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November 20, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 11-20-1924

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1« '

VOL. XXXV. No. 50





Profes ional Whistler Will Renderl
Well901nmn rIMichigan
Michigan men and women will as-
semble at 7 o'clock tomorrow nightk
in Hill auditorium for the last pep
meeting of the 1924 football season.
Since the Iowa contest has assumed
the aspect of titular contest Michigan
spirit in the stands should reach the
'zenith of the year at Ferry field on
The program will be opened with
the entrance of the Varsity bandt

Dean Bates Questions Right
Of Access To Tax Returns

That there is a real doubt in the
right of the newspapers to publish the
income tax returns, is the opinion of
Dean H. M. Bates, head of the Law
Sschool, who explained that this doubt
arises from the fact that the' state-
ment of the law on the matter is
more or less ambiguous and may be
construed to mean two entirely dif-
ferent things.
"It is my impression," continued
Dean Bates, "that the revision of the
income tax law does allow the in-
spection and publishing of these re-
According to the dean, who has
been a student of constitutional law
for the past 30 years, the statute con-

tains two almost directly conflicting
provisions. The first conveys the idea
that individuals may inspect the in-
come tax returns if they so desire and
the secondhstates something to the
effect that the returns may be "made
"If it is declared that it is legal
tor newspapers to publish the income
tax returns," he continued, "it is un-
fortunate at least, and will create
many embarrassing situations. On
the other hand, it may tend to pre-
vent the presentation of dishonest re-
turns, although it is my own convic-
tion that any who desire to be dis-
honest in the matter will find some{
way to get around even this provis-I

Freshman Women To Establish Pre-
cedent By Marching In Masse
To Scene Of Conflict

Exchange, Rotary, And Kiwanis Clubs
Secure Three Vaudeville Acts
Rhoades To Play


Company To Bring Complete


playing the "Victors." Lyman Glasgow, Carries Full Scenie And Light-
'25, head cheerleader and other mem- lug Eqlnpment
1,rs of tie cheering squad will lead I
t ce crowd in a few Michigan yells. j TICKETS .NOW ON SALE
Prof. Thomas Reed of the political
science department will speak to the Phyllis, Irene, and Miriam, Marmein,
gathering. Professor Reed is welljwhit'hir*oheAnaEg-
known to the upperclassmen of thewho, with their mother, Anna Engle
University for he has spoken many ton Marmein, are to present a pro-
times at similar gatherings. gram of Drama Dances Tuesday eve-
Edmund Shields, '94, former Varsity ning, November 25, in Hill auditorium,
baseball player and captain of the are bringing in their company a con-1
Michigan nine during his senior year, plete orchestra as well as full scenic
will speak at the meeting. At present
Mr. Shields is a resident of Lansing and lighting equipment. The engage-
and he is among the most active of inent is under the auspices of the
Michigan's large body of alumni. I University Glee club and the Ann
Negotiations are under way to secure Arbor branch of the American As-
a third speaker for the meeting. sociation of University Women.
A novelty for pep meetings will be Mail orders for the performance
introduced when Ernest Nickel, a pro- are now being received in Room 308,
fessional whistler from Los Angeles, Michigan Union and will be filled in
will whistle well known Michigan order of application. Ticlkets are
songs. Mr. Nickel is an artist in his priced at $2.50, $2, $1.50, $1, and 50
field having appeared on programs cents, the A. A. U. W.'s share of the
with Charics Cadman and Fritz proceeds being donated to the pro-
Kreisler. posed Women's League building.
The meeting will be concluded with The program, which has just been
the singing of the "Yellow and the forwarded to the local committee,
Blue." will include the following numbers:

II .

Geneva, Nov. 19. (By A. P.)-After
a day of inquiry, with telephone mes-
sages to Paris and London, officials
of the League of Nations issued a
warning tonight against exaggerated
inferences from Great Britain's re-
quest for postponement by the coun-
cil of discussion of precautions forI
the proposed conference for reduc-


From a Crecian Vase.. Tcherephine

3. Pastorale ................Schubert
I ~Phyllis1
4. From a Japanese Print...........
Miriam and Irene*
5. Egyptian Dance...........Verdi
(Prologue spoken by Anna Engle-
ton Marmein)
6. Chinese Porcelains.........Rebikov
Irene and Phyllis
7. Temptation.............Brahms
R Oalhisnes. ... Debussy

Emphasizes That Amer
* is in Nature of Su
to Eradicate D
Geneva, Nov. 19. (By
the presentation to the
Opium conference today
ican plan for the control
eradication of the narco
op Charles Brent, of t
delegation delivered an
assemblage of the prog
He said that the plan w
at this juncture in o
delegates might have a:
to "study, criticize an
propositions it containe
Bishop Brent emphs
American program was
of "suggestions" and w
to translate the ideas of
to terms of national
practice. Its purpose,1
was that "to which ev
of the Hague convention
the ultimate supression,
of opium and cocaine a
vatiVes, and the restric
production and manuf
the requirements ofn
The speaker explain
American program voic
lar demand as well as
gress and was supported
tions representative of
United States. He said t
urged that the America
pecting to cover too mu
a stride one could answ
a course is less danger
terests of the human ra
tempt merely to mark ti
He insisted that the pi
forceful action because
convention which has b
ence has borne little frui
Applications for the
Prom will continue to
from 2:00 to 5:00 P.A
tomorrow at the desk
lobby. Although sopho
given the preference, o
may secure tickets afte
tions from sophomores
filled. In case students
their class dues for this
they may pay them w
applications. All appl
be returned to Robert
S. State by Wednesday
to insure receiving a ti
Final arrangements h
with the Stromberg-Vol
of Cleveland whichwill
to 12:00. The ten piec
considered the best in
program and decoratio
are also completing pla
nual event.
Sub Flanker
Up With B

tion of armaments. b.. .
Th officials insist that England Ensemble
merely meaus what she says in her 9. The Vengeance of wan Yin.... .
note to tie secretary of the league, The Goddess Kwan Yin....Miriam
in which the request was made that The Girl Su Sin-..n......Irene
the Rome meeting of the council in PART II
December eliminate the disarmament 10. Undine ......MacDowell-Hoffman
guestion Iomn the agenda, because, Undine.................Miriam
owing to its recent accession to office, I The Octopus..............Irene
the British government has not had The Fisher Boy.........Phyllis
sufficient time to form an opinion on 11. Musical Interlude, "Marche Exoti-
the protocol for the specific settle- que"......................Chasins
ment of international dispute. ) Musical Ensemble
To deduce from this th'at England 12. The Dance of Shiva ........Dukas
wll scrap the protocol would be Shiva, God of Fire and the Dance..
st ppid in the opinion of the officials. ........................... Miriam I
Oi the contrary they say information Parvati, his consort ..........Irene
reaching the league is that England Kali, her malevolent counterpart...
is likely to approve it, though with..-.------...Phyllis
reservations, if afforded ample time. B PART III
1 13. Blue Birds...... Drigo-; arcing
FIL T SMiriam and Irene
14. A Puppet Tragedy.............
... Leoncavello-Harling
The o wth the Painted Face ..
R.. . . .. ...... Phyllis
The Dandy . .......... . ..... Miriam
P. It. Fishback, vice-president and The Poor Pierrot...........Irene
secretary of the Electric Controller 15. Milady's Corsage.........Sibelius
n elU hiniiiUWL i 1115, nU1I1nJvtCiy , P''Irene

n opportunity
d amend the' _____-_
rules will be read to the assermbled!
sized that the I
in the nature yearlings by a representative from
'the Student council and the penaltyI
s an attempt for violation of them will be em- "
the U. S. in- phasized. .
international The sophomores will gather at 4:15b
he declared, o'clock tomorrow in Natural Sciencec
ery signatory auditorium for the purpose of instruc-!
is pledged- tion in the rules and unalities in-i
of the abuse volved in a violation of them.1
nd their deri- All freshmen will assemble is frontc
tion of their of the Union at 9 o'clock or the mor-e
acture within ning of the games and at 9:15 willc
medicine and march flown State street to the southf
wall of Ferry field where they will
ed that the line up on the south side of the field
:ed the popu- chosen for the games.
that of Con- The sophomoresawill also gathery
aby organiza- at 9 o'clock in front of Watermanr
all of the i gymnasium and at 9:20 will start
hat if it were their march down East University to
t were ex- ' South University to State street andr
n, wgrundx-.thence to the north side of the field.I
chv ground at Games To Consist of Three Events
er that such Three events, each counting onet
us to the in- point, will comprise the games. The,
e thandallat-class winning two of the three points
ead daiy will be declared winner of the games.
~ublic demand The, first event on the program will
the Hague be the pillow fight in which 9 men
een in exist- from each class, chosen by the class
lit. captain, will be engaged. The event
has been divided into three rounds
with three pairs of underclassmen j
-. I competing in each round. The rounds
will last for 10 minutes. In this event,
two combatants, a sophomore and a
freshman, are mounted on wooden
horses six feet high. The combatant
who succeeds in completely unseat-
1927 Soph ing his opponent wins. The class win-
be given out ning two out of three of the rounds
M. toaendtwins the event. -
M. today and Two teams of 10 men each selected
in the Union by the respective class captains will
mores will be engage in the second event of the
other students games, the cane spree. The object of
r all applica- the participants in this even is te
i have been wrest the canes from their opponents.
have not paid The class having themost canes at
and last year the end of a 10 minute period wins.
and sterg In case of a tie an additional three
when securing minute period will ensue to break it5
ications must The flag rush will conclude the]
Y. Keegan, 512 games. In this event three poles, 26'
November 26, feet high and set at 30 feet intervals.
cket. are guarded by the freshman class.
ave been made The sophomores then endeavor to
kum orchestra capture the freshman colors floating
play from 9:00 from the top of each pole. The sopho-
e orchestra. is mores in order to win the event must
Cleveland. The take two out of three poles. The flag
)n committees rush will be divided into two 10
ns for the an- minute periods with a rest of 10
Freshman Women To Attend Games
LaidThe freshmen women will establish
Laid a precedent when they assemble at
lad Cold 9:00 o'clock on Saturday morning in
front of the library for the purpose of
marching en masse to the scene of
f Oak Park, the conflict, there to lend verbal sup-
he Varsity foot- port to the members of the class of
iversity health '28.
a very severe .l
02. Meeting e To
night the doc- Organize'28B
the case. It is B
ot Madsen will

[can Program
A. P.)-After
of the Amer-
I and ultimate
tic evil, Bish-
he American
address to theS
ram offered.
was submittedl
rder that the

Michigan's traditional Fall games All members of the 1924 football
between the sophomores and the fresh- team who are to receive football
men will be held at 10 o'clock Satur- "M"s this year will be presented with
day morning on the field to the south their certificates to that effect next
of Ferry field.
The Fall games have in past years Tuesday night at the football ban-
been held within the confines of quet which is to be held in their
Ferry field but since the Conference honor in the main assembly hall of
cross country race will be made the Union. Members of the Varsity,
across the field usually reserved for
the underclassmen's struggle it has Reserves and freshman squads willI
been necessary to shift the location be the guests of honor at the ban-
of the traditional battle. I quet, at which more than 600 people
Classes To Hold-feetingare expected to attend.
SThefreshman class will meet,. at To Establish a Michigan TraditIon
18:15 o'clock tonight in University hall This will be the first and what
auditorium for final instructions. The 1is proposed to e madean annua
dinner and a Michigan' tradition and
will be open to all men students on
RULES OF THE GAME the t ampus. At this time the captain
IIelect of next year's football team II
The following rules for the I will e toded frs fitulic
Fall games were announced by a be -ntroduced for his first public
Fallgame wer annunce by1 appearance by the retiring captain.
f Eugene Dunne, '25, chairman of Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the
the Student council committee University, will act as toastmaster at
n charge. the banquet and Fielding H. Yost,
Tennis shoes must be worn by director of intercollegiate athletics,
I all Participants. Coach George Little, professor Ralph
Slugging, kicking, are barred. I W. Aigler of the Law school and
Tampering in any way with I Herbert Steger, captain of the team
I the poles for the flag rush is Iwill be the speakers for the evening.
1 rohibi1 1-,ted.

I Dental Clinic
Is Patronized
By Countryside
Students, townspeople, Ypsilanti
Normal school women, and residents
of numerous southern Michigan
cities including Jackson, Flint, De-
troit, and Monroe make up the con-
stituency of over 225 patients a day
who receive treatment at the Univer-
sity dental clinic, according to Dr. J.
J. Travis, director.
People living in the agricultural
district within a radius of 25 or 30
miles are almost entirely dependent
upon the clinic for their dental work.
Besides this, with the increasing num-
ber of automobiles, large number of
people living in the small towns and
villiages of this part of th'e state are
taking advantage of the service of-
fered at the dental college.
Over 65 men doing dental work and1
10 woman hygienists taking care of
the prophylactic work handle at least
three patients each, every day accord-
ing to estimates of Dr. Travis. This
number is considerably less than last
year when there were 145 men on the.]
clinic force. The decrease in the
number is attributed by Dr. Travis to
the fact that this is the first year of
the five-year required course for[
dentists. He predicts that the num-
ber will be increased to about 150, by
the incoming juniors next semester
and will probably approximate the
full capacity of the clinic, or 1851
dentists, by the first semester of next
Meeting To Be Continued In Detroit
Today; Designer Of Union
Gies Address
Registration of delegates and a
luncheon at noon, followed by the
opening meeting of the conveution,
marked the first day's business of the
convention of the north central sec-
tion of the American Institute of
Architects which opened here yester-
day to be continued in Detroit to-
(lay. Speeches upon the education of1
the modern architect were given by
William H. Steele, Sioux City, Iowa,
and by J. K. Pond of Chicago, design-
er of the Michigan Union building.
The Detroit chapter of the institute
is entertaining the visiting architects,
coming from Pennsylvania, Illinois,

First Session to be Held at .
o'clock; Delegates to
Tour Campus
Herbert Bayard Swope, execu
editor of the New York World
was scheduled to deliver one of
main addresses before the sixth
nual meeting of the University P
club of Michigan which opens a th
day session at the Union this mi
ing, will be unable to come to 1
Arbor due to business duties in 1
York city.
Mr. Swope and Kent Cooper, as
ant general manager of the A
elated Press, were to have given
two main addresses of the evenin
the Press club banquet at the U
at 6:30 o'clock tonight. Mr. Co!
will be present and speak uipon "~P
ent Day News Handling."
Many State Journalists Expect
More than two hundred state o
nalists are expected in Ann Arbor
the convention, registration star
at the Union at 9 o'clock this In
ing. The first session of the gat]
ing will be held at 2 o'clock
afternoon, following luncheon m
ings of the different organizati
which are represented at the gen
conference. These groups are:
Michigan Daily Press assocat
Michigan League of Home Dai]
Michigan Press association (we
publishers) and the Michigan Lea
of Press Women.
On the program at the banquet
night, in addition to Mr. Cooper,
t19 Prof.: William A. Frayer of the
tory department who is to speak
on "The Historian Looks over
Newspaper." Dean J0oh fr
mt wh e U colg wil act as cli
man while the University GIxe'T
will also appear on the program.
Mr. Cooper, a recognxized leade
the journalistic field, is a formeri
dent at Indiana university and
been actively engaged In 'work
the Associated Press for 15 years
has been in newspaper work for m
than 30 years. He is perhaps m
well known for his work in orga
ing the Associated Press service
South America starting in 1918
was in 1920 that he was named to
present post of assistant general n
ager of the service.
The session of the convention,
afternoon will be opene. by the P
ident, A. L. Miller of Battle Creek.:
this time the committees will be
pointed and the president will g
review of the past year's work
well as a forecast for the future,
Prof. E. G. Burroughs of the i
nalism department will open
speeches of the day when lie deli
anI address on "Teaching Theory
Practice in Journalism." Follo
I his talk there will be some time
voted to general discussion and
M. L. Cook of the Hastings Bai
will speak upon "The Place of

The banquet has been officially
sanctioned by the athletic association
of the University and will be open to'
all men students.
The Exchange club, Rotary club and
Kiwanis club of Ann Arbor have join-
ed in securing three professional
vaudeville acts from Detroit theaterj
bills for the banquet and Ted Rhoades I
orchestra will furnish music, The
three clubs are cooperating with the
Union in, staging the banquet an,'
members of the clubs have been placed
on the arrangement committee in
charge. Robert Wilson, '25, is in
charge of the committee arranging I
for the banquet.
Tickets On Sale At Union
Tickets have been placed on sale,
at the main desk in the lobby of the 1
Union and they may be secured by any
men on the campus after 2 o'clock to-
day. They are priced at $1.50.
The time of the banquet has been
moved from 6 o'clock as was previous-
ly announced to 5:30 o'clock so that
it will not conflict with the presenta-
tion of the "Marmeins" by the Glee
club and Women's League.i

Michigan a:
will close th
at the Univ
Detroit arc
the nationa
in Ann Ar
coming of I
terday. The
every regio
Charles K

nd Ohio. The convention
his evening with a banquet
versity club given by the]
hitects. The directors of
3 organization assembled
bor Tuesday prior to the
the regular delegates yes-
ese directors represented
n of the United States.
Hammond, of Chicago, re-!
ctor of the American In-
Architects, presided at the
ld in the Union yesterday
when all of the delegates
he first time. Prof Emilj
e architectural college and
Smith, secretary of the
gave short speeches of

.gional dire
More than 150 men who participat- stitute of A
ed in the life membership drive re- meeting he]
cently conducted by the Union were afternoon w
present at a banquet given the teams met for ti
at 6 o'clock last night in the Union. iLorch of th
Perry Hayden, '25, president of the I Shirley W.
student council spoke to the teams and University,

and]( 11anu actu]1rng ;company. Ueve
land, gave an illustrated lecture on
"Controlling Electric Motors" yester-
day in the East Engineering building.
Mn. Fishhback described the use of
series switches in obtainin'g a com- E
plete control of the motor.
Prof. 1. M. Davis of the botany de-
partlnent addressed the regular meet-
ing of the botanical seminar at 4:30
o'clock yesterday. His subject which
was of a scientific nature was "A
Study of Irregularities in Mendelin
Rations of Oenothera."

16. The Pirate ................Grieg
'17. The First Kill.........MacDowell
The Deer.... .. ..... Miriam
The Indian Youth ............Irene
18. Old Vienna Waltz .......Kreisler
19. King, Queen, and Knave of Hearts
... .. .... .. .. .. Flotow
In connection with the all-campus
public speaking banquet, to be held
Dec. 4 at the Union, representatives
from the debating teams of several of

Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, also gave { welcome to the architects. J. K. Pond,]Community Weely in Modern
a short talk. Harry G. Messer, '26, designer, of the Union building, was Comnt eelyn Mo"
chairman of the drive gv hr ntepormadgv hr ak paper Development."
gave adrsentshhos r t n thenrogramand gave a short tal At 4:15 o'clock the conferen
talk and presented the silver loving William II. Steele, Sioux City, Iowa, ajunt aua cec
cup, donated by Otto Hans, '40L, of one of the directors of the institute, adjourn to Natural Science a
the Ann Arbor Press, to Smith Cady, gave the principal address of the ium where Walter de la Mare
'27, and high man in the drive. Cady afternoon, his speech being on, "The English author, is delivering
brought in 114 members in the three i Education of the Architect." dress upon the subject of "Th
day drive. I The delegates, more than 100 in of Adventure, and Robinson C
Members of the high team and the number, were driven into Detroit at Delegates to Tour Campu
next five high men were presented 4 o'clock yesterday for a banquet ten- During the afternoon the de
with ribbons the high team. receiving dered there by the chapter of the in- to the gathering will also make
tickets to the Union dance tomorrow stitute in that city. The convention of the campus in cars furnis
night where they will be the guests of will be continued and concluded to- the local Chamber of Con
honor. day. An architectural display, arranged They will visit the new Lawyer
by the Detroit architects, will be ex- Clements library, the new H
hibited throughout the day. In this and the new Physics building.
CONNER T n ;exhibit tiere is a model of a pro- Tomorrow the conference w
i posed new building of thesarchitec- ] vene in a general morning
thr college made bythe seniors of with .the different groups1
,luncheon meetings to discus:
Mjl slems typical to their, own pa
Treating the subject of "Problems fApublications. The morning
Arising in the Manufacture of Com- ivT S1T ing will be devoted mainly to;
mercial Acids" from the executive, es dealing with the relation
economic and productive viewpoints, newspaper to the courts. The
Arthur B. Conner, of the Detroit ; U ean afternoon session
Chemical Works, will talk at 7:30 to-]II delegates and the annaul dir
night in room 215 East Engineering Prof. J. R. Hayden, of the political the convention in the evening.
building. Mr. Conner, who is secre- I science department, will be the speak- The main speaker at the dii
tary of the Detroit branch of the er at the regular monthly dinner to be morrow night will be Willis J
American Institute of Chemical En-' given by the Army and Navy club at editor of the Christian Scienc
gineers and widely known as an 6 o'clock tomorrow night in the Un- tor, who is to deliver an addr
authority on acid manufacture, speaks ion. Professor Hayden has chosen as on "Headlining Happiness."
here under the auspices of the stu- the subject of his talk "American Re- tary Shirley Smith will repres
Sdent branch of that organization. lations with the Orient." The dinner University on the program, s
All persons interested in the topic is to be attended by club members on "The University Today."
All persons interested in the topic. the crinvont

?, T

Philosophy teaches us that
we judge what we have by
an ideal pattern which can
not be reached. The ideal


Edgar Madsen, '27, o
Ill., substitute end on th
ball team, is at the Un
service suffering from
cold and a fever of 1
Up to a late hour last
tors had not diagnosed
doubtful whether or n<


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