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October 29, 1924 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 10-29-1924

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I Ne ? e n Follette declared that the "mt i en-I airriri This service follows that 'offered a
courgin fetur ofouraanj~ g i~flf~j~iuir iivrt fshort time ago by the Republican £
Wth.I T E RIsN w p e ie t BL M S C O IG bat the 'ightf ror "thie Indp' ndett- ww ,i < T ;S u~ ctlubwincoensisted ofmalinfg ap
/O LE TO ORO, F R iCA fiE Pbtgreavet icktas e~fit neoed F PEE NlTBYplications for ballots from students to
o Ifl nr More than 250 students have avail- o ea-~~ orSbcito
Delivers an Address in Monroe, Leave LaFollette Says President Costs Na 'U " th1nseves of the free notary se- today.Pa o
of$ee AEpie tion a Millibai Dollars n nu a vice for. absent voters ballotsofedI.
Moda a Week'''I Iee LLby the iiiii RepuybheReuliancubiicwsann clubIIl itII wasIIII an-!~iIIII!I~ItiIII
L~(U~tUUtU5nounced yesterday by officials of the
( c ___'': ____ Four pieces of equipment for highj All voters residing out of the state
DenMrie -Coe,0 h frequency 'phenomena 40r& rceived of Michigan and all' women voters t
DenMrieB.Coly ftelaltmore, .Md., Oct. 28. (By A. P.) elcrcltnier
Engifieering schools and 'Democratic i-With the election' one week away,' yesterday by~ the elcrclenier cn'avail themselves of the service
candidate for. United States' senator, 'nt .RbetM.'a, in&letheelg department 'from the IAnereantbei h orio fUi".'
ia schedued to speak at the Women's , arrearly toay to carry his fight for the'Tjphone and Telegraph cmpay. and from 3-5 o'clock, and tomorrow s#
thits ein Por eU nion 'to orrwnigt.. presirlency ack into New York 'state. This equipment consits o a high fre- from 9-11 and 3-5. All men voters re
tian inPort - lu'ron'tomorro night.He, speaks tonight in Brooklyn, to- j quency generator or vaCu~thritbe 6s--gluing in Michigan can have their bal-k
Last night the Dean delivered' his m nor w night° in Schenectady and ilatosr, to' give pre ?i1n~e~aves of lat notarized n Room 302 of the
campaign speech in Monroe, Michi- ; then will invade' New England for voltage from 100 cycles to * 00"non Foridy from -5 opotag and11
gan.i 'The rest 'of the time, according ' an address Thursday night at Booa-Fia rm35.Bs otg n cycles. per second; a. 200 tule at-lM"
to his "secretary'" will probably be' ton before turning west for speeches fca ieo 5scin ,rvddntr evc r re aefrrg
spent in Detroit and Wasltenaw .*' in Pittsburgh and Cleveland. 'half sections so that 'voltage and cur-Ittrt fseildlvr al
county. Last night in an address here Sena- rent measurenments may be made at A these ballots must be in the
Dfe o te fattht Den C0oeyZ' ~ '~f or LaFollette again assailed Presi- te'm dp it of n-rcln and§i of',the' election commission at
leave 'of absence expires next Monday Dr. Glonzalo S. Cordova is the ne dent Coolidge, referring to him as ivacuum tube amplifier, mlliamnmeterr the place of residence of the voter by
nih ei xetdtobe in Ann Ar- fr "the silent servant or .the sstem"a otmee o ain tg the' evening of Nov.- 4, it is necessary
nih ei xetd0CIpesdent f the Republic 0 4Ecuao:yadvl eformakingd, cntrol theI that ire voter avail." himself of the'
boy Tuesday. 'whichnmn, cnedd tosteand currgnt measurem # tb ontte rsrice t once.
Much comment has been caused by goImnn. ''' tificial' line; and an impeance bridge ___________________
the eans statement that "if he isDO IE Failure of the president to put in-fo the range of frequencies e=cu-' .
elected 'and if Michigan goes republi- USVS IA to effect the reduction in sugar duties,+tered in telephoniy "i f ~t~~t~IuiIiiit1111iiiiIIIIIut±
ca o pesdnad should the ;lllI- he docored, is costing American con-: ' Sinilar pieces 't apparatus are be- + t11fall11f1.
olection be thrown into congress he ''IfK ,shies one-million dollars a week. ing 'given at the saine 'tibig 'to='nther-1
'Would vote for' Dawes fr 'v1ce-preei- iiw f ' The senator sought to sho'w, that leading ofchools 'of eectrical'e-ngneer '-
dot the, "sugar trust".: had been activeIn ing. y ' It
<'n reply to this comment Dean Commanding' officrs of the Univer r inlging' about an inicrease in' saugrII
Colysys iy fMcignui o h avliedutdes, had attempted to' decrease' New York, Ot., 2$. iAre Giodstein, i~
"1 am a Democrat and wgholeheart- stgar' imports' and is exertingly res world's antailiweig'ht-ehampin; -1il, F ~
serves plan to prepare an meinber"
edly loyal to Democratic ieadersi. l sure to' prevent a reduction 'in the defentd hia 'tle t .t-ad# 'son je~
Bdt"'thefe' are situations that souse~ of the orgaization for thi s summiner's sugr tariff 'rates. ' ' idezi fn a but agaist ddi - Mar- -
tfimes arise when the political eos- cruise on the great lakes, which will In a statement, given out before hb ti,'Brboolyn hotel, on k date late Ina-
tion'cannot' alone be consulted. There "start June 15; and end 'July 1, on the departure from Batlmo e, M. La- ecenbeii or early In Janary I {
I i~o noresponsibility paramount to a U. °S. S. D3ubuqite. The mien are'to be --
public sorvant's responsibility to the taught the fuiidamnentals o na'Viga-=,
people themselves. The voters 'of tion, seamanship,; ifantry drill, ;aiid-
Michigan, therefore, have a right to internationaal 'law as .applied to the ."
tell mhefor whom I,, as senator,, should Navy. "- ' ',Ia -A
speak for Michigan in the evnt of a They will also be drilled in the rou-
Iiresidential' deadlock. I recognize tine of the duties each is expected to ('~'' w'
this obligation 'and accept it." perform 'on the cruise so 'that' nonde'"' Jon S -
will be unprepared in any emergency, We Serve G U YAT 'T
The regular meeting at 7:30 o'clock 3,' G U Y 3I.L..J
RESERVES TO CELEBRATE ~ednesday, in the R. 0O. T. C. drill l'? ARTICULAR' FOOD
hall will include lectures; on' seaman- '. L EEr
1 ,hip and -navigation as a preliniary "L E
[WAV DAY NOVE BER ~t~otheyears prgran~ ' ' . ' ARTICULAR PEOPLE ~w w
b ast year the unit was represented
'---by 16, men and it is hoped that; this' 1 -I.-yaJ.
Actual celebration of Navy day in year a greater number-will take ad- jiItl;A dtr
Ann 'Arbor' by the local 'Naval re- 'vantage of a two weks free cruise.' '
A0 rmeuisticebe wthl ntlM n day, at which time both 9 of Warsaw, Oct. 2.-The bocdy of Hen- II A ~ r~ i T
events are to be given recognition rkSi"ielzte 'veitarie jE ARILd. IAf
jointly. On November 11 the. Univer- here Sunday night from Switzrlaud. 69'Est'ili' SleontTic kets X.0, X$150;
s~yui fthe Naval reserves will The entire country has talen part in' eaonTikes, 5.0,$550
tyr out nitafbody 'o609pEatsWilliaesrSt.AtUnversity Shool ofI
tnnoti oyt ersn hi paying honor to, the writer. EveryA
for' that day. Today the only notice ed was decorated ;S I©,Jth 10
given Navy .day was the appearanoce Paris , .et ~2.- The French gov-!{'J ''{~
of the-members of the unit in full uni- ement has Oicily' accordbd de
'ori.Teoccasion,' however, iven jrreognition to the sovfet'govern-'Why continue to write in slow, tedious long-andfr.Th-g luer'~
fall recogition in Detroit where a went of btu iae. ' 'I tef with'a Remington Portabley yWuCfl tui outa '
il~try bailwas held' to whlich all - ' bcauttully clear and legible'printed pag-ewithfar lest_.
coinneCted with the Navy in Ann A- Don'tdelay-'Tiy your Subscription time and efvfot? ''If F
bor wetre Invited. ' today. 'I It is the most compact of all portables. The case

* dll CVtI'
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It has the standlard'ouir-row'" keyboard, which or
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Youwill find it very simple; and easy, to' perate;
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Price,: complete with case, 6.Easy ~payment
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George S: Register
604't. 'Madison St.
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Mayer Schairer ,Co.
Ann Arbor,' Mich.
Remington Typewriter Co.
D3etroit, Mich. ' '


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Put a new Eversharp in, your
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Prices $1 to $45, at all dealers.
Made in the U. S. A. by
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Manufacturers of the WVahl &versharp and the Wahl
AllMetal Fountain Pen


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