O' D SLI(rllTI1Y
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V. No. 4 -
- . " . A
British Educational System
Discussed By Herbert Fisher,
Refuses To Say WIlether State
iation Should Regulate Child
Editor of Chimes,
t of Car; Tells of
Characterizing the English system of
education as essentially similar to the
American system, the Right Honorable
Herbert A. L. Fisher, former minister
of education under the Lloyd George
administration, explained, following
his lecture here yesterday afternoon,
fthe significance of the British depart-
ment of education.
Choosing to term his direction of the
English schools as an "influence rath-
er than a power over them," he told
of his duties and accomplishments as
a member of the Lloyd George minis-
As minister of education, Mr. Fisher
was empowered with the granting of
the public funds to the various munici-
palities, which have direct jurisdiction
over the schools as our states have1
here. If the inspectors, who were
under Mr. Fisher's direction, found
some individual school to be short of
Toledo, Ohio, Nov. 14. (By A. P.)--
ne University of Michigan student
ay die and two others are seriously
Jured as a result of an automobile
cident 15 miles northwest of Toledo
te today! The students were on
eir way to the Ohio State-Michigan
otball game at Columbus.
Alec Whitley, said to be of Olivet
liege, is in a hospital where it is
ported that he is suffering from a
actured skull, internal injuries and
vere bruises. Hospital doctors hold
tle hope for his recovery. Clayton
irdy, '26L, Detroit, sustained body
juries and a possible broken neck.
Lward Stibich, '26L, Johnstown,
nnsylvania, was injured about the (
ms and legs. It is said his injuries
e not serious.
Lucian Lane, '26L, Editor of Chimes,
d Russel Hays, '25L, students who
re in the car are suffering mainly
Cmf shock.
According to Lane, the car in which
e boys were riding plunged into a
ch and turned over twice when
hitley, the driver, endeavored to
oid hitting an automobile in front
his machine.
The group had started from Ann
bor late today. The accident hap-
ned between Dundee and Peters-
rg, Michigan.
Students and supporters of Michi-
gan's Varsity football team, will num-
ber 15,000 or more at the Ohio State
game today. The entire allotment of
15,000 seats were sold at the office of
the Athletic association, the majority
of these being sold to alumni,. es-
pecially in Detroit.
The sale of tickets to students was
unusually small for this game, partlyI
due to the fact that a large part of1
the student body went to the Illi-
nois game.4
Several of the special trains charter-
ed for the trip were cancelled yester-
day, because of the small demand for
tickets. Cars of every descriptionI
covered with all types of inscriptions,
were seen leaving Ann Arbor yester-
day afternoon and last night.
One of the local church student
groups which prefers, for the present,
to have its identity concealed, has of-
fered a prize of $25 to the student1
submitting the best letter on the sub-
ject "What I Would Like to Find in
a Church."
All communications must be sent
to box 34 of The Daily before Decem-
her 15. Judgment will be based on
the practicability of programs as out-
lined in the letters, considering too
the ratio of religious to purely social
Judges have been procured repre-
senting the faculty and townspeople
who, have a sympathy with the stu-
dent viewpoint in religious matters.
Nash Will Speak
At Guild Lecture
"The building of a business upon
the Golden Rule," is the subject of
Arthur Nash who will speak at 7:30
Sunday evening at the Methodist
church under the auspices of the Wes-
leyan Guild.
His talk will be a lesson in busi-
ness administration quite new to the
business world. Mr. Nash is heralded
as an excellent speaker with the mes-
sage of a practical Christian.
The Michigan Daily is putting
out an extra today with full re-
"Marriage of Figaro," Sequel to "The
Barber of Sevile," to be
Given Wednesday
The "Marriage of Figaro," the third
performance of the Choral Union con-
cert series, will be given at 8 o'clock
Wednesday evening in Hill auditor-
ium. The opera is by Mozart, taken
from a comedy of Beaumarchais
which was written as a sequel to his
"Barber of Seville."
Some of the artists who will
have roles in the opera cast are
Madame Clytie Hine, of the Royal
opera, Convent Garden, who will play
the part of the Countess; Editha
Fleischer, of the Duetches opera, Ber-
lin, and the Mozart festivals at Salz-.
burg. who will play; Celia
Turrill, of the Royal opera, Convent
Garden, who will play the role of
"Cherubino." Figaro will be played by
Pavel Ludikar, formerly of the Royal
opera houses of Dresden, Vienna, and
Paris. Alfredo Valenti ,also of the
Royal opera houses of the Convent
Garden, London, Turin, and Naples,
will take the role of the Count.
Two other Mozartian operas which
have been presented here in recent
years, were produced by the William
Wade Hinshaw company, the same or-
ganization which is managing the
"Marriage of Figaro." Donizetti's
"Don Pasquale" and the "Marriage of
Figaro" are the two, most recent ad-
ditions to the company's repertoire.
The English translation of the li-
bretto is by H. O. Osgood, an English
composer and critic of music. Ernest
Knoch, who conducted the Mozart
and Wagner operas in? the Quilin
world tour of 1914-15, is the musical
director for the "Marriage of Figaro."
More than 900 tickets were sold by
last night for special trains going to
Columbus, Ohio, today, according to
officials of the Ann Arbor railroad.
Five specials are being run out of
Ann Arbor, two of which left last
night and three more early this mor-
ning. The ticket sale was heavy last
night when many students decided to
go to the game at the last minute.
The trains will leave Columbus to-
night at 6:30 and at 11:45 o'clock
for the return trip, arriving in Ann
Arbor after midnight and early to-
morrow morning.
Mitchell Speaks
To Rotary Clubs
Elmer Mitchell, director of intra-
mural athletics, spoke yesterday noon
at Mt. Clemens before a combined
luncheon of the Port Huron and the
Mt. Clemens Rotary clubs.
Mr. Mitchell discussed the relation
of school athletics to the community.'
He spoke at an assembly of ' high
school students in the morning.
(. EXTRA!k
. Play-by-play ,account of the
( Michigan-Ohio State game this'
I afternoon, complete results of
I the adequate number of teachers or, LIBIJaLflV ILL
deficient in any other recognized stan-
dard, he could curtail the grant of
money to that municipality by any
amount he should consider just.
"I would not go so far ast to advo- jCeNSERVAT''lIVES AN LABORITES
cate such a system in the United USE LIBERAL IDEAS TO
States," declared Mr. Fisher, "al- WIN SUPgPORT
though I do believe'that it is an ad- w
mirable one as' it is carried out inPR IEGra Bit n.I u d sa dh w v ,
Great lBritian.a I understand,ehowever, PR AiSES BRYCE
that President Coolidge is consider-
ing a department of education as a Summnrizes Accomplishments of Five
possible addition to the United States Fanmous Politleal Leaders '
governmental departments." i England
"The child labor amendmentt which
is now being considered by the United "Whatever may happen to the Lib-
States, may be worthy of support and eral party, Liberalism must and will
it may not," answered the educator. be dominant in British politics," was
"There is no question as to the de- the statement of Right Honorable Her-
sirability of the regulation of child bert A. L. Fisher in his lecture on
labor, but as to who shall regulate "Leaders of English Liberalism."
this, the states or the federal govern- given at 4:15 o'clock yesterday in the
ment, I would not care to commit Natural Science auditorium.
myself as I am not fully acquainted "The reason for the apparent fall
with the situation. ! of liberalism in England," Mr. Fisher
continued, "is that It is now the creed
1 of the whole country. Both Conserva-
tives and Laborites must incorporate
liberal ideas into their platforms to
U-NIO DRIV NITS secure the supportY of the people. For '
the past five years opponents of the
Liberal party have been claiming it
ONLY995 MMIBER Sdead, but though the party itself may
have weakened, liberal principles have
Fall Short of Quota of 1400; Team . Fisher gave a summary of the
dine Is High With 14- lives and achievements of five great
leaders of English liberalism, William
+t 927 WNS Gladstone, John Morley, James Bryce,
CADY, '27, WINS CUP Herbert Asquith, and David Lloyd
George. The two greatest gifts of
Final count of the number of new Gladstone which made his influence
memberships turned in by the six- felt were his industry aind his elo-
teen teams of men participating in the quence, accordingktoMr.Fsher. Mor
ley he said, was known not so much
Michigan Union life membership j for his eloquence as for his great love
drive, showed that 995 men on the for truth.
campus had signed up. This total fell James Bryce, Mr. Fisher affirmed,.
short the quota of 1400 set at the be- was in his time the best informed
ginning of the drive. man living. He was also noted for his
Although the results of the drive friendship to America, and was the
fell below expectations, members of author of "The American Common-
the committee in charge expressed wealth," a study of American politicalj
themselves as satisfied that the cam- institutions.
pus had been thoroughly .overed by Asquith, too, was noted for his abil,- I
the teams. ity as an orator, according to Mr.1
Smith Cady, '27, captain of team Fisher. David Lloyd George was the
n'umber 9 won the silver loving cup only one of th 'e gre+t Liberals i
donated by Otto Hans, 'JOL, of the Ann who was not an Oxford man, and who I
Arbor Press for the man securing had not established a reputation inS
the highest number of new member- the classical field as well as the polit-4
ships. His total was 114. Elliot Chain- ical.
berlain, '27, of team number 3 was sec- "The Liberal party has made great
with 51, John Long, '27, captain .of contributions to British thought,"
team number 1 was third with 50, said Mr. Fisher. "A party which has
and Seely Chapman, '27, of team num- enjoyed such leadership cannot ,be
her 13 was fourth with a total of 47. greatly criticized."
Team number 9, brought in the Mr. Fisher is a member of the,
largest number of memberships of the British Parliament and a recognized'
teams, having 143. They will receive Englishh historical scholar. During;
ribbons and will also be made the the World War he held the position of
guests of honor at one of the weekly President of the Bureau of Education
Union dances, probably the night of in the Lloyd George cabinet, where
the Iowa game. he brought about a complete reform
Team number 2 under Harry R. of the English educational system.
Haynie, '26, was second with a total M. h w inouce1byProf
Burton's room was connected with'the
physiological laboratory, and his
pulse movements, as recorded by in-
struments there, was observed to be
normal. President Burton passed a
satisfactory day."
Lat Minute Drive Nets Necessary
Amount; No Campaign in
Michigan's Varsity band left for the
Ohio State game last night after a
last minute campaign on the campus
for student donations had been sue-
cessful in swelling the total band fund
to an amount aaequate to defray theI
expenses of the trip.
Contrary to reports the Detroit'
alumni body did not put on an active
campaign for finances for the band
but advices from Detroit that should;
the band be short after making the
trip a concerted effort will be made
on the part of the Detroit alumni to
cover the deficit.
The Student council is working to
perfect some plan whereby a perma-
nent band fund may be secured either
through University appropriation, or
through an appropriation by the Ath-
letic association.
The permission of the Board of Re-
gents must first be secured for a Uni-
versity appropriation for this purpose.,
If the band is to be supported in the
future by the Athletic association it
will be necessary to secure the aboli-
tion of a Conference ruling limiting
the number of men that may be taken
on a trip when the representatives
hr(mn the Big Ten meer in December.-
Lieutenant-Commander John Philip
Sousa was made an honorary member
of Alpha Epsilon Mu, honorary mu-!
sical fraternity, at a banquet given
in his honor by that organization in I
the Union after the concert Thursday
Members of the Varsity Band and I
the Glee club were guests, Quentin
Record Burton's Ii#Cfita
Pulse Movements,
Declared Normal"
Physicians in attendance on Presi-
dent Marion L. Burton issued the fol-
lowing statement in regard to his ill-
ness at 9 o'clock last night:
"Yesterday a cable from Presidentt"M PH IA
11 Those reserves and freshmen I
1 football men who are in Ann I
Arbor today may get complimen-
tary tickets to the grid-graph at
Hill auditorium this afternoon ;
by calling at the office of the
| Union. Charles Livingston, '27L,'
I will distribute the passes from
I 8to 12A.M.I
- .I
Band Receives One-fourth of Pro-
ceeds; Alumni Hopes to Double
This Amount Soon
Today .will mark the final grid-
graph showing of the year in Hill au-
ditorium, when the Ohio State game
at Columbus is reproduced on the
board starting at 2:30 o'clock. Doors
will be opened at 2 o'clock and the
game will be shown as the plays oc-
cur at the Buckeye stadium.
A special Western Union wire di-'
rect to the auditorium will be pro-
vided, and the company officials have
promised that the delay due to a
broken wire during the Minnesota
game two weeks ago will not be re-
peated. Tickets for the graph are on
sale at the bookstores and the Union,
and also will. be sold at the auditor-
ium this afternoon. Seats are 35 cents 1
and 50 cents.
One-fourth the proceeds for thef
showing go to the Varsity bard, while
this return will be doubled as s ou as
the Alumni association feels that itj
can be done in a satisfactry manner.'
It is expected that a total of more
than $600 will be given to the band,
this fall for the four graph showings,
at the Illinois, Minnesota, M. A. C.,
and Ohio State games.
Play-by-play returns on the Michi-,
gan-Ohio State football game will be
announced at the Majestic theater'
and simultaneously depicted on theI
theater's gridiron replica this after-1
The doors of the theater will be1
open at 1:30 o'clock for the benefit'
of those who wish to be sure of se-
curing satisfactory seats. At 2 o'clock
the motion picture will start so that'
Cameron and Klee Will Lead Bue
Attack; Expect Both Teams T
Use Passes
(Special to The Daily)
Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 14.--Micl
and Ohio will clash tomorrow in
Ohio Stadium before a crowd
is expected to reach 70,000 in num
The Michigan team arrived here
this morning and took a light v
out on the playing field this afteri
The Ohio team was pronounced r
for the clash, by Coach Wilce' afi
light signal drill today.
Michigan is favoredain tomorn
struggle with a record of three
secutive Conference victories to
credit, while the Buckeyes will pre
i a crippled team, a mere remnan
the eleven which held both Iowa
Chicago to 'scoreless ties. The
line on the Ohio record book sh
a 12-7 defeat at the hands of Ind
Michigan with only the Illinois
aster at the beginning of the se
to mar its otherwise perfect rec
is expected by her ardent follo
fto duplicate her overwhelming vie
ies over' Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Northwestern when the two teams
the field.
Beth Teams handicapped
Both teams will show the res
of injuries. Captain Herb Ste
stellar left-half, will be kept oi
the Michigan lineup at the star
the game and is not expected to
used at all because of an injury
his foot. George Babcockj regu
right tackle until he was injured
the Minnesota game will also be
of the game and "Red" Millor,
man who helped brace the Mich
end in the games following the
nois tussle, will be counted out
cause of a bad shoulder.
Ohio's injuries are even more
couraging. Dreyerr, has an inj
shoulder, although he may be abl
play in his old job at right gu
Karrow may be kept out of the
back position with an injured l
Captain Young is suffering froi
cracked rib, and Nichols is out of
game for the season with a bro
ankle. Hunt will be kept ont wit
bad instep and Wilson, end, may)
to keep to the bench with his spra
'Wolverines Outweighed
lhe two teams will be practic
even in weight with Ohio State's
of 86, team number' 10, headed by F.
L. Mullins, '27, was third with 80
and team number 3 under Elliott
Chamberlain, '27, was fourth with 62.
A banquet for all committeemen'
who participated in the drive will
be held next Wednesday night at the
Union at which time the prizes will
be awarded. Harry G. Messer, '26,
chairman of the drive and Thomas
Cavanaugh, '27L, will address the
Washington, Nov. 14.-The adminis-
tration does not feel that the ques-
tion of tax reduction should be taken
up until the government's books are
balanced at the end of this fiscal
year, which ends next June 30.
Until that time it is the opinion of
President Coolidge that the actual
'amount of reduction cannot be deter-
mined and scientific action is thus im-
possible. Meanwhile the president has
no intention of calling a session of
the new Congress March 4.-
Underclasses At
M.A.C. At Peace
Lansing, Nov. 14.-The freshman
and sophomore classes of the. Michi-
gan agricultural college buried the
hatchet and joined in a love feast
here tonight. It was the occasion of
I the annual barbecue, marking the end
of hostilities between the classes.
Huge quantities of beef and cider
were passed out to all comers. The
affair attracted an immense throng of
students and onlookers. Lower class-
men attended no classes today, be-
cause the sophomores drafted the
fI vI,'a . man +n t i unCI hahaca
. rirbi~ a lLUUt yrU. x 2L
Kline, 'L, director of Aipha Epsilon
C. H. Van Tyne of the history depart- Mu, acted as toastmaster. The speak-
Ment. ers were Lt.-Com. Sousa; Burton
Will Show Ohio
Game, In Detroit
University students in Detroit to-
day may attend the grid-graph pre-
sentation of the Michigan-Ohio State
football game at 2:30 o'clock this af-
ternoon in the Detroit Chamber of
Commerce building.
W. E. Lustfield, '25, will be in charge
of the grid-graph board and will also
lead the cheering. L. O. Dahlberg, '25,
and G. L. Miller, '26, will assist Lust-
field in operating the board.
To Give Addresses'
Several students who did not know
their addresses at the time that they'
filled out their application blanks
have failed to leave their Ann Arbor,
trar and are asked to do so at once.'
addresses at the office of the regis-
Hyde, '25M, who represented the
chapter; Arthur Smith, '25, who spoke
for the Band; Robert A. Campbell,
treasurer of the University; Dean 1
Hugh Cabot, of the medical school;
and Albert A. Stanley, former head
of the School of Music.
Governor Groesbeck and Henry
Ford sent telegrams expressing their
regret at not being able to be pres-
Dental Freshmen
Choose Officers
Richard J. Hager, '28D, was elected
president of the freshman dental class
at a meeting of that body held Thurs-
day in the lower amphitheater of the,
dental building. The other officers
chosen at this time were: Richard
'J. Hanrahan, vice president; Soloman
Cowan. secretary; D. H. Richards,1
it will be finished by 3 o'clock when the heftier by about three poun
the returns on the game will begin man. Michigan's line, though slig
coming in. lighter, is expected to overcome
handicap as it has in the last I
games. The Minnesota line was n
CAMERON BECKTo Kheavier than Michigan's and yet
Wolverines held it on even term
Wisconsin's line was heavier
T~ fl KJ5I Michigan outplayed it from the
.T I 'of the game to the finish. North'
ern boasted a hefty forward wall
Cameron Beck, personal director of yet the Michigan line played it to
the New York Stock Exchange, will a standstill that the redoubtable R
address the Upper Room Bible class Baker and Bob Weinecke could n
at 7 o'clock tonight on the topic none of their customary runs.
"Building a Better Tomorrow." Cunningham at left-end, Kutle
Mr. Beck is on an extended lecture left guard, Tee Young at center,
tour at present, and was persuaded Cameron at right-end are the sta
through the efforts of the Student 'the Buckeye forward wall. Can
Christian assocaition to deliver this and Klee now stand on the
one address in Ann Arbor. team where once stood Chick Ha
Dean E. E. Day of the business ad- Pete Stinchcomb, and the Work
ministration school, will entertain Mr. brothers, the last of whom gave I
Beck at luncheon Saturday. igan something to be wary of
"Hoge" piloted the team at Ann A
last year.
-I Although the Buckeye backs
T B RISTENED'failed to show any of the dash w
characterized their famous pred
-[sors, the combination on the pr
SOON B MRS, ooflus team works well together and i
S_ Y IIiL~LVL pected to make up in team work
Washington, Nov. 14-The Zeppe- it lacks in individual prowess.
lin ZR-3 wviil be brought to Bolling Football critics are predicting a
field next week to be christened the mte of forward passes in tomor
Los Angeles, by Mrs. Coolidge. The game. Michigan in particulars b
exact day will. depend, upon weather pass combination which has beer
coxditidyons dedupnwete enigma of Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Details of the christening ceremony Northwestern and Ohio has been"-
are yet to be worked out but it is ing for two weeks trying to per
probable that 'instead of breaking a defense against it.
'proabl tht isted o brakig a The Michigan backfield in to
bottle over the bow of the air cruiser, Tse ill cit of Hr
as is customary in the naming of war row's game will consist of Herrn
vessels, Mrs. Coolidge will release a Friedman, Rockwell, and M
flock of doves. Her'rnstein is feared by the Buck
as a great receiver of aerial atte
Friedman has the reputation of
the greatest heaver of forward p
Sin the country today.
Rockwell can either send or re
iMfIP ir rV T r Ifna forward pass, and Marion
Present Marionette Players
Today; Matinee For Children
The United King's Daughter's of the
city are presenting the Marionette
Players under the direction of Jean
Gros this afternoon at 3 o'clock, and
this evening at 8 o'clock in the Ann
Arbor high school auditorium.
The matinee performance will be
Howard Garis' "Uncle Wiggily at the
Circus," and is especially for children.
The production furnishes in turn all
the characters from the pink-eared
hero himself to the elephants, acro-
bats, pigs, cats, and clowns made fa-
mous in Garis' syndicated cartoons.
ThpKa nf nl nh h a,- nnrhti+mkpi
makes marionettes so universally fas-
As a curtain-raiser to "Robinhood,"
an Arabian Night's fantasy, "Schehera-
zade" will also be presented.
The marionette Players, generally
regarded as the logical successors to
Tony Sarg, have enjoyed a marked
success wherever they have appeared.'
Recently during three performances
in Buffalo there were eight thousand
paid admissions at the door, and in
both 'of their Detroit engagements
last spring, and two weeks ago, they
ra :-1 1'A iio l nnr-- - n - v'. -