms are strongly
su'pported but the others are suffering
from a lack of interest. Until that in-
terest is forthcoming Michigan can
knoit hope to take her stand with the,
gri at athletic schlouls of the land.
M cst of the Eastern schools have
fencing, boxing, soccer, and a number
tof' other sports recognized and every
spurt which is recognized is given
ggreat support.
To be considered successful ath let-
Vaaclly a school should have a major-I
¢ity of its student oody actively engag-
cd in sports. The more of those
sports which are recognized as Var-
'sity sports, the stronger and more
successful the athletics at a school
will be.. There is absolutely no valid
reason why the majority of the menf
:°tudents at the University of Michigan
hould not be trying out for Varsity
t iams. At any rate, there is no rea-
son why. a man talented in any
branch of sport should not be given
. t cance to win his letter in that
spr.But more sports cannot be
addto the list of those recognized
fby the athletic authorities until more
interest is shown in the teams which
SMIchigan now has.
rWhile the campus works itself into
:a frenzy over the question of "invita-
ition fraternity parties" there are all
Sof five sports at Michigan which go
y I-gging for material. "He men"
xshine their shoes while an insignifi-
(;ant minority of the men on the cam-
i u lend their efforts 'to maintaining
i' iliigan's athletic supremacy. Less
t San 50 men started training for
lichigan's cross country squad this
faill. The majority of the students on
Ilie campus think that football, basket-
ball, and baseball are the only sports
Sworthy of their attention and support.
i Mibizn's coss ceountry squad

trying condhitionis. fle is also one of. Beardsdel of Bucknell.
[ he most versatile lhacks in the game. I -alflacks-Slagle of Princeton,t
Koppisch's kicking and his driving 'Newman of Carnegie Tech, Wilson of
attack on offemis keep him on the Army, Tyron of. Colgate, N\ardacci ofi
team. Chic knoshi of Lafayette helped West Virginia, Oberlander of Dart-
make that teamn a great defensive asi mouth.
wvell as a strong- offensive outfit. l1 -dlbacks--K.reuz of Pennsylvania,
Weighed as teams, I believe that i Cebhart of Lafayette, [Iou ali of Wil-
the second team named would give! ihams, Ekberg of West Virginia.
and his coaching ability, is beyond fire which razed Weinbarg's (Coliiem,
question. The squad which turned Hockey, one of the finest sports in the


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out for him last year' andl again this
year p~rovided hiim with scarcely
enough nmen to enter in the ineeNs.
Michigan's hockey team is now
without a homne as the result of the'

icurriculum, deserves a regular place,
at iNchigan just as much as do has-
ketball and football. After a number
of years as an "informal" team which
proved to be one of the best sextettes
-in the' middle-west, the hockey squad

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