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September 23, 1924 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 9-23-1924

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tate Body Comprises Medical Socie-
ty, Nnrse's Association, and
Tuberculosis Association
A health committee, composed of
representatives from all of the lead-
lng state health organizations, will
hold its first meeting in this city on
October 6, at the Michigan Union.
The meetings will extend over a
period of. several days.
This new state health committee
is uilt around a former committee
havingsmia aims, which has been
in existence for several years. The
e wcommittee is simply an old one,
with representatives from a number
o new organizations participating
in the sessiohs. The new health or-
ganization has decided to co-
operate with the old committee are
ihe Michigan Tuberculosis associa-
tion, the Michigan State Nurse as-
1oclation, and the Michigan State
onference of Social Work,
Qther mimbers of the cimmittee
are the Michigan State Medical so-
iety, University of Michigan, Michi-
gan department of Health, Detroit
College of Medicine and Surgery
"d the Michigan State Dental so-
The purpose of the committee is
to educate citizens of the state in
the necessity for proper care of the
health, through the medium of lec-
tures and literature. It attempts to
present to the people, through the
co-operation of the various health
societies, the fundamentals under-
lying public health work.
Members of the committee declare
that, in the two years of its exic-
cnce, the work has been tremend-
iusly successful, and that interest
iht the work is increasing steadily.
During the past year, attendance at
the ledtures sponsored by the com-
mittee has increased by more than
100 per cent.
Last year the committee arranged
for lectures in 89 communities. In
Detroit alone,- where they say the
noecessity for education in hygiene i
greatest, mnore than 75 lectures were
delivered. The total attendance at
these locures is estimated at slight-
l less than 80,000. All of them are
free to the public.;
(Continued on Page Nine)
fessorships will pour tea at the re-
ception. These include Mrs. A. R.
Crittenden, Mrs. W. A. Frayer, Mrs.
W. R. Humphreys, Mrs. W. G. Smea-
ton,' Mrs. C. B. Vibbert, Mrs. W. .
Wait, Mrs. A. O. Lee, Mrs Carl V.
Weller, Mrs. F. N. Wilson, Mrs. F. C.
Lowrey, Mrs. S. A. Courtis, Miss Mar-
garet Bell and Mrs. F. H. Yost.
In addition to the above, the fol-
lowing professors wives will assist in
serving: Mrs. A. S. Alton, Mrs. R. C.
Angell, Mrs. P. B. Blanshard, Mrs. O.
W. Boston, Mrs. L. I. Bedvold, Mrs. D.
V. Bronk, Mrs. Marcel Clavel, Mrs. G.
H. Doane, Mrs. W. C. Louisell, Mrs.
N. V. Russell Mrs. J. H. Hodges, Mrs.
. W. kDunn, Mrs. Theophile Raphel,
,Mrs. U, A. aelk, Mrs. R. L. Mas-
son, Mrs. A. B Peck, Mrs. o. S. Duf-
endack, Mrs. W. M. Trap, Misses Eu-
nice and Katherine Wead.
Carnegie Hallr
Sees End Near

New York, Sept. 22.-Carnegie Hall,
for 19 years one of the musical cen-
ters of New York, will be torn down
to make way for modern office afid
apartment luildings. A price of $2,-
500,000 has been fixed by the Carnegie
Foundation, and the property is said
to have been placed in the hands of
a broker.
The building, which is seven stories
high and includes many private halls,
reception rooms, studios, concert halls
and music rooms, no longer pays its
own expenses, the concert hall alone
having lost $15,000 a year, according
to a report. The red brick and terra
cotta structure is built along modified
renaissance lines, with a plain roof of
the Mansard type. It stands at Fifty-
seventh street and Seventh avenue.
The main auditorium seats approxi-
mately 3,000 persons, with standingj
room for 1,000. Thre are four gal-
leries,including the first tier of boxes.
'The original cost of the building was
about $2,000,000.

Chinese Hinder 1Public Library under the direction of
Chinese HCarlton F. Wells.
Excavating Work July 1-Coach Fielding H. Yost
spoke on "Athletics in Relation to
Reluctance on the part of Chinese Endurance and Public Health." In
natives to allow excavation of tombs his talk he emphasized the need for
nsratdithlowexviontof tombsconsistent athletics, and the need al-
is retarding the development of arch- so for proper and sufficient equip-
eological discoveries in that country, ment. Professor Robert M. Wenley
according to Carl Whiting Bishop of .of the philosophy department spoke to-
the University of California, who re- the Men's Educational Club on the
cently took part in the excavation of problems of modern education.
two burial mounds along the Hwai July 2--It was announced that a
river in China, new golf course was to be opened for
"China is a very rich field for ex- the benefit of townspeople and stud-
cavators,'adeclares Prof. Y. S. Kuno tents. It is situated between Geddes
of the same university in regard to and Washtenaw Avenues.
this reluctance, "and work of this sort JIuly 7--A lecture was delivered by
has only begun there. The Chinese Prof. A. Franklin Shull of the
are superstitious about excavating the zoology department. Professor Shull'
graves, believing they would be pun- took as his subject a discussion of
ished for disturbing them, conse- "Heredity and Immigration." The
quently ther has been little research economical and biological phases of
until now.'ecnmcladbooiaphssf
The mounds discovereddate aboutimmigrat e ex laned.phreys of
100 A. D., but the soil used in them Juy8Da wrI.R.Hmheso
contains arrow heads and other stone The literary college addressed a
bits dating back to 500 or 100 B. C. large audience, his subject being
bis d t n _b c _o5 0 or 1 0B_. "Evolution and The Bible."
. July 10-The Woman's League
sponsored two performances of the
"Puppeteers." Mrs. Ava Comin-
{ L FOH S rCase, pianist, and Mr. Julius Ne-I
ihaus, basso, appeared in the third
faculty concert. Professor Preston
James of the georgraphy department
delivered a lecture on "Geographicalr
Observations in the Great Deserts ofi
(oPeru. Drawings for the men's sum-
His actual experiment, which re- mer session tennis tournament were
sulted in the manufacture of sugar, completed. Over 60 students journey-
was simply to make formaldehyde from ed to Niagara Falls under the direc-
carbon dioxide and water, and then tion of Prof. William H. Hobbs of
to expose this fresh formaldehyde to the geology department.
his artificial sunlight, which was in July 11-The philosophy of John W.
the form of ultra-violet rays of a Davidson was the subject of an ad-
certaig intensity. dress by Prof. R. M. Wenley of the
At first he was unsuccessful, until philosophy department. "Public
he found precisely the right intensity Health from an International Stand-
of the rays which should be used. I point," the subject of Hugh S. Cum-
Professor Baly's synthesis of sugar) mink of the United States Public
is still far from the commercial stage Health Service, was given in the
At the preent time, the vast amount evening.
of energy required to produce the cor-j July 13-Prof. E. A. Mercado of the
rect ultra-violet light is too expensive Spanish department lectured on
to make the manufacture of the sugar 'Porto Rican schools. William L.
.profitable. It is possible, however, Bragg, noted physcist of Manchester
that some cheap method of producing university and authority on X-rays,
the rays may be found in the future. arrived from England to . conduct1
The lecture at which he will explain courses during the summer session.
his process will be open to all stud- Professor A. W. Crage, joint editor of
ents of chemistr, and to any others the Oxford dictionary spoke on the
interested. history of the publication and the
'work necessary in compiling it.
Charles W. Stiles of the United
States Public Health Service lectured
Summer Events on "Public Health Side of the Race
Problem in the United States."
In Brief July 17-"Beyond The Horizon," theI
first of a series of plays given by the
- IFrank McEntee company from the
Summary Compiled from the Files Shakespeare Playhouse of New York,
The Summer Kichigan Da l" IIeas enthusiasticall~y received. Dr.
Charles W. Stiles of the U. S. Public
A Health Service delivered an address
As has always been the case, the on the "Hookworm Disease." Dean
past summer season at the Univer- Maximo M. Kalaw of the University 1
sity was a busy one in the matter of of the Philipplnes spoke ol "The Pre-
extra-curricular activities on the sent Day in The Philippines." Pro-
campus. fessor Henry E. Riggs of the civil en-I
June 23-The summer lecture gineering department lectured on
course was opened by Mr. James M. "Developement In American Trans-
Toby, administrative secretary of the portation."r
National Health Council. Mr. Toby July 21-The League of Women
took as his subject, "The Contribu- Voters opened political institute, Dean
tion of the National Health Council [Edward H. Kaus welcoming the
to Public Health," women. Prof. W. J. Hussey of the
June 24-Professor William H. astronomy department spoke on ther
Hobbs of the geology department proposed South African observatory
lectured on "Australia the Remote of the university.
Continent," and Homer Calver took as July 22-Prof. Thomas H1. Reed of
his subject "Public Health As A the political science department ad-
Career," in the second and third" dressed the League of Women Voters
lectures of the summer. The suni-. on the direct primary system in use in
mer enrollment was reported as our government. The immigration
nearing the 3,000 mark. policy of the United States was dis-I
June 25-The first faculty concert cussed by Prof. Arthur E. Wood of
of the summer was given by members the sociology department. t I
of the School of Music when Mr. July 23-The faculty cQncert seriesj
James Hamilton, tenor, and Mrs. presented Andrew Haigh, a pupil of
George Rhead, pianist, gave a most Lhevinne, in a pleasing piano recital.'
enjoyable concert in Hill auditorium. The third session of the Political
Five students, Harry D. Hoey, '24, Institute was addressed by Dean
Donald Snyder, '25, Edward T. Rams- Maximo M. Kalaw, Prof. T. E. Reed,1
dell, '23, Ray Alexander, '24, and and Prof. A. E. Wood.
Norman B. Johnson, '25 were named July 28-"Ode on the Intimationsj
as candidates from Michigan for the of Immortality" by Wordsworth, was
Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford. the subject of a talk by Prof. E. F.

June 26-Professor F. N. Menefee of Gingerich of the English department.
the engineering college showed the Dr. Slemons, health commissioner of
first of a series of educational pic- ,Grand Rapids, discussed "Some Pe-
tures, which depicted the various culiar Problems in Civic Health Ad-
processes involved in the manufacture ministration with Particular Refer-
of steel. ence to Control of Communicable
June 27-Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of Diseases."
the political science department de- July 29-Classes in Shakespearean
livered what was probably one of the reading, under the direction of Prof.
best addresses of the summer when R. C. Hunter of Ohio Wesleyan Uni-f{
he spoke .on, "The Colonial Policy of versity, presented "Julius Caesar"'
Japan." Three health films were with marked success. Prof. J. G.
shown which emphasized the part Winter lectured on "Aegean Civiliza-
ignorance aid prejudice played in the tion." The summer Choral Union gave
spread of contagious diseases. Dean a concert in Hill auditorium.
Whitney of the School of Education July 30-The summer' choral un-
was named to head the new experi- Ion presented a poncert 1n HIll
mental University High School. An lauditorium under the kirection of
unusual demonstration of the glass George Bowen. In addition the In-
blowers art was shown in demonstra- /struniental trio from Detroit Gass
tions of Mr. Frank Schaefer of the Technical high school assisted.
Laboratory Apparatus company of Prof. C. P. Wagner of the ramance
Ann Arbor. language department delivered a
June 28-Over twenty-five students lecture on Spanish literature.
made a tour of inspection of the De- July 31-Prof. W. L. Bragg of
troit News plant and the Detroit Manchester University gave a fec-

ture to students and faculty upon
the subject of the X-ray study of
Crystalline structure. Miss Eliza-
both Fox of New York city spoke
upon the place of the nurse in public'
health work.
August 1-Dr. H. A. Haynes was
appointed University Hospital di-
rector to fill the post made vacant
by the resignation of D. C. Parnall
last June. Total registration in the
University for the year 1924-25 was
anounced as 12,291 students in all i
colleges and the Summer esssion.]
Prof. Edgar Dawson of New York'
delivered a University lecture on the
growth of social study.
August 4-Prof. B. F. Bailey de-
livered a lecture upon "The Electri-
cal Ship." W. B. Nagel, '25 E, was
drowned in Ostego lake when a
canoe in which he was riding cap-
sized in a sudden storm.
August 5-Prof. C. Spearman of

the University of England gave a
talk on "Individual Diiferences in
Ability" before one of the largest
gatherings of the year. Prof. T. H.
Reed addressed the Educational
clubs in the evening at the Union.
August 7-J. S. Cleavenger of the
Saginaw library spoke on "Staff Re-
lations." Prof Roy Cowden lectur-
ed upon "Ghosts in Fiction' in an
address in Natural Science auditor-
ium. Prof. F. N. Scott returned
from his, extensive trip through
August 9-Dean E. H. Kraus of
the Summer sesion expresed himself!
as entirely pleased with the work
of the session.
August 13, 14, 15-Examinations
for the Summer session.
August 15-Last day of' the ses-
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