Ap Ap
-A, A&-
Air\ 0
XXXV. No. 29
Hughes-' Foreign
Policy Defended
By J.S. Reeves
The Daily publishes below an ex-
clusive statement prepared by Prof.
Jesse S. Reeves, head of the political
science department, outlining his op-
position to. the signed statement of
23 faculty men of midwestern uni-I
versities supporting the candidacy of}
I John W. Davis for president, which1
was recently published in the New
York Times.
"Twenty-three eminent members of
university faculties in the middle
west, have in a published statement
announced their intention of suuport-
ing Mr. Davis, the Democratic candi-
Varsity Presents rm r--OY
k??.?""bR AK TO ICT OR Y,"
INe w Front F o r .C f T
Badger Battle CRYONEV
Michigan and Wisconsin will both
go into today's contest with revamped
lineups. The following lineup for Wis-
consin is tentative as Coach Ryan A
refused to give out the order in which
his team would start yesterday after-
noon. From the way in which the Bad-
gers have lined up in scrimmage,
however, it is likely that this order
wll be practically intact whenthe
starting whistle blows.
Miller ............ LE... ....Pulaski
Edwards ......... LT,........Nelson
e, Stars in Last
tion, Again
g Roles
Yost Discusses Phases of Michigan
Athletic Plant At Luncheon
In Afternoon
mbers of the cast for the 1925 date for the preside
igan Union Opera, "Tickled to given their reason the
.h," have been announced by E. these men, wrking
imer Shuter, director of the an- for whose opinions
Mimes production. Including highest respect. All of
ral men familiar to the campus ' minded and in the bes
their participation in "Cotton citizens, whose traini
plishments entitle the
Pmgs," and g large number of re- ful hearing. It is,;
"finds," the cast, Mr. Shuter has without any personal
rked, is among the finest he has venture to dissent fr
nbled for any Union> Opera. ments and conclusions
ffering greatly from the produc- "The signers of the
of last year, "Tickled to Death," vor the election of x
have a large number of cast] the grounds:
;. The roles announced are as i (Continued on Ps
'gi San, High Priest, Barre Hill,
Egg Fu Yung, Watch'man and As-
ger in the Temple, Edward!
nbridge, '26; Tu Yung, a Trav-^
Willard Spanagel, '25E; Nyan-I
Richard Elliott, '27;. Jack U.
hton, Russel Gorhing, '27. J
fessor Tombs, Gordon M. Ibbott-
'27: Marceline Potter, Charles iL t .
ency, and have
erefor.dMost of
in fields allied
personal friends
I entertain the
f them are high-
t sense patriotic
ng and accom-
m to a respect-
therefore, quite
animus that I
om their argu-
declaration fa-
Mr. Davis upon,
age Four.)
f ,
Livingstone, '25; "Peaches" Joyce,
Dan Warner, '26; Galahad Jump,
Charles Higley, '26; George Bancroft,'
Philip Miller, '25E; "Justice" Jack
Houghton's valet, Milton Blink, '26.
The American archaeological party
crossing China includes Stanley Lewy,
'26; Milton Peterson, '25; Fredericks
Proctor, '25; Charles Preese, '27;}
Leston Whitehead, '26; Davdison Har-
bough, '27; Alvin Tolle, '27; Oscar
Jeekle, '25; John Shaw, '25; H. Ross
Flowers, '27; W. H. Arnold, '26E;.
Paul Bruske, '26.
Robert Henderson, '26, and H. Ly-.
man Bright, '25 take the roles of two
Russian nobles who join the Ameri-
can party at Moscow.
While the production is staged ini
China, the majority of the characters
take American roles. Intermingling
the oriental atmosphere with charac-
ters from the new world, the play
will not be essentially Chinese, but
will resemble such offerings as Fred
Stone's' "Chin Chin" in general char-
acter. In addition to th'e cast of
twenty-five there will a chorus num-
bering about thirty.a
Pictures Of Players And Graph
Probable Line-Up Feature
Second Edition
iiug oitingL Creator o- mo Dtor oL -
little," to Talk Here
Hugh Lofting, writer of short stories
and creator of "Doctor Dolittle," will
talk at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday in Hill
auditorium under the auspices . of
Whimsies, student literary magazine.
The "Doctor Dolittle" stories, illus-
trated by the author and centering
about Doctor Dolittle, John Dolittle, M.
D., the ecentric physician of Puddle-
by-on-Marsh and his adventures in
company with his;following of animals
have caused Mr. Lofting to become
known as the foremost writer of chil-J
dren's stories in this country. In 19231
he, was awarded the John Newberry
medal for his "The Voyages of Doctor
Dolittle," judged as "the most distin-
guished contribution to American lit-
erature for children in 1922."
The first of the Doctor Dolittle
books, "The Story of Doctor Dolittle,"
described by the Bookman as "the
most delightful nonsense story of the'
year," was published shortly after Mr.
Lofting's return in 1919 from war ser-j
vice. The latest of the series, "Doctor
Dolittle's Circus," and "Porridge
Poetry," a book of rhymes by Mr.
Lofting, illustrated by himself, are be-
ing published this fall.
Tickets for the lecture are on sale
at Wahr's and Graham's book stores.
Whimsies will bring several other
writers to Ann Arbor later in the
All seniors on the campus had pref-
erence for the dance tonight at the
Union, but when the tickets were sold
last Wednesday, however, a number of
students misrepresented their classes
on their membership card and secured
tickets for the dance. Others, after
getting one ticket, went back into
the line again and secured another
one on the same card.
The list was checked by Union of-
ficials and the tickets with the follow-
ing numbers on the back were found
to have been obtained- by students
niot seniors. The numbers are: 41, 50,
57, 60, 73, 90, 99, 166, 149; 195, 198 and
185. Persons holding the tickets of the
above numbers will not be admitted
to the dance by the doorman. Explana-
tions by these people may be made
to the house committee of the Union
this morning from 11 to 12 o'clock in
the student activities room on the
third floor of the Union.
New York, Oct. 24.-The flat state-
me~nt that "the Democratic party will
win the Presidential: election" was
made tonight by John W. Davis, Demo-
Delegates of the Michigan League of Brown ..... ...... . eeneyer consin a
MunicipalitiesgaheHawkins.........G........Miller jFryF
gathered last night in Babcock.........RT.......Straubel ersyra
the Michigan Union at an informal Flora..........RE.Long or Burrus
banquet given by the Chamber of Steger (Capt) Q Larson or D. Harmon 1(week, th
C o m m e r c e. Pr e s i d ent Marion L. Rockwell .LH Williams or D. Harmon to put e
Burton was expected to have spoken Friedman.......RI. . Harris (Capt) contestv
but due to his illness a substitute pro- Marion .........FB......L. Harmon by theii
.gram was carried out. ., Officials: Referee: Hackett, Army; Gophers
Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the politi- Umpire: Haines, Yale; Field judge: under th
cal science department acted as toast- Gardiner, Illinois; Head linesman: feat by 1
master, and spoke to some extent up- Kearns, De Pauw. Game starte at 3 arc conf
on the problem of city government. o'clock Ann Arbor time. Michig
He pointed out that the present muni- with an
ciple work is but the pioneer start of that wh
a movement to create a better and Since th
more beautiful city. "We must live to' iumgan
serve the community and promote the bent eve
betters city," he said, "for it is one n tb
of the finest of human institutions." squadi)
Dean John R. Effinger of the liter-' 1 R T will conl
ary college welcomed the delegates today. H
and their ladies on behalf of the Uni- Leland, Mautner, Mills, Pierce, Smith, nois gan
versity expressed the desire to co-op- and Wooden Elected to Direct ' sistentf
erate in the movements for better Ogizati Conferen
cities. "We have a definite responsi-ga will star
bility towards you," he said, "and we terback.
wish to give proof of our willingness PAPERS PRESENTED Tod R
to further the work which this con- i ing quar
vention is carrying on." Dr. Woods Hutchinson, '84-M, was itaed lac
W. D. Henderson of the University the principal speaker at the joint half and
extention department delivered the banquet of the Michigan Tuberculosis who has
principle address of the evening, association and the Trudeau Medi- vious ga
choosing as his subject, "Human na- cal society held last night at the the othe
ture and Public Service." He described Chamber of Commerce inn. The sub- been pl
the work that the extention depart- ject of his address was "The Future place of
ment was doing for public benefit, of Tuberculosis." Dr. Hutchinson n Miller
and touched upon the difficulties that oi knon Dh.uhutc on in a new
any public servant must contend with. ais knetwnd aruthor heotdng opp
At the luncheon of the league yes- his lifettre antpauto n oed-be Bill1
terday noon Coach Fielding H. Yost, I to the iterpretation of scien- his stre
I tific medicine land hygiene. w !sutit
director of intercollegiate athletics, tI fOt m e ae s n layg stn i substitu
discussed various phases of the Uni- Other speakers on last night's pro- tried pl
versity's athletic plant. grain were Dr. R. M. Olin, state com- tackle jo
"After Michigans defeat by Illinois missioner of health, who talked on the ter at g
last Saturday I received the following subject, "A Tuberculosis Sanatorium rcenter.
letter from Major John Griffith, Com- Program for Michigan." Dr. Bernard Michig
missioner of Athletics for the Western L. Wyatt, secretary of the technical have sh
Conference: board on the Millbank Memorial fund the ends
'Regarding the Illinois-Michigan of New York city, who lectured on will be
game, permit me to say that the finest "The Significance of the Millbank men tha
thing to my notion that has come out Demonstration;" and Phillip p. games.'
of the contest was this, that there Jacobs, the publicity director of the should b
has never been an alibi or excuse . National Tuberculosis association, has shoe
from Michigan.. The Editorial in the who spoke on, "Future in Tubercu- former a
Michigan Student paper was fine. losis Work." (C
What a wonderful example to set be- The new board of directors of the
fore the -nation. It has been one 01 association held a luncheon at noon T
the high spots in Conference athletics, at the Green Tea Inn and elected offi- FIldi
in my judgement, and goes to show cers for the coming year. Frank B.
how big an institution can prove itself Leland of Detroit was re-elected j
to be in adversity." president, Mrs. L. L. Mautner of Sag- I
''"Three years ago thiskweek,' sa inaw was re-elected first vice-pres-
Coach Yost "was the darkest week I dent, and I. E. Mills of Lansing was MembE
ever experienced. That was the week chosen second vice-president. 'Three 'ls he
after the Ohio State game. Unkind re- we ecd ttheexetv e class e
mars aouttheplaersandcoaheswere elected to thre executive com- byys
marks about the players and coachesr mittee; Dr. E. B. Pierce of Howell, torium.
were being passed around. Theboys Mrs. C. J. Smith of Bay City, and W. dent oft
in~~R thatdgme fouhtahar.eTheywere.
your boys and my boys and if any R. Wooden of Battle Creek. tion, wa
body on the campus can do better The Trudeau Medical society also "Thatt
than they did the place for them is met yesterday afternoon in the Medi- plained;
down on Ferry Field. cal amphitheatre of . the University long an
And when did the student body getlI Hospital. Papers were given by Dr. The st
behind them? Only after they had J. A. Myers of the University of Min- vidod in
won two or three games. . . . The nesota, Dr. Clarence L. Wheaton of The firs
testing time for loyalty is when things the Municipal Tuberculosis sanator- and the
aren't breaking right. Every Michigan iuni of Chicago, and Dr. Phillip P. "The thi
man should trust the team and stick Jacobs who also spoke at the ban- plained,
with them." quet. put sch
im a .)
gan will play her second Con-
game of the season with Wis-
at 3 o'clock this afternoon on
icld. Determined to wipe out
ain of defeat by Illinois last
e Wolverines will be prepared
verything they have into the
while the Badgers, encouraged
r great showing against the
last week and still smarting
Le sting of the hairbreadth de-
Michigan at Madison last year,
ident of victory.
gan will go into today's game
entirely different lineup than
ich faced Illinois last week.
e disasterous Memorial Stad-
me the Varsity coaches have
cry effort toward strengthen-
team by re-arranging the
nd the success of their efforts
y be known after the contest
Jerb Steger, hero of the Illi-
me and one of the most con-
ground gaining backs in the
nce for the last three years,
t in a new role, that of quar-
.ockwell, who has been play-
rterback since Uteritz was in-
Lt year, will be shifted to left
Ben Freidman, a sophomore
been substituting in the pre-
ames of the season will play
r half. Dutch Marion, who has
aving left end, will take the
Jim Miller at fullback.
will also go onto the field
w role, that of. left end. Play-
osite Miller at right end will
Flora, a man who has shown
ngth in the other games as a
te. Edwards and Babcock, both
ayers, are due to start at the
obs with Hawkins and Slaugh-
uards and Bob Browvn at
Ban's games so far this year
own the need for big men at
and today the Michigan ends
taken care of by far larger
n have started in the other
The guard and tackle jobs
oth be strong and Bob Brown
wn himself a dependable per-
at center.
ontinued on Page Six.)
ers of the freshman literary
ld their first general assem-
erday afternoon in Hill audi-
Perry M. Hayden, '25, presi-
the Student Christisan associa-
s the speaker. le spoke on
Something," which he ex-
as that which yields only to
d strenuous opposition.
tudents of the campus are di-
nto three groups," he said.
st he called the grade group,
second the activity group.
ird group of students," he ex-
"includes those students who
holarship first, devote part
athletics Land other campus
s. This" he said, "is the rep-
Live group of Michigan."
Policy of Limiting Participants
One Major Post on Campus
Causes Board to Act
Two broadcasting stations,
WWJ of Detroit and WON of
Chicago, will both operate from
Perry Field this afternoon. WWJ
will have a microphone in the
press stand which will relay the
game to Detroit, while WGN will
have two microphones, one in
the press stand and the other
located on the scoreboard to
catch the cheering and the play-
ing of the band. Many other sta-
tions will broadcast the results
by quarters.
Epiop:TH D A
William Etheridge, '25, managingG
editor of the Michiganensian for the
current year, wasyesterdaytasked
by the Board ,in Control of Student
Publications to resign his positon as
football manager or to give up his
post in the 'Ensian. It is thought
that Etheridge will resign his foot-
ball job.
This action was taken at the Board;
meeting yesterday ,in accordance
with the general policy of limiting
all praticipants in campus activities
to one major post a year. This, it is
pointed out, is done so that one man
may not try to do more than he,
should and so that more men can se-
cure positions.
It was also decided by the Board'
yesterday afternoon that all men and
women who are eligible to compete
for the scholarship prize offered by
the Board for the first time this year
should file application blanks at
once. These can be secured from the
Board office in the Press building.
Three prizes are to be offered an-.
nually by the Board, starting this fall,
the awards to be made before Christ-
mas vacation. The prizes will be $250,
$150, and $100.. These will be award-
ed to the best scholars on all campus
publications. Four semesters must
be spent on the staff of some publi-
cation and the managing editor must I
certify that the applicant has worked
consistently and faithfully during
that time.
It is not necessary for the semesters
to be spent consecutively, or on the!
same publication. The contest is not
open to any staff member who has
left the University at. the time of the
award. For the purposes of this con-
test work on the Summer Daily wilt
count as one-half semester.
Work on the following publications
will be accepted by the Board: Michi-
gan Daily, Summer Daily, Michigan-
ensian, Chimes, Gargoyle, or Athletic
Prgonam. All applications must be
filed by the middle of NovembeY.
Th'omas E. Fiske, '27L, and Carroll
B3. Jones, '26L, have been appointed
by President Marion L. Burton to fill
vacancies on the Board left by the
resignations of John Sabo, '26L, and
John Garlinghouse, '25, editor of The
Extra To GreetI
Crowd From Game
"Back to Victory," the slogan
pep meeting in Hill auditoriu
night, stands approved by tho'
of Michigan students. The thr
rooters in Hill auditorium yell
sang In a manner which was
dication of the support that the
will have when they meet Wis
this afternoon.
Lyman Glasgow, '25, head i
cheerleader, opened the meetin
a number ,ofyells and also tri
the new yell originated by Pro
liam A. Frayer, of the history i
ment, which the cheerleaders ar
ning to use at the game today,
explaining plans made for the
ling of the cheering section, he
a plea for aid in its organiza
At this point the band appear
with the spirit of the crowd ke:
to a high pitch the walls of the
torium fairly re-echoed the w
the "Victors."
Alfred B. Connable, '25, presik
the Student council and chairr
the meeting, spoke of the reme
spirit shown at Illinois and pa
bute to Capt. Herb Steger for h
and clean playing. He then intri
Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, presbi
the Union, who made a spirite
for every individual of the s
body to get behind the team
fight with them.
Gus Goetz, captain of Mic
team in 1919 and 1920, urged ev
to staywith the cheerleaders.
gan was not outfought, .1i
Granged," he said.
Mason Rumney, '07, then to
floor and explained a few obj4
the Alumni association, and als
that they were endeavoring tor
nize the Alumni association th
out the country.
dean Hugh Cabot of the n
school, the next speaker, spoke
relation of the athletics to th
versity currciculum. He point
that the purpose of the Uni
was not only to supply learni
to educate, but to train people
business of living,
The meeting was concluded w
singing of the "Yellow and the
Following the meeting the ban
snake dance to the tlon wh
men students were invited to t
tertainment in the Tap-room,
Wiliam M. Heston, '04, who had
to speak at the meeting was un
attend on account of the inju
his son.
Three Michigan men were ele
the executive council of Tau B
national honorary engineerini
ternity, at its annual convent
Ames, Iowa, this year. The e
taking ofifce December 1, and <
uing for three years, is Prof.
Moore, president, Prof. H. H.
vice -president, and Prof C. T,
ston, councillor. John W. Ros'
was re-elected editor of the e
fraternities' official organ:
Amendments, to the (cons
made last year created a hew
executive council by whichthe
chapters may nominate atic4
a field of eight tickets, the Mi
chapter's ticket was elect
thorough re-organization and r
of the association and .its et]
proceedure is proposed; th
council is undertaking the wo
Madison Rooters
Arrive For G
Reaching the proportions of a maga-
zine in size and quality, the second of-s
ficial Athletic Program of the year
went on sale yesterday. Its cover,
which was designed by Halsey David-
son, '25, must likewise be ranked
highly because of the attractive color-
This program has many commend-
able innovations, chief among which
is a graph of the probable line-up 0o
the Wisconsin and Michigan teams.
Another feature is the large and bold-i
faced type of printing used bothfor
the player's names and for their num-
bers. In this connection Lloyd E.
Maeder, '25E, managing editor, stated
that these are the authentic numbers
for members of both teams. In the
Miami issue the correct numerals
were given but the players had notl
received their new jerseys. .
Heading the numerous pictures is
that of Captain Herbert Setger, '25.
There are also pictures of the coach
and captain of the Wisconsin team,
and both are accompanied by sum-
maries of their careers. The picture of
Coach Yost is surrounded by all the
All-American players that he has pro-
The issue also contains Wisconsin
songs and cheers,, a summary of
"penalties commonly inflicted" and
changes that have occurred in the
football rules for 1924.
This afternoon as you make your exit
from Ferry Field, after watching
Y o st Talks To Cheerleaders.
On Elements Of Sportsmanship
Limle to
Fielding H. Yost, director of inter-
collegiate athletics, gave a talk yes-
terday to the cheer leaders who will
take command of the cheering section
in today's game with the Badgers.
The following statement is an extract
from that talk:
"Sportsmanship is that quality of
honor that desires always to be cour-
teous, fair, and respectful. In its ap-
plication to intercollegiate athletics, it
is interpreted in the conduct of play-
ers, spectators, coaches, and school
When two universities agree to
meet each other in an athletic contest,
they agree to two tests, one to deter-
mine which has the stronger team,
and the other to determine which has
instilled into its team and students the
better quality of sportsmanship. It
goes without saying that supremacy inf
the latter is of much greater perman-
ent value than victory in the contest
"Sportsmanship means all this,"
concluded Directcr Yost, "And it also
means courtesy and respect for op-
ponents, officials, and the game by
both players and spectators."
Mukden, China, Oct. 24.-The end
of the war with the Chinese central
government was officially announced
in a communique issued at thehead-
quarters of ChangTso-Lin here at 3
o'clock this afternoon. The communi-
que stated that Feng Yu-Hsiang was
in possesion of' Pelin; that President
Tsao Jun had taken refuge in the le-
gation quarters of the capital city;
and that Wu Pei-Fu, commander in
chief of the central government
,armies was in full flight.
Retreat of central government
armies at Shanhaikwan has been cut
off it was declared.
First Manager
Here For Game
Cheering Section To Receive
First Trial In Today's Game
Play-by-play accounts of the Wis-I
consin game this afternoon, results
of the cross-country meet being held
here, and period scores of other foot-
ball games played in all parts of the
country will be contained in the Daily
sports extra which will be sold im-
mediately after the game.
At Ferry field, between the halves,
the cheerleaders will announce the
scores of the various Conference
games scheduled for today. These re-
sults are secured through The Daily
offices by a special wire from the As-
sociated Press in Detroit.
Seven special trains will
Ann Arbor this morning for
today bearing more-than 500
sin rooters and several
Michigan backers. Two
trains, coming from Madison
rive at 8:30 and '9:30 o'clock
bor time, at the Michigar
depot. Another special w
from Chicago at 8:00 o'clock
Three specials will run
Detroit at various times this
and there will also be one
from Grand Rapids at 12:2
Rome, Oct. 24.-General
n Tirpto oninen of nlo n
Eleven hundred Michigan men will
comprise the cheering section located
on the fifty yard line at today's game.
The cheering section marks the culmi-
nation of an effort initiated last spring
hb the 'Stuidnt nouncil to scure more
the country have for years endorsed
the cheering section idea. The future
of the cheering section at Michigan
rests upon the. 1,100 men who have
secured seats in the 50 yard line sec-
itnn ins the football zamp todav