_.. .._, . L.. ® oi ic A... WILL DISCUSS I 1UINCAINAI ITOPI~S' Sophomores Ian Hckcy ,I I yl V. 1 - - - - -IE III 4.11111 1 I 11L . I t I Ww Leads Campaign! S1 RIE I IS Members of the Agin Arbor branchs IJ UN 1 11WOME Tgg g 5 I 515 RISE IN RUTof the American Asspciation of Uni- I VIAIvetsity women are referred to the M E FR PAY ONIHT y ffs I]Y O Y. W.G 01 flloinglist of books on iterna PLANS FOR PAY TNI~hTtionalF questionsUVE.which will be ds A311'L4JQMil, ' , I)1l 4?f"'43 1x11 n °IhL : JA~NE GBSON, DA HllE DODDlS icssed at the series of luncheons be-! QJILN LAl ADD IIS. SIJM)W 'ALL ARE ; ing given by the association. A~)IL~SPEAKERS Prof. W. A. Frayer, of the historyl _____) I ( epartinent, who will lead the dis- I Jc ussions, has recomnmended this list. P iiif. for tIi iuaior (xr:'Ii ihY Four hundred and fifteen dollars It is as follows: "Cross Currents in 'eerie sarsl ftefrt .~l wiSdi ie i,~ i wr asda euto h is Europe Today," Chas. E. Beard; "Eu-I junior won lYen whichi will be I{ Icay's campaign of the Univermity atrpYnC.aeceie"A .Sm o'clock tolbht in Sa, a1ahCa wel U AnI W. C. A. in 'their drive for funds. fiern;"h eaec fErp, g II halNlornla B1ickcnel , 2', ;n vEighteen hundred dollars is the total S .N ttiErp ic 98"Hr era l chairmnan of the play,1wi ntr-amutoftebugt(e)orti bert A. Gibbons; Russian Soviet Re- duxce Amy Loomis, '22, of Gara1ndl year. public,' E. A. Ross; "German Paidgeh hsbensletdtod-The group which represents the Rvouio ndife7'Hinrich rect the play this yeazr. X1li7sLoonlije, s Paige car headed. the list of teams Stroebel; "New Constitutions of Eu-I wil pako teais fth uno with $46. Alice flicks, '27, leads the Girls' play nIotiepopciegroup. Packard, headed by Evylyn 'Rope,"r.s . ebsain thnd i-s plans. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Murray, '27, was second, with $45. Roe.TesbokarinteU- Chrot ~adn 2, ,sdito At a banquet tendered the teams Tefrtlnho ilb ie thb W on's 5Leaguet will ea and their; captains in the Congrega- irm1t 'lokMnaNv1 thle Junior CIirh 'payasaMihia, 7. tional church last night, more than 125 ,'f tradtion 1woen gtherd. Wmen romientat. the Michigan Union. Professor t] alitol7"womn gttieed.Womn prminntFrayer will speak on a "General Sur- The junior rfpresepta ftivefric 101 ~' nwoe' or pk, aeGbVey of the Present European Situa- Women's be~~,gue will also be e1Q~t~d I sonl, '25, president of the Y. W. C. A., ~oL"Rsrao hudb aeo wttf ~tn.Th addts~as chairman of. the meeting and in-I mae r ~nc pe n ahy~trodu ed the speakers who were Mrs. 1' I7byclig r.J F or iln, John Sundwall, pesiRenteofthecad-quin, 2241. Members are requested to, I'o~~ers for the eetmg have beeny visory committee, Miss Daphne Dodds, attemp oicdsnc aeilo h ma 1 rand; po' t(d i n uiestyh lce V ]rwfield, secretary of the Women's League,; - ujc eoetelnhoi re and°I B ilr CY s>i uFt I Elura Harvey, '27, undergraduate rep- to have a background for the discus- c( ri ~ ~ Places the Who is general chairman;l of the: resentative, and Helen' Brown, '25, Sion. Ii nanee drivec held this week lby the general chairmian of the drive. Y. W.(C. A. which is being conducted1 Mrs.. John Sundwall in speaking U n ion 1171 G ive hi lt neon-ly with the S. C. A. fin-! of the drive, em phasised the need of J U'JUII-S[N IB R ar di eCLASS5;6 n . oo eai n e w e he t a s 1 ~~ t TheregiTon0.ceaking ommiheeeclAt W ork Icry of the cars of the campaign, and W INA RCIIERYITURNEY{ ® irs,; ® - C~omnitC. aAt ork because of this, we are sure that the_ ~ eague Bazaar'wilcbmapuccss. Daphne wiodd s'22,sok ofth In the inter-class archery tourna- Alarge inuerA of road uip. drive and urged the members of the ment held yesterday a team coin se shwi ng 11,. the bsh igh7!' w ay% l . . i 1 C.'. An Abo ndCoumu, hi, ae or o heWoensLeague ba- teams to have confidence, enthusiasm, of members of the junior and senior been19°1 seedb1t1 icianUmil u hihwilb held Dec. 5 andadt odapronlitriwwt classes won first place with a scoreI an ill itiue ret n nfabu ynsu isbegun.;t~ n ohie of 275; sophomore women claim the memibers w4ho intendl to 71n: t1:,thetripCommittee char ea-,re been ap-! During the evening, original songs,' second place with 159 paint's. and to Columbus for the Ohrio ttgm oin7ted as followsv: l)o othy MeFar- written for the drive were sung by freshmen were third with a score of thr ekfo audy h'lan, '5 eealcara.Dorothy'tereb so h . .C . 144. thrap ay c secred tatm,_a.the hLem'~ f hyY W.C .gt 1251ecrain; Olive McKay, --.Evelyn Smith, '25, made the highest deas mnythe loy a tu ai '5,arces thherine1nlde, '7 EE score of 88 amid Norma Clark, '26, l>,;=ten; PROF. LEC'H.Jlson,'27S came in second ,with a score of 69 booth on -the main loor. xtr;Drhyioclmn,'7 Themas ho asoth rutetOI 'oelie1Vra Wallington, '26, Pro.iThmas. Thandyheihhiin (tt el '5 teroroonomasII. Reed, of the poli-_________ take from Detroit, whlat roads (10 not I' 'ia sine eatenlctrdo Prof. Rtobert Wenley, of theC have detors and th disa csb-i and lizabth(MiLiebermaun,'25, pub- tc siec,,rrmnletrdo li ,A1~-ucit'y. PryOgnzto n ehd"philosophy .department, adressed thel teen JI'*J~tml- 1o1r,,to V . t hou "1.- t+nrtnr ffonn n il ht alfi im--------------------- Mlembers of the sophomore hoockey teani defeated the freshmen and the seniors won -from the' juniors in the interclass hockey tournament played off yesterday on Palmer field. The seniors defeated the juniors with a 4 to 0 score and the sophomores the freshmen by a score of 3 to 0. Elsie Ohlmacher starred on the senior team and Irene Field won the laurels for the sophomores. The juniors will. play with the seniors and the freshmen with the sophomores at, 4 o'clock Thursday on Palmer field. Senior pictures v:ill bie on sale at the 'Ensian office until Thanksgiving. After this dtate jno pictures. will be soald. ~I ~ -i1 TiursQdy ceven iing, rNov emb sic by Michigani Melody AT Nirbor. Seven pieces. "A Bet-kr Greater Did vou 1kn I that the Damon- "What writing are you doing, Pytb- Her another letterI" SEEK NEW MEMBERS I FOR BRIDES" SECTION The Faculty Women's Club de- Isires to secure the names of fac- Iulty wives who would like to Ijoin the_ newly 'organized I "Bride's' Section." Wives of fac- (ul1ty of the rank of inistructor or Iabove' who have been married t less than a year are eligible for. ( membership. Anyone who would like to become a'member of this l section is requested to notify IMrs. Ralph B. Fast,, 2811-J or, 1 University 57.-.' SL POI T THE DRIIVE ~ ~, ,t A S.CM Pythias- "No-not this time. Something more to the point, as one would say. I'm writing- the Pater to send me a dozen ELdorado pencils. . They are all sold out down at the store." 17 Iseds--all deal ers conducts a sumrn dustrial research in Detroit. Prov. 26:20, "Where is, there the fire go VAN BOVEN CRESS & THOM PSON MNC M ICHIGAN should be women interested in. our announcement on page eight of this issue. You will find the smaller sizes of these fine woolen slip-oversweaters ideal for your requirements. $75 A huge cnvcioping coat of na tural opossum. L uxuriyusly wa'xrm, beauti ful, smart. An ideal garmaet for a)I-'roi"-,d ;;ports wear. A superb value <