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October 05, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 10-5-1924

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C C' 1,,i 5,

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the :'resident until
3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday)
IVolume 5 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1924 Numiber 12i
To The Deans:
There will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, October 8, at ten
o'clock in thePresident's Office. M. L.. Burton.
Se-nate Council:
The first meeting of the Senate Council will be held Monday, October 13,
at 4:15 p.m., in the President's office. Frankz E. Robbinis, Secretary.
U nlierslty Lectures:
Professor V. H. Blackman, of the Imperial College of Science and Technol-
ogy, London, will deliver two University lectures on "Some Physiological
Aspects of Parasitism," October 7, at 5 p. mn., and "The Relations of Electrical
Currents to the Growth of Plants," October 8, at 5 p. m. Both lectures will
be given in the Natural Science Auditorium.
The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins.
Faculty Meeting, College of Literature, Science and the Arts:
The first Faculty meeting of the year will be held in the Lecture Room
of the Library at 4:10"P.m. Monday, October 6th. Annual elections.
John R. Effinger.
Freshman Women:.
Every Freshman woman who has not attended my first lecture is required
to be present at the third section on Tuesday evening, October seventh, at
seven a'clgclj, in Barbour Gymnasium. Please be prepared to take notes.
Jeani Hamilton, Deani of Womiem
House Presidents:
Presidents of all houses 'that have not signing out slips must come to the
office of the Dean of Women and obtain them at once.
Jean Hamilton, Dean of Women.
Medical Faculty:
The next regular Faculty Meeting will be held Monday. October 6th, at
8,p. mn., Faculty Room, Medical Building. Carl WV. Eberbacn, M. D.
Student Allojit, etrt of Wisconsin Tickets:
There are a limited number of tickets remaining in the student allotment
for,,the Wisconsin football game. Application blanks may be secured at the
offices of the Athletic Association in the Yost Field House after 8:00 a. in.,
Monday, October 6th; Each student will be permitted to purchase two of these
tickets as long as they are available and will have them allotted adjacent to
his or her previous order.-All applications must be filed at the Athletic As-
sociation between 8:00 a. mn., Tuesday, October 7th, and 6:00 p. in., Wednes-
day, October 8th. No. applications will be accepted before 8: 00 a. mn., Tuesday,
October 7th. Athletic Association.
All instructors in Rhetoric who have. in their 'classes students who should
bie promoted to more advanced classes are requested to meet in Room 3231
L. B. at 4 o'clock next Monday, October 6. F. N. Scott,
Zoology I:
The seating list for Zoology I is posted in the case in the north corridlor of
the Natural Science Building near Room 234. All students should obtain their
seat numbers before coining to the lecture on Tuesday.
A. Franklin Shull.
Acolytes :
Acolytes will meet Tuesday, October 7, at 8 p. mn. Prof. A. H. Lloyd will read{
a paper on "The Mathematician Pascal as Philosopher and Saint."
John Kniper.
Notice To Members of Delta Sigma Rhiio:
There will be a meeting of the Michigan chapter of Delta Sigma Rho, Mon-
Read The Daily "lsiid Columns

day at 5 p. in., in Room 304 Mason H-all. Important business concerning the
coming Oxford-Michigan debate will be discussed.
I L. Alexander, President.
Juniior Research C.lub:
The first meeting of the year will be held Tuesday, October ;, at 8 p. mn., in
room 162 Natural Science Building. A. Lindblad.
Choral Union 'Tryouts :
'T'ryouts for membership in the Choral 'Union will be continued Monday
evening, October 6, from 7 to 8 o'clock at the University School of Music.,
Former members of the chorus desiring to retain their places need not try-
out again, but are requested to fill out their membership cards immediately,
otherwise their places will be filled by new candidates.
Earl V. ltopre.


Notices to appear in this colulmn must
be le ft in The box~ at the h aily offi ce
I provided for that purrpose befolre 4
o'clock preceeding the day of issue.
I 5:4.5-CandlelighIt supper for studtents
in Unitarian church parlors.
6:30-7 :30-"Soclety that does things"
meets. at Presbyterian church.
6 :30--Ffreside meeting in "ttra
S :00-Moving ;,itur e service at Con-
gregational church
f10 :00-Dean's conference in Pre,;;-
dent's office.
4:10--Faculty of College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts will meet in
Library lecture room.
_,rrrrrr .mrr~rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~eIrrriIrrrI trrrrrr

x :00-D)elta Sigma, Rho10meeting In (.1 tie FwU/ FJU1L of /J Euers F'5r
room 304, Mason ball.
7 - :00 -S:(>9-Choral. Union ,tr1pts In_
School of Music.
7:45-Economies club meets in room "llllt111lttl11l11t1t t~~1t1tt1111t1tllll
302, Union.111 il1ItU 11 ttll tlltEeitllttllttt tt911
1 B:00--)Ledical aeulty meets in fac.-
Iulty room of Medical building. W% -
,eorpictures are onm sale tt the, and Su ple
'EnsIan office from 2 to 5 every aft- -
eznrnuntil Thanksgiving. For All Departm ents
Edward A. Rubenstein, was elected AT.=
treasurer of the junior dental class at
the election held Thursday at the den- = H R A -
tal building. An error was made on j / / I L 'UI ES T
,he successful candidate for this of- B OK SO REfic i yeteray'IDaly
R~EAD) THE MICHIGAN lDA[LY -tIlI1111111111t111111 111l11I[~t1iI11UIIII1111t11l11iIl~ltIlh111IH11111111111hIllit1h111111'11!l111 .
Ilt E WIIwH t u uIIII3 1111 tll tll t iht iittiEi'-I I

i 111111{{{{{1{{itE i f {iii l m' a R mtllii I '.aam m iifiaa mu..... .u...u....... nal.a..u... . . . . .
it ;s with a Chinese Ruh as with any other article. If you get a E
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'Chrw.nas nare inmported direc't from the firmn I consider the most
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I dence there of three years.
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