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December 07, 1924 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 12-7-1924

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hfooks and Writers


____________________ I _______

_ - - ------- -------country at the end of the eighteenth Cnenn alHnr be dispensed from a conventional
century. There is an especially in- brickebuiding.Mr Honore' ow
t ~teresting picture of Dartmouth Col- Paul Honore, the mural painter of homse near Detroit is an art gallery in
S tepen Burroughs rfhe Notorious t l ege in the year of 1781. All through~ Detroit, is also a wood-cut artist~ itself. The interior walls are of
that year the students were deterred whose illustrations for three books
-- ---____ -- ,frm ongino th nihbrigby Charles J. Finger have attracted V' _____
fields at night and stealing water- ! ',
Xcemoirs, of the Notorious Stephen brightest colors and turns it before -melons because they were expecting mulchl attention for thir power and - THE F
Buirrouglis. With an introduction the readers' eyes until that poor mis- !at any moment an attack by the, In- daring imaginative quality. "High-N pedn
l~y Robert Frost. New York: Lin.- guided person is only too anxious dians. When Burroughs left the col-;wamen"fi. Fnge'seookoinng
ciun ThiVeagh-The Dial Pres, to call him the bravest and noblest ofj lege he made these strangely fami- Ish"ngt fteRa"cm u
last year, and this season "Bush--,\' Stones, (I
Stephen Burroughs was a counter-.accpte
feiter, jail-bird, philosopher and the Ir rangers" was issued as well as "Tales accepoto
scn of a minister. His memoirs were frmSle ad, a olcjno The chant
first publishedl in -1811 and attained South American folk tales for which4
quite a degree of 'popularity. Then into -IMasi)
I r.lonor'e has cutt many b:laeck and i The MVaci
they sank into the oblivion from Twitecape hainsan enfll( ' eneo
N'hich they have just been aisresurrected 'ht ciltrtedns n enfl-"itc~
bytiseito. tisapatcualyIpage wood cuts in goIl and grscns and archtect
bp:-yfact that the, public has been bus factory ar
cnabledl to read this book at the pres-\ Originally a Pennsylvanian, Mr. ( r
cuit time, because it has only been for Honore studied in Philadelphia and r EPSTEI
tife last two decades that the Ameni- ltrstotfrPrs uto h a I l ordi
can plel have been permitted to met Frani Prankwyn and entered his1 Gal ley.
walwtehrhytwoeoestudio. lie has decorated a number first of a
t u~i concerningr the Revolutionary/ of buildings in Chicago and Minneapo- r le cast.
days:' But 'we still'too frequently find " l, and is now engaged in doing ex-I will be d
ancestor-worshippers, myth-makers/ ferior murals of a ourthouse. in Mich- I b-g 1 aster and the beams have made. E
and *',"re-history," evangelists who ~\ igan in colored plaster, the freak bee let unfinnished to present a days atI
would ktin htave us believe that every ~I cou-thouse it is called by some of the m ediumnfo the carvings of his ar- pleted his
Anilcan in the eighteenth century rsientswo feel tat jsie soul tstfriends series of
wore a; hblo. Burroughs was a scamp,_____
acharming hypocritical scamp, and ', :.,Elef sssa= _aE a s= _ @i 1= ia' .19I:E~Ill !' IW -_
ciate the character of the moan. You , COI0 x. dt® a Ca ammVii nWl
must follow him through his various " !
escapades and listen to him as he ,1 _______
explains howe he, though iisunder- un - -° -° ---.
fron -lbef"
stcod ,anid ill-treated by all, still f A b
holds only love and forgiveness in "ants (yoe r , I;
his heart. When, .because of his mad .. ", econ
pranks hie could find no man to call-
his friend, instead of taking to drink bil ' I"Ij
to drown his sorrow, he decides to/A rc i,.er0Mule wr
become a minister and teach the word " ' dwneli,
Worthy profession lie steals some o OPivay ul coke." " " * " 9095 an hea
This is surely a thief de luxe, and VIAthe
one whom we as a nation should Robert FrostI their
troasure and cherish, because it is teNrtrosStpe 0in o.3P caina case
lamentably true that American his-! Whose prceface to the TMemoirs of1theNg'toand LStepen*Burrug9.25rnis sna
~ory discloses a scarcity of really ex-I (Lincoln MacVeagu--'he Dial Press) makes that work a collector's item.
axle 41oll
cellent scamps of the caliber -orf'ihome
Cellini and Cagliostro. As a Jail-, men. In tragedylhe -would have you 'liar remarks. "I am bod to affirm,°14wy hgbekrfwcutishvbenalIbleetateendcshmefwthhtnooetownyofhseho !I~,s V gn aa
to produce his equal and it is a great dubbd wVt thetitleoanAdB.eon;1.4!y'Coorl
pity that Burroughs and the Count o meoff eawhra.ipo- A nderswiththe ctit on .or ll "I°" that
Iperty no man could be more kind, M.A.udrtn thcositon r
Monte Cristo cannot .enjoy an evenings gnl n eortc u h form of government under which they .ni°i7Ofc onelBokw il
chat together, but as the Count would !."I°~i~e IFlad20-Ofc ouwl lc
poalliihmsltoterxtr sould I _continue? SurelyT the book live. Will not the mind of sensibility 11110 11
prhavebnodout hasel to hwoutelthat bears the stamp of approval ofj cry out with the orator, on another liii
the most interesting story. Robert Frost nee:ds no further recoin- ocain!0 hliesotema-ll______-~____
inencation to the student of the Ifni- mere!" - 1"______ ______
At the age of seventeen, since he vest o ihia.Geor'ge F. Ferris
was rather unpopular at home, Bur- In addition to its other qualities]C e41114jm$0C oalOWN! okc
roughs decided that the broadening this book will undoubtedly prove %val- PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS ~4ldwi CoC
influence of travel might prove of "mi . w_______ _____
saubeassac ohmi ae able because of the insight it g ves fl
years and so hie signed as a doctor on _____________________________________
a packet going to France. "After ob-
taining the assistance, advice and di- .,91911!9119t111111C91;1IlIlII II I7t9IIl11I19761~111!711;f .......
rection of an old practitioner in ..
physic, together with marks set on¢-4
cacftnarcel of medicine, I thought my--
self tolerably well qualified to per- ThereArcMaiw1 ST
:armt the office of physician on board
the ship" he writes. He fails to state = rfien s s hell ic On
whcther his employers at the end of =+
the trip thought also that he was = E Is Aw y ro n om
"tolerably well qualified" or not. Per- IsA a Fr m He
L:aps it is sufficient to say that at the _ 1 'la c yo ror e for ineirdo ai
e:nd of ~ the trip he was thrown into =" o I l ',i r e o it~~1te tl t
orison for drinking all of the ships isa x ele to p rt - or1r tr
wine, which charge Burroughs stoutly
maintains was "not only false but =
rl.0a. sacreligious profanation of the = W en an hns-ogons
I 1me1al-io elclbmakehaonehefeelssa hy.n-
As the above extracts show along melwilmkeoefela1ln
with the many ether unusual traits in ICoredl per cent better. Let Me I . 4. ,... .._.---
eis~ character, Burroughs had a son- I ew ea
orous manner of stating his beliefs a-saisfy that desire with a real DINo
so that the reader, despite his better = steak or chop. W)Jlk) INu.PVV
judg;ment, is all too apt to find him-
self sympathizing with the poor mis- A .0. ~i ~~s~it
understood suffered. And if by chance your rder it-"-JResolved--.- Uo hi
Burroughs does find himself engaged j
in some deserving or laudable oc-to is r" n c sa y w k c
cpation, how hem d pelintsisurenec ssaritsrkI
hen Cl panthten t l est of service. the most reason
TTbc editor of this page regrets that J rc s by t e m
in last Sunday's issue the first line of - cofro D.-. t1,Depotwo; bidown yourtpries b thm
the review aomtetuInn-fo D.U R.Dptv rkow a d d itbl of firms. Ma
wise enhar{^.~ng the clarity of the " VC ""e lfcgn Sewing the Best for Year,-" -x hi n ae~Y a' e
discusslon. The review was about gonec'r~ r.

Tales From Silver Lands. By Charles ' I fo Chrst a.I no , nd ltu
P1 Linter. Illustrated by Paul --II _________now___and__let____s l
-- - - - o u t f r y-u
77BUbrtretThe %:Latest *iin
---as Wall Paper Design. We have

H-OUSE group will have the plays
Thisproducedl by them at Provincetown,
[hsand That their native haunt, aid at the Green-
wich Village theatre published by Boni
and Liveright this winter. The plays
--I which have been produced, or are in
AE of Lewis Mumford is preparation for this ,year, include
eastward. Chapter Seven! The Saint by Stark Young, The Crime
In the Whistler Room by Edmund
udy of American Architec- Wilson, Desire. Under The Elms 'by
Civilization, Sticks and; Eugene O'Neill, The Last Night' of
Boni & Liveright). has 'been i Don Juan, by Rostand, a draiatiza,-
for publication by Art & t icon by Jacques Copeau of The Broth-
n, the official Moscow review. I ers Karamazov. The Colonnade by
ter that is to be translated Stark Young, The Great God Brbwn
ian is entitled The Age Of. by Eugene O'Neill and Beyond by Wal-
pine anid deals with the in- ter Ilasenclever.
,fmachinery on American
are, and with industrial and EVIDENCE" of an invasion of East-
rchitecture. 1 ern kultur' from the mid-west hinter-'
--- iland are resent in the fact that 'Ed -
JN'S bust of the late Joseph gain' Lee Masters' New Spoon Rived is
snow on view in the Tate on the required list of books'1for
Tt-is thre n oan a~~nd is the freshman reading.

small number of bronzes to'
After that is done the model
lestroyed and no more casts

pstein worked for twenty-one
Bishopsbourne and so coin-
smodeling in one continuous3

AVALU'ABLE feature of the new
'Boni and Liveriglit edition 'of Villon
in the Joehn Heron Lep'per transIAtl
ics in the adde't addition of transhl -
tions by Swinbuirne, Rosseti, Syrn:,

'n4cl IEzr'a Pound.


In the interest of good citizenship, home owning shtould
encouraged. Through the home a sound social and
tomic system is established and maintained. One of the
anding problems confronting the home-seeker is that of
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er who uses his common sense in considering the rczhJ5
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means. While some risks are involved, as is usually tht
in obtaining any t~'iing woith while the danger of f ilumi
nail when weigh'ted against the advantage of an owned:
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:)l prices for completed homes. 'We can assure yore
the McClure Proposition of home building and financinrg{
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We wish to announce a change in the personnel of the firm of Frank T.
Rohr & Son. Frank T. Rohr has sold his interest to his son, who is now*
full owner. JOS. L ROHR solicits your patronage.

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