1'ells I _Pay, Last Tr'ibu~teXhl4500poestd
withbard Ieads, the Michigan band;
Clsrtc To Edgar Madsen I 31yea the national anthem and the . Next Sunday, at 10:30
Ba k I 10Ii l~iv77 ( oFqrflag was lowered to half mst. b lihA!teCrao
I L I ( o onr te te;enost lu, '271,t rrshy fooball player lsaltes, ai nd the bugle sounded the t [; U III RE.I( ¢On
_____ vho In I he Uniersiyhospital ls rbt.NOV. 30-THE I SPI1tATION (IF SCIENCE.
I commenting upon the annual fal I n t ac DC. 7-iCER'fAINTIES A~i) UNEllM ' Tth~YVI~ OF THE FTUI.
of ])flmln.:1u, JbeLween1the halves I AE YOU hYi9SlIl ,T) YET2
games and~ flag rush of the two ur- ___1 A
d e r c ia s s e s y e s t e r d a y _m o r n i n g , W i l - I ; 'I Em i lI I I 1 t l E I l l l t @ ~ i $ , 1 i i 1 l i i l i d i 9 1 1 l 9 1 ~ il , I - - >(i an u n Cu r c h . S a , ' 0 , e e u i e s e r t r - . d r ' t H t
- . sl arn°lhs4 ,e t ,5
y~ the Alumni association, recalled, . H'' I'OI -i11d s9
ances even back in his college [toI f-V .40 iV' .-----,-11 lUll-li --1-lill 2Ifl W--ll -- -~l~lnuIm;I~uHni
"S~athsret 5 .at c ~eto ' ill
.days when "Satesre was not even ~ . . .. . . . --Pay for our Sa'Fisrlpion today. Don't delay---Pay your Subscription
raved," of, battles when the game}
i/were not organized as they now are. A [)DARING PLAY . -___
Piigsare muh uieerthn:tey = Sr ;ov Nara . lof .a Decade
,g I used to be, because the hazing he- -' w j -- s l'las
acame so dangerous, especially the j-pElt Matinees '"
-hair-clipping practice, that the Ui- ila Bay''ins WI r~r
v. vrsity athorities had to interfee t r ' ''""" D.3
4'abount 1904 or '05," he said. It was a f t reent i Tho;4.
Ylittle later thian this that the Student - f aniSa.A sIik"s
;1oun cii introdueedthe organized rush.-
~ The rush started," declared M. Ie( ,
y an bo
V around a bonfire to burn teir fHloor. I iI
'Mvechanics' textbooks, and before 2 1DtI,tlKl GallyddDon't wait unitil afl r ;hc ba ;t i Direr to ,wih ou had addedpr uof
Ithat the 'Physics,' It soon disenti- Peopl hfr another lorious bt to your c lga mories. plan a visit to our pr uof
.grated into a mo0b battle, andl tile 4-i yn e .l~o-we are sure the forml moos we present will inspire yo;
r, authorities stepped in. ________ ____________ they hae the aopeal of )impliel y and advantage of a price within
"Even in those days, one of the yorrah And, we dn't mind telinrj you that we lo;e to rejuven-
! ~l AIoi rcs h main amusements was to get th(e ate old f ro s
fresh nen up a -tree and have them t'ltidO -T[OE R PooeIwer T e Detir
(perform. Then again the rushes wer e -r:Sj 1
*miany times very spontaneous, a week- --®9Y
'y occurring Sunday mornings at the A M S IN E Y R ITA s cnyr o
roid postoffice, when the campus went A S(&S ING NEW YOR BI Main At Wlliaflm
anyone's life many times to join the An exotic presentation o human relatonshi.-Rev. John oster,
frowdl which gathered there (daily, o -,.go
t4)ut which was particularly hadt on A vividl view of a cross-section of life, a great play splendidly 222 Nickels Afda(IC Opposite Betsy Ross
- Sundays. lt IteinL-B--flv D. A. M'Gregor, Chicago.l,
a"Another or the annual events in , ___- - - -- -- ---"-________________
4k hose days was the Freshman banquet '- - ------.--. __ ___________-____________ _________~ a h al
,,kitlInap the toastmaster and munch' _________ ________________________________________________
il r u l a w y re ut d o e th t "Ioncluding, M r. Shaw described the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'old rushes, which "had no particula'
9purpose, the two classes banding to-
rether and just rushing one another I ~~RTN
or a fight. S A TN NOW
5UPM VMI111i , , -U
iaded lamp
loii' can be
roit Edison
Tolephone 200)
J stablishmu.ent of a Fellowship in
F;?ighway EI+ngineering by the United
Thml and Supply company of Detroit
h1a, been announced by Arthur 11.
'~,Nanchard, of. the highway engineer-
i: _ +epartment. The fellowslrp is to
~ledevoted to investigations under
tfhc direction of the-highway engineer-
ig and highway transport depart-
,-ctcovering advisable methods of
,ampling and testing sand and gravel
1"r be used in connection, with high-
Th~e United Fuel and Supply com-
tang fellow will rake an extenuiver
mirvey of plant p3rddiuction of sand
v ml grazvel prior to determpining ef-
icicet methods of sampling. ?he' first
lioler of the fellowship will be an-
rouniced by the Board of Rlegents
aithIiin a short time.
L.,ttle lva ace has been recorde(1
:,NoI mesuim total receivedn for the Co n-
m up nit F'u~d ,(drive accordling to fig-
s cn ut lust night. 'T'he ('am-
ls ;.=;n ftures, to date, are $42,116.
' Ahore are still a considerable noun-
1r of peolie whe. have not as yet
I~chen ;seen and it is hoped that the last
straggilers wcill boost the final' figtures
to within reaching point of the $49,000
.<zlled for in tihe budget.
Of'fiials are determined that the
drive shall con'tinue and still hope
0:at the necessary quota wii be col-
I ected. In no other way, they say, can
b,.e 11 dependent organizations carry
in their work to the fullest extent.
E a
V ( >
.. -.
A Treat For
I ME Ir ll
I u I
t :r:
l 4 '- "
«, c_ 1
._ .,,,
' f "r-'
' The First S/or) Fvcr I d,:.ilwcs
ii Point
ag in every way, in drama,
)mnanse, in thrill and ac-
on. See it and have your
fe-long dream of West
has .
Special Recital
Plannied for Today,
-Palmer Christian, University or-
ganist, wil give a special organ re-j
vital at 4:15 o'clock today in Hill
auditorium. This is the first time this
gear that Mr. Christian has given a
recital on Sunday, and it is planned
to - give a more pretentious program
tlhan usually.
. Mr. Christian has been giving organ:
recitals each Wednesday at 4:15
o'clockc which have been well attended
A~y students, faculty, and townspeople.
Thfe special recital this afternoon will{
-,be free to the public andi all except
,;mall children are invited.
Elaborate Affairl
-.Featured by a striking cover do-
,hacting a Michigan football player-
cliarging the line, and containing a
d~number of entirely new additions to
-the usual list of features, the most"
.,;elborate Athletic Program to make
its appearance in a number of years:,a ol eted y
Among the new features containied
i1n the Michigan-Iowa, number of the
tson the zcfi'
- as a pyize C a
bvggest. part be
c W . * , ? "andail throw.
drama that mn+
David" a go!
tur e.
een twith Dick
deL It', 6.1c
,s ever had,
191 it is the
'[ me-dal pic-
See 1"Flirtation ROAM, (no
gir1 can refuse a kiss in It s
shade) "Kiss ing ARoyk,'' it
Wev4tPoin4at "Ip, real
cadet I:mradleand(I'ahundred
a~amd one othier thrilling
tilla >s>
Point come true.
- Cartox
RI-I E S? iiA
-Stage Feanture-
Melody, Laughter and .Song
f t y',
utc lt l:
M 111H d411111111i111111411144111I 11 119111 1111111.i. U 111111111111#11 i111i1 1111 1#
For Thianksgivinig
n, T T or li . IR
No il.AqiTEW