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Harvard Ya 1 C hi cavg.otwezLei
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Stanford U. Minnesota Iowa 1Muhigan Wisconsin Navy Ill1aO113 CoG I ae
Big TenaketallScheduj
J). rjip
Jtan. '1
Jan. 1
JTan. 1
Jan. 1
Jan. 1
Jan. 1
Jan. 1
Jan. .1
Jan. 1
Jan. 1
Jana. 2
J<, n. 2
Jan. 2
Jan. 2
:Tan. 3
.Jan. 3
Feb. 1
F-e b. 1,
_Fcb. 1
Feb'cl. 1
Feb. 1
Feb. J.-
Feb. 1a
Feb. 1+
Feb. 1'
Feb. 21
Feb. 2:
Feb. 2:
Feb. 2'
Felu. 2.
Feb. 2'
Feb. 2'
Feb. 2;
~Fceb. 2i
MAl'a r.
Mlar. A a .
:1 a r. 1
rMar.. 1.
Minnesota at Iowa ................)CiO(l7]Hlr and 1ajlney'
P~urdue' at Iowa...,... ,.............. . 1,earms Land Maloney
Wisconsin at Minnesota ........ ..... Young.I and Maloney
Northwestern at Michigan............ Jearas ,and NAowe
Illinois at Chicago ...................F~eezle and Millard
Indiana at Ohio. .........Schommer and Re.ynolds4
Ohio at Wisconsin............... .SChoifler andl iMahoney
Michigan at Puirdue'.. ........ ...Kearns and Deowve
Illinois at Northwestern............ 7ehofmrner and Maloney
Minnesota at Chicago:.............. Feezie and Lai-mnan
Indiana at Illinois ................. Kearns and Maloney
01h1o at Michiigan m ..................Sch-oinier and1 Young
M1-innesota at Nort Ii estri1.............bowman and Nohr'
Wisconsin at Michig an............ Sehounner and Maloney
Minnesota at Wisconsin ............Mlalon-y and Ivini ers
Chicago at Ind-tiana........ ..........Keaiai'5and Fecale
Iowva at Illinois ........... ..........'young and Reynolds
Northwestern at Ohio .............Schomnner and Lowman
Indiana at Iowa..... ...Slchominer and Maloney
Ohio at Chicago................ .Y o ung and Millard
Ohaio at Minnesota ............... Schommiaer and Lowvman
Purdue'at Indiana ...................Kearns and Maloney
Michigan at Chitago .................. Young and Maloney
Purdue at Minnesota............ Schumer andI Reynolds
Iowa at Northwestern .............. .JKearns 'and bowman,,1'
Michigan at Northwestern ..........8~h onimier and Maloney
Iowa at Indiana ...................... .lteaarns mnd Youngz
Northwestern at Illinois............ .earns and Maloney
Indiana at Michiigan .................. Kearns., and e Ritter
Minnesota at Ohio ................. Sciioiunier andl M'alonley
Chicago at Illinois......................Young an l Mowe
Iowa at Purdue .... ...... . Fezie and Rzeyniolds
Minnesota at Purdue ................ Maloney and Reynolds
Michigan at Ohio ................... Schomnier avid Young
Iowa at Wisconsin ...................K~earnis and Millard
Chicago at Northwestern............ Kearns and ReynoldIs
Purdue at Michigan ................ Sehoniner and Maloney
Wisconsin at. Illiois ...............Young and Reynolds
Mahally Finds nr
'To T he Edilor: It is justas; I totd_
miy friend~, Judge Landis that if t'he
reader of the Mich. Daily ever got a
chan t to read the1 writers stuff they
would be yelping for more bcfore I
could exeanec their well-meant atten-
tions 3att forceing ine to tear off somne
mocre for their benefits. Ilow the so
over a writ r such as I cann~fot lisfsn1
to the cries for more thsi~t r enit froin
a crowd ,of adlmire.; such '3as is foling.1 .
tihis. writer where every he(, ges.1
Thler e 4, the 1. and only ireason the
writer is v~ riteiing this 2 ld article foi.
the l'U(Jh. JDalylysIChilVAstthat
I tim sore a~t lied (Irng,- and Ol"he
fwriter will stan~d. for no sac(-, fromi
ainy of these. ft. ball players and es-
pecially 1 whio has a patch of redl
hare on their nob.
The matter of facts is this Grange
pulled the same sort of a trick on thrc
underwriter that I was calling Nick
Altrock for the 1st and last time any
followers on the Daily lapped uip my
stuff, and what I mean is he diff usedl
to give thci writer credits for haveing
,showed him the way to trime the Mich.
football 1 1 last Sattidaay. Tl.he big
bumn come; o me before Ithe game (oh
yes, Mabidty was ther e, hbtalhe wore
a diry 50 7othat fie wou)Ilnot bf
I ^icen I ie gan Lushl by a excited l mob
htf entl-s nf~lJ Oil;; s se~kng to give
a n, o e 'ORa wii. eh ':oul lrohly
s eenide~d i) in pek-son !y inji ryto,
is writ er) aad anyvwa7s lie comes
to naie and lbe says P llsxor'th, Air feMa-
i ':Y ina i 11nl ne'r Ver~y mccii which it
was no more than i ighat that he should
I deploy in dre ssing -a: b-,by like .
17.:,.'f;the Benefai-t Clause;
j ill our poli cy right,
<an ta .r-V ro'1r1 estate
i ir~i 3uminecessary gov-
erliflielit taxes.
'nge Unappreciative
i V I"~ J the size of tho at Columbus , LUrb Ana,
-4__ the present problem. miMnenlsi o ~e oeta
!- Any way hie says Mr. Mahaffy I am in Michigan rooters who heard the. The Athletic association makes no ion:c or t ice a year and the 2?pkeepci
a he-l1 of a stew. The boys are all Illini yell "Hurry Up Yost" whenJ secret of the fact that the 17,009 or , I tremeindo~lus. 'The Michigan stadciumr~
looing, to m to win this herse game Michigan was 30 points behind in the more tickets allotted to the alumni at, is filled twice a year and them the
, , ~game dI own at Urbana a week ago tebeginningothyerreasovflwiso^a httnsf
for thiem and I dcn'.zt see hlow I can do Ite ~ g o h ciaeas vefo~i ogetta eso
itwtotsm oecould not but feel bitter. It was un-,I plac~ed on open sale. Thbis means, tiiri. nt sofpo rkure a
it ithutsom, dpefrom you" Well sr:orts nam'ihe to say the least andj that ai yone, studenit or outsider, mayJ4tl~ zdt ? -aetne .
-.;ell my boy", I says, yen guessed i', those sho lheard. the yell will neverI'nalike ,application for tickets inths A bildcting ~oai at Ferryfel
tha.t timne, you was right. Yost or forgt tthe ncient bocxi. t4Cosrng thlis fac't aua.? t' o.i hy rvd ortecm
'.:irjke cannot look Y eyed at me. - ---- - ------n o ex\pect to ha-lec their ap mieal !n5 1 n ol n ntisci.
W1M. aayhesyfieyftr BiH t'rrias that yelP:Iader MiC 'jgan ,accepted shou1'd Imerei'ma' a hnyV ,b'1 mgtbe amiea
wec hadiz chatted back a .d 4th for sew- feel, tie Wolycrines have a siniiur earlier a?,;d ti;-ha u-.he~. nwic '.o oepeole mgh>b
elf;msl Inins. what jwould you digest. ~I C;:!Ci".IC.e toi!.aei isercd'it. When h [.'ilE-xthe pr'.eit .sy iaa noft -,id rs aco saLd tthe iggae.. a
?''1 afraid thoe eMich. babys are libel j e gn a ee oh t t a "d~i aseJut a..)n mu cib SndE'rattcn as the h ;s neteuke rm esm
to ive mae the air. The writer Irfs still by 11. A. C. for tflire qa rers ,11 j laliiif nii id i tbo~ ( 5
and sysGrange Iayboy, by tti ,a_ /mu'fn ttewek eore cmL i thad fl ---- ----- -----
yogi has lbeen Iin the vworld as long a t - --aae t oe tuh
-nc you Vail know that it is all in dlori in the lai4 three minutes cfi play1
the w=ay y oz, zhit thema at the ver Ist. i a Mcil ceredr h -1,.-..-- . t
1 would say, in hliS case, that a touch- led 'a yell, "Dedication, Dedication."
clow n on the kickoff would. depdetely It:1i to iathigani's 'credlit that 'h
ruain thme morals oif the Felth. 1I, and l icer11lede was c4allecl "farmer" byif.
'naoralt; is the big thing as we learned Inoto lcPltiaaroesazlII
in the war-." I then wallks off and onl y a. few joined in the yecll.Se ct Y u
left hint on acct. the writer did not I K
want. himt weaing; over inic in his ?aI1.IIc. oiSCh au olin
thiankfiauess. W'ell, you knowh the aboutth football seating quaestion i ' I
rest. Red (I now call him Red) took oeo he riote onmn
nay device, and sales. through the hole no.
IMich. 11 for a touchdown in the 1st , 1 the r ol .itoras oe ts
copemnis fe hti Ie ellcustom0for everyone wo h oulY or:a e
coule niznit. Ate tht, t va ,Pia a tseat inisect on "[1" or solnic cthe- icI
I for tihe Ill, teami. t(>sad-vantageou;5not to conllain. I
After tL~e gamie l goe.3 around to on,4ly tbose w ho really knlew that the y I
the. (resiiing mmz. to seecfRed. IHe comie" iare c zt led I ot beltter sea3ts than theyv
cut and I says well lied may trick lone ha ve beern asfigned and who hav e a e . " e-a s 01I l~atln t
had good interfearan~fcc." 'Po that is _______________
all the gratitude- I got. I smiles and
sasWell Red y=ou know thecym; som ua a t e ats a to
r earicr nmerits tf ther elHr j e~ i h 'atA
ye ps cray, (o0yoummeany 1nc0', bul
simply tosses over one, sholdler (may A1:
left) "if the shoe fits, ;ware it, Red" IIB Lh LCIe U1lo iasnw
L Andel' o la d st - lay nw
Iwislit I had debv sed a Mich. man. 1 sae nuceae n
Elsworth MahaLf y. I SlylllOlill l(f1 90iF91Ei8 f dIoIstshp n raeadpres.
;. Cornie in! We'll clean your Guit for you
9.-v, V. yo ,,jtha~t 'di s tincti venss.
A~h~T~rTTrT~1 IA 593pCcia ihp in the Cleansing of
A ITLI FL! thesSt es, Vclrours, Furs, Efc.
You Adon't nleed one i ordc' to e ljoy 11 os dUccous. meat !;^We Call for and DcL -i
Only orne troublc with them--you cani't cat cnou4.h--- i
Th Barbecue Inn
-49Suttt U.P!ic24- Phone 2508 209 South F'ourth ,Ave.
Cleaning Pies tog and Repairing
_________________i'r- I ".,....."....u. . ,..- .s .__....................r. "f..
Indiana at Chicago ..................Kecarns
Iowa at M1innesota.............Sec, an ' rR
Ohio at Notwsen......c~hmnier
Illinois at Indiana.................. Young
-Purdule a t Wisconsin3............... Kearnsa
Illinois at Iowa......... ...........Younga
indliana at Purdue ............... Schoinum o r
Michigan at Wisconsin............ Sch omner
a nd
in d
bew vinan
Northwvestern at hinn:es.ota.4 .......bowia n and Noli r
Chicago at Ohio.... ............. ....ii'cezle andc. Younag
Ms'ichi-gan at Illinois................. Feezle and Seheimner
Illillois at Purdue.......... .K.earns anld NMal..ey
'Wisconsin at Iowa .. ......... ....sells ner and Ret:.ynolds
Chicago at. Miniie ot. ............... Young anrd Reynolds
Purdue at. Illinois...................Kearns and Malone:.y
Ohio at Indiana....... ............0l)()1Uifrtr nI:d1ow , m
No rthikestern at Iowia........... .....? lz ;aimd be wim llan
Chicago at Michtigan ............ ....... Young; and F eele
Illiniois ttW>:'onsin...... I........ ..ea rismsad ilil ov''
Northwestern cat Chicago ........ earnsud Azd elnsy
Wisconsin at Pur Lie .............,Ua auEy mdS 'sne
W.isconsin at Ohio ..................7c lo-nmner' nd oun',
t° After diuclosing his refusal ofa
13V',000 offer for Epinard, a paride
r ich sets a new irecord in th orotigl-!
'ed values, Pierre: Wertheinier has
nounced that, his faznous French
Arse had run Mhs last race and would
eretired to time stud.
3,,e is llev of 1>r' 8t. Louis I
1 't 2 Mf3 ~ i arin . n. ? ]_I Iriisoy . ... p, d
Y£-I'm ro.S=r);y -(also a oxt. litii n thme leagc,o
sa;7ed.C']out. i(, mo;st. wo bagges ~
I c tied'"IWith Ii Fran £ Frisclm1 of thle
C~l S' . fn" hra r3 vi crn 7 " I . ,r
in your feet
Pains in your1 feet; a clung1,
ysweaty feet; tiredness and
weariness of the feet. All
these thing s can easily be r -
lieved with thes aid of our
antiseptic fooct po., ,!or. Juest
dust it in the 40hoes3 and
Stockings. P'ul~ solme in the
water when bathing the feet.
It is a simple little treatment
but mighty efficacious. 'Su~re-
ly you will try this foot pow-
:Ja3r aid know the delights c ;'
~ oot. con',,or .
I - _-I ... c- YwI
I bel
t9' Cli IN
I .1 11111
Ili! t!
dl II'U o
- TI part Itibat com nc in tho
a f'lengrun--isthme question loflug- I
:i gage. The ind of bags or crmrills
syou camrryiS is yomItnt. Old,
dilapidated bags and suit cases
} yon cannuot take along-they I
- - ~~~give you a "down-and.-cult" tip- :