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December 07, 1924 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 12-7-1924

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h An f 9~rnT


MmsLatest Opera Departmentally Sea

rNDAY,- DECEMBER 7, 1924


N$ h _ a' T 'C ost~ m s. the whole gives a rose effect. Aided
'by a picture hat and an immense par-
(Continued from Page Nine) By )Lrlon Barlow asol, one of these costumes should go
the dlramnatic songs among -which the, The outstanding fact concerning the far to make a dainty maiden of a ls
mosLnotworty ae a"Hym tothecostumes.of the Union opera, a virtue some man.
mostnotworhyaar a ymnto he.almost to be lamented, is that. a great Knicker suits to be worn by the
Sun God", "Ching Lind", and "Lan- Ideal of the most truly remarkable de- jmn's chous in the first act are per-
terns of the Night". The entire setting!snwilntbsenbthauic.fcly uhnictls: T sad
is developed to depict the Chinese Msig il oftbehgnon b hdnefetryauhntivtye.iasdn
legendary story of the creation and.M soutsMchgnUno i ed ad aouvndevividtglfnhosegre
{no discrepancies in costume. There is uea~ aedrca n re
one pet of exquisite screens portrays actually more to be seen than is vis- one, 4.ppropriate for the more flashy,1
in a i":11 oriental conception another iblo, ven from the front row. daring youths, brighten up the dull
±av A! i1 car'(1 he eaten empire.' 7 wteh'c elaborate costumes for the background which is usually found by
"lire,{.ars for this wcvh wtere all 1:i,;t piests ere partially covered masculine attire.
contributed by a 8 w,( 'h ,:;:luent on w i~h work in gold thread which would The whie sport suit to be worn by
thc, (eanpus who fun rr .'r+;c9 te sub- be found perfect, though subnitte t he professor is of a novel weave,
j ci nm tier for rar It of tieC setting. to the closest scrutiny. Patient Chi- which is also authentic. A cream(
In iTcikled to Death" lie public 4;se women, probably unable to par-( colored crush hat, with a blue band,
K ill sce lhe t ud3ni taents of the: ti r2yatc6 in mnore actie pastimes, for( worn by one of the collegiate youths,
1I IrKvr~ty Uiiir Q(1 in , iff~ent man- i C iese reasons, created this should delight the eye of the gentle-f
~r than evi e w~c .in ordferto '>.;<rate em~ridery; the cat is 1man who seeks for sye
fcanl "hec r ic-nu'ts of, the chrar- ,frn once at court; and then the u- There is satire in the garb of Mil-
aoie; ,,Qj a: ril the winning books penial lord who hs: worn the cos- ton lBlinck as "Justice" the negro.
ro a r,~' it bad previouisly keen 'nee- tume is prvileed to dspose. of it. I Wlide trousers, far past the stage of
essax ' to train some one or two in- Coning through Lester of Cicago jf the,bll shape, completely hide his
ddiiuls to act, dance, sing, and look these robes have reached certain o shoes. A short coat of brilliant brown
p~etty'or idot~ as the case demanded. our' camapes ILi'roes w,-o walk among feckedl with orange, an extremely
It was Iinpoassble .to puft men into the us d y .y day. They will appear in double breasted vest and a brown
cast, solely to"fill the isolated funic- these garments when the opera is pro- derby, make u, a complete costume
tiops 'for wich they, were definitely duced. w ihici i, to say the least, facetious.
fluted by, rea ou of their natural tai- The costumes for the' priest.. are Seeal and embroidered skirts,i
ents.',A' good ,dancer whzo had, the n6nderous, most of_ tem almost du ll imported from China, are to be worn1
ablrfty to "look 'pretty" as a gi was In color, as, is fiting ,for a church cin one of the choruses. The blending
taugiht .o sing and act, land, even,. offical. Heavy velvet backgrounds, of'color is more according to old and
th olXh" the- director, was unable to oe in a sade of lavender for wich conventional standards than in many
teaci "he"'to do the latter with fair no, xpcific nne has been ivene; of he other costumes, but no less im-
success the two talented individual; one in Frepch blue, which' is ntblue pressive. Fabulous- or imaginaryf
was .thrown into a leading, role that at al, but. gray when you look twice;., ieatures, constructed with but little111 eurdtemsry'ofalorats: x i'bwnntee edshdFrgrdorntmbtwt.atse
This yeat the members of 'the cast -are ,vic h 1brown, is expected. to be, , U ' or color, are done in blues upon a
only being~ allowed to do those things ,acttualy aive: .heavy velvet bac;. background whichr is neither rose nor
which they" ure niaturally talented to grounds, we. were saying, are the red, but both. Chinese flowers in
perform. Men rwith good; voices have foundation for these inricate designs, varying shades of red are done upon
been given leading vocal roles, aid' in sold1 threw .picturia ..dagttsyellow, and one skirt,of yellow and,
if they capnot dance, they have not, and nameless birds with tiny red blak, though it lacks the delicate
been mzade to 'do so lnc anir mpefet *eyes.i hand. work sewnr upon ,the others, is
manner. Mr. hui r has ,chosen. enx A srnilar type of work. compeey, equaly; authentic and equally suggefs-1
of excaoional ability in each of these covrs the,, costume to be worn LT ive,.of China..
four Ilds and is usithewm oly in~ 'rr' ill, as Ful~San,. the hzigh4 The, fan number opening the sec-
the fie ds for whiich'they are well priest oa the, monstery of th Gren, nd act consists of a dance of maid-
suited.! Godess Ching'Ling. Ei~fs roie .is on !b ens wearing costumes of orane also
Richard Elliott, '^27, In, the role of GwhfclT wNas won at the Chinese court. iImported from China. Great velvet
Nyan-Toys the white girl, .merely acts{ It is all the. wrk of, Chinese, almost j trains upon gowns designed to be
and looks the hart of the cute 'little incredllaly perfect, in technique, l stately are offset by immense back
American maid brought up undr the Black and white, always an ,effective feather, fans. Elaboration combined
tutelage anccsoso ,dxtp fclr scheme,, will be used in the. with good taste- is. the striking ele-~
pious Chinese priests."She"' neither waltz,, to be danced' by a. cous of ment ,apparent in such costuming.
dances nor, sings.expept in' a_ brief wenty four .gils lic ,glistening "Feet, Let's Go," a minstrel num-
lullaby at the outset of thre frst' act. materal used wll pesnt a oarti n- ie, will be. ixf three choruses, each
Fugi Sante High~ Priest, as played larly jbilliani appearance. fows upon differently costumed. One of the chor-
by Barre Pill, .'2, is a part involvimagj ro'ws ofruff les. xnep~aup te bouffant uses to dance to this selection will be'
the combinedl qualities_ of a; good slwrsand.biilants arranged uponG clothed in black and red, with a bi-
singer, a majestic stage personlalty, Elhe lodices are calculated to gleam' lowy white row of material around
and an imposing' appearance. Hi' in splndor under the proper light. th. bottom of the coat, to make it
fills all of these' admirably as those The Lester creations to be used in stand. out in a semli bouffant manner,
who witnessed' "Cotton Stockings'' fte "Peaches" number are. of, ylow as it flares over the red trousr.
will remember. Russell Gohrin,'7, and green# an of a pink which' -vrgs elo and black stripes makeu1
who plays the part of.Jackf Houghton, on a. raspberry shade., In blckan e oc ostumet coloring for anoter
the outstanding. chzaracter in the prty " tetlcat color scheme ounds atro-! group, and lavendr Jackets, decor-
of American =students on the archaeo- clous. In yellow andi green azd pink ated with yellow puff balls will be ilgclepdto ne
logial xpeitin uderProfessor i'_is chArming. The yellow s clever- I wrn by the pony ballet.
Tombs, likewise heas an important ly. submerged as it is buried, under A chorus .of Americans on at theo-
vocal role in the Opera. He typifies the skirt, of pink. Spaish lace, andi logical expedition into China will be
the "college man" and is peculiarly, ,
suited for that. His nonchalance, his iilltlffli 11illlllIlllCillliitilt1i6till6btotnst iv:
freedom, and his, brilliant personal ity {
all combined with a remarkable stage Week Begi\ f17 -
presence make him an outstanding Week BInigdalt1,~I( Po.Mt.Wd
character in the production.te. Dec. 7)~ LAUU U'Y Best Scats.. .0
Dancing is not forgotten in "Tickled 4
to Death" for with-DanWarner,r'2, igts, 50c to $2.50 Sat. Mat, Soc to $.50
as "Peaches" Joyce and PIhilp ile1 . S
5D,, asGeorge l ancToft, Mimes has .' UA7RT WALKER
what' is ,possibly the best' dancing _ Iresentsem'vr'vial'o no pr
Teaheir aalbefraUinOea A Romantic =
Terimportance in the cast is wholy l ,j.iH
dependent upon their dancing 'ability ' - n Comcd i
wihinh 4jxtM. h nrrai sannn_ m, 1 mo ' '~ U. ~ ~ ~ T LO .. o I

' i

clothed in duvetyn jackets, American arranger of last year's dlances in the
in style, but Chinese in &ffect. Manda- opera.
rin coats of yellow and orange are This year there are two exception-
decorated in vivid applique designs., ally good voices in the cast. Barre
Chinese-American turbans are to be Hill, of "Cotton Stockings" fame, and
worn in keeping with the rest of the Russell Gohning, this year's leading
scene. man, divide the best songs in the
Green, shining jackets, with an or- show. Tl:e specialty dlancers are
ange dragon, or a sea horse, or an un- , Philip Miller and Daniel Warner who
known creature (lone upon them n are better, perhaps, than last year'..
applique will be worn in "Lanterns Hill is the villian of the show. He
of the Night." Coolie hats, bamboo has five songs in the two acts. He
poles topped with lanterns also lend op-ens both acts with choruses: the
much to the atmosphere. first with an opening Hymn to the Sun


a pretty song, and an infinitely pret-
tier dance. The second act has the
best dance of the show "Peaches". In
addition to being the most singable
song, it serves as a waltz and a fox-
trot number for the choruses.
jThe real sensation, however, will be
created by Justice (Milton Blinkz) and.
Gwendolyene (Stanley Lewy). "Feet,
Let's Go" is the only pseudo-jazz
number in the whole opera, and- it
is a sure-fire success. All the chor-
uses and the two dancers mentioned
above combine to form a gigantic

Many of the costumes are decorated
with "Lester Brilliants", a material
which is particularly effective .under
a. blue light. In combination with the
elaborate hand work upon the priests'1
costumes, the appearance is dignified
as well as elaborate.
Lester (dares- to comb~ine. his hues
in the modern mnanner, with small re-
gard for the aged rules of color har-
miony. Taste alone seems to be his
guiding star, and the results are there-1
fore unique, but never merely flashy,
The men of. the campus, were they
looking for such an appeal, may Aind
in the first act not only a pleasure
in, the campus satire, and in the ele-!
gance of the costumes. as a whole,J,
but also a delight in the garments as ;
in a style show. All of the suits are
correct, and modern to the minute.I,
fThe, women may find in the cos-1
tumves a glimpse of what women's
clothing might be, if they were per-
mitted to wear costumes from other
lands, and colors combined in a man-j
ner restricted to the stage.. Faculty
members may find something a little,'
more sedate than in other years,, or,

God, and the -econd with a beautiful l

' ; trd.i and Ihos' oonnd wty
daxi:, nuibm" "Beind an wich ass of twinkling feet. . There are in-
t girls' choruses assist iii.lHe sings dividu al choruses and 'finally an en-
"Lanterns of the Night" another spec- se1 l htflstesae
taculaUr jiumbefr in t he first act, ini This year there are fewer single
\vihicli the choruses als~o appear. The chorus dances than before. Instead
iens' chorus sings the climactic song( of having one chorus of twelve per-1
of the first act, "Tickled to Death," sons to do a num ber; Mr. Miller is
I . ..
with i. His only solo, 'a'hicb is using a "mass' effect, which innova-
probably the best song of thle whole tie" is bound to be favorably received.'
show, was, written by Joseph Ellis of'; It is much harder to control the move-
the Opera orchestra, and Wi iam J inents of thirty' six, than' of" twelve.
B~ronime. It is called "The gong toI The results obtained in "Peaches",
Ching Ling" and is used as an intro- i the entrance of teAeia at
duction. to the radium number. j in the final1 act, and "Feet, Let's Go"
Gohring has no songs as heavy as are very complimentary to Mr. Miller.I
Hill's. .His are', for the most part, Most of the lyrics and music are
love. lyrics sung to the leading lady, credited to Doenad Snyder, author ofl
The first number is "Tell me, What the boonk. Tli u sti f f i~rnn from

average. On the whole, it is more
original th~an last year's Opera.
Mr. Anthony Whitmire is directing
the orchestra of eighteen pieces in
a manner that will be creditable to
a production like "Tickled to Death".
The orchestra has a cleverly arranged
score to work with, and, under Mr.
Whitmire's trustworthy direction,
should get over big.
The Director
By Valentine Davles
"Let's Go" the annual Union Opera
for the 1917-18 season marked a de-
cided let down in the standard of the
series of. productions. This was in
large measure due to the war, and it
was even found necessary to take
women into the company that year to
fill' out the cast. In toe genieral
chaos of that year it was not particit-
larly inoticed,' but when the committee
organized for the next season it rea-
lited that' it. was faced with a real
problem of producing a "come-back"
opera in order to assure the contin-
uance of the annual show.
It' was during the summer of 1918
that Curtis Bell, general chair'man of
the conding opera met a man named
Shuter who' had been a professional
director and was" giving' his services
for War Relief' w6rk, being unfit for
active service due to a very recent and
quite, serious' attack of typhoid. This
moan was at the time directing a pro-
duction undler the auspices of the
American Red' Cross in which the
cast was' composed of ariateur volun-
ters, mostly society people. It was in
fact his first attempt at working with
l (Contin ed' on Page Thirteen)

they may discover a somewhat, frivo-
lous vein of existence, and manner, of
dress which should be refreshing.
Everyone should find something
gorgeous and beautiful to give them.I
toed for conversation for months. And
there are still a numnber,--a goodly
number, which have not yet been seen,.
except by Mr. Shuter, the cast and
other privileged persons. No ,ox~e will
fail to be surprised, and no, one will F
fail to find something of pleasing orig-.
inality in the costumes of the, Nine-3
teenth :' rnurl"1Michigan opera.
The Music
By John B1ron ley
Thle music of "Tickled to Death" is
exceptional. From the hodge-podge
overture to thve traditional singing of
"The Victors" in the finale, it is above
the average, tuneful, cleverly scored.
almost professional in effect. The
dances come in for a full share of
compliments too. They were arrangedI
by Philip- Miller who studied this
summer with Roy Hoyer of the I+red
Stone "Stepping Stones" company, and
Mati aie
a,112 East Liberty Street ,I

is Love", sung to toe leading lady.
NWith the ins' chorus, he sings "I'm
Twenty One", written by William
Kratz, so-author of "Cotton. Stock-
igs"., The theme song. is introduced
by the leading nian as a finale to the
first act. ".Love is Fate" will be re-
inembered as one of the best songs in
the show.. The traditional waltz is
sung by the, leading man, and danced
by the-girls' choruses; it is called.
"In spring".
Tho first humorous song' of the
Opera is sung by Professor Tombs
(Gordon Ibbotson). Since the 'Piro-
-fessor is searching for fossils and
things, it is not out of place that he
introduce, himself with "Archaeology".
The lyrics are quite fresh and delight-
ful In the second act,, the song "I
Aliglht",. revived from an old opera= is
sung by lbarceline, (Charles Living-
ston e) andl Tu Yung (Willard Spana-
gel) . Marceline is sure of an en-
thusiastic audiience after her song in
thxe first act, "Vamps, May. Come". In
the second act, "The League of. No,-
tions" is sung and danced by Tu.
Yung (Willard Spanagel), Ivan Aw-
fulitch (H. L. Bright), and. E'gg Foo
"Yung (Ed'wardl I3rown bridge). These
huniorouts song's are clever and well
done by 1he 1' (m]oflsible part ics.
The leadtin; !a y hla.- a single song
which 1) ,sig, to her doll. It is al
plaini x'a Iul ab)y titled "Nyan Toy's
Lamnt". Ricl:::Ird Eliilott sings, the
number in an appealing manner. I
The special dancers have ;two songs
and, dance rnumbers. In the first actJ
there i ; "Walking Home With You",

the usual run. of college operas; it
is fresh andcl lyric. The incidental's
songs werwe written by Joseph Ellis.
Lyrics . not' conceived by Mr. Snyder;,
such as "Vamps May Comne", and theF
f "Song to Chaing Ling"kwere made by
Jack Eastwood and William Bromine.
The whole score has been arranged',
by the same person who arranges}
Fred Stone's music, and~ is above the j

.. '4; ii r 8, r: 34 ' .. ;, t i/ ^ ti C./J.. . + q .fir V"" , y - a r

h lnw

c4indHo, It Canz Be Don' eThrough Life Insurance
11 woked uc ths prblem or te 193 graduzatming class of the Mvassachusetts
Instite o Tcholoyand isread.. to do it for others,
Ma~ny vadiusting classs, sh~ilngo enefittheir Alma M~iter have turned
to the insurance idea sin~ce it allows the participation of a large number of
Ths lnpoidsfr epymn facrai p~idsmto the Unive..
airy at he end of 20o r 25year,4te embers of the graduatting class paying a
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Eve"y student-siven a hace toput his JohnHacok nthe dotted
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Mater. It has been successfuly carried etoughIn a niumber of cases, ani t
can be done with your institution.
TheJoh aicorf~kadtfo ill be gW ~toeneran
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- p




approach. to that of professional. dan-e- EE IVWARD.."L I
cars. "Peaches" is one of the- "beau- S EL N, .
tis ftecompany as well.. Milton .tuthor.of
Blink, '26, as "Justice", the colored = '"k6mance"
vltadSalyLw,'6 Ls=Gwendolyene Lang, lead the chorus antid 2
in a (lance number- entitled "Feet,~ DORO5TH~Y.
Let's Go" which bids fair to become DONNELLY
the hit of the show, although the i _ Xuthor of' [44\f
"Peaches" song is sure to be a close -[
second. _ "B 1ossobM U"iiL Y Y
A corps of. comedians has als~o been Time". - L 2
assemnbled for this year's production' -.__With-
that rivals anything ;ever, conceived
for the amusement of a college audi--
ence. Sig characters, one more ni- -YM 0 R R 1
diculous~ than the next, and no two
alike ini type, furnish the mnethod of and BRILLIANT CAST
expression for the, many caustic re ----a-_
marks which keep' the audienc. In a ~jCOMIEDY ! MODISH GOWNSI ROMANCE ! '
constant state of laughter. Willard (R ________________________I
Spanagel, '25E, in the part of Tu Yung, i ~b< im u ytnI;IIIII;;u~~uI~jII~~iiiij

Mm Uontinued uon Page vEleven)

! ---



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