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November 23, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 11-23-1924

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and worthwhile in that it will serve .
t :J }to recall to the assemblage of fra-
--wternity men the necessity for living
de'ryMorning ex',CJpt Mondayuptthbetitenarector
I ~~st~yeat by the Board ptotebstiihentrnc hi
s tidn WL bicatiuns. organizations. The conference can be
productive of enormous results if th e
M^embters ol Western Conference Editorileaswilcry akwthhm
Associatian.deeaewilcrybc wthhm

---.- .T


5:sA~,uLiated :Press is exclusively en-
T;- vd to the use for republication of all news
r;iapatrches credited to it or not otherwise
ir_ited in this paper an~d the local news pub-
F hb. 1therein,
"contred at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
-1 ichigan, as second, class matter. Special rate
efposta~ze granted by Third Assistant Post-
'h'wc, tion by carier, $3.50; by mail,!
". -04 ~. ~anzd a76-M busi-
l'eleplitrney 2414 and 176-M
410 ~ito.......John G. Garlinghouse
<ewf dio Robert G. Ranmsay
Night Ediltors
~.v ii. Harold A. Moore
rhornas P Hlenry Frcdk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C Keller Norman R. 1 hal
Sports Editor ........ ,William H. Stoneman
%,inda3 Editor.......... Robert S. Mansfield
Wome~n's Editor......... ... Verena Moran
' uic~ and i.rama.. kobert B. Henderson
Telegraph Editor...William J. Walthour

the message of loyalty to fraternal
aims and ideals. Unless they do this,!
unless the strong college fraternities
take a definite stand on the problems'
of the day, the dire predictions of the
Dearborn Ind pendent and others Who
would warn the passing of fraternal
influence in college life, are not ill-
When Charles W. Eliot, president,
emeritus of H-arvard University, spoke
on "The Supremacy of thbe IHome"
before the members of the Women's
Mun cipal League city institute of
Boston the other day be stressed aj
number of vital points which bear
directly upon the many evils of our
present-day society, putting special
n_* _I ,. 1- - +1- f -"- -rfh r f

The letters at the top of the column
ara the ones you learn in a type-
writing course.
One of these days we are going to
write a play in the manner of J. M.
!lBarrie's Th Well Remembered
Voice." It strikes as an easy art form.
jT he first act, for instance, will go
something like. this:
Enter Paul and Virginia, lugging a
Ouija beard. They put it on a table
and then say Is the first letter A?
It it B? is it C? Is it D? Is it E? Is it
F? Is it G?
They will go on like that for the
first act, and then they will guess
that the first name in the sentence
is Zez Confrey., During the second


TIS, AFTERNOON: The Org~anlre'-
cital by Palnier Christ ian at 4:1
o'clck n Hll uditoriim.
Monday comhes tomorrow, then an-
other Monday, and on the next Mon-
day after that the Union Opera opens
1 its seven day run. The con ventional
story of the final thrill, relief if vonu
will, as the first curtain rises to cli-
max some three, four, or six: monthis
constant rehearsal is very old, butN
so very true that only an actual momt-
ber of the company can fully approc-
iate its significance.
' Every year, there is the constant,
ghastly suspense as to the success of 11
the respective production. Can the11
comedians be really funny, will the, hrssowatagnun nhs
lasm, will the music produce whistling
hits and will the plot hold its owni
n. rnf tfhal1.. f do ('p(fl odd snec(tacurnin


.. .... =.,.r ,.

Begin Your Christmas Shopping Now
-- ?oth Ends of the Diagonal Walk

[ t


emfphas~ ~U LC ~iis T h ai y vi I Lii
erences to allied subjects. act they 'wi
Begining ith erly word in the
Beinig it arycivilization, Tels
he traced the development of the f hI ls
r- _- , -- ,- ,_ - - . - TT. Sauthor of "

ill discover that the next
esentence is Wrote.
act discloses that he is the
Kitten on the Keys." The


Louise Barley Winfield 11. Line Iaiydw houhteao 1 people in the cast guess the last word. nmes h usin oo n
Maron Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher denied the supposition that the Greek nmes h usin oo n
Leslie S. Uiennets William C. Patterson***
Smith Catty r. i~elen S. Ramsay civilization developed any sort of I on: only the director himself com-
Willard 13. Crosby Regina .Reichmann home life stating, ~We talk aotCO3MINICATION pletely realize their relative portent.'
Valentine L. D~avies Marie ReedDerJ :s s
Tames W. Urambetg Edmarie Schrauder Greek civilization, but the home simply Da ae
Iosei'h 0. Gartner Frederick IL. Shillito Ynaergt suul h u
Banning Ilouseworth C. Arthur Stevens did not exist in Athens." He paid tri o ighs suT hngu
Elizabeth S Kennedy Marjory Sweetbuetth Herwrc whn etatsiesyrsufm
Fi~rP'I ;Pi.b. ~~ lierman J. Wise btetoth Hbrw ac wenhetht s r rsuff , ybysstuff John
___________________-said "The world is inebted to te! uruh' tf, nbd'ssufi
TWhraefr h frtdeeopetnone other than the '274, that you i"
BUSINESS STAFF O - mentioned. I think you ought to addk AT
Telephone 98fw0 e altehoeo a~ Oscar Wilde to the list of those who "
_________life. We are also indebted to Jesus of, have suffered at his hands. IZnder-
BUSINESS MANAGER Nazareth for the advocacy of ~he t r e
WM. D..ROESSER st nd this bird has had some of his
________ ~kind of love of children."(?edssprndinteSuda ''
Advrtiin...........F..L.ijune The former university ba .1 went7o u ae'
etdverisine..................... ...,1. J. Finn Review o Literature btIhae'.
Avetising.................... H. A. Marks on to point out that many of the be bet idhsnm nay
Acc-~rissn......°..B.rM. Rockwellf gaye.Ifouin ittlls
Accounts ....................Byron Parker great social evils of today are the thingaye.Ifouin ittlls
Circulation ................ R C. Winterdietrsl of he weakening of the weehesiefi rm
Publication...............John W. Conlin drc eutIweeh wpdi rm
Assistants morale of the family life. He struck Say now, Jase, just between you
P. W. Arnold .v L. Mvullins the very heart of the problem whenanmeamIbtrigyuoo uc/
^-', Ruris ''L ~N,,mnn 1 he declared "We must seek, and sek.DmThasOstd with the mess of junk that I have been
F.it Detz ThomAas lsta long, the permanent, not the tempr- giving you? I'll cut it out if you say.
David Fox N. Rosenzweig ary, remedy for the evils which pre-1 so, or. on the other hand, if you wantk
Norman rreehlina Mararet Sandburg ~
W. F. Hama kr F . Schoenfeld val."I ome more I can rattle off a little
6..r'on,.."n' R. }r Sinclair n v nfrh r r.E itc rid
IL H. Kramer F. Taylor ,.1gee uter r lo ac something for you now and then, Just
Louis.W. Kramer the analogy, into the realm of ord'sytewr. no t
troubles when he stated "It is a very, woldnt it be thecra if some
-- -~the world today, and they ae moredaDilcodinuetsgyTr-
NOVEMBER 2,12 h~ rulsaoisi Europe, Pr to write an article on "Plagiar- "Tickled to Deat"' has no Lio~elj
- - - ~seeminthingduethatth erytroesorannh ecnecino"teSn- ~ ~ IMR t
Night Editor--NORMAN R, THAL semt edet h eytmoay im" Where would he swipe that, do Ames with his gorgeous s n vrta-
__. _ ethod in which all naitions have yousupose brae, JmyDebc n i a
IIAEMYIDEALS tried to deedtemselves fo htIYus r absent alng with an rg ic~
epeettvsof h olg r-see to them great danger;. War( Merope. I man's dancing fool, and the oust in-
ternities of the nation are soon to ;'is a temporary remedy only; bzit . S. I have heard that Aldebaran ludes neither Jack Hcssberr no
gahra!h enslai oe nleaves permanent and lasting hatreds has graduated. Don Bacome.,In the pllaces, vith
t ,,tic ir for their annual in- an naoim. * * * I the important exceptions of l'arrc'
cc' nfeenc. Poblms Likewise, in the attempt to strength-' Darling Merope, your stuff is al- Hill and Charles Livingston, are cn -
a~ia7t~z t confl eenc sedProbems en the American home, a ,problem ;ways wrelome. Send it long and often. tirely new names, who rather figur-
onrmndaieoil will be mdscusedfrec-I which should interest every uiiver- Wat an oilcan Aldebaran turned out( tively pray per uglt that they (tm
- fliUOi-,s will be organized, then thel sity student of today as the home- to be, if you know what I mean. ( fill the vacancies competently.
delegates will return home. raker of tomorrow, as Dr. Eliot says, * t * * But "Tickled to Death" cc main,
,ne of the most ite e ting f th { na-nent, nt, termpoary, s'utins ON.. vitue not nlrecert in theo p ^_cn' for
cmitewlbetaoftemust be found. lN only the ntegative It seems, so many books there have years on -end. In the first niacze tee
group of ,men who during the pastl destruction of recognized -evils must, been writ, i eun oi pr lti
year have been carrying on an investi- eacmlse u uhmtos Seie writers never know enoughI possible, of course, but pa ?led wih
gation of the true aimsanidlso should be supplemented by the active' to quit.( every kind of melodrama, ev -n
tie modern 'college fraternity. Their 'usiuinotoehngbte.IhO ies ujcstetmsae straight drainer, an] a ~:ranEly large
reoti'usac wl ea o-teAmerican home life of the next made up amount of campus satire. The scene
low: econiionofa popr rspctgeneration is to regain its virility and From Cats, to Actions Proper When is laid in a Chinese monstery of
.°the Deity, moral living, discourage- power, the young men and women You Sup. the more wicked, evilous sort so
of ,i ;who are attending the colleges and Some there may be who'll think thisi expedient to the heart of every libret-
univfermligdisiurgeineos today mrust accomplish 'is enough b test; tiuohere is the high priest, 1"Ngi
t, ur i::e ofliqsuoaprtemiueo that reform. It is problem worth1 And I'll agree after I've done myf San, a sublimated Huysmnans Satanist,
of honestpyeand ieripo nd the virtue solving. stuff. I and the necessary heroine, Nyan Toy,
couragemnent of the practice of charty'~ On one theme I have yet to see a white and a captive of the order. Pre-
are the outstanding aims. Upon their TIEL ES O RBU1 I. bo senty an American party of arceolo--
indivdualmembrs, n th opi i The gift of $400,000 to the Univer- So, to "The Art Of Chewing Gum"I gists arrives, two vats of boiling oil
of the investigators, the fraternities sity, accepted at the Thursday meet- , lts oo, are made ready, aind a white heron
attempt to play their role as a vital inrg of the Board of Regents, marks _ flies over the. moon--an evil sign..
and elpul artin he achner ofI a new departure at Michigan in gifts No word of etiquette condones its an evil sign.. ..-
edcto yecuaighg co-to the institution. Such magnificent' use There are als' three pairs of core-
edcto yecuaighg co-1Bi tflyarshiprequiring prtcpain nstructures as the Union, the Law c in,, Ptwrtfu yheaps on the "Art" ans this year-alleged, you under-'
'apsatiiis and urging college teClont ibayanltiThlr-wasrestand-instead of one as in Coton
capu ~tvlrteleents irran lumni loat.Telbar-l Its wayusae simple, little need be Stockings; and above all the in-
TefcthtterprIsbsdatorr for scientific research made pos- said creased opportunities a foreign atms-
on he ssrtins f he'51 irly ssible lay beneficence of Mrs. Christine Except that ladies never chew inr phere prdviles for the ballet and
ontabhe aterion fte wth51 toafirml e- acDonald Simpson is an adequate l bed. I scenic effects are next to enrminus,
tabshipfaeriteswih00tta memorial to an outstanding figure in; One other word of warning I be- qieeomu:ecyn ost h
miemabesi fi398,000 Iveestsn the industrial life of our conmmen- qeath- Uno pea ocause it is a tradition
sieal infcneitrpeet wealth. Don't chew gum and eat peanuts Union habit;lut this year they will
at least the ideals 'toward 'whichopthe In wt as et.1 aoiy-o rtriisaesrvnPrevious times the gifts have wtfletet.go, if spechul irttle things c cmer n,
which have been the basis of their be e -oydeihr to provide living 1 * * * fieausiisa; sur-irpri.z
foundation. Worthier aims could not qatr or a clubhouse for student:, fne' *a~soW
to make possible research in hi tory,( Oh yes-we finally met Eleanor
be found. The 'only question which t uterMcianscams'otefrom nCleveland. Very nice!{IL. ., 4Pl~AU
will arise in the mind of those in inti- tte o ra nvriy h
mate contact with universities and 'eoilI- W oudhv eakd a eVri4la~r (lbb sai' It
colleges of the nation is whether or i titute for Medical Research will do' or yesterday, but for the shortage active ~eibershiip the foloxvr ; ,?r-
not there is a true sincerity of. pur- this and something infinitely grater. of space that is our perennial trouble, sn:EihA;nPt lhr r
pos sieb id ihtitiving. Its riinary purpose i ; to providle t ht the job leading man in a light!Vck ar l-nrz,
Doe te veag fatrntylie p te'ecssryequipment and men to operia capa ny is the softest one i giniiertck lrr 'hAn-fl
to the first group of ideals.? I tdtrieajCT~l u' o enc-1 i ol.Yuwl aet diLydia udlp, argre t SteCfir,
caeulteticorgeteusrfmi- u nemia.poAsileguedompenc-Homer Strcng, caud ll;ret, .K':e
fudfelow football fn,thtFgr was Gdbes'm
uisaema or and eomphasizegthe necesasity lfor will make pssibethe sonlimnof tis ipetty gracefulfin the tway ahe id I Gdbes'm
moral living?" 'nlmn hIwhlsl ugngaloe h The tryouts wre in thm feint (if
The above questions should not be mscience. Teother roie f eiclseveral iiprotmptu plays, 'which1 m11.0
The nivesitywill be oera ~ fsadodHl al hnh
interpreted to mean that the frater- tws',mgigc~siHl nao Ch-;avr neetn n auig"po
r;pcenter of medical research leading to wantmgigSsnao1hr eyitrsigad"msn"po
nity man is encouraged by his organ- ..Iubino, he was mugging the both ofI gram for the evening. Thes, who urc , e
izatien to indulge in questionabote eie fhua ufeigcr them. Did you notice it? not elected active mebers at t is
parable oFurthermoretittiothes im wilhv.cranopirl'ts
practiCes or that he as an individual the oly t suc insttutinsha various ostumes tm ilhv eti uotitc
repreens(be ockefeller foundation.
is any more morally Suchisrhehnivesit'se in the play struck us as being pretty . during the year to tke ~ai t in the
than the average independent, Never-I quistion. The gratitude of the insti-I snarley litlepieces'onedwrk otlrmeigs
theless, there can be little doubt that 'e'eeplnigt ssr htw The followvig commnit toe cairmen;
tution, W eep of the commonwealth, and of aceealoapone:aPogi , Mrs.
with, r &3 a sa e f ears man chap- .would bea pretty good mugger tooweeasapot1 gai,
wihte~ sge fyeas aychp the wrorld are accorded Mrs. Simpson
tors havqxalost that ideal of clean li-fo he sinictcnrbuon n if we had lace cuffs, but when we 'A. D. Moore; Play-wrtn, John Coo ;
ing.' that pootofoohebsti hemrysigofichercohusb io riedto ut in Fia' ounteIPublicity, Alfred A. Browning: ae-
collegen o lifeeswhichth ismessentialh sbato ptheiry' colunthnt___uffe;_colenotypeerschbaffledtiaus. tup, _lM argaret afSte us.up, M rgaandan Refresh-~i
1ltnate wvell-being. Nothing will Ligtn fet ttePbiain So maybe we couldn't, even with ment, Minerva Miller.

'Of afutteemsofcleer-'dance will be arranged "so that any CA' RROLL HL[T!
ternities more quickly than a failure degree of intensity from the dininest' Mr. Jason Cowles. 'M.Iolseecinns.frih
to adhere to these fundamentals ! flightHrllieeibling moonlight to ther -z
which lead to their founding. To fulfill very brightest light may be obtainedl." juno PharinicsManenDnr:,woretplyi
a real purpose in life, coincident with Oh, my! to1 preseHill audtoianolrecidal evein
the promotion of scholarship, brother- __IE_ l ~e c t Offizcers t rsn in eia hsatr
ly love, part icipation in campus ac- 'Sormebody mut hav s iped"_non tth MrhaCok!.tdn'
~.y nuu ve ~ipedfore an invited audience. Mr. 1 U1 ~tr
tivitier,, and college loyalty the fra-I Swope, executive editor of the NewF Officers for the year were elected


N 017E 1IB ER 1, 19'24;11IS tZ!T11r wPw"VIm1vWiFCp
13 m T \V T7F'S
2 3 4 5 6 7 8I ~
9 17 11 12 13 14 22'dr IJ
1i 17 18 19l 20 21. 22 I~~S ~NER i
,3 24 25 26 27 28 29U
We clean arid rebiock hats and cabs E
and do it JPIGII'T. You will appreciate
avigyour hat done c over i-in a clean ' n
and sa ni iCry manner, fre frot)o odor;
and made to fit your head. LUN Ci- EON 11:30 :30
T) P'ePIT. R. StOriS at st'te) .'4t1A ~ Mltj i ~a k L3 oi-L ti Lkl&J od I .ILJ kIJ HI1 I ft


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Jr l _ _. 1. hfiu dtres' -S-R2 i<. o " ;
bank a ol Leolut c lss 1., n'aests1 1 4 { l j if . 4 e i
willing to admixtetat at the tir e Ihe is a 'li-&A 3ity eof"~rath.e banmk 1i
concer-ned, but he feels that some day his occovji'it vil1 Le a lange c.)Il
and that the bank can well afford to carry his j 11 l ac'c for ,a
number of years, in anticipation of the handseome ~ret. 13scme: day to
Le received from it.
Jinfc-Iun tely many b -lckrs ;a1e"£ till " .?.il :Same.wti]O
the-wisp. They hesitate to ask, fcr paY fox- tiv: 'c'y Uvafuabkc service
they render, for fear of arta-'onizI ~g someo)ne wl o )Et''i day r i ;ht
become a valuable depositor.
If sny considerable number a6cttio, l~y dl d c r aily mo-ve over
'onto the profitable side of the led el-, this fn1jltr mi-it be jus6 fed.-
But figures show most conclusively that arch Is not d"e aose. Statbstics
differ in different localities, dlepenrding upon thne stability of population
and the business complexion of the Cr l~.m ty. Put they" do show
that never more than 10%( of such accounrts evef' l:i diy b .ome p roti-
able. The usuial nun ber is fcur cr f&.,betier Cent.
C,, ~v "ou.iy 1 the .k is not y>s 3 i. e i :'.t n i. mc . ,r iy . .um;...., o e dz ; tl'.;
e -,c, :' of carrying k..ndreds o- s lch sm dl accot:::t '';i. l '
a num ne r ever b co e w or".t N!Bt t~ l~ rt )n th p r ti offrom : L nksc .§'~ ~
nc ry all desi1re to he fair when. i'hc sitijiJOn iS- x: 'mle : %
E~C oK harylnrmll is Fli F eiuhmt csrto . ' poy!.T lt't~
se-v'ice [hat lic receives. The sk-lutizon vzo'WI lthe-) ::K? J..
both'?bark and del oS:tor raTi~lt tua tCticri":'uaxe . l f1 ..?.i;I-~w
elde of thle facts.
Few depositors would be wiglin" to I )150x itllc cO i'OIC
1of being; allowed to carry a checking accou. t eeri heb
Lustified in incurring the depositotr's ill-will Ly summr c tion on t; .
part. B0" th are certainly entitled to a fairda-bdoltr t".)b
allowed to continue his checking account, the brmik to roy-ei v c sv~c
compensation as is necessary to carry such a counts witlhot les,
This means a small monthly charge on accounts falling below the
amount rnecessal-y to avoid lo) '.
In Iiandrcds of bain1k.3 Ihrot ghoul th-, couztrp (j "4h
Polic.) hcas been iiwwguratEd F!it has met Pwish ces l~io sh-w
been quick to resnonrd to a plea for faziri'c.;:;..,Jmi-enbosta~
have seldom arisen. Few men have een ft to wv, f: - r ihci r=; ce.
Ffrm time to time w4ve will publish articl-s deli.iwihr0 ('
t~ion of bank and depositor. We lbelie c tihey will L,,-,m'



i 1


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