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October 21, 1924 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 10-21-1924

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Detroit, Police Find 26.4 Per Cent of
b~rivers Hlave EyesighIt
-Bielow INormal
New York, Oct. 20.-Defective eye-
sight.. is blamed for an clarminigly
large-proportioni of automoble1 acci-
dents in the recent report of the Eye
'Sight Conservation Council ;of Anmer-
ica which has just comipleted a suir-
vey of the motor vehicle laws of
various state in regard .to the ques-
tion of eyesight.
Pointing te the steadily increashIg
number of such accidents at the rate
of about 2,00t3 a year, the council re-
ports that only four states make stat-
utory reference to eyesight of motor
vehicle operators while five other
states, makting a total of nine, test the
eyesight of applicants for driver's li-
"Defective vision is, obviously, a1
contributing cause of automobile ac"-
cidents, although no comnprehensiveI
relationship," the report states. "Iii
applicable to the entire motor driving
order to arrive at any conclusive data
.een, made to determine a definite
and authoritative investigation has
population, it would necessitate care-
ful analysis of larger groups."
Accumulated into annual totals, au-
tomobile accidents become an eio _-
Mons .'national catastrophe. Quoting;
the National Bureau of Casualty and
1Surety Underwriters,, time QCoun cil
says that there occurred in 1920,
11,067 , fatal automobile accidents,
12,2;13 in 1921,: 13,050 in 1922, and
15,700 in1(923. "In addition, there were?
270,000 persons injured by automnobile!
accidents in 1920, 307,000 in 1921,
342,00 in 1922, and 392,000 in 1923.
Exepriienjts are being carried out
by several municipal police depart-
meats,' :among, which is the D~etroit
police .department. In May 1924, the
Detroit police department con ducted
a motorist, vision survey of 16'54
motoriuts. apld'found 26.4 per centE
with vision below the normal stand-
ard. Sevente .n persons were lblindl in
one eye, 133, had less than halt viion
in one bye, and 192 had less than two-
th irds' vision in one eye.
The council points to this and of lic,,
instances as indicative of the ueees-

Asks Farmers,;'10o
Give Sundav-L aid
Egs To Church

f!Iv&r~rJFOIOAIIJAr!fl3i 1IP IJ* ..Wa~rrenl Kerrigan Appears
IIIILLJ !LLULIO lUUCIULIIIVICIMS~i .in Sabatini's "C aptain Blo
Heleith Service Planms for Epidemics' Saretsky Ileceives- Minor 1njiir e
Whten Students go Away Which WIl{confine Illi T o los- z
Son H~olidays piItal Tw6 Weeks i; 'cnm

*Warning students to take special Three survivors of the automobile
r, ! f,, care of their heairth this week, Dr. smash-up near B~en'ton 'Iarbor early
I Emory W. Sink, director of the U ni- last Friday lmom urlg, whlich eocat the "r''! . ".> .
v.i ty .health service1c rdctdetat fe, tof Srif '9Q, ,,-o Buffalo,
f there would be the usual post-cele- reuturned to school yesterday irie,
or'ation epidemic. of colds and other 'slightly bruised and cut but able to
,, :"respiratory ailments which' often de- attend classes.
velop into active cases of pneumonia. Israel Saretsky, '27P, the other sur-
Two students are now in the Uni- vivor and. 'he driver of the Ford car,
versity hospital. with serious cases of in which the five students were driv-
: "!r'!pneumnonia, according to Dr. Sink, ing to Urbana to see the Illiniois-
and hle advises any others who have Michigan football game,- will 1w eon- -
returned fromi Illinois with a coughfietoheMryostaof Rnn
'. or sore throat to report at the health Harbor for about two x ecks dlue to Sriea ona osbe steeIl r~~ls . x q '
slight ailments make one subject, to 'she body of Sam Fi"Iiler xvas sshippeJ
_________more serious diseases of the respiras- Saturday to Buffalo from' Benton
t ory system. Harbor by way of Detroit, where i% .f "
1 The Rev. 1-lnry Melton, minister; "We always plan for an increase was to be met by the parents, Mr. and i "U c,'Cati
wuho originated the "Lord's Acre" plan inaut;epiaoy infections direct- Mrs. Nathan Miller of 1, uffalo. l- In ~ i;ix~ ob n
in the Goorgia cotton belt, has a new; ly following the out-of-town games," termnent will be miade, at Buffalo. ; ytetterl
plan for raising funds for church; declared 'Dr. Sink, "and we are sel-, In .respect to iller and to JIohn {l. t Goss-c.}lx-rri Aini">avs tetl~e Brba!
work. It is for farmers to gi., hnve ail dom disappointed in this respect." Rhoades, '27P~, of St. Inaewh was , . , . Bib
egg lic oi Sndy o te huch "Students starting off on the long instantly. killed while riding honre- ,c f ro; i>iin a seac f igJ
to be Sold,. trip to Urbana would naturally dress back down the Michigan Central rail-i _____________________________asa fig
Iwarmly," continued the doctor.,"Then road tracks last Friday, the flag on -
I when they find that their clothing is the campus was at half mast all day ;.Ale{;hol Rubdow~n
SiIRLAIWION H1N { 0IIM too heavy, they shed some of it. The Saturday. A i May Z~e, ,5
reosult is a cold in the. head which Sam J. Benjamnin, '27, Jacob i"IYl " .d "'
CJ laer leveloios into a severe cough Schwartz, '27, and Irving Colef, '2611 ' /c'ar e
'F3AvVCareer HE A due, to yelling at the game." all of Blenton Hlrlror, were the I lie o 1
6. ~~Similarly, following Thanksgiving; members of the party who red rne.1di
V acation and a heavy dinner, theI to Ann Arbor Sunday to the homie o; ' R lafn c~c Woll(I(r ll wind up
Captailn Al fred P. Smith of the local health :service almost invariably has aul -Colef, 817 Arch street, where ; ..13r a >mg<; Eays tlis ritll-if he is not
ls)Qlvation Army will speak before the two or three cases of appendicitis to the five youn rg men were rooming. no iw dune oni the trm-ash. Samrilret'
Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon h~andle, according to the' director. --- -- --- t iiI c:'f1 the lreait Itorso, said re-I
to be held in the Chamber of Con- Christmas vacation also is found to Prof. B. M. Baker, of the Chemnical {c ry:Ply thmat this would be Zev's last
mnerce Inn at noon today. This is to be-y be the cause of a flare uip of respiras- EnTgineering departinent, was called year of racing. Pii, remark was
! alatonAryDa" ndanefotCory inections. toi Washington, ,p,. C., SaturdacIy, 0(-.. ,mna ie after th e horse hiad won three
will be madle to bring the charitably "Thlere would be little danger of air 18, on account of the serious illness racc:4s in tor days.,
inclined in closer connection with the I epidemic," continued Dr. Sink. "if 1of Ihis mother. j.:lust hiow much effect the unfortu-
obot ftergnrstall students suffering from cough-.- - nt poisoning of Zev has had on his
Captain Smith has chosen as his! and colds would report to the health Local Subscriptions $3.50--payable stamina and hence his future as ai
5U~c,"heSavtinfry n in service immediately"~ now, runner and the decision to put him in
Arbor." Walter P. Staebler will preside,____________
achair man. Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 20.--An
appropriation of $252,750 for State
sity for somte kind of an investiga-j trunk line and county road construe 1
H13 WVINE, on., Ot 7
Lion con the subject with the possible; tion in Kent County next season was WE9


i hord," which is bing shown at the
befit: uiclurzations of his novel. J.
} as the young Irish physician who is
d,,oes by ling Jawes. He turns into
ames leaves the throne he enlists un-
ht saves Port Royal for the English.


improvement of the situation as thej voted by the board of supervisors
result. yesterday.
PrIncetonz, Oct. 20.--Princeton's de-: Princeton, Oct.' 20.-Plans have
bating team Won over Cambridge by a beeny completed for the drive for the
vote of 11 to 10 in the recent clash, Princeton Connmunity Chest to be
on the question of modern democ- conducted under time auspices of the.
racy's relation to personal liberty. j 1:hiladiphian Society.
Don't delay-Pay your Subscription Local Subscriptions $3.50--payable
to~day. now.4
IvryToilet 4Articles
Wnividual pieces and corrplete sets-
always an c'xE{nsive vandyT to chooe 4fromn
200-04 E. Liberty Ann Arbor
m ~ b~ 2'Mlhb W1R16/1y01

One Year~ at the Kiaw Th~leatre, New York
",A Comedy of G rgeous A nusemmwuL"-New "om'k Tinmes.
Prices : $1.10), $lh, ,2.2(0 1{eyersed'

"'I ~ ~ lt ,c~'aeaa
irV( i!! W ud nt drrvai
:tfby cMA or let heri
ki9 ens; 4f;'ve, Nvho are,
not c;arrying a uiek.A'S
rtIJIof life insurance."




I.-.-. ___






oung Men's
/Pie ase



May We

Greatest Story
In the Rol of

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The stor y, too, of a wife wvhos
code was:
'Ay y chslut, in his association
vIiboulter i oine, may lie at-
way3s he tru e to mie, but, my
hasbnmd, right or wrong'.

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