't r t n
VOL. XXXV. No. 20
Saw 19 Years Service In Congress;
Was Chairman of Judiciary
Washington, October 14. (By A. P.)
-Worry over financial difficulties in-
volving real estate transactions com-
bined with ill health is assigned by
close friends as the cause for Senator
Frank Brandegee, of Connecticut,
committing suicide here early today.
The body of the 60 year old senator
wasfound in an unused room in the
upper floor of his spacious residence
this morning by his secretary, W.
Don Lundy, and chanffer,-George Jones.
They were directed to the room by a
note left on his desk which gave
no motive for the act.
A tube attached to an open gas jet
was In the hand of -Mr. Brandegee,
who lay fully dressed on the floor.
Coroner J. Ramsey Nebitt, after an
examination, issued a certificate of
death which he said resulted from sui-
cide accomplished by inhaling illumi-
nating gas.
Senator Brandegee, a bachelor, lived
alone except for two negro servants.
When last seen alive yesterday by his
secretary and chauffer they said he
appeared in the best of spirits and
health. He was at home alone last
Mr. Brandegee was the senior mem-'
her of the senate from his state and
in his 19 years of service there had
taken an active part in the leadership
of the Republican party. le was chair-
man of the judiciary committee and
one of the leaders on the foreign rela-
tions committee, His death, coupled
with that of Senator Colt, of Rhode
Island, recently, cuts the Republican
membership in the sonate to 49, a.
bare majority. It is expected however,
that both seats will be .filled before
Congress meets again in December
for the short term..
The senator had no immediate blood
relations and arrangements for the
funeral were taken in charge by his
secretary and officers of the sene.
Michigan's cheer leading squad will
be sent to the Michigan-Illinois foot-
ball game at Urbana next Saturday,
it was announced yesterday by offi-
cials of the Chamber of Commerce.
In the recent drive for funds to send
the 72 piece Michigan band to the
Illinois game a considerable surplus
was secured and with this extra
money the Chamber is going to send
five of the cheering squad instead of
only one as was first planned.
A new bass horn, not a bass drum,
as was previously announced, will e
presented to the Michigan hand by'
the club.
Of the 12 cars which will make up
the Chamber of Commerce special
train to Illinois, seven have already
been filled and reservations are still
coming in. The complete details for
the parade in Urbana are not as yet
known, but the business men are pre-
pared to do their share in the cele-
In preparation for an expected visit
of the provist of Johns Hopkins uni- t
versity, F. J. Goodnow, alumni of that
university who are now in Ann Arbor,
have been requested to send their
names, addresses, and phone numbers
to James Hart of the political science
department. He can be reached at 1015'
Church streat or by calling 530.
Mr. Hart is acting as temporary sec-
retary until an alumni club can be
formed, for which purpose the provost
is planning to visit Ann Arbor. In
view of the fact that the day first setI
for his stop was Saturday, October 25,1
the day of the Wisconsin game here,
it is thought that a postponment will
be necessary. The names of alumni
are being gathered so that they may
be notified when the meeting is finally'
Chief among the leaders in the or-
crori-nflflflv l+ ~n ora erA Pmr T
Cro0wds Gather Early To ViewJf~j mwv
Prince Of Wales-All In Vai
]'resident M-rion L. Burton 1OFF COOSE, ZD-
was the guest of Henry Ford in
Detroit y sterday to meet the II
Prince of Wales. .r...i .
Clemson Students IPEP
Spartanburg, South Carolina, Oct.
114.-The entire student body of Clem-
son college walked out today in pro- I
itest against food conditions and al- a ETNhT "nf9lnar^r 1-r fHloa, 1un11n1pnnu1urnnKni
legd nfirtreame of Hollohan~lPlllllf llIlnarnnm
I I . ..
Detroit, Oct. 14. (By A. P.)-All of
the energy which city officials of De-
troit planned to expend in welcom-
ing the Prince of Wales, when hist
visit to Detroit was recently an-1
nounced, was turned today to seeing
that Edward David Windsor, a pri-
vate citizen of Great Britain, was not
disturbed while he visited Henry
Ford, a private citizen of the United
About the Prince, the Ford orga-
nization, assisted by a few detectives
detailed by the police department,
threw an impenetrable wall. Photo-
graphers, newspapermen, and thou-
sands of others who for divers rea-
sons believed they would be able to
accompany the party during the tour
of the automobile plants of the Ford
Motor company were unable to get
even close to the distinguished
visitor. E
A huge crowd which began gather-
ing early in the day around the rail-
road yards at the Highland Park,
plant of the Ford company, got the
first sight of the Prince as he waved1
greetings from the observation plat-
form of his private car. Once inside
the Ford grounds he was not seen
Edward Daid Windsor
again until a smaller group gathered.
on Woodward avenue saw him
through the large windows as he
passed through the. power room of
the main plant. After that le dis-
appeared and the crowd, tired of wait-
ing finally dispersed.
The inspection
of the Ford con-j
pany plant took about two hours.
Following this the Prince was
taken ta the Detroit club where
he dined with Mr. Ford and a few in-
vited guests. Later there was recep-!
tion and dancing at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford.
The Prince's special train was
scheduled to leave at midnight for
To Organize in Ten Teams, Composed
Of Fifty Men, Headed by
# SET $5000 GOAL
At a meeting of captains appointed
for the annual drive for funds for the
Students Christian association held
last night in the Green Tree inn, Earl
P. 'lawyer, '25A, outlined the pains
for the pendimg 'campaign. The orga-
,nization of the drive will include five
hundred, men, working in teams of
fifty, each team having one captain
and five lieutenants.. The goal set by
Sawyr is five thousand dollars.
"Last year we' got forty-five hundred
dollars, but owing to the enlarging of
the scope of activity of the associa-
tion, we are asking the campus for
more this year. Our Freshman biblesl
have necessitated an unusual ex-t
pense which we feel is well spent,1
and we are, through the new cabinet
offices, better able to serve the stu-
dent body than ever before," he said. c
The committee in charge of tyrel
drive includes, Earl P. Sawyer, '25A,}
general chairman; Perry M. Haydenc
'25, president of the association;
John H. Elliott, '26, in charge of the'
captains; and Maurice P. Rhodes,!
'25L, in charge of fraternity speak-
ers. The captains as announced last
night are: Carlton Lindstrom, '25,t
Rensis Likert, '26, Roy Dalblrg, '25, t
('harles Higley, '26, Millard Pryor,
'25, Hans Tobler, '26, Eugene Power, i
'27, Earl Blaser, '27, Milton Kane, '27,1
and Robert Waterman, '25.l
"There will be no pledges acceptedl
in this year's campaign," said Sawyer#
to the captains. "Wisconsin and
other large universities are able to;
raise the hard cash, and we can if,
they can. Every man on the cain-
pus will be given opportunity to aid
in this drive with his time if not with
his money."
The drive will begin the evening
of November 4, continuing for three
days through the sixth.
Vienna, Oct. 14.-Housing conditions
are so bad that divorced couples must
continue to live together.
Vs).'I.MAYO; '83,,TO1
Endomment of *5000 Makes Lecture
Course Possible Here for
First Time
Dr. William J. Mayo, 83M, world
renowned surgeon, will speak here 'on
Friday, December 5, as the first lec-
turer on the endowed lecture course i
which lie gave the University last June.
Dr. Mayo offered in contribute $5,000#
for an endowed ecturcship on the
subject of surger at that time and hiss
gift was aecep- ,d by the Board of
Regents in their final meeting of
last semester. The interest on the sum
given will be used to provide an hon-
orarium for the men who will speak.
While Harvard, Columbia, and other;
American colleges have had endowedt
lectureships, this is the first one in
the history of.the University. Dr. Mayo
graciously consented to be the first
speaker on the course and has prom-
ised to send many of his eminent
colleagues here in order that it may
be three or four years before it will
be necessary to draw on the principal
of the fund.k
Dr. Mayo provided that the money
should be used to get renowned men
to lecture on the subject of surgery..
His object in establishing the fund;
was to provide a medium so that the
medical students could come in con-I
tact with a variety of distinguishedj
surgeons from this country and
abroad at different times throughout
their course.
"There is probably no graduate of
Michigan who has so profoundly af-<
fected the medical practice as I.'
Mayo," says Dean Hugh Cabot of thet
medical school. "He is a great sur-
geon, more than that, a great organ-
izer who has been able to effect an
organization whith deals with an
immense number of people, without
loss of personal contact."t
Although the lecture is primarily'
for students of the medical school,
all others who desire to attend will
be admitted. It is thought that there
will be a great many outsiders to hear
the distinguished speaker.
Do Your Duty, Be Sure and Vote,
recently been suspended, according to
S ESSAGES SAY THAT DIRIGIBLE information given to the Spartanburg
STEEIiEID CLEAR OF BAD Herald today by students over long i
IEATHEU distance telephone. The majority of
the boys are leaving for their homesj
tonight, the students said. ON TO URBANA
Through the courtesy of the
Expect That Giant Zeppelin Will End Ann Arbor branch of the Detroit i
Flight Sone Ti e in Automobile club The Daily wish-
Forenoon es to announce that it will be
Forenoon PAiable to publish the complete logC
Washington, Oct., 14. (By A. P.)- jof the route from Ann Arbor to
Although thrown somewhat off her Urbana tomorrow morning. This
course by quartering winds and then ( log was especially prepared by
compelled to turn to the northwest Tories Are Playing Anli-Bolshievism the club for use of those driv-
. until it reached the latitude of Cape By Piacarding Country ing to the Illinois game.
Sable, Novio Scotio, the air With Posters {
cruiser ZR-3 tonight was steadily
reducing t he mileage which LIBERALS WILL MEET T
separates her from her future Se k Stop
home at Lakehurst, New Jersey, where
she is expected to arrive tomorrow. London, Oct. 14. (By A. P.)-The fur 1Flow Of Booze
After nearly three days, in the air, has begun to fly in the British clec- F
the huge craft which left Friedrich- tion campaign, it is sure to be short
shafen Sunday morning was delayed'n
and' almost certain to be snappy. It,
during the day first by head windsab--r-*t
and then by thick blanket of fog which may have been the dropping of the Aresolution urging all students
caused her at times to run -at reduced case against Editor Campbell of the who plan to attend the Michigan tsIlls-
speeds and send out queries to sur-1 Worker's Weekly on which the gov- nois game to cooperate in making the
face craft and land stations for her ernment decided to accept defeat and Illinois homecoming a "dry homecom-
to find good weather until it reached go to the country, but it has alreardy ing" was passed at a meeting of the
bearings. Later, however, upon en- become plain that the thing the voters Student council last night.
countering good weather and a favor- are Hoping to hear most about from i The action came ss a result of an
able breeze, she was enabled to in- all sides in this campaign is ther
crease her speed to 70 knots an hour Anglo-Russian treaty. 'appeal received yesterday from the
in the direction of the American coast. The Tories are playing anti-Bol-. Illinois Student council asking that
Messages received by the Navy de- shevism for all it is worth. In two the Michigan body exert every effort
lartment and at radio stations along lays they have placarded the country to stay t e enthusias n of Michiga
the coast told the story of the Zep- vith posters depicting the bewhisk- lteuded hatt the ae all
pelin's flight. One received direct from ered bolshevist greedy for the money t potsib
the ZR-3, timed 10:45 o'clock in the of the good old British voter; but step le to prevent aster-the-
morning, declared that the ship was I,remier ,MacDonald apparently' has game enthusiasm from degenerating
fighting strong southwest winds and realized as keenly as his opponents into a drunken brawl.
had reduced her speed to 25 knots an that the way to gain the interest of In passing the resolution, members
hour. The position given in the dis- the British voter is to mention their of the council pointed out that as
patch indicated a progress of only 60 pocketbook and he therefore has been guests of the University of Illinois,
miles from the position given her busy explaining that the contemp- Michigan students who take the trip 1
nearly two hours earlier. lated loan of 40,000,000 pounds to have certain obligations toward their
Word that the zeppelin had escaped Russia would be spent largely in pur- host which they, as Michigan men,
from the unfavorable weather condi-. chasing machinery made in England. must uphold.
tions was conveyed to the navy do- An unshaven Russian is the subject The full tet of the resolution is;
partmnent in a message received late of imost of the party's placards. One as follows:
in the day from Captain Steele, aboard I little campaign poem however, reads: Whereas, the Student council of;
the craft, who will ,be its command- "1I o l s h e v i sts, Bolshevists, where the University of Illinois has request-
ing officer when it is formally taken have you been? ed this body to take every possible
over by the .United States. "Over to England where the Reds step in insuring a "dry" homecoming
- Forwarded through Radio Corpora- : are still green." next Saturday, and,
tion of America this message gave the Counter cartoons already are Whereas, this body believes it to be
ZR-3's position as about 1000 miles springing up, mocking those who the duty of every Michigan man who
east of Cape Sable at 4:15 o'clock in would have a serious Bolshevist scare. attends the game to respect the Illi-
the afternoon and said all engines The Liberals had a big conference in nois council's wishes,
were running at cruising speed with London today at which both former j Be It Resolved, that the Student
a following breeze and at the speed Premiers Asquith and Lloyd George council urges all students who attend
then being maintained the craft should spoke. They too emphasized hostility the game to comply with the Illinoisl
reach Lak murst tomorrow forenoon. to the Russian treaty. Mr. Asquith de- council's request and behave in an
Glared that the real cause of the La- orderly and gentlemanly manner;
bor government's precipitate appeal while in Champaign.
to the country was not the Campbell
lcause, but the Russian treaty.
141 VUlItbuVIYIIlb.........
Frayer, Faculty Representative; Band
And Cheerleaders To Put
Fight in Crowd
Michigan men will gather at 7
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium for
a monster pep meeting to pledge sup-
port to the team and pave the way
l for a victory over Illinois, Michigan's
great rival of last year and chief con-
tender for the 1924 Big Ten cham-
pionship. Disputed in her supremacy
as the "Champion of the West" for
two years, the Wolverines are deter-
mined that this year there will be no
split title, and that Michigan will down
1 all opponents beginning with the
powerful Illini Saturday.
After cheers and singing at the en-
trance of the Varsity band, Irwin
Deister, '25, chairman of the Student
council pep meeting committee, will
introduce the speakers, Fred Lawton,
'11, who as a pep meeting speaker has
put the winning fight into Michigan
crowds for many years will be the
alumni speaker. The last gathering
that he stirred was the rally before
the Ohio State game of two years ago
and Michigandwent to Columbus two
days later and dedicated the greatest
stadium in the middle-west by down-
ing the Buckeyes 19-0. If Lawton is a
luck piece history will repeat itself.
Coach George Little, the first speal-
or, willtalk to the assembled Michi-
gan rooters. IHI will he followed by
Prof. William A. Frayer of the history
department. Alfred B. Connable, '25,
president of the Student council will
explain certain features of the block
"M" so that there will be no misunder-
standing at the Illinois stadium on
Saturday.. b ;
The speeches will he interspersed
witlf yells led by Lyman Glasgow, '25,
and other members of the cheering
squad. Captain- Herbert Steger, '25,
may attend the meeting for a few
Lawton will lead in the singing of
"Varsity" and the meeting will be
concluded with the "Yellow and Blue."
It is expected by the committee that
Hill auditorium wilL, be jammed for
this pep meeting. Spirit will be man-
fested to "Beat Illinois" and do away
with disputed championships for
Michigan. Ten thousand, will be at
the game Saturday to cheer the Wol-
verines on. Tonight five thousand will
prepare for a third victorious year.
The doors will open at 6:30 o'clocl
and the meeting will begin at 7 o'clock
Directly after the pep meeting in
Hill auditorium, a crowd will form in
front of the building and will proceed
to march to the tap room of the Union.
The crowd will be entertained there
with music, yells, and various school
The purpose of the meeting is to
start again the custom of having
groups convene in the tap room to
sing or help in any entertainment. Not
long ago, it was the custom for stu-
dents to bring musical instruments
with them whenever they wished and
gather and play for the. entertainment-
of the rest of the people in the tap
comeay Uiub
'Pla s Tonight
0 rman Quota Over-Subscribed g
Twelve Minutes A fter Books Are
Opened, . As the first program of the year
Fraternities and organizations de- m
SWAMPED WITH ORDERS siring special cars to themselves on t C wil
the special trains running to Cham- present three one act plays at 8:30
paign for the Illinois game may char- o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswell An-
Subscriptions for the 00 ter a car if there are a sufficient gell hall. The production will include
Subcritins orthe$11,00,00- number to fill it, according to repro- I
share for the United States of the sentatives of the MichigantCentral "The Man With the Bowler Hat," by
$200,000,000 German loan exceeded railroad, who are selling tickets at the A. A. Milne, "A Matter of Husbands,"
$500,000,000 within 12 minutes after Michigan Union. A car holds about by Ferenc Molar, and "The Woman
the books were opened today, ac- 40 people and if this number from an Who was Acquitted" by Andre de
cording to official announcement to- oirganization wish to go together they Lorde.
night. Thousands of orders were still may obtain accommodations. "The Man With the Bowler Hat" is
unfilled when the books closed. Two compartment cars have been a drama, while "The Woman Who
Swamped with the flood of orders added to the trains enabling those . Was Acquitted" burlesque, in a way
which poured in from all parts of the who wish to secure a compartment to a parody of the preceding melodrama.
couhtry, bankers were unable to as- i do so. A compartment costs $10.50 The Molnar satire rounds the pro-
certain the exact amount of the over- each way. One day coach will be car- gram into a finshed whole.
subscription but were certaim that Tied on each special train so that stu- This is the first of a series of three
orders ran well above the half mil- dents who do not wish to buy Pull- programs that Comedy club presents
ion dollar mark. Allotments will be man tickets may use this car. every fall semester. All who were
made tomorrow by J. P. Morgan and Over 800 tickets had been sold yes- here last year will remember the suc-
company. terday at the booth in the Union and cess of "Captain Applejack," which
Unable to supply customers de- they may be obtained every after-
mands through regular subscription noon for the remainder of the week 'tion. Tickets will be on sale at the
I channels many investment houses en- from 3 to 5:30 o'clock. It is esti-t c
gaged in active bidding for the bonds I ' door for u5 cents. The curtain will
as soon as they - biddi ste ondsjmated by the railroad representatives not be raised until 8:30 in order that
as oonas he wee lstd o th Ithat it will be necessary to 'run four ' hsewo ih to attend the Pep
New York stock exchange on a "when h
issued" asis. special trains out of AnnArbor. t meeting will be able to get there in
Commanding a premium of 2 3-8 'time.
points above the offering prize of 92
throughout the day continued in ©oClsses
bhisk demand, selling most of the Elect Officers
time above 93. Total transactions in TO UILIiU LSC Y___
the issue in stock exchange trading
amounting to 4,266,400 comprising ap- Dr MKlhf fteUiest Junior and senior classes of the
afrmuntng o 4266000 ompisig a- Dr. I. M. Kolthoff of the University; school of Education will elect offi-
proximately 1-4 of the day's bond of Utrecht Holland who is being cstoday Eat in Tapa hcll.
sales. Many blocks, ranging from $50, ruthre ndr h jita- cers today at 4:10 in Tappan hall.
sals.Man bock, angngfro $0,brought here under the joint aus- 1 Juniors are requested to meet in
000 to $100,000 changed hands. In Lon- pices of the University and the Uni- I Room 206, and seniors in Room 203,
don the bonds also sold at a premium versity of Michigan section of the a nusio Th comte ,o
2I to avoid confusion. The committee on
of more than 2points American Chemical society, will lec- student activities asks that all stu-
To ILture at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in the dents registered in the school be
Illness To Keep chemistry amphitheater. His subject present at these meetings.
will be "The use of different elec-
M cA doo From Race tordes in neutralization reactions."
I Dr. Kolthoff has published a large 1925 Directory
Baltimore, Oct. 14.-William G. Me- amount of research work, princi-
IAdo former s peretary of the treas- nally along the lines of theory of in-
Canfield Says Anatole France
P'as Foremost Man Of Letters,
"Anatole France aptly chose his
name, because his genius and the qual-
ities that stand out in him are typical
of the French mind at its best." Such
was the eulogy that Prof. A. G. Can-,
field of the Romance languages de-
partment made yesterday when he was,
asked to comment on the death of the
famous writer whose real name was
Jacques Anatole Thibault, and whose
nom de plume was Anatole France.
"France will be reckoned with as
one of the permanent illustrations of
French letters," Professor Canfield
said. "He has been one of the fore-
most men of letters in the past twenty-1
four years, and posterity will regard
1, -. -noo-fj a? +ht.fa ,.n+ ind; of
of irony, all resembled those qualities
of Voltaire. But France was more
mellow and delicate.j
"As for France's works, his later
ones, particularly 'Ulle des Penguins'
and 'Les Dieux Ont Soif,' were most
characteristic of him, but the "Crime
of Sylvester Ponnard" was his most
popular work and gained him world-
wide fame."
P r o f e s s o r Canfield said that
France's influence was mostly exert-
ed during the latter years of the,
nineteenth century, but that French
men of the present time looked to
other intellectual leaders.
"His novels contained his philoso-}
nhv a fin mwh ir-hm-,t. o-rn1--,i, 4in
Members of the Adelphi house of
representatives met at 7:30 o'clock
last night in the new Adelphi room
on the fourth floor of the Literary
building. The subject, "Resolved that
government ownership and operation
of public utilities should be encour-
aged in the United- States," was de-
bated by the progressive and demo-
cratic parties. By a vote of the en-
tire house, including visitors, the
question was decided in favor of the
progressive party, which took the af-
firmative side of the argument.
As a result of their tryout speeches
the following new men were admitted
into the organization: 11. E. Bingham,
'26, W. C. Bishop, '28, R. Goodrow,
'28, R. Fasquelle, '26, W. W. Lindsay,
'25, R. S. Miller, '27, and V. C. Wall,
Jr., '28.
Do Your Duty, Be Sure and Vote.