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September 24, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 9-24-1924

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vcy ;i


For many years it has been the OI t R LLm u sic
proud boast of the press that it could
morning except Monday
r iv year by the Board in mold public opinion, that its support AND
c ttcnl t t~id ut i lications.
.- - lctinof a political issue insured success at SIEH NUR HER D R A M A
s u rn Conference Editorial an election. Especially has this been
true in. large cities, the metropolitan
e soed Press is exclusively en- dailies descending to tactics which Iota Hark carefully adjusted his THE ORGAN RECITAL
,=hiefr republication of all ne would shame a ward boss that they cravat, buttoned up his gaiters, and
h he rclt l to, it or not otherwise wol hm adbs htte Ann Arbor concert activities will
e p t is pi e: and the local news pub might make their influence potent. then p'illed his immaculate trousers begin Wednesday afternoon of this
- p The result has been that in political slowly over his varnished legs. He week at 4:15 o'clock when Mr. Pal-
s r t pstomceatter Speciarat capaigns, loca and national, the sighed morosely, picked up his hat mer Christian, University organist,
'.antd by Third Assistant Post leading newspapers (have waged a wil appear in recital at fellAudi-
trieca -rhetorical war that their respective and stick, and left his apartment, 1 peri eia tHl ui
on by carrier, $3.5o; by mail, thehth rs. torium, commencing the series of
candidates and issues might be suc- locking the door.I weekly organ recitals which continue
: n Arbor Press Building, May- cessfully carried. They have resorted Outside, the night was foggy. The during the school year.
aoral, 2414 and x76.M; busi- to all kinds of subterfuges that they lights glowed dimly at the street M'. Christian is one of America's
might be able to claim responsibility corners, and Iota sighed again as best known organists and has just
EDITORIAL STAFF for the course of the election. Such three Cordovan muleteers passed him, returned to Ann Arbor after a sum-
Tiepbonen 2414 and 176-M practice has led to distinct insincerity whistling jovially. mer's absence in the west where le
on the part of many of the publica- As he turned into Threadneedle gave many concerts. During the com-
MANAGING EDITOR tions. It has come to be a race be- Street, it seemed to him that he heard Ing year he will play in numerous re-
PHiLIP M. WAGNER tween them as to which should sup- someone calling his name. "Hark!" citals throughout the country includ-
dt . r ...John G. Garlinghouse port the most likely candidate or came a voice through the thick fog. ing New York, Philadelphia, and other
s ..ghtFtRobert G. Ramsay issue; those who were unsuccessful And again, as he paused to listen, cities in the east.
1 Joseph 1ru er climbing on the wagon of the opposing "Hark! Hark!" The Wednesday afternoon concerts
PPRer johnCor. Thad side, regardless of the justice of the Iota slowly drew a banana from his are given complimentary to the gen-
, ;,-... .William H. Stoneman cause pocket, laid it on the edge of the side- eral public, who are urged to be seated
&.......'..Robert S. Mansfield Whether or not the public has been walk nearest the gutter, emitted a low, at the hour of the performance as the
Wrw~l's ,(ir -........Vernea Moran
............Robert B. Henderson duped in the past by such tactics it piercing whistle-and vanished! Van- doors will be closed during the num-
.lg.pn Iu'tor. itllam . Wathorw
Assistants would appear that it has awakened ished, tQ all appearances, into the fog. bers. Mr. Christi n will'offer on this
t, ,,r,. R Line from its mental coma to repudiate the The Valspars were having an eve- occasion the following program:
,, 1. A. Mo1re much-heralded power of the press. Re- ning at home. Mr. Vaspar, seated In Concert Overture in B minor......
}.)iu-iacher cently in the Detroit mayoralty cam- the corner of the drawing-room, was ....Rogers,.
llfir Scr<.r ith t . PJattersonl
l ', 'IV. rerce, Jr. paign the morning newspaper and the reading The Times. Mrst Vglspar, Andante Cantabile in B flat......
. Ramsay firmly established evening paper sup seated in an opposite corner, was . . . . Tschaikowsky.
ttcas N Pt ran igs Marie Reed ported the candidacy of the former reading the Tillygraph. Hans Valspar, Caprice-The Brook......Dathier.
dam . 1 ernamxlberg IEdmarie Schrauder
.eorc 'r " F' cie Frederick H. Shillito mayor in his campaign for re-election. seated in yet another corner, was Nocturne .................. Grieg,
-t arC. Arur Stevens The other evening paper proceeded reading The Dearborn Independent, Fugue in E flat ..............Bach.
""-ms-to, 'worth 1Maroary See
Dorthy £am Frederic Telmos immediately with just as much while his brother Fritz (in the fourth Irish Folk-Song from County Derry
rans Wickland
emnn eran Wse vehemence to opose him and raised corner) was absorbed In La Vie Pari- ....Grainger.
up the postmaster of the city as a sienne. All the Valspars were book- The Pilgrim's Chorus (Tannhauser)
BUSINESS STAFF candidate. The postmaster to attract ish people, it was easy to see, with the . ..Wagner.
Telephone 960 attention confined his campaign single exception of Susan, who was Benediction ...........Karg-Elbert.
speeches to a destructive criticism of playing solitaire Ma Jong on the This series of concerts is given on
BUSINESS MANAGER the other candidate's record which mantle-piece: and it was a family the tremendous Columbian Exposi-
-- E. D was proportionately played up by his rule, with the Valspars, that only tion Organ, and have come to assume
.. ... .. . Finn Journalistic advocate. Much of the ma- those who read could sit in corners. a very unique part of the University
ib. . 'Marks terial for his haranguing was obivi- The elder Valspar suddenly put year. There is something strikingly
ce .... ...........Byron Parker ously foolish and the opposing press down his paper. "What is that noise restful about the swelling volume of
C k~~ttd~............R. C. Wintercomnetoralteaglyb
...........JohnW. Con commenced to retaliate largely by outside, I wonder," he remarked to an organ, especially when played
Assistants running down the record of the post- his family. beautifully, something very superb;
Pt VAno; ,1 W. L. Mullins mbeautifullytsomething veryecsuperb;
L. F. Mast master and attempted to connect him "What noice?' asked the alert only new students on the campus
A I,Bon llg H. L. Newmann up with a mythical gang of boss poli- Susan, pausing in the act of chowing need to be urged to attend these
' . Begman . D. Ryan
Pl a NDi. Roscnzweg ticians- three dot, recitals.
nor vnra clng . K. Schoeneld For many weeks the battle raged, "Listen," commanded her father.
C,.fi.. ray. S. H. Sinclair
n on each newspaper devoting most of its All the Valspars listened. The room THE A. A. U. W,
space and energy to the campaign for was silent, save for the rancorous
mayo. Te mdlsingig cntiuedThe Ann Arbor branch of the Amer-
mayor. The nucd.slinging continued purring of Tabby Valspar the famly lan Association of University Wo-
until the eve of the election, there cat, who was prowling about in search
being so much of it that those who of a handerchief. Without, only the tion of a feminine gender, has agreed
followed the manuevers of the poli- soft patter of the rain on the ancient
i-at }t,( 1V-KENNETH C. KELLAR tcascrflybcm ofsda to raise a certan quota towards the
ticlans carefully became confused as mansard roof could be heard. Women's League Building, which must
to the real issues involved. Then the "I guess it was just my imagina- oun s coe But of p u st
li m Y' EARAS FRESHmtEN be bound to come if out of pure per-
- EHsurprise came. An independent candi- tion," laughed Father Valspar, after .
Were it not for .the disgrace which date, the name of whom the papers a moment's anxious pause-and once years.Ton some two or three or five
thr actions ofa few students caused had hardly mentioned, polled a vote more began the cheerful click of years. To do this they have arranged
"ter(IFy when members of the fresh- which totaled only a matter of 2.000 Susan's Ma Jong. a series of three distinct novelties
man ciass were subjected to hazing votes less than that of the leading throughout the year--obviously they
*.ar the engineering arch and at the candidate in a record registration of In the meantime, Satterthwalte was had to be novelties not to conflict
o n r ct State street and E. Univer- more than 200,000. having difficulties. Harvey had left
si ,.venue, the whole affair should From this it would appear that Itown, he soon found-and Julia had of Music series.
1,w onsidfred too sickening to war- eitherhtd- a ia had The first number, as has already
eirio the public is weary of the polit- not been heard of at her apartment ben announced, will be Paul White-
raut mention. ical insincerity of the press or they since Monday. The task Jacques had
Erh ar it seems that fifty or are weary of the incessant nagging 01 given him, he soon decided, would not his-rhesa, who wunderstand-tand
ta of "last year's freshmen"-~ the candidates for office. They. are be ahn easy one. But he wnt on with s orchestra, who will play a entirely
sUry e do not deserve the name I anxious for constructive, not destruc- the search, determined to win for e enpgram in Hill Auditorium,
t sephomores--who have an tive criticism as a basis for campaign- Leila's sake, if not his own. Tesdhy eenimg, obe thron-
exal'tl d pinion of their cleverness , fnt.i w cert has been made pssible through
mng- He thought often of Leila. Her pi-th
and whose university training to date wo of the parties concerned in the Heh tonht te eia.Her ite co-operation of Mrs. Sink, and
partuieriyirinnetsat woo ture taken, in the bewitching little naturally will draw apakdhue
wnnld merit their engagement as cir- coming national elections have resort- blue hat, the equally bewitching pur- Everboy goes to a packedhouse.-
ca u iowns. fInd ,an occasion to dis- ed to tactics similar to those employed ple overcoat, and the yellow shoes,.he e guestonal the-
play tieir lack of normal sense in a in Detroit. Their newspaper and edi- carried an his wallet. He always look- in; helIs unquestionably the leader
series of hackneyed and disgusting toral publicity is confined largely to ed at it before luncheon at the Club
initiations on the men who are com- a sweeping denunciation of the pres- --he had lunched with Leila so often is vastly entertaining.
rm-:ncrg their first year at Michigan ent state of things and little space is there. .. .He wondered how she The second attraction will be the
and who are gaining their first im- given to their remedy for the situa- was standing the strain of the Mac- cormerm Dancers, to be presented in
pr"-rons -f college life. Each year tion. In this case there is no obscure tivity at Brighton. He at least was Cl-oeay, No University Glee
elf-reiectng students must elbow candidate to rise suddenly to promi- doing something about the situation. Auditum.dTy, November 25, t Hill
Si wy around crowds of haw-haw- nence, but there is just as much He shook himself, and went to the Aihrwn dancegroup, like the Den-
ug 'lies wco are making them- chance as in Detroit that the candi- telephone booth to put in a call for tional reputation for their reaction
elves far more ridiculous than the' date who reserves his unfair criticism o' Rane. aginst thesini teof
freshmen who are undergoing initia- to a more auspicious time will be When- he came back, he found at against the stiff, conventiq type of
110n. IMI year, in one favoiiite pro- successful in the election. . his place a card in a little envelope.
ress of the initiation, girls must be He opened It, and read, In delicate sey cofbine the spoken word with
nsnud by fellows who do not de- .drlte
s h Vl several of their dance-dramas; wheth-

ser:o the Pri ilege of setting foot on spars wish all the Satterthwaiteswaer such a combination can be a suc-
With more than 2,000 turned away cessful new art-form is to be seen.
t i n- cempusy to point out from Hill auditorium on the occasion very merry Christmas and the Hap- The final number will be the
of President Marion L. Burton's open- pest of New Years." IClavilux or Color-Organ developed by
tht n , onduct is disgraceful to- He laughed bitterly--but put: they
the University, disgusting to the ing speech, the need of a University d He lhed biterThomas Wilfred, who will give his
radio broadcasting station is once card In his pocket: unusual program January 12. This
15;,e eadproductive of dan-agibruhtotetenonfte
onrthetparttofntheenew invention has created the great-
us public Hill auditorium, with a seating he Duke tugged at his moustache,
freshmen. Those members est interest all over the countryt The
of tc class of '28 who deliberately fail capacity of 5,000, cannot accomodate hesitte a m an the den effect of the massing and unmassing
L1 r the crowds2whowwishetobhearethefim- the lobby. Hurrying to the deck, he
o 'ill in line with Michigan traditions the crowds who wish to hear the im- of lights is quite indescribable, the
portant addresses delivered there, and inquired of the clerk whether he critics say; the entire performance,
ir t±? pr;per spirit can be shown cmiticshsay;atre entiteoperformtn--
.la t wthe addition of a broadcasting station might have a room without a bath In fact, is so completely different and
thUniriryeie u a decent way wihoutdthinking thus to conceal his identityine atit mustobeleen tobeeen
annoyance to others or disrespect to to the University equipment would thinking new that it must be seen to be even
. nivrt. Ugive those turned away an opportunity moreeffectively, obscurely explained
xnh ot y.. Uncrles do occur, however, to hear the speeches although they The clerk ran quickly through his
ou e e o her could not see the speakers. files. "Nothing without a bath, I fear,"
ya r w fld at m l sen h ttrdti s t cdTomorrow thehboard ofeRegents of he remarked; blushing prettily.r
a tor the nuatitraditions. the University will meet for the reg- The Duke consulted his timetable. The Michigan Repertory Theatre,
irl otnti osnivular September session, and while "Well," he. said at last, "give me one sometimes the Cleveland Playhouse,
a ccrred on the campus yes- weightier matters will undoubtedly WITH bath." He gave vent to an ill- will open a new season of three plays
terdav :wo izgs First, their attention, it can only be concealed smirk, and handed his bags this fall, probably "Rollo's Wild Oat"
sdens can treat with ridicule the oped that they will make some move to avisitingostrich. by Claire Krummer, "R. U. R.' by
myt shrsons who find it neths toward the filling of a real need. In his room, he removed his false Karel Capek, and "Icebound" by
ary o S.o:: r babynd, e traetspecting There will be other times, and many. whiskers and stepped into the bath Owen Davis-1a farce, a fantastic
cm. o nd, s e If-r spectingof them, when Hill auditorium will tub, meditating on the mutability of melodrama, and a Pulitzer prize play.
p 'mre cand upperclassmen can, be overfilled, and when thousands human affairs. "False whiskers in- Last spring this company met with
Sofupholdin want to hear the programs of deed!" he exclaimed, turning on the a very distinct success-they gave
Se therese, infeed. It should be the privilege of theHot. "Why not false waste-baskets, a glorious performance of "Man and
University, as a state supported inti why not-why not-" he beamed- Superman"-and they should be more
was s in several instances yester- tution, to provide for the further ed:- "why not false potatoes!" than certain of drawing even larger
n tucation of the taxpayers by sending He ran in a little Cold, humming audiences this year.
fon a st tnthichs akipng the out the words of the great men and softly to himself. Mr. Jason Cowles
sia ch an women who come to Ann Arbor. Why should the students object be-
i r pear as a cheap and in- PmAairs, Italy, Sept., 23-Prince cause the University courses have
teror place and is branding the whole , Marie of Belgium, mentioned as the been renumbered. It always sounds
sophxov class as ridiculous where Some of the Ann Arbor stop-street probably fiancee of Crown Prine better to write the folks back home
Ihis cass, as a whole, is not at all signs have the price for offences Humbet, passed though here on that you are taking Rhetoric 31 in-
printed theron. Doubtless the police her way to San Rossore for a vi- stead of just Rhetoric 1.
- 1.+-'hr.mlln+' force believes in the "one nrice to all" rt + o the TtauOi ,rnrv'al famnihT ihn



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