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October 10, 1924 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 10-10-1924

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E _


Observatory Seismograph Used
To Record "Tremors Of Earth"

Chicago, Oct., 8 (By A. P.)-The
is enough unmined coal in midd
Western fields to last at least 20
years, according to estimates by Pr(
fessor Adolf Carl Noe of the Univei
sity of Chicago. Professor Noe, di
coverer of "coal balls" (fossilize
life found in coal seams) has jus
completed a study of coal reserve
in middle western coal states.
In Iowa Professor Noe estabuishe
the fact of the iarine origin of cos
seams'there, a result which he sai
is of importance both scientificall
and commercially. The professo
"It appears that in a very \earl;
period there took place vast inun
dations from the sea, which cause
the coal bearing formations of Iows
stretching from the northwest to th
southeast, covering an area approx
Imately from Boone, in the norther
part of the state, to the Missour
boundary. There is a formation nea:
'Muscatine which corresponds to tha
in the vicinity of Rock Island, Ill
I have become convinced, also, tha
these deposits both in Iowa and i
the Rock Island district of Illinois
are many thousands of years young
er than they have been assume
to be"
Professor Noe was convinced in hi
theory of the marine origin by dis
covering in the coal seams of Iowa
numerous fossilized remains of an
imal life. These remains found in th
"coal balls" of Illinois and other re
gions, tend to prove that the Iow
coal deposits resulted from salt wat
er inundations, whereas those of Illi-
nois suggest in many instances fresi
water conditions, he said.
The prediction of an almost inex-
haustible store of virgin coal in the
middle west was based by Professor
Noe on the fact that in one field, for
example, only ten percent of the de-
posits had been worked at all, leav-
ing 90 percent untouched. Elsewherb,
he said, it was apparent that the un-
worked seams are tremendous.
"Whereas at one time it was the
custom to take out only 40 to 50 per
cent of the coal in a field," the pro-
fessor said, "leaving large quantities
untouched and incapable of ever being
mined again, now the methods used
are approaching a hundred percent
basis of production."
Atlantic City, Oct., 8 (By A. P.)-
City traffic congestion cannot con-
tinue at its present rate, and tax-
payers must decide whether they wili
prohibit downtown parking and keep
traffic moving or uild new thorough-
fares. This was the crux of a report
on traffic, made after a detailed
countrywide study, by a committee of
experts today to the American Elec
tric Railway Association convention.
The cost of street widening is al
most prohibitive and is unnecessary,
it w.as declared; enforcing anti-park-
ing laws and speeding up traffic were
indorsed as preferable.-
"The most important means of in-
creasing the street flow is the elimina-
tion of the standing vehicle during at
least peak hour periods," the report
said. "The capacity of any channel is
measured by its narrowest point. A
street may be 50 feet from curb to
curb throughout the entire congestect
district, but if it is called upon t
carry a 50-foot t0raflc capacity, a
single automobile standing at any
point within the congested district
makes it but little better than a 4
foot street in that block and dams up
consequently nearly 20 percent of the
traffic flow behind it . To all intents
and purposes, a single vehicle stand-
ing in a 50-foot street is equivalent
to the destruction of from seven to ten
feet of street width from that point
to the end of the congested area
"All of us who drive our own ma-
chines appreciate the inconvenience

of not being allowed to stop in the
congested area, or anywhere else, for
the city cannot be operated for the
convenience. of the few to the incon-
venience of the mass. There is no
more reason why the individual cus-
tomer of the tradesmen should be l
allowed to destroy a portion of the
street width at a time when the com-
munity needs the entire street width!
for immediate use, than there is rea-
son for ,permitting the tradesman
himself to use the same amount of
space for the storage of goods or dis-
play of his wares."
Ithaca, Oct., 9-Cornell oarsmen
have dedicated a new boat, the "'23
Shell," and have had their first drill-
ing of the season.

Located in the basement of the Uni- WhonI
versity Observatory is a machine the site
which' few people know anything which is
about. It is the seismograph, a piece the obser
of delicate apparatus which records mograph
every little tremor or movement of the di An
the earth. When these tremors be- inches.I
come marked astronomers tell us that cording a
there has been an earthquake. for seve
This machine is set up on a con- coming t
crete foundation which is built upon drum aga
the rock bed of the earth. Between Even th
this foundation and the floor of the }'by a train
buildin'g itself is a space of six inches, graph. I
which makes the machine entirely in- atory is
dependent of the building. which cr
Upon a drum. operated by a clock- gan Cent
work arrangement is placed a sheet to the ea
of chemically treated paper. A steel I train lea
point resembling a pen point is sus- the penc
pended from an arm, allowing it to flected by
swing freely at the least vibration. pen ceas
The point is lowered so that it just as the tra
touches the surface of the paper on tory for
the drum and the clockwork set in soon as t
motion. The paper is marked at reg- of a quart
ular intervals which denote the pas- pen again
sage of one hour of time. Every for anoth
twelve hours the paper is changed. caused by
There are three of thes drums in op- easily dis
eration. One records the north and ness. Iti
south movements of the earth, an- ly whatt
other the east and west, and the third have pass
set up diagonally on the foundation of theser
serves as a check upon the other twos Astrono
This machine is so sensitive that it tances to
records the least disturbances of the ances byt
earth. There are slight "earth trem- tions. E
ors" occurring through-out the day, from four
but which are not great enough to be been reco
called earthquakes by the astrono- mograph.
mers. The intensity of these tremors throughout
vary, some days are very quiet while mographs
others are "rough." A sweep of the observator
pen which records anything over a Each year
quarter of an inch from the center University
of the drum is considered large wich Obs
enough so that astronomers tell us ated in th
that there has been an earthquake. that insti

wo ;iamen were blasting on
of the new nurses h-me,
situated about 50 yards from
rvatory, the pen of the seis-
vibrated from the center of
a distance of more than 3
It swung back and forth, re-
sweep of from 4 to 5 inches
ral minutes before finally
o rest at the center of the
he slight disturbances caused
n is recorded by the seismo-
i is thought that the observ-
situated upon rock strata
oss the tracks of the Michi-
ral railroad to the west and
st of the observatory. As a
ves the Ann Arbor station
of the seismograph is de-
y slight disturbances. The
es to record any vibrations I
"ain approaches the observa-
a minute and a half, but as
he train reaches a distance
ter of a mile to the east, the
a records slight disturbances
er minute. These vibrations
the trains are peculiar and
tinguished by their uneven-
is possible to tell at exact-
times during the day trains
ed the observatory by means
mers can estimate the dis-
the center of the disturb-
the variations in the vibra-
Earthquakes at distances
to five thousand miles have
rded by the University seis-
Other large observatories
ut the country where seis-
are situated wire to this
ry to verify their records.
x reports are sent from the
y observatory to the Green-
ervatory and are incorpor-
he official annual reports of

nrijllII such valuable books especially in the r m
BOOKSfII powdered sulphur as sprinkled up;
Sh T itudy ofhitor iad Eniglish Ilitera- "U ' UU IV * 9 1en the surtace of the concrete and a
. Totairlast directed upon it until
iwhich Mii-.ixrsssmelting took place. The molten sul-
matitude fr the college, and in nphun in permeating the cement ren-
ARE . ACtKitNOWLEDthe colege an inSUPH10UR DLLU0 .agis dsnegainfo
whi h it appears that the o?. tbu dered it waterproof and provided in-
t ion fo h nvest f ingan srneaantdsnertofo
Those members of the faculty, and has gone to replenish the library iyf Sulphur as a waterproofing agent, the action of moisture,in addition o
others who contributed last winter Tsuda college. Last year at this time., when applied to paper and concrete creating a very durable surface. ".A
when a collection of books was sent thehcollege cssctl rot a sinlĀ£I( has proven its worth, according to the test road is now being built in New
to Tokyo will be happy to hear of a 2135 volumes, which is considered a results of experiments conducted by York. The process of mining used
communication recently received by appreciable increase for a >overty the Texas Gulf Sulphur company and by the firm in their Texas mines is
comnctoIeetyreevdb prcal ices o oet one of forcing steam into the vein
William Warner Bishop, librarian of stricken center of learning to make in ,recently communicated to Prof. A. E. and pumping out the molten sulphur.
the University. It is to be remem- a year. White of the department of Engineer-
bered that a large number of books ing Research. German Lu ber
were gathered from varied sources Clef's Wives Veil When papier mache is treated with L n.
supua durable waterproof ma-Re o td W s d
and sent to Japan to assist in re- A Lo d s terial resulted, which has been used Reported W asted
establishing some of, the university OSfor milk bottles and acid containers
libraries which were destroyed byheu successfully. The paper resisted the Stuttgart, Germany, Oct., 7 (By
fire anti earthquake in September London, Oct., 8-The Emir of Kat- action of all acids except nitric. (A. P.) -A German interested in thl
1923. Several faculty members con- sina, who governs a district of Nigeria Common concrete building blocks lumber trade, Ernst Wiche, of Bremen,
tributed copies of their own publi- many times larger than England, at- such as are used in the foundations has published In a local paper a note
cations as well as such books as tended a moving picture show the of buildings, showed a quadrupled of warning. He says Europe is wast-
could be spared from their private other night in London for the first strength when treated with molten ing its lumber supplies in meeting the
libraries. The University library t, sulphur. The treatment, in addition enormously increased demand since
made extensive contributions from its time in his life. to increasing the strength of tl4e I the war.
store of duplicates. The books were The emir was enthusiastic about the blocks made them waterproof which All the wooded areas of Europe, in-
sent to the Imperial university lib movies. He was accompanied by his insured them against disintegration, cluding Russia and Scandinavia,
rary at Toyko for distribution by a two favorite wives, who remained due to the presence of moisture. amount to 158,000,000 acres, and these
committee. The# letter is quoted here. closely veiled throughout the perform- Used for Roads are being cleared so rapidly, accord-
"After an unreasonably long delay lance. Upon their arrival at the The use of the process in the treat- ing to Mr. Wiche, that in the years to
the one hundred and forty-five books theatre the wives were escorted into ment of concrete roads is perhaps come Europe will have to import wood
sent from your library arrived at our the manager's office to wait until the the most important application dis- from America.
college on the tenth of September, lights went down so that they should covered by the manufacturer. Tests
We are very happy indeed to get not be seen by vulgar eyes. were conducted in New York, in which READ THE MICHIGAN DAILY

J \j

Wool Production
Hits $4,000,000
Mark In Canada
Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 9.-Canada's
wool clip will total 13,000,000 pounds
with a value to sheepmen of $4,000,-
000, according to a bulletin issued by
the Dominion Department of Agricul-
ture. The quality of the product is
said to be the highest in recent years.
Approximately half the wool clip,
the bulletin estimates, will remain in
Canada for manufacture. Last year
the dominion exported 6,009,079
pounds of wool, of which the United
States purchased 5,261,899 pounds and
Great Britain 706,028 pounds.!
Government wool grading and sys-
tematic marketing by the Coopera-
tive Wool Growers, which handles
90 per cent of the clip, have raised
the quality of Canadian wool, the de-
partment said.
Placements made by the Bureau,
of Appointments for 1924 show an
increase over the number for the
, previous year, according to figures
just compiled by Miss Margaret
Cameron, secretary of the bureau.
There was also an increase in the
number of students and teachers
enrolled together with a notable
decrease in the number of calls made
upon the bureau for high school
teachers. The falling off is the result.
of the committee's success in placing
candidates after only one call, Miss
Cameron says.
Total enrollment in 1924 amounted
to 890, with a new enrollment of 527
to which must be added 363 appli-
cations from teachers in the field.
The- 1923 records show a slightly
larger new enrollment of 567, with the
total figure at 874. Calls in 1924
were only 983 as against 1088 for
Last year 27 enrollments which
were listed were never completed
and so were necessarily dropped by
the bureau. Students after making
application should remember to se-
cure the required recommendations
from their professors in order to
make the enrollments valid, Miss
Cameron states.-
Berkley, Cal. Oct., 9-Work has be-
gun on the construction of a series
of crew sheds at the University of
California, which are to provide stor-
age space for racing shells, oars, and
other equipment. The plan calls for
a structure fifty feet wide and three
.hundred feet long. i

Los Angeles, Oct., 9-Nothing is
more alarming than that phase of law-
lessness in which citizens choose
which laws they shall obey and which
they shall disregard, said Mabel Wal-
ker Willebrandt, assistant United
States attorney general, in a recent
address in this city.
Speaking of the prohibition law,
Mrs. Willebrandt said: "Repeal it or
respect it. The man who does not
believe in the dry law," she continued,
"and who seeks to repealit by proper
and orderly processes, at the same
time obeying it himself, is just as
good a citizen as anyone else.
"The man who is blind to the duties
of citizenship is the opponent of the
dry law who tries to justify his dis-
obedience to it by saying that it can't
be enforced and ought to be repealed.
"Trying to enforce the prohibition
law by spending too much time hunt-
ing out the little violator, is like try-
ing to cut down a tree by picking off
the leaves. The way to accomplish it
is by putting an 'ax to the root, by
getting the big men who are support-
ed by big men."
As an example of the moral effect
of "catching the big ones," Mrs. Wille-
brandt cited a Georgia case in which
5 convicted violators, including 60
millionaires, went to the penitentiary.
After that public sentiment in
Georgia, heretofore hostile, was open-.I
ly that "the Federal government
meant business and should be sup-
A multiple stethoscope on a very
large scale has been installed in the
medical sclhool of this University.
This delicate instrument is operated
on the same principle of amplifica
tion as the radio loud speaker.
Each of the possible 90 listeners
wear small discs which are connected
to the instrument. By simply at-
taching the individual stethescope to
the disc the different sounds of the
heart may be heard by all, and at
the same time. Another added fea-
ture is that all but one sound or beat
of the heart may be eliminated. This
instrument will greatly aid in exam-
ination of clinical patients and in
class explanations. It is the only in-
strument of its kind in the state.
Austin, Texas, Oct., 9-Oil wells
owned by the University of Texas
brought in a revenue of $14,000 last









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