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"Intramural Pm S J B ST
Program I ith Record Number, rra1,iPrgmSasTi rn
Huggins To Stay AnOther Year
u i nI I u I'UJV IIUIVjEntering upon its fall program, th
Michigan Intramural department, th
onacl Mather Issues Call For Court second in size in the United States
Candidates; Football Men To finds itself caring for more than 80
Report Later University students. The number isa
--- decided growth over last year's marl
THR EE REGULARS BACK even though speedball and tennis ar
the only activities that have been
thus far sponsored.
Regular Varsity basketball practice While the affairs of the departmen
r the coming season will be inau- 1 hare known to most upperclassmen a
trated tomorrow night at Waterman Michigan, the first year men who ar
'mnasium when court candidates directly under the supervision of thr
11 be given their initial workout by department seldom realize the pat
ach Mather. that intramural athletics play whil
Practice will ;be held four nights a they attend college.
ek for the entire squad, although The Michigan Intramural depart-
is probable that the six members ment stands sponsor each fall for
last year's squad may be asked to competition in speedball, cross coun-
port but twice a week until next trym tennis and bowling. Cometi-
>nth. Practice will be held in tion is divided among fraternities,
aterman gymnasium until the Var- classes, clubs and freshman group s
y floor is installed in the Yost field she fraternity speedall league cors
use, present plans calling for the menced last week and more than 50
Of the six men left of last year's societ's a ee ke dn th o mpeti-
iad, three are regulars, Captain are entered the competi-
orge Ilaggerty, forward, Dick '
yle, center, and "Red" Cherry, Class speedball will start during
ard, being the trio about which the the coming week, the sophomore en-
ipper hopes to build the Varsity. gmeers and rleats having entered
erry played as a regular until Ie- teams so far.As soon as thefresh-
.red ineligible in February: Cherry man groups are organized, the first
n also be used at forward. Kress- year men will be divided into teams
sh and Landre, AMA guards last I to compete for their intramural let-
ir, and Kruger, a forward, are also!
e ters awarded winners in all athie; o
e activities.
Cross country, under the direction
0 of Ted Sullivan, Varsity boxing coa h,
a has attracted large entry list an d
k work has been going on since last
e week Students competing in cross
i country work must show perfect
physical fitness before they are ler-
T o Be Phlyed IiI 'ite West
-A Close Of Regular
Chambers, a forward, aid Line and'
Itasnick, g.uards, are freshman null-
iral winners who will be out tomor-
row night. Russell Davis, Ben Fried-
nan and Hall, of last year's fresh-
ain team, are at present on the goot-
ball squad.
Herb Steger andL Bob Brown, foot-!
hall regulars, will probably join theI
court squad at the close of the grid-
ron season, as will Gregory, Dom-
huff and Stamman, the latter two
possessing court reputations al-
hough they did not go out for fresh-
nan team last year.
Preliminary work will consist
hiefly of fundamentals in passing,
Iribbling and shooting and setting up
rbils designed to round the squad
nto condition. At present the Athi-
etic office is dickering with the
Michigan Aggies for a game here on
)ecember 18. The first scheduled
:ame is for December 20, when the
cam will make a one game tripc
e 1
Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 11.-It has.
been rumored that the East will make
another invasion of the West next
fall, if negotiations between CornellI
university and Ohio State university
for two year football contract arel
fulfilled. No official announcement
has been made by the Buckeye ath-
letic association, but no effort was
made to hide the fact that represen-
tatives from the eastern school werel
in Columbus last week.
It is expected thate ilDobie's team
will meet Ohio State in Columbus
late next October and that the Buck-
eyes will go East on a corresponding
date in 1926.
Relations between the two schools
opened last spring when the Buckeye
baseball team went to Ithaca. It is
expected that the Cornell nine will
play at Columbus this spring.
t mitted to run. San Francisco, Oct. 11.--At the
t With winter comes the largest pro- c' of the football season on the
Q gram of intramural athletics that is Paifi Coast at least three East-
sponsored through the year at Mich- VWest games will be played, perhaps
t igan. More than 700 men are ex- : More.
pected to participate in the interfra- On New Year's Day the University
ternity, interclass, andl iatergroup c" California, which has won the
- games. Varsity material is often un- championsip of the Pacific Coast con-
r covered in the coinetition. Numeral r c1CC for four seasons, will meet
*ei-iseys are awarded winners in all the University of Pennsylvania in
the series and fraternitihe, as i n ll t =new iieniorial stadium at Ber-
other sports, play for possession of kl Icy, Cal., which seats 73,000. Cili-
a silver loving cup. Ew-n1t .started the 1924 season with
Hockey, track, swimming, bowling, utour of last ye:r's regulars and
and many other activities are included haud the task of building a new ma-
in the program which coitiue3 ccine. Coach Andy Smith predicted i
through June to the close of school. timat his tee am would lose its title and
While no definite method of ieterml- n i mtally its reputation of being
lining the number of students who iunbatable, lut sport ex)ers would
will participate this year has been not concede this, pointing to the
developed, Mr. Mitchell declares that vwealth of material usually to be
the total will exceed 1,000, making eind on the Berkeley campus.
Michigan the greatest intramural On Saturday, Dec. 6, the University
school in the country. Iof SoutLIern California, always a
strong contender for Coast football
rhonors, will clash with Syracuse iUni-
own SRnrI versity, in Los Angeles.
UHID SERIEStic authorities at the Univer-1
sity of Washington have announced
that their eleven will entertain an
GAMELIMT THRD IMEthe Washington stadium at Seattle,
New York, Oct. 11.-Among the Nov. 29, the Saturday after Thanks-o
various records accorded to the giving. Last year Washington was
Ithe runner-up in the Coast title race,1
World Series just finished must be defeated only by California.
added the significant fact that this j;or several seasons an intercoastal3
is the third time in the history of the post-season game has been held in
play off, that the teams have battled connection with the Tournament of
it out to the seven game limit. oses at Pasadena, Calif., and efforts
Strangely enough, the New York are expected to be made to arrange
Giants have twice been contenders such a contest this winter. Last New
for this unique honor, losing out at Year's Day this attraction brought
the tape on both occasions. together the Navy and the University
In 1909, Pittsburgh defeated e- of Washington. The result was a 14-
troit in the final game of the series,! to-14 tie.
Babe Adams, celebrating the close of
his first year in the big leagues, by of five games. Cleveland won from
pitching the Smoky City lads to vic- Lrcoklyn 5 to 2, under similar rules
tory. In 1912, the Giants and Red in 1920, and the Giants trounced
Sox carried the series to eight games, New York 5 to 3 the following year.
one of the encounters ending in a tie.
Cincinnati won five out of eight in Local Subscriptions $3.50-payable
1911 when the rules called for a winnow.,
Experience No Difficulty In Rolling
Up 38-0 Score On
Ann Arbor High- school's football
championship aspirations received
another boost up the ladder, when Al-
bion fell before the local lads terrific
onslaught, 38 to 0. Following the
lead of Robore, who went over for
a touchdown in the first quarter, the
locals had things their own way.
The second touchdown came in the
second quarter after a pass from
Walsh to Bethke put the oval with-
in a yard of the goal. Wenzel took
the ball over. A twenty yard run by
Walsh again put the ball within scor-
ing distance, in the closing minutes
of the first half. On his second try
Robore carried it across and Walsh
kicked goal. Score, first half, Ann
Arbor 19, Albion 0.
Walsh ran 20 yards for a touch-
down, after Musil blocked an Albion
punt, to start the third period's scor-
ing. Walsh added the extra point. A
pass Walsh to Kagey, from the twen-
ty yard strip, made the score, 32 to 0.
The final scor'e carne in the last
quarter Lichty intercepted an. Albion
pass and Ann Arbor gained on a re-
turn of punts, Stoll went through for
the marker after the Walsh to MusiH
combination had put the oval on the
25 yard line.
Don't delay-Pay your Subscription
Miller Huggins, Yankee manager, who will quit his ,managerial duties
after One more season of competition, according to a statement credited
to the diminuitive pilot. lHuggins gave two reasons for setting the date
of his retilement a year ahead.
"If I win and ma e it four straiglit, I'll want to try one more year and
make it rive," Iuggins declared during the last week of the past season,
"And if 1 lose I won't want to appear in the light of a quitter. I'll try one
yeIr to co1e back.''
711 North
University Ave.
Next to
Arcade Theatre
Frank Frisch, star second sacker
the Giants, hung up a world's
ecord in the series just closed by
itting the ball for a .333 clip, being
ie only player to hit .300 or better
four World's Series. Six other
ayers batted .300 or better in three
'orld's Series but none of these men
e playing today.
Frisch has already batted .300 or
otter in the series of 1921, 1922, and
23. Three years ago he compiled
mark of just .300, two years ago
had the splendid mark of .471, and
is year he batted an even .400.
The first player to bat .300 in three
orld Series was J. Franklin Baker,
rmerly, of the Athletics and later
.th the Yankees. Baker batted .409
the series of 1910 against the Cubs,
75 in the series of 1911 against the
ants and .450 in the series of 1913
ainst the same team.
The other players who have batted
)0 in three world series are Eddie
llins of the Athletes and White
x, Johnny Evers of the Cubs and
aves, Wallie Schang of the Ath-
ics and Yankees and Casey Stengel
the Robins and Giants.
St. Louis, Oct. 11,-Ernie Vick, for-
r University of Michigan baseball
1 football star, has been recalled
the St. Louis Cardinals from Louis-
le, in the American association.
!k started off the season with the
rdinals and bid fair to hold down
regular berth when Clemons, the
eran receiver, was put out of the
ne on account of injuries.
Vhen Clemons had recovered suffi,
ntly to return to the lineup,Vick
v so little service that it was de-
ed to send him to the minors fo
then seasoning.
ick's performance in the minor cir,
t has convinced the Cardinal own-
that he is ready for another trial,
one of the closing4 games of the#
son, Vi-k sustained a broken jw,
an whilh he had not recovered in
e to take up his duties as line
ch at Michigan, at the start of
'oo bad the University tore down
! h
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