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October 21, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 10-21-1924

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.. t d t

Published every morning bexcept Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student publications.
Members of Western Conference Editoral
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
it;d to the use for republication of all newst
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub.
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
waster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones:.Editorial, 2414 and 176-M;'busi-
ness, o6o.
Telephones 2414 and 176-H
Editor..............John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor.............Robert G. Ramsay
Night Editors
George V. Davis Joseph Kruger
'1 homas P. Henry John Conrad
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Sports Editor........ William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor..........Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor............Verena Moran
Music and Drama...Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph, Editor......William J. Walthour
Louise Barley Winfield H. Line
Marion Barlow Harold A. Moore
Leslie S. Bennets Carl'E. Ohlmacher
Norma& Bicknell William C. Patterson
TTp-m,,ar ox~r Telen S. Ramsay
SmithaCady Jr. Regina Reichmann
,v muaid b. L.sby Marie Reed
Valentine L. Davies Edmarie Schrauder
T-~p.,1,, !V-rnam>erg Frederick H. Shillito
Joseph O. Gartner Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
JvJauing liouseworth C. Arthur Stevens
F1 zabeth S. Kennedy Marjory Sweet
Elizabeth Liebermann Frederic Telmos
Francis R. Line Herman J'. Wise
Telephone 960
Aveitising ...................E. L. Dunne
Advertising.... ........3 . .Finn
Advertising.................... A. Marks
Adverfl"V-n . ........H. M., Rockwell
Acc nts..................-.- Byron Parker
~circntlation............R. C. Winter
Publication ................John W. Conlin
P. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins
1\., F. Ardussi K. F. Mast
'^. Turris , t L. N.vmanti
F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
111+,ip tzJ. Lu. Ryan.
David Fox N.. Rosenzweig
Norman Freehling Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld
Tl.T,.In-n t ~S.- T. Sinclair
L. H. Kramer F. yTaylor
Lous W. Kramer
Night Editor-THOS. P. HENRY, JR.

was little evidence in the early sea-
son games. The spirit had been sooth-
ed into slumber by defeat. It was
awakened with a jolt at Urbana and
functioned well during the last three
quarters of ,the garde. There is need
for much of it to finish the season
without defeat. Captain Steger and
the rest of the team have demonstrat.
ed their ability to fight against almost
overwhelming odds, they have passed
the first Conference game of the sea-
son, and they will give all they have
to make the season a success-if Mich-
igan men stay behind them!
The spectre of a bleeding Ireland
rises again to disturb the uneasy
dreams of Ramsay MacDonald; the
same ghost which has stalked
through the dreams of every prime
minister since Gladstone, marches
again during the coming weeks before
election, through every burrough and
hamlet of England to awaken again
the same dread fear of ultimate divis-
ions and civil war that -has haunted
that harrassed country for many
years. Perhaps this is the last time
that the ghost walk, perhaps this
election may result in forever quiet-
ing its eternal watch, but it has been
pacing its ceaseless vigil through
English politics for years and in all
probability always will, for the
troubles are so deep rooted in the
religious and political prejudices of
these Irish, the most tenacious peoplel
in the whole world, that there seems
little hope of successfully brin'ging
to an end the insoluble problems of
generations. .f
The whole question was reopenere.
by the boundary dispute between the
Free State and Ulster, the northern
part of Ireland which still clings to
the government at Westminister,
while the southern part under Presi-
dent Cosgrave has made the venture
of self-government which had been the
dream of Irish patriots for years. It
was the boundary dispute together
with the recognition of Soviet Russia
which cost the Labor government its
position; and the Irish question, which
everyone had hoped was settled in
1920, will again be an issue in the
coming elections.
A proper understanding of the sit-
uation can depend only upon the ex-
planation of some of the events lead-
ing up to the situation which now
exists. The Daily will, in the next few
days, try to give a brief summary of
some of the main points in this dis-
turbing problem which faces British
voters, together with a rapid survey
of the history of the question.
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants. will. however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.

In Ann Arbor today and among
Michigan men everywhere there ari
three classes of opinionated individ-
uals: there are those who witnessed
the game either in person or on the
grid-graph who. find in Saturday's
game no cause for sorrow and are
looking forward to the remaining
games of the season with every ex-
pectation of victory; there are some
whose interest in the team terminated
with "Red" Grange's four touchdowns
in the first quarter and who find
cause for regret that they took the
time and money to go to the game;
and finally, there is that large class
of knockers who have spent the past
48 hours either discounting the efforts
of the team as a whole or discriminat-
ing against certain individuals.
Obviously the first class of persons
represents the ideal frame of mind
for the student and alumni body of
supporters. A defeat at the hands of a
team such as that built around the
now-famous Grange is no disgrace,
Indeed it is doubtful if any team in
the country could have stopped the
dedication-mad Illini. They played
with that precision and sureness
which has characterized great Michi-
gan and Illinois teams of past years
Their success in the opening minutes
of play made them invincible. It is
to be expected that they will suffer
no serious reverses during the course
of the season unless something hap-
pens to Harold and his interference.
Men of Michigan must now look for-
ward to the remaining tilts of the
year with other strong conference
teams, and hardened by experience t(,
the game against the Illini next year
at Ferry field.
The second class of persons is
hardly worth a passing comment,
They are present in every undertak-
ing of any magnitude and constitute
usually an insignificant minority.
They remain interested in a project
only to the point when if begins to
require something of them-then they
are busy with other matters.
And then there are those who will.
say with the alumnus coming out of!
Memorial stadium, Saturday: "Well, I
guess Yost has seen his day. He
didn't have a thing this afternoon."
Others among the knockers are
spreading wholesale criticism of the
team that fought Illinois off its feet
in the last three quarters of the crucial
contest. They forget the power of the
Illinois team, they fail to recall that
Michigan had only four regular men
from last year in the game, that from
last year's championship team there
have gone such men as Kipke, Blott,'
and Muirhead and several other out-
standing performers. Only when the


a speech at San Francisco. Then dis-
tilling honeyed words upon the arrival
of the ZR-3 to the Germans. Does that
not savour of Kaiser's Bunk? Under
the pretence of an autumn festival,
Defense Day is held. Do you not per-
ceive herein America (not Germany)
brandishing the mailed fist? And
America is the "Hope of the World."!
Let's have done with all this rot.
Come boys, think, think, think! Be
courageous in your thinking too.
We've had enough of war and these
saber rattlers have had their day-
and a sad one it; has been. No military
autocracy is to dominate our lives any
more than a corrupt group of poli-
ticians. It is our sacred duty to re-
pudiate both. Where are you?
Is it Peace or War? Christ or Caes-
ar? You cannot serve both-civiliza-
tion demands, yea, pleads that you
choose the side of Right and not that
of Moloch. We are all here for an
hour so let us "play the game square,"
just as though you were on the foot-
ball field. Be a true sportsman!
The student of history well knows
the difficulties that attended the for-
mation of our Union-a federal gov-
ernment out of 13 separate, distinct,
and sovereign "Countries." The same
is true today of the League of Nations
-'is only a more stupendous task.
In time, not in our day of course,
people will look back upon the foes
of the League here in America as
elsewhere with pity and contempt.
'Tis only a bigger union of nations
that is intended-don't let anyone de-
ceive you-and its purpose is peace.
Think! Don't swallow the rot that
iyo tread in the daily newspapers.
These, unfortunately, are dominated
by ister forces not unlike the sel-
fish" satanic militarism that rattle
its saber and stamps around.
You are the Leader-to-be. Conserva-
tive magazines, progressive pamphlets.
and even radical tracts should all
come before your eye ere you can
form any sensible conclusion on any
public question.
Think! Don't wear "badges of cor-
ruption" to advertise the administra-
-L' esprit d 'Amerique.
If the women of Michigan are will-
ing Jo push, crowd, stampede, and
snake-dance, their way into the Union.
If they are willing to carry sex equal-
ity to the ultimate limit. We are will-
ing to place pink cushions in the
"Ladies Tap Room" and hold a pep
meeting there out of pure courtesy.
By the way what does that word
"Courtesy" mean anyway?
To the Editor:
.I think that the local and state
newspapers have disgraced them-
selves by their microscopic support
in behalf of the Michigan football
I am going to be plain. Now what
encouragement do you think a foot-
ball team is going to get out of such
statements: 'Presence of Red Grange
gives Illini advantage over the Wol-
I do not for one moment overlook
the strength that the Illinois team pos-
sessed, but I want to say that the
Michigan team was playing under a
mental handicap. The prowess of Red
Grange had been dwelled upon so
excessively by a few carping news-
papr reporters that the men who
represented Michigan at Champaign
were looking for a super demon in
Grange before they ever started from

Ann Arbor.°I
admit that in Grange the Illini
h4 something to be proud of, but
we iave men with the same stuff in
them right here in Michigan; nay,
right in the men who played for us
in Illinois. And I'll venture to say!
that if the game could be played
over, it would end with different"re-
sults, and if Red Grange ever plays
with the Wolverines again he is go-
ing to be stopped by Michigan men.
And, in my estimation, our football
team did not lose the game at Cham-
paign Saturday afternoon. It was lost
by the unhearty supporters that
should have, with a wave of enthus-
lasm, carried our men over the top.
-H. L. R. '27.
Illinois seniors staged a "hobo
parade" Saturday noon before the
game. That wasn't nothin:! Michigan's
parade outdistanced and out-timed it
-48 hours coming and going and 400
miles in length.
The word has it that we are not
to dedicate Minnesota's new stadium,
that honor being left to Illinois. Well,
we're a little out of practice anyhow.
"The Shenandoah Starts Home,"
says a head in the newspaper. Will
that airship never stay put?
The price of living rises every day
-witness, the Republican budget.

Santa Maria, evidently, is eiher a
town or on the Mexican border or a
village In Cuba. In any case, there
have been wars off and on in such a
place, and as is often the case the
farce of cowards turned by circum-
stance into heroes invariably leve-
lops, and the country as a whole pays
homage to such posems, while thei
more worthy companions are uncere-
moniously buried and promptly for-
From such a theme the Bei Hecht
comedy, which the Player's Club are
te present tomorrow night in Sarah
Caswell Angell Hall, developed. In the
play, there is the conventionally like-
able rotter who suddenly find~h him-
self shoved onto a local pedastal
through a queer turn of luck: before
the story opens, he has run across
+he country to escape conviction as a
forger, and in New York, reduced to
the melodramatic lower depths, has
changed clothes and names with a
passing tramp; the tramp, of course,
dies gloriously in battle and bestows
on hi's namesake h'is honor.
The denouement presents the nleas-
ant dilemna of such patriotic success,
the irony of the situation resolving
itself into the consequent effect on the
boy's father, snivelling, skin-flint hyp-
ocrite, say two notches below the son
in his gentle art of putridity.
As an antidote, however, Shaw's
How He Lied To Her Husand" has
been placed on the same program to
remove with its brittleness the un-
pleasantness sweetness of such
Yankee decadence.
* * *
The following program will be given
by Palmer Christian, University or-
ganist, Wednesday afternoon. October
22, at 4:1.5 o'clock, to which the gen-
eral public is cordially invited:
Prelude to "Die Meistersinger'.......
.-. . Wagner.
Reverie ....................Debsy.
Lament- ..................Coulperin.
Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C.....
"Hymn to the Sun" from "Le Coq d
'Or" .......;.....Rimsky-Korsakoftf
An Autumn Sketch ..........Brewer.
Rose Window .................Mulet
S* * *
A review, by Marion Barlow.
Ire, disappointment, and other sun-
dry emotions, were manifest among the
patrons of the Adelphi theater, Chi-
cago, Sunday night. There was ire
Ohat they should be kept waiting for
three quarters of an hour while th
hero was unavoidably detained. There
was disappointment that the under-
study in the first few minutes of the
play did not display a vast amount
of hidden talent and set out on a bril-
lant and startling career. When the
hero himself finally did appear in a
moment of purposeful confusion and
semi darkness, things began at once
to go smoothly. Though it appearen
at times that this Roland Young was
not quite sincere in his passions, hi
unique and effective personality made
up for this other discrepancy, which
we concede may have been but tem-
For sheer imitation, Spring Bying
ton as the buxom, talky Mrs. Cady, and
George Barbier as her spouse were
unrivalled by the remainder of the
cast. The two of them presented
the Babbittt theme in ° is funny
aspect most successfully and
a to g e t h e r delightfully. Though

the play usurped upon the ancient
theme of dreams as an excuse for
plot, it was done rather as a night
mare than as the more cheerful sort
of night life. A bit of psychology was
occasionally inserted; psychology of a
purely objective sort which was pri-
marily funny and secondarily in-
A review, by Valentine Davies.
"No, No, Nannette" is just the kind
of a show to see after a football game
in Urbana. It has much excellent
comedy and at least a couple of tune;
which you hum for a week after. It
also has Louise Groody, who dances
sings and carries the play along at a
brisk pace thru three acts of fairly
lively material. There is enough ma-
terial for two good acts and there
seems to be no reasonable excuse for
deviating from the usual form. The
plot is one of those terrifically com-
plex ones which you have to think
out after the show, and then see it all
clearly, or almost clearly; but during
the evening anyone from the stage-
hands up can en'ter without seeming
Comedy was few and far between
but was worth waiting for when it
arrived. Bernard Granville and
Charles Winninger furnished most of
it and rendered the audience semi-



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Happy" ought to be very much heard
of this winter. Other song numbers
were interesting but not startling. A
little judicious cutting, especially in
the first few minutes, and "Nannette"
would be a first class musical comedy.
OCTOBER, 1924j
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_ _ _ .
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. ." l

To the Editor:
Now that the Wrangell Island con-
troversy is again on the front page,
s it seems apropos to point out to read-
ers of The Daily that it was on this
campus in June, 1921, that Allan
Crawford first met Mr. Stefansson.
Crawford, whose father is principal
of a Toronto Normal School, was then
a junior at the University of Toronto.
As evidence of his extra-curricular
activity we have the fact that he was
one of the founders of "Goblin ," a
humor magazine which not only sur-
vives but thrives. He came here dur-
ing commencement week, met his
chief and went from here to test the:
engine of the motorboat which the
party was to use in the north.
Crawford was in the news twice
after that. Once when there was pub-
lished his letter to his father statingI
that he had raised the British flag on
Wrangell Island and once more, many
months later, when it was discovered
that he and practically all of his party
had been frozen to death.
All of which goes to show that the
Actic ought to be abolished as soon
as possible.
With regard to the recent raid, the
writer does not know whether the
principle. of "Findin's keepin" would
be recognized in any court of inter-
national law.; yet, to one unskilled
in law, the act of the Russians in
taking back what was their own does
not appear to be an act of piracy.
-Norman Anning.
The Sunday edition of The Daily
contained a little notice of the en.
trance of various athletes into the R.
O. T. C. It has been quite evident for
some time that the Military Man, after
his great day during the war, is un-
willing to resume his former position.1
Once in the saddle he uses every re-1
source or device to remain in the
powerful position he acquired during
the recent emergency. To further its
grip upon American life, the Militaryj
is doing everything in its power to
enlist our spiritual leaders, our econ-
omic leaders, our political leaders,
by granting them commissions in the
R. O. T. C. Now it appears that the,

\ 1
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