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September 24, 1924 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 9-24-1924

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, T I A C r T

Preferentce List Even Prexy Does
Posted At Union His Bit To Help E
Fr"iday and. Saturday. (lances EnrolingFros
i>3;z iao wil e od tcti - der He, same system this year as j W ith the gravity of one considering
was3 used last year. Tickets for Fri-1 weighty matters, President Marion L.
day night will go onl sale at 5 o'clock I Burton yesterday hield converse with a
I the nreceeding, Wednesdayv for the verdant freshman at the door of Uni-

Wisconsin Opens CIAr EBR
Madison, Wis., Sept. 23.-With . rg ORA IE T ID LU I5p
istatonbeginning on Sept. 18, the1
University of Wisconsin is preparing toj University of Michigan men in Tok- V
open on Sep~t. 24 the first lectures and io have organized an Ann. Arbor as-
recitations of its 76th academic year., sociation there, according to word re-
'The first semester will continue until ceiveCl here yesterday by T. kwe
Feb). 4, with a five day interim, follow- Tapping, '16L, field secretary of the RIU1 TOA A )TMlRQ
ed by the second semester which con- Alumni association. This group, more EL'i )(D 1 )''O1t[a40fl
tinues until June 22, Commencement, than fifty: in number, has organized
day. The Christmas recess begins onJ into an informal club". It is made upH l n C a w c
Dec. 19 and ends on Jan. 6. The spring of University graduates and 'men who
recess will be from April' 8 to 14. have spent a year or two here, most -Ill-
The 1925 summer session will open of the members being Japanese.,_
on June 29 and end on Aug. 7. The Mr. Tapping is going to ask the JjE L DuF XX O INEN
law school session will begin on June'j club to organize under the regular
22 and end on Aug. 28. !articles of confederation of the Alum - ___________________________
ni association and join the main body.
lunclbinmnciisaeexpected shortly to have The Michi- ( Changes in class elections can be
gan Daily sent to their local public made T1hursday and Friday, Sept. 25 ______________________________________
libraries or their local high school and 26, from 9 to 12 and 2 to 4, at the __________________________________
dlue to a special subscription rate that j registrar's office, it was announced to-
has been offered them by The Daily day. This is the last chance for
as the result of an agreement with T.stdnswhigocagehirls-.
esHalyinleyiial Tapping, '161., field secretary e nyi utfal cases will the
of thte Alumni association,.e f'1no ecagd
Under thec new agreement The
Daily will be nailed to either thme Adeiphi Mtembers
high school or the library for $2.50 Resume Activties
per year instead of .$4.00 the regular Re u eA tvt sNT7C 1F-
rate. All clubs who desire to avail~
themselves of this way to have theirI Members of the Adelphic house of
membhers oir their friends keep inl reprc.,entat ives held their first meet-
touch with the University can secure ing of [he fall semeister at 7:30 oelo k Now Playing 20-: 0 ?
this service through the office of the last niight in the Adelphic rooms. The I 11'---
field secretary. pr'ogr'amhconsnit ed of 11m1promiptu
In addition to keeping the alumni speeches from the nmembers. ' That's thc N-
pos ted on tihe happenings on the cam- Anivtainwas" agi xed oo m~e d e J.I Fo
PUSthenewpla wil beutiize inFreshmen andn others interested to at-
ordler to acquaint high school boysi tend Adelbpic i meetings w~hich are held
and girls in the different towns wiith 1everyv Tuesday evenig in the Aepi 9 '"
Aun Arbor and the University. 1 Is on the thiud floor of University r
Read the Want Ads'
Re.ad the 'Want Adis P

'q~Iti Ino 1111 111111111!!l111t1111111! 1111111111111111111jil 111111 1!II#~IlIIIliii 1111l U II l
I Fall Footwverar
Of Exclusive Design
SPatterns to Suit E very Taste at Modk-
crate Prices
The Broadway
I- A light tan calfskin pumpN
with medium toe and box-
J =~wood heel. A very chic fitterF
price $9.00
*Wahr' So Stre!
SDown Town 108 South Main :E.

Keith Headliner Feature Comedy II

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