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November 05, 1924 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 11-5-1924

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_.. .._, . L..




Ian Hckcy

,I I




- - - - -IE III 4.11111 1 I 11L . I t I Ww
Leads Campaign! S1 RIE I IS Members of the Agin Arbor branchs
IJ UN 1 11WOME Tgg g 5 I 515 RISE IN RUTof the American Asspciation of Uni- I
VIAIvetsity women are referred to the
M E FR PAY ONIHT y ffs I]Y O Y. W.G 01 flloinglist of books on iterna
PLANS FOR PAY TNI~hTtionalF questionsUVE.which will be ds
A311'L4JQMil, ' , I)1l 4?f"'43 1x11 n °IhL : JA~NE GBSON, DA HllE DODDlS icssed at the series of luncheons be-!
QJILN LAl ADD IIS. SIJM)W 'ALL ARE ; ing given by the association.
A~)IL~SPEAKERS Prof. W. A. Frayer, of the historyl
_____) I ( epartinent, who will lead the dis-
I Jc ussions, has recomnmended this list.
P iiif. for tIi iuaior (xr:'Ii ihY Four hundred and fifteen dollars It is as follows: "Cross Currents in 'eerie sarsl ftefrt
.~l wiSdi ie i,~ i wr asda euto h is Europe Today," Chas. E. Beard; "Eu-I
junior won lYen whichi will be I{ Icay's campaign of the Univermity atrpYnC.aeceie"A .Sm
o'clock tolbht in Sa, a1ahCa wel U AnI W. C. A. in 'their drive for funds. fiern;"h eaec fErp,
g II halNlornla B1ickcnel , 2', ;n vEighteen hundred dollars is the total S .N ttiErp ic 98"Hr
era l chairmnan of the play,1wi ntr-amutoftebugt(e)orti bert A. Gibbons; Russian Soviet Re-
duxce Amy Loomis, '22, of Gara1ndl year. public,' E. A. Ross; "German
Paidgeh hsbensletdtod-The group which represents the Rvouio ndife7'Hinrich
rect the play this yeazr. X1li7sLoonlije, s Paige car headed. the list of teams Stroebel; "New Constitutions of Eu-I
wil pako teais fth uno with $46. Alice flicks, '27, leads the
Girls' play nIotiepopciegroup. Packard, headed by Evylyn 'Rope,"r.s . ebsain thnd i-s
plans. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Murray, '27, was second, with $45. Roe.TesbokarinteU-
Chrot ~adn 2, ,sdito At a banquet tendered the teams Tefrtlnho ilb ie
thb W on's 5Leaguet will ea and their; captains in the Congrega- irm1t 'lokMnaNv1
thle Junior CIirh 'payasaMihia, 7. tional church last night, more than 125 ,'f
tradtion 1woen gtherd. Wmen romientat. the Michigan Union. Professor
t] alitol7"womn gttieed.Womn prminntFrayer will speak on a "General Sur-
The junior rfpresepta ftivefric 101 ~' nwoe' or pk, aeGbVey of the Present European Situa-
Women's be~~,gue will also be e1Q~t~d I sonl, '25, president of the Y. W. C. A., ~oL"Rsrao hudb aeo
wttf ~tn.Th addts~as chairman of. the meeting and in-I
mae r ~nc pe n ahy~trodu ed the speakers who were Mrs. 1' I7byclig r.J F or
iln, John Sundwall, pesiRenteofthecad-quin, 2241. Members are requested to,
I'o~~ers for the eetmg have beeny visory committee, Miss Daphne Dodds, attemp oicdsnc aeilo h
ma 1 rand; po' t(d i n uiestyh lce V ]rwfield, secretary of the Women's League,; - ujc eoetelnhoi re
and°I B ilr CY s>i uFt I Elura Harvey, '27, undergraduate rep- to have a background for the discus-
c( ri ~ ~ Places the Who is general chairman;l of the: resentative, and Helen' Brown, '25, Sion.
Ii nanee drivec held this week lby the general chairmian of the drive.
Y. W.(C. A. which is being conducted1 Mrs.. John Sundwall in speaking
U n ion 1171 G ive hi lt neon-ly with the S. C. A. fin-! of the drive, em phasised the need of J U'JUII-S[N IB R ar di eCLASS5;6 n . oo eai n e w e he t a s 1 ~~ t
TheregiTon0.ceaking ommiheeeclAt W ork Icry of the cars of the campaign, and W INA RCIIERYITURNEY{
® irs,; ® - C~omnitC. aAt ork because of this, we are sure that the_
~ eague Bazaar'wilcbmapuccss.
Daphne wiodd s'22,sok ofth In the inter-class archery tourna-
Alarge inuerA of road uip. drive and urged the members of the ment held yesterday a team coin se
shwi ng 11,. the bsh igh7!' w ay% l . . i 1 C.'.
An Abo ndCoumu, hi, ae or o heWoensLeague ba- teams to have confidence, enthusiasm, of members of the junior and senior
been19°1 seedb1t1 icianUmil u hihwilb held Dec. 5 andadt odapronlitriwwt classes won first place with a scoreI
an ill itiue ret n nfabu ynsu isbegun.;t~ n ohie of 275; sophomore women claim the
memibers w4ho intendl to 71n: t1:,thetripCommittee char ea-,re been ap-! During the evening, original songs,' second place with 159 paint's. and
to Columbus for the Ohrio ttgm oin7ted as followsv: l)o othy MeFar- written for the drive were sung by freshmen were third with a score of
thr ekfo audy h'lan, '5 eealcara.Dorothy'tereb so h . .C . 144.
thrap ay c secred tatm,_a.the hLem'~ f hyY W.C .gt 1251ecrain; Olive McKay, --.Evelyn Smith, '25, made the highest
deas mnythe loy a tu ai '5,arces thherine1nlde, '7 EE score of 88 amid Norma Clark, '26,
l>,;=ten; PROF. LEC'H.Jlson,'27S came in second ,with a score of 69
booth on -the main loor. xtr;Drhyioclmn,'7
Themas ho asoth rutetOI 'oelie1Vra Wallington, '26, Pro.iThmas.
Thandyheihhiin (tt el '5 teroroonomasII. Reed, of the poli-_________
take from Detroit, whlat roads (10 not I' 'ia sine eatenlctrdo Prof. Rtobert Wenley, of theC
have detors and th disa csb-i and lizabth(MiLiebermaun,'25, pub- tc siec,,rrmnletrdo
li ,A1~-ucit'y. PryOgnzto n ehd"philosophy .department, adressed thel
teen JI'*J~tml- 1o1r,,to V . t hou "1.- t+nrtnr ffonn n il ht alfi im---------------------

Mlembers of the sophomore hoockey
teani defeated the freshmen and the
seniors won -from the' juniors in the
interclass hockey tournament played
off yesterday on Palmer field. The
seniors defeated the juniors with a 4
to 0 score and the sophomores the
freshmen by a score of 3 to 0.
Elsie Ohlmacher starred on the
senior team and Irene Field won the
laurels for the sophomores.
The juniors will. play with the
seniors and the freshmen with the
sophomores at, 4 o'clock Thursday on
Palmer field.

Senior pictures v:ill bie on
sale at the 'Ensian office until
Thanksgiving. After this dtate
jno pictures. will be soald. ~I
~ -i1

TiursQdy ceven iing, rNov emb
sic by Michigani Melody AT
Nirbor. Seven pieces.

"A Bet-kr

Did vou 1kn
I that the


are you doing, Pytb-
Her another letterI"

The Faculty Women's Club de-
Isires to secure the names of fac-
Iulty wives who would like to
Ijoin the_ newly 'organized
I "Bride's' Section." Wives of fac-
(ul1ty of the rank of inistructor or
Iabove' who have been married
t less than a year are eligible for.
( membership. Anyone who would
like to become a'member of this
l section is requested to notify
IMrs. Ralph B. Fast,, 2811-J or,
1 University 57.-.'
~ ~,
,t A


"No-not this time. Something
more to the point, as one would
say. I'm writing- the Pater to
send me a dozen ELdorado pencils. .
They are all sold out down at
the store."
17 Iseds--all deal ers

conducts a sumrn
dustrial research
in Detroit.
Prov. 26:20, "Where
is, there the fire go


should be


in. our announcement on
page eight of this issue.
You will find the smaller
sizes of these fine woolen
slip-oversweaters ideal for
your requirements.

A huge cnvcioping coat of
na tural opossum. L uxuriyusly
wa'xrm, beauti ful, smart. An
ideal garmaet for a)I-'roi"-,d
;;ports wear. A superb value
<<t th-is iow price.
124 ' t fl-'ILAI-N

sand1 maps are ava:ilabe and~ if lIb~s
demand for thrim iinor will be secyr
Cd by the U'nioni. The mpl ji s ir' ot
a small 1sied ie ce o1 whiteMdmrd-
E~even Killed
Eleven prsonl wme ald an
miumber ofoiessrolyijr'
this afrnon i ~a hbus wt.i trc
by a fast Chesapepikc and Ohio pass-
enger train at Lees CowsQih near
H1amnpton, Virginia.
The bus, wicuhwas crowded, was
comipletely demolished and the bod;ies
of some. of those killed were so mn-~
gled that identifc ation w qs pssibl ny b e n o r c s o x e
and other bits of personal property,
Theta SEigma, honorary 1 ournaisl n.
society'wil get tat 8:30 o'clock today
at the Theta Phi Alph':a hous e.
There weill be a meeting of women
tryouts for the Michiganensian at 3:10
celock tomorrow in the Press build-
Ing,,,on iMaynard street.
The regular meeting of t he honor
council, usually held Gn Wednesday,
has been changead to Thura a _t Miss
Ilamilton's Inner.
Members of the publicity cmittee
of the Y. W. C. A. will hold ar meetling;
at, 4:30 o'clock toda y i_. eber

Directory Sl
Starts Tuesday
'Sa le of the 1124 Student directory
ivill 1begin ue(IyNovember 11. It
hadl be en he that it would be out
the latter part of this wveek but dlue
to the , Michiganecna;n (Irlve for sub-
;;sripi n l le( le (hedte of sale had
Io be ot fowardlo next eek
r~'io '~ euivel I'mihtat the office
ul he secra(y;ofthe interior show-
,, 1 (1n(,r:.l (eiaolachado, _liberal,
lesig enr al Mrio (G. Menocal,
~onr'tiein sib provinces of Cuba
ni 1h rvdn jl rce.
ccenturiidntstraw vote resulted
in a~~t sweis iory for the Thepuab-
[Ithaca. N.' Y"., .Nov. .-Cornell', an-
.n1,a. fall alumiini reunion was cohe-
)rated ti . lSrday.LY
TChe buisiniess "staff of The
IMichigan )aily has room for
jseveral more understaffmnen in
any of the 7 departmpents. Sec- 11
ond semester rhen and any
other c lasen who have been I
here nxoil'e," than one semester are
eh rigilenor completition. This is ,1
1 an opportuw~iinit-y to gain advertis-
inkg.and(1selling experiience. Ap-1
lviyto the(buiness m5 anager any
al'tcrniool this week.

of th'e Women's City chub, Detroit. day afternoon at the Glendale high
This was the fourth of a series of school. His subject was "Nationalisni1
lectures on "Parties and Politics"anCotmoryPols.
that Professor Reed is giving for the __________
club. SVI?I E)t THE 1 )IVE


Two, Stores-


State "St. at Nickels Arcade
1107 South University


Pay for your Sulbscriptin todiay.

.. .



Greater Micirg-a n"
Dild you know
that .the



C onsulting Costumer,

Designs clothe3 for the

Sw, FC"A



seeks aaex-
personality :in

through- its

her gowns.

work. aids students in de-
termining their life work,.
Prov. 26:20, "Where no wsood
Is, there the fire goeth out.',

222 Nickels Arcade
Opposite Betsy Ross
Phone 3059-W
for "Appointment

r t.
If w :.



Accessories for the'
Week- End


DORINE SETS, consisting of a powder com-
pact, a rouge compact, a, lipstick and a perfumette,
all imported,
At $;3 and $3.:'5'


Enjoy the Game
Saturday clad

T HiN 'lE " 51~'t

HEAD BANDS in silver;


F ur



~2 and UP

Theare is -a brown
trakhan Jacket,
and short, with. as
collar of Viatka sq
r 1, priced only $12

CE CI L B. DE MILLEI l ty spectacle
Afl'-"Star Cast20t, of Ancient an,
5000 People.m"Y Modern DJays
5000 AntmaIs CE vmIN~Y From Jeanie
Miraxdces ofi,. Me cpherson's
PastAtMes story
and. with
Mo ern Orchestra
Movie Toff
Art TENTwentyr

LINGERIE in crepe and batiste. Step-in sets,
nightgowns and teddy bears, $2.95 up. And for
the House Party, lingerie that's most elaborate,
in a multitude of new shades, some trimmed with
Spanish lace.
UP t0 $25

SWAA31LM .2 7

-powder and roseleaf jars.

Imported in candy,

The coat of warm
brown muskrat wear-
ing an exaggerated
shawl collar and there-
by with flattering pow-
ers increased, will look
:stunning at the game.
Priced only, 4200.
The effect of a jacket
of Hudson seal is one
that the woman who'
enjoys walking no mat-
ter what the weather
cannot resist. Only

It is glorious to possess a luxurious Fur Wrap
on a biting cold day. And when the fur is
new, becoming and lovely to view, it is doubly
so ! While Michigan prepares to conquer
Northwestern, it is your pleasure to prepare to
witness the battle properly attired in a.- fur:
wrap! For this reason we have arranged to
continue the special display of William H.
Miller furs one week longer in order that you
may choose your winter coat from this collec-
tion, where perfect taste is emphasized ,and-
prices are delightfully! low.

Luxuriously love
sleek and becomi;
the Bay Seal coat w
its glistening moar
collar and cuffs, vs
allow you ,to att(
the gamue warmlya
stylishly clad for o;

have dollars




II - -.,-, f-.r II

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