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October 29, 1924 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 10-29-1924

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Ba SLW er RU tir (

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?~1akcs S e)nent 01 Activities
~e(~oJItI Ai ~uaI Ye;tripook (d


Washington, Ot 28.-Activities of
tale United SttlE's i-1 vworld coniie-'
whllih hax",e s?;'ns formled the C'.fiFIW y
fromn a debltolr to a creditor lea? io,
l'r 1C(diSCu1SSerI by)1"Sc retary iIOO
todxay in a s;tatemen atacedto i
fiCcond 'annu111l1 yearbook ~lsof uf"n
The year tl'boowl ota,;a e
smlrVey of v.or'ld t!d' fr98,n~-
sc,"tintg for the fir1t1tim cwon rdete
st'katistics ;and a3sufmarylof .7
n~If~t"A eeooin;C data in; ll) h 1 t
OP'ln counltries w+auIEre Arslll _iu ly"-
uOdls fipdc their market..
; crettary Hzoover's s: tat en eut
cer l.d tat thle year 1923, froin 4i
eC"onmic point of view, was chalr-
.a : ,czel by thjrecinmajorn fcatx'.res as.
fod)llo w ,:
(1.) Full eilym ;off labor,
and the copitinuance , speca;lY in
ing the early 1,art of the yac e
upward swiJng of the btisinecs c.
lirinearly al branches of industry 'nd
domestic trade uinder the 'lead of the
:asicc~o)(2.) The continuance,, as wa E'N:-
peted, of the narrowing of thba;
ai~ f t a e r e , c fover imlports;
(3a.) "'lTho continuiance of acnY
crable degree of depress ;ion inlri
branch es of agriculture, alt o ijgl ' .oh r ra c e b si at oa hn
pr ,ved.
"Throughout 1the yar"I l'f r
tary declared, "there11was ua'W
no. unemployment, [!and wY'<Siwcay
continued at reniihcrat tve 1ve -.
Production of zmanu:facturing.£mr, :.-
-ii forestinutesdin I '
silriassed that of an.y previous+ ye<r,
aucl on the average w,,as at to-:- E>
rf'.tAr ;,,ater' than in 1922.Aho~
thloler as some recession~arng1
Lit- rmonths of the yea,ti un
of tle ,e industries in tle ls ur
was greater than -duaring ;t < 1erre
sponding, quarter of 1922. r(:;)n'.'. -
tion, especially of residetiail bil-.
ing,tthe expansion of -;,';,, , I
iven the first impetus to teea i
du'Urial recover~y from the dcpresnia
of 1121, showed groa t <<rvt" :
t1rioughout the year, the volume star-
passing any previously recorded.

t. ( ii' ~ as r'i ",cc.r
ti r . .f i

Ten special booths displaying novel-
ties of a l i ias, cardl playing,' andj

Der ofuninerie uncneon. "Natuions,"
he said, "are but the weavers in the
tapestry of civilization. One nat o7;
starts the design but cannot see the
completed whole and knlow the glory
of the finished work."f
(?V_ ('f3;T: 3tika1U rtut C L f'~lit, ~

fl~II II~I flflReverend Command
i'MSN IlJliWILL IuLu'Gfziv es Adcdress At
8AWR IN TE1 ,MPLEG CO f C ucen
_ ~"Tapestry Revealed," was the sub-
Novetie, Cad Pm~yig, ancig ~ ject of an address given by Rev. J. RI.
Xo e l i'e C rd laigDaeengTo Commnand, pastor of the St. Thomas
Eiid church, yesterday noon at the Chapn

dancing every evening will be some' try of Ainea as starting bmck in
ofi the featutres of thne Masoniic bazaa.r old Engl a*W in the (lays of tihe 1Ma ,na
which is being given Wvednesday, Carta. -"Our aneestors begaln -to than~e!
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday ,of the pattern of tlis country," he said,
this week by the local chapter of the i "when they wagedA the war for mc
Eastern Star at the nevi Mas;onic pendence .nd freedlom. They did not I
temple. see the completion of the pattern
The various boo0ths which- are to be (However. In A0G5 another princi7)le
named after foreign countries and wras WXovemi into the (Ci2.We harev
symbolic ideas will have on display' ever held that the right of tI hei7,di-a
fand for sale everything from Perrian fz vidual is sacredl; that the right, of the
rugs to Indian baskets. Soft dink:; fainily miust not b)e ifitiled,
+will l', ;ervc~i )at the Wishing kvetl j'-low a child sihoulld be t aught a-ad
boo0th, w;hile the mnagers oif the Ic-d-(iuc-ated areust net be given to tiw
land booth announce that they wvill state, for thisi is thec right' of the
have on sale fancy ices and ice creamas parents." R~ev'. Corm,-un,-con"le(dedI

/adopted areeu.n not only- to SaIl
a full vote frm he collee E'ca._ 1, ,
{ %%t ' yV..tf~y, ' bat.'l :a' ? to nr ;.1 vta a letter-wi'>+
17 amant DemoeaCar.tme and Re-
l''bican fiend in their hone townsa
"The,'work of th, eeC,1ub1S is of ape
'2il sgifcnc c ueofte a;
u hat Uc v have > eufcrnaed for the
Guy D. Goff tit . t2eai; -Ccto $2.Co
The Republican candidate for semi- s , c 'm;;'l ore
aitor ini West Virg inia. lie, will be S ~ N
oppo'sod by Wil i' T F . Chilton, the L ,N N
WeoraAInmne.- 'Violet Ilemu.ing, Il sidle Wiuw ood$ c
rE )sbinen n o'., a ; yol co nnlected - x 1, ou-.-- -l~ t? ti'
withvany rone ay enroll .at Lane
h a i l a n y t i nm e , d u r i n g t h e d a y . " " :.~i e i f F n S i a iIb , ' > _s i
leadUn all the eastern oe len i- Pcic~Lu< I~
.cw 1n, u1ing 2Upl-,att.alof 17i T L i''l
I7 FIX; in..s .uF:ix gam -. ... .in<;.,,.vm..

of all corAManLi flavors.
Th'le old c oluntry st,)ne will he repre-
r: ntccd by abecth in Which a typical
mu rOf a- r'lPes or -cI!sissand var-I
ietie s amay be p;(rcbased. The Etain-
bcw booth wvill be an o.l fashionedl
Trflee fa-e,3 of peoples- will bie rep,-,f
resented in the Indian. Chinese, ann
Egyptian ,oothis where Indian lens-z

with, theo state enut that:"A tapestry1
of unadulteratedlib'erty h11:'1 een
given rsc1"to 'weave, and by no .rash
Iap shoiIluld ;we mar Its beauty ' ,v
the presenlt vwave ZoL b'gotry nd an
of charity have pa' ased maoy our tapes--^
try still1 be pacfct, wit libecrty.wovenj
througho'ut i s' YI'lEtricai designi."
John \V. Edwia r~ ac #td as chair-1
man and -;Rosce 13oisteel welcomed
bershin im the C ubrof Cctme

bclls, bla-nketf-.. ,,-nfi

-mg;and Ia-end Wlffrm(icaa
ca-c-r ' s. aow y atIfmwy)Fday, lunclhoil wili ix oserved
- ~u iil~~-m md i noisdo-'ito7 'ock. t tese ims no
nf i w~ '0in wil l' hy 1;d te o
cigebig tha ad orte me:]
-w-lunn, tsef
; r-e r _ } ar ccj)i t;r's : o f the3 fi r.":: fthe Cfi t
.. 1 tt-w ) c inc-anne (lcances w ill 1 e pt c
-I .1i~ .! ?l*;dncsvl b zI

i ,

-______Cl I
rIB r,)c evdsof the bazaar iill)I
"' o 2. - '..'. ?:1 '."'' She Ii o'cc.: .;._a seffl in filYe vn iiig the dining Iroom'
,.), l t a iJOI - ___
cod. ~ '2 5 '~- ~' "p '"Jm Thi ffci t , 1 !i. tI.-- ?1Jam Si Slattery,
, I 5. l~ci:aei."1. d eenct :e(3Norm Genet of
..U' esc ct-e Acrn.who holds a vyictory ov, r
Lafa sdt Ii d .Oaf.28-2'e c'h Lim- o ng Str: l; g i:2 a smx-roulld bout.
len (in W~~e, igclm g (01.: len' d" i"'cna, Oct. 2<,. (13y x A.. l'i-Five
aceb.- fid +a c o r £ 'c C .r C.-. diy fo a - u
.l 0 ti 'i ) ioL_ )o __ r_____ - atI'

i -

liLrc '" ,G 5"m" re1.7a
rug th e (ii ,x i::"a mo' groan Seiz s br -!
ing conductod aiT Lane hali. ?Lcr
.n" A th urwee'9t '.Z. e , u-,
all of which V~III conli it-: avera
Period, of six weeks. The meig
are informal and the. now sua
are given .~opority is ta«lk about
( n'jcustopic !llS an I lpro blemrs, under'
the guiding diructioni of uplierelass-
mn :.
'Thost. ,gr ilupsNF in'ich ("penecl at the
beginning of the ,cliool year have
dime- weeks Yet in whichi to mecet,
bt. there art a fe'w grouo, just re-*
cently org;anized which Mtill have their,
full program ahiead of them," statenf
(,eorgec H. Likaw -t, '27, chirmai.n of the
discussion grouIp comimittee, under
wh ose char-ge £afll groun: S are as -
rng il

11on1.John G. Sargent, j? 7 7 3 ¢ ' r , P.:i ° f,&fAf.
:{ a t r at o n y a -] b c l o '1o f P r e s id e n t C o o lid g e , w ill s n ; I
o'clock Saturday even iing, Nov. 1.r"N a 3=
the V Whitney opera house, under s1I
auspices of the County Ihglepbicii
club, it was announced os2t erdaj -'j
Mrs. Corinne Roosevelt Robintcon. '! ;JK t Rte Olj dU 4:v1hs to ea1. t at the beanery,
sister of the late TheodoreaR1'som'l . 7----fvevr
OX 1 191t -~to 1be
will also speak.: uyao x w~roun ru to wear. That's the
Mr. Sargent is a mem ber of theac, . r', t' . - U t.. r xCt
firm. of1ik.,Sagnad ie-s - c.I: i iI0 JA .1s £ t.ali ule4of,890
and., a resident of Ludlow,, Veruem.i '
Ile was secretary of civil ami ia
affairs in Vermont from1. rl{00- ".:9K' ;.,t-4 . { s t r ,t .c)' : ';t { z0 4 i J hat
amid attorney gnra7f fn c' : sim 1va~ii ( I rc a 1'
frm10- .H.is a amember of S3,he5 1
American Bar associatiomi.Ilereso 2u.' rdztxd)
cently spoke. before the liannlt~on clu'b,
of Chicago.
Mrs. Robinson is one of theivrWel rv i oyuatords
woman members of the < exeoWelnpovit-toyuitvu"ds
committee of the LRepublican .8101lays held ttheCimpus boot- a~
al committee. She maerheyecnd.on. 01 tate teli'-
ing speech for the nomt ltioeCi h1.
- 't' i ..'c 3l1' st.
or General Leonard Wooat te e'... I-' U
publican 'national clonve rutmo .i atl . (I1 -' y "tf
cago in 1920. She was.r, _ N ~ ~ ' Yi~(T
dluring the World war in Re ec-- c ~J~ ~J I~J~l.
work, in the Liberty loam n c IYsT~d;k'cSret iiliepa a
andi in the Salvation ry Iee
y shbie has boeentuigte !mc c
]naklinlg a sre flc~rso \' '' ~ ,! liii Ii1Ii1 i4i4 IJ1t2111I~1 li15441111 ili I344II194 4133j.

p wsw remv .des-ad. r r:.: w rT sp6t wrarnsasm +r +q v.-ea-i a a+z-cia aenrn'
.. t- 1






,D3L.P:.1 . 16.tS rxY.i :' : -1 'r'a_.£..a :' Y: 'r. ti: .r.., ~-:.' i . -. ,.; «.-r_ 7} x P du 5:;rbc i


A.fl~tl W, . # 3 4fw I f 'r%. lflf1mr
. " ' ji .: Vi,; 1

Motion Pictures~ of the


NO ru.« .aOnw ru._ nm.nG~ rs ruta.w.




From. the 'NavLel by $INCLNI1qLEWIS
Lv'#ft N' CWi V U H
0ONTE BLUE and the .
Greatest Cast off Character
k, Actors Ever Assembled

S.---w.--.----.-.( In Addtin-MCN
t.-~MC E NI

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