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December 07, 1924 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 12-7-1924

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Sir A











The culmination of eight months of:
continual work in preparation for thW ork
1925 Union Opera comes tomorrow
night with the premiere performance
of "Tickled to Death" at the Whitney

m rethods. Instead of basing 1115 hum-
Ends On Nineteenth Annual Mimes Production As First Night Draws Near; or exclusvely on the relations b -
tw n a ndn id' h ho in-

Settings, Costumes and Dances Prepared For Premier Tomorrow

Eweea m an anu a om , ne nas
troduced the readily ridiculed charac-
ter of a professor and that of one who


theatre. For nineteen years the dissenting persons who desired a I sacred precincts of the shrine of furnished by several of the American the leading vocal roles are students I seen more than one Michigan Uio has folo
Michigan Union has sponsored music- change. Snyder has written the music Ching Ling itself. With magnificent party, which includes the ridiculous of voice culture as well as actors. Opera, but the answer is apparent in ods of r
al productions of the same general and lyrics for the play as well, and oriental settings that represent the characters always found in plenty on Including twenty-five men, the cast is many directions. Since the origin of a restore
nature as the offering which opens to- in these has given the aid of excellent most extensive staging project ever any college campus, and also by Tu the largest in any recent Mimes pro- the musical show idea for college dra- posing
morrow, but with the rise of the cur- musical numbers to a fine book. Sev- attempted by a Mimes production, the Yung, who is as his name implies, duction, while the chorus totals thir- matic associations, the problem of the countess
tain the public is promised the most eral of his compositions are unique rich atmosphere of the far east is something of an imbecile. ty-five. The entire company numbers I exact nature which such productions pecked e
novel and dazzling spectacle ever in the field of American musical shows brought to the audience in a perfect Under the direction of E. Mortimer approximately one hundred with the I should take has gone unsolved. In lation b
staged by a group of college men. and will without question come into reproduction. Shuter, Mimes is this year producing orchestra, committees, and executive I "Tickled to Death" Mimes feels that the type
Growing as it has from a crude and popular use after the production has Thre play is concerned with the for- an Opera that partakes of several of heads. Those in actual charge of the it has discovered the ideal standard i been mo
incompletely directed local show of finished its season. Mingling serious tunes of a little white girl held cap- the new tendencies in the musical production aside from the director for this type of undergraduate offer- within
early Union history to the near-pro- and mock serious priestly attitudes tive by the priests of this monastery. comedy today. The outstanding dance are John Bron:ley, '25, who is the ing. Donald Snyder, '25, who is re- mercial
fessional production that it is today, with student frivolity and lovers' sen- She has been . called Nyan-Toy or numbers of "Tickled to Death" are General Chairman; Homer Heath, '09, sponsible for the vehicle which joins well as t
the Michigan Union Opera has become timentalism, this opera has almost "White Flower" by her merciful but character dances, a defintely bew the treasurer; Prof. Bruce M. Donald- spectacular display and oriental at- There
an institution that lives and gathers as many different moods as charac- I persistent captors and is truly the form in artistic dancing. The chorus son of the Fine Arts department, the mosphere with dialogue dominated by: smoothn
its reputation by entertaining the pub- ter. Satire and sarcasm leveled both perfect representation of a would be numbers are produced on a gigantic I faculty representative on the annual college characters, responded to the the inco
lic, and for this purpose it is offering Lt faculty eccentricities and student Chinese. Her adopted father, Fugi scale, thirty-five persons appearing in trip; and the several committeee adverse sentiments expressed over the prec
"Tickled to Death" as "the opera dif- life will furnish the basis for the San, the High Priest of the monastery, almost every chorus. These are ar- heads. The entire staging of "Tickled "Cotton Stockings" without losing the book, m
ferent" mn in nmi ement in the 1925 offer- is deeply concerned that she be re- ranged in three divisions, two com- to Death" is handled by members of appeal which brought such a flood of mind of

wed the questionable meth-
sorting to monkey glands as
r of youth. Further the im-
character of a Russian
and her somewhat hen-
scort introduce a definite re-
etween this production and
of dramatic offering that has
st enthusiastically welcomed
recent years by the com-
producers on Broadway. as
he theater-going public.
is a definite unity and
ess that is a great relief after
herent methods of some of
eding productions. With the
usic, and lyrics all from the
one man, there is an inter-

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