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September 20, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 9-20-1924

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Fosdick, Ackley, Kennedy-Mathinson
Co., Anspacher, Whitney, and
Skeylilli will also Appear
Including within its numbers both
variety and quality, the thirty-fourth
annual lecture program of the Ora-
torical association appears to be one
of the most promising in recent years.
The program will include eleven num-
bers this year, instead of the usual
The number of lectures has been
increased this year by the fact that
after contracts had been signed for
the usual ten speaker3 it was found
possible to se.uro a contract with the
Honorable Newton D. Baker, ex- sec-
retary of war, and a brilliant speaker.
Mr. Baker has been much sought for
lecture programs by organizations in
many parts of the country. The date
of his lecture has not as yet been set.
Vilhjalmur Steffansson, the Artic
explorer, will open the course Tues-
day, October 21. Mr. Steffansson has
returned from Australia, where he
lectured and carried -on several ex-
a nf a scientific character.

French Legion
Honors Thieme,
Hobbs AndNovy
Three members of the faculty were
honored by the French government
this summer with the decoration of
the French Legion of Honor. They,
were: Prof. W. H. Hobbs, head of
the geology department; Prof. H. P.
Thieme of the French department;
and Prof. F. G. Novy of the Medical
Professor Hobbs received his deco-
ration early in the summer for his
contributions to the world of science;
In the geological field. Professor
Thieme, who has been absent on
leave from the University during the
past year in France, found the notice
'of his decoration on his return to Ann
Arbor, together with a letter from
Ambassador Jusserand which particu-
larly commended his work in connec-
tion with the study of French litera-
ture. Professor Novy, considered the
most famous student of Louis Pasteur
received his decoration late in the
summer for research in bacteriology.
Three other members of the faculty
are members of the Legion of Honor:
Prof. Rene Talamon of the French
department; Prof. Charles Vibbert of
the philosophy department; and Col.
H. W. Miller of the Engineering col-
Largent Class In History Receives
Diplomas at 80th Annuial


' k


In addition to being one of theE
world's most prominent explorers
Steffansson is said to be an extremely
inhieresting and witty speaker. He is
also an author and a scientist. He
was one of the first men to emphasize
the importance of world air routes,
such as are now being mapped out.
Louis Kaufman Anspacher will be
the second speker on the program, ap-
pearing on, October 30. He will'
speak on "Drama as a Social Force in
a Democracy." He is well known as
a philosopher. dramatist, poet, and
orator, having been on the lecture
platform quite a number of years. Mr.
Anspacher is considered by many as
leading authority on the importance
of dramatist literature.
Although the date has not as yet.
been set, the third speaker on the
program will probably be Sen. Wil-
liam E. Borah, Idaho. Senator Borah
is well known to the American public
as a statesman and reformer, and his
ability as a speaker is known to all
who have followed the debates which
have taken place in the senate cham-
bers. If unable to appear early in
November, he will speak at a later
date on some timely and vital ques-
On November 11 Carl Akley willl
speak on "Big Game Hunting in
Africa." This lecture is based upon
four trips to Africa, and is said to be
of the type which appeals to the
popular audience. He is also a
sculptor of some note, having recently
been chosen to construct the Roose-
velt Memorial.
The Kenney-Matthison company will
give "The Chastening," a play which
has been well received both In Eng-
land and America, on November 18
Charles Rann Kennedy, author of
(Continued on Page Two)
Students who are planning to work
their way through the University may
find assistance through the Univer-
sity Student Employment bureau, ac-
cording to Miss Mary L. Stewart, di-
rector of the bureau. "There is a
great need for steady positions with
cash remuneration,"' she said, "as
most of the boys applying here for

Before a crowd of thousands of '
friends and relatives, more than two
thousand members of the Michigan
Alumni association, and an impres-
sive gathering of national notables,
the various classes of '24 received
their degrees from President Marion
Burton at the 80th annual commence-
ment of the University, at Ferry Field 1
last June. This was the largest
class ever to leave in a single group,
and increases the lead of the alumni
association as the largest in the
The commencement ceremony be-
gan bright and early in the morning,°
with a procession down State street
to the field. The fluttering flags, the
bright colors of the academic hoods,7
the gowns of foreign universities, the
sombre black of the seniors, the
blare of trumpets and the music of'
the band lent an air of grandeur to
the occasion. Stands had been erect-
-ed facing the south bleachers, where+
the officials and notables were seat-'
Glenn Frank, the brilliant young
editor of the Century Magazine, was
the speaker of the day, holding the
attention of the audience that filled
the stadium with a plea for a stal-
wart facing of the problems of the
day. A free university, a pacific
church, and a realistic state were the
ideals he emphasized.
"The success or failure of the
democratic experiment on this con-
tinent will ultimately be decided in
our schools," declared Dr. Frank.
"Magnificent housing and large at-
tendance at universities will not dic-
tate the right course for a democracy
or determine its actions. Univer-
sities that teach their students what
to think are a danger to democracy.
Universities that teach their students
how to think and then thrust them
out to decide what to think from
I year to year are democracy's one
indispensible safeguard."
American democracy needs mental
freedom more than it needs mental
furniture, was the opinion of the
speaker, who went on to compare the
teaching of the natural and the social
sciences. "Knowledge of the natural
sciences is today in the hands of a
society that lacks the intellectual in-
sight and moral power to use them
wisely," he declared.
Twelve honorary degrees were be-
ri-W~rl innn nnnmi noant nand '

Rates For Games
HIGH OPENS WITH At Illinois,Ohio
A Nt M ENT Students who plan to go to the
Ohio State and Illinois football games
are advised by Harry Tllotson, man-
ager of the athletic association, to
RALEIGH SCHORLING, EDUCATION submit their applications for seats F
PROFESSOR, IS SCHOOL immediately, using student blanks for
PRINCIPAL that purpose. The seat allotments
for these games are 20,000 and 10,000
TO HAVE 6 GRADES respectively, including alumni reser- s
Building Equipped in Latest Fashion; Special train rates have been se-
Will Give Teaching Practice cured for students desiring to go toc
l TeaiPr ctce these games. A round trip ticket to
To Seiiors Columbus, for the Ohio State game,
will be $6, and the round trip for the
Michigan's new University high Illinois game will be $11.24. Notice
school opened last Monday morning regarding the securing of these tick- P
with 118 students in the seventh, ets will be published later. at
eighth, ninth and tenth grades en-_ U
rolled for work. These were mostly b
made up of pupils from Ann .Arbor,To
although some from the country near- e
scoo ork,"ls acrding tPrfRa- RE I NA Y OR 1
"The new school aims primarily toWIt
aid in improving instruction in high
school work," according to Prof. Ral- Ig
eigh Schorling, principal of the new.U
school. "It aims to have in each de- Plan to Study Problem of Student ax
partment one or more teachers fa- Discipline Cases, Class co
miliar with what progressive groups Elections
in different parts of the country are de
doing in the way of good practice, ex- WILL MEET WEDNESDAY tr
perimentation and investigation.
"In particular the school aims to St
be of help to those preparing to A tentative program of workii lo
teach. The University high school is which the student council will partici- th
selecting gifted teachers to demon- pate has been mapped out by Alfred
stratengogodacer to rospemtiv-.B. Connable, '25, president of the bh
strate good practice to prospective Council. His program includes the U
teachers and to initiate them in teach- bringing into play of a new plan foro
ing experience, dealing with problems involving stud- 0
It was pointed out by Professor ent discipline, and preliminary plans st
Schorling that this does not mean for elections of class officers. fr
th a t a c la s s t w ill b e s u b t e do o m n yt sa tn ci y c s d e l n e e
different. teachers throughout the The new system of dealing with t
year. Each class will be In charge of student discplinary aes is the re-
a liftrained and e xperienced teach- suit of a petition, by the Studentit
er from septmbeA to June. It is council to the University disciplinary of
likely that two, or at most three, sen- committee for more power in handling
iors in the School of Education will ouch cases. Under the new plan the m
be appointed assistants to the regular council will be given preliminary
teacher. Jurisdiction in discipline cases, will
"It isthe conviction" he says, "of decide upon the merits of the case,
teachers experienced in this type of In d nwill recommend punishment.
directed teaching that the presence of the University cmmittee will take I
two or three assistant teachers i- final action, but, it is expected, will
proves thee sitantof theregular nerely place formal approval on the
proves the efficiency oftereua ouncil's action.
instructor. The modern type of reci "c
tation requires a careful diagnosis of The plan was formally approved L
individual disabilities and systematic ast spring, and will go into effect
records of individual performance and nnmmediately.
growth. The new school hopes to Plans for the election of the vari-
achieve greater individualization of ous class officers and the formal or-
instruction." ;anization of the classes have not A
The faculty of the new school is progressed past the preliminary
made up'of 15 experts in their differ- point. The ,electon of class officers
ent lines. These include: Prof. O. will, in all probability, be held within L~
W. Stevenson, of the history depart- the next few weeks, and will be pre- 1
ment of the University, who is now ceeded by a day of registration, c
head of the social study department; which will be announced in The Daily. s
Prof. C. C. Fries, of the English de- Formal organization of the classes T
partment of the University, who will follow shortly after the election ju
heads that department in the high A officers. fr
school; Dr. F. D. Curtis, formerly at Upon a request of the Student coun-
Columbia university, who heads the ^il, made last May, the Athletic as- L
science department; and W. L. Carr, ,ociation has set aside a block of m
head of the Latin department, seats for each of the football g'ames B
The women on the staff include: on the fifty yard line. This section will P
Louise Patterson, director of physical he known as the cheering secion, and '2
education for girls, who held the is the direct result of the referendum ci
same post last year at the University taken at the annual campus election '2
of California, having charge of both last spring. At that time the ma- S
the University and University high Jority of students indicated their de- '2
school work; Edith Hoyle, teacher in sire for the move. B
the social studies department, a pop- Class preference will not be ob- E
ular instructor in the Ann Arbor high served in the cheering section, but G
for the past few years; Selma Lindell men students desiring tickets ad- F
of the mathematics department; Cor- jacent to each other may secure them in
nelia Hayes of the French depart- by turning in their applications to-. G
ment; and Ilene Haner, Cornell Uni- gether. The object of the plan is to '2
versity graduate, who will have develope more concerted and effec- S
charge of the library work. tive cheering, and, at the same time, F
Although at the present time the to reserve a section of the best seats H
school does not go beyond the tenth for students who want them. Mem- E
grade, which is considered as the first hers urge that as many as possible S
year of the senior high school proper take advantage of the plan, and point
(Continued on Page Two) out that if it does not meet with suc- t
cess it will be discontinued next year. Li
Restrict Tickets With the co-operation of the Union,H
e the Council has secured offices in the

For 2 Home Games activities room of the Union on the c(
third floor. Definite office hours will
be maintained by the President and f
Made necessary by the tremendous mnembers of the Council, and it is hop- 1,
demand for tickets and in order to e the and itis ho
ed that any students who wish to
assure each student, faculty member communicate their ideas on current C
or other holder of a coupon book of problems affecting the welfare of the
his right to see the game and to take student body will take advantage of
one guest, the distribution of tickets 'tenhor.2
for the Iowa and Wisconsingms these hours.
fortheIow an Wiconingames The first regular meeting of the
have been restricted. Where in past Tuc ilsb el ne enesday'2
years four tickets have been allowedxli
each coupon book holder, only two at the Union.
are now given out.T

onnale, '25, Student Council Head,
Will Represent Student Body
at Annual Assembly
"The Fighter" will be the topic of
resident Marion L. Burton's address
t the opening convocation of the
niversity year. The assembly will
e held in Hill Auditorium at 7:30
clock Monday night, the entire stud-
At body being invited to attend.
The assembly will be the third of
s kind to be held for the purpose of
ringing the entire student body to-
ther at the opening of the year. The
niversity and the Student Council
re cooperating in arranging for the
Alfred B. Connable, Jr., '25, presi-
nt of the Student Council, will in-
oduce President Burton, and it is
ought that there will be another
udent speaker on the program. Fol-
wing President Burton's address,
e "Yellow and Blue" will be sung
y the convocation, Palmer Christian,
niversity organist, accompanying.
Doors of Hill auditorium will be
pen at 7 o'clock, the convocation
arting at 7:30 o'clock sharp. While
eshman are particularly urged to
tend, the assembly is primarily for
.e whole student body, and a cpac-
y attendance is expected, according
the statement of Student Council
ficials. The plan in the past has
et with thorough student support.
ower Classmen Head List In Both
Literary and Engineering
Thirty students in the College of
iterature, Science and the Arts and
6 in the Engineering College re-
Aved all "A" records in the second
emester of the 1923-1924 session.
his list includes five seniors, eight
iniors, six' sophomores, and eleven
Those who received all A's in the
iterary College for the second se-
ester of last year are: Lloyd W.
artlett, '27; Madeline Bowes, '27;
hilip Dow, '27; Frederick S. Glover,
7; Clarence C. Hostrup, '27; Fran-
s R. Line, '27; Samuel J. Lukens,
7; Joseph J. Pickarski, '27; John B.
chravesande, '27; James A. Sprowl,
7; Alexander W. Winkler, '27; Hugh
. Carnes, '26; Edwin J. Doty, '26;
unice L. Eichhorn, '26; Solomon
reenburg, '26; Ivan IH. Sims, '26;
rank H. Granito, '25; Mary E. Gart-
ger, '26; Norman B. Johnson, '25;
eorge Kenigson, '25; Clara B. Lau,
5; Walter C. Menge, '25; Paul C.
amson, '25; Nellie T. Thornton, 25;
rieda S. Diekhoff, '24; Winifred
[obbs, '25; Gaudence Megaro, '24;
velyn W. Sommerfield, '24; Frances
(wain, '24.
Figures in the office of the Regis-
rar show that 206 students in the
iterary college have been asked to
'ithdraw from the University.
The 16 students in the Engineering

ollege who received all grades
or the second semester of the 1923-
924 session were: Ludlow F. Beach,
5E; Clark E. Center, '26E; Charles
Driscoll, '25E; Fred N. Eaton, '26E;
earl H. Hachmuth, '26E; Charles L
[ulswit, '24E; Louis R. Kirscheman,
27E; Herbert Kuenzel, '27E; Maurice
larkowitz, '26E; Carl C. Monrad,
27E; Harold W. Priebe, '26E; Wil-
am E. Renner, '26E; J. Robert F.
wanson, '24E; James L. Van Vliet,
27E; Lyle A. Walsh, '26E; Clarence

Assodiation Secures Football Seats
For Many in Detroit, Toledo,
and Grand Rapids
In order that the work done by the
Athletic association could be lighten-
ed and so that alumni could get seats
together at the Michigan football
games this fall, a special ticket dis-
tribution bureau was maintained this
summer in Ann Arbor by T. Hawley
Tapping, field secretary of the Alumni
A total of $25,176.00 was handled
by the office, completely breaking all
expectations. The money for the
tickets and the applications were
all collected by the local secretaries
and sent to Mr. Tapping, who in turn
gave them to the Athletic association
on Sept 1, the first day of ticket sales.
The alumni seats were sold out at'
the end of three days for the Wis-
consin game and at the end of six
days for the Iowa game. Orders re-
ceived by the Athletic association on
Monday, Sept 1. were greater thap the
total orders received in the first 11
days before the Ohio game last year.
Ticket allotments this year were
16,000 for the alumni and 16,000 for
the student body for the Wisconsin
and Iowa games. Student applica-
tions have been pouring into the ath-
letic association office for these games
ever since the first day of registra-
tion. The Northwestern game tickets
are also going fast. Due to the
shortage of tickets only one extra,
.ticket will be given each student for
the Iowa and Wisconsin .games.
Among the Alumni clubs, the Uni-
versity of Michigan club of Detroit
took the most seats, $14,394 worth
of tickets for the six conference
games being handled through Mr.
Tapping's office. Grand Rapids was
next with $1,625 and Toledo third
with $1,419.
'Other Michigan cities who availed
themselves of this way to secure their
tickets were: Jackson, Lansing,
Midland, Battle Creek, Monroe, Alle-
gan, Sturgis, Alpena, Menominee,
Royal Oak, Muskegon, Petoskey, Dear-
born, Port Huron, and Three Rivers.
The out-of-state towns who gent in
applications were: Akron, Cleveland,
Dayton, Sandusky, Youngstown, and
Cincinnati, Ohio; Minneapolis, Minn.,
New York City, N.. Y.; and Kansas
City, Missouri.
Tickets were mailed to the individu-
al purchasers by the Athletic associa-
tion and not sent in groups. They
were filled, however, so that all the
alumni from one city could sit to-

Enrollment figures at the end. of
the third day of registration in the
University indicate an increase over
last year in every college. The ap-
proximate total of students enrolled
At the closing on Thursday night in
all schools was 5,200.
According to the Registrar's office
early indications do not mean that
there will be any great increase in
the total registration figures. Part of
the early gain is due to the registra-
tion of upperclassmen on Monday al-
though the registration'of all students
did .not begin until Tuesday. The
limiting of football tickets is another
cause for the early increase . in the
enrollment. Students are returning
earlier than usual in order to make
application for their reservations at
the games.
The greatest gain is noted in the
literary college which shows an in-
crease of 345 over the figures of last
year at this same time. The total at
the end of the third day of registra-
tion in this school was 3,418. Of this
number 2,158 were men as compared
to 1,990 men last year, and 1,260 wo-'
men as compared to 1,083, indicating
that the proportion of men and women
students is practically the same. It is
expected that by Monday night the
final enrollment figures will not show
much gain over the final count of
5,115 for last year n this college.
In the engineering college 898
students were enrolled as compared
to 749 at this same time last year. It
is expected that the total registration
in this school will be about average.
An increase of 93 students was not-
ed in the law schol to the present
time, the total enrollment being 216.
No figures are yet available from the
graduate school.
Enrollment in the medical school
showed an average registration of
'270 at the end of the third day. The
dental college had a total re'gistra-
tion of 175. An unusually large
freshman class is expected in this
school, the freshman enrollment
having reached the total of 85 on
Thursday night.
The pharmacy school had an en-
rollment of 43, a gain of 10 over the
figures of last year at this same time.
A gain of 62 is noted in the total
registration of 166 in the School of
More students than in any previous
year in the history of the University
have transferred from other colleges
and universities.
Official registration will continue
through today and Monday. All
freshmen are supposed to have regist-
ered by closing time tonight so that
all first year classes may be arranged
for the opening of school on Tuesday
morning. Upperclassmen. will be
allowed to register until 4 o'clock
Monday. Students who enter after
that time must pay a $5 delinquency
Mr. Shoji Nagamine has come from
Japan to the University to devote the
year to graduate studying in high-
way engineering and highway trans-
port. Mr. Nagamine is the first man
to register this year for a higher de-
gree in these subjects. In Japan, Mr.

Nagamin e
works of

is engineer in
of the bureau
the Hongo d

We with open arms receive
you; those who have hereto-
fore attended this glorious in-
stitution need no special com-

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