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Hurdles, Mile, 'lalf
Broad Jump and Pole
Vault Are Strong
Michigan will be represented in the
Illinois Athletic association invitation
meet to be held at Chago, Friday by
a two-mile relay team composed of
Capt. Hattendorff, Reinke, Bowen
and Freyberg 'according to an an-
nouncement made by Coach Steve
Farrell 'yesterday afternoon.
The members of the team were
selected following the time trials held
Monday afternoon. Freyberg took
first in the trials, Bowen coming in
second. The time was 2:02. Capt.
Hattendorff and Reinke were given
places on the team without entering
the trials in consideration of their
performances last. season.
If the eligibility jinx spares the
squad between semesters, Michigan
will be especially strong in the dash-
es, half mile, the mile, the pole vault,
broad jump and high hurdles. The
squad will be- especially well forti-
fied in the dash events.
Wittmann, Higgins and Goldwater
are veteran's while Rockwell and Mer-
riam both showed up well on the
Fresbman squad last year. Wittman
proved the class of the Conference last
year when he showed his heels to
(he entire field in the Conference out-
door meet doing the hundred in 9 4-5.
Higgins has been showing up well in
Independent meets' during the past
tdyears and is especially fast in the
220, while Goldwater is a sure point
getter in dual meets in both of the
full speed events.dRockwell is an-
other likely contender for points in
the Conference meets, having been
the fastest man in the M. I. A. A.
while a member of the Ypsilanti Nor-
mal squad. Merriam has also been
showing up well during the practice
In the high hurdles Hubbard and
Aubrey from last years Varsity and
Snider and McCoy from the freshman
squad are the best prospects. Hub-
bard is sure to be one of the best
men in the event in the Big Ten dur-
ing the coming season while Aubrey
has had two years on the squad and
should have a good season. Snider
and McCoy are both promising ath-
letes, the former having negotiated
the high sticks slightly under 16:00.
Loomis, Hulse, both eterans, Frank,
Snyder, and Brown will take care of
the 220 yard low hurdle and while
Steve is far from satisfied with the
performances of these men he ex-
pects to develop a winner before the
seasons opens.
Bowen, Rearick, Arndt, and Coch-
ran, all veterans from last year's
team will be on hand in the mile,
while Reinke, a star on last year's
Freshman squad and a member of
the Varsity cross country team last
fall will also work in the event. The
flock of veterans in the mile will be
especially helpful to the Wolverines
in the four mile relay event. Steve
will also have a good number of
veterans from which to pick his half-
milers and members of the two mile
relay team. Hattendorf, Reinke,
Roesser, from last year's Varsity, and
Freyberg, Fingerle and Grosko,:
sophomores should present a strong-j
er combination than any other in the
country. -
Purdy, . Feinsinger, Roesser, Sped-
ding, Freyberg, and Rockwell will
take part in the quarter mile for the
Wolverines, an event' in which the
Maize and Blue squad needs consid-~
erable bolstering up. Steve is still in
search of a quarter miler to fill the
shoes of Larry Butler, which have
been empty for the past three seasons
and unless uusual form is shown by
some of the present 440 men, points
will' be lost in the event again this
season. Davis, Nicholson, Kryzmln-
ski, Shenefield, Hicks and Mason are
I pVGN1 10 QfLE j OMS FA 4S AlM1,
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t L e u'NCO t
74.M "3O . 25 FF ,NIN AVsArN
s'Y a .4 sf OI$I4EQ9:1C{ Y YeA25 d it I'
rr breaking up plays. Haggerty is a will be published in Friday's Daly.
ITA LET S fixture at one of the forward berths
M- i iN I tauii liwhile Deng will probably hold down Three more dates remain on the
the other. "Red" Cherry will take his et r o f r n e fae nt o l
uWestearan Coference frateurnitbowl
QUINTETd ing tiurnament, which are as follows:
7 o'clock tonight, Alpha Rho Chi vs.
Kappa Sigma, Theta Xi vs. Cygnus,
Gophers To Bring Well Balanced Team - Phi Sigma Kappa vs. Delta Upsilon,
here; Havy Dropped Two Alpha Chi Rho vs. Sigma Phi; 7:45
iGames Thus Far o'clock, Alpha Tau Omega vs. Phi Pi,
Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Phi Kappa Tau,
FIVE THAT DEFEATED IOWA ' Beta Phi Delta vs. Phi Upsilon, Delta
WILL PROBABLY START GAME The time for the closing of the first Theta Phi vs. Theta Chi; 8:30 o'clock,
semester is fast approaching and sev- Zeta Psi vs. Sigma Nu, Phi Sigma Del-
team has dropped two games thus far eral games in the second round of the ta vs. Delta Kappa Epsilon, Chi Psi
the Dolverines will have to go their all-cmpus handball tournaments,s
limit to chalk up a victory when the singles and doubles, have not been gon.
Gophers meet the .Maize and Blue played. Players affected by this no-
quintet Saturday night in Yost field tice should take the pains to ply With the closing of the basketball
house. their games before the end of the term tournaments tomorrow evening, which
Dr. Cooke, Minnesota's coach, has as the third round will start promptly are being sponsored by the Intramural
great respect for Mchigan's team, with the reopening of school regard- department, Waterman gymnasium
which will either be the cause of his less of how many matches remain will be closed in the evening until af-
team staying in or dropping from unplayed. ter the start of the second semester.
the Wolverines will have to go their However, the gymnasium will be
pending on the outcome of Saturday's Following is the last basketball I open, every day, and teams which are
encounter, and is moulding the strong- 1 shedule for the first semester, which competing in the athletic classics this
est posible combination together in winter will be allowed to practice.
order to, stop the Maize and Blue at- will be played tonight Sigmawitr ilbeaoed oprtc.
tachk.t Chi, Gamma Eta Gamma, Delta Tau Balls can be secured at the Intramur-
Racey, Minnesota forward has beenDelta, 8 o'clock, Phi Rho Sigma, Psi al office by signing for them with the
making 'an impression on the coaches { Omega, Phi Kappa Psi, 9 o'clock, Del- proper authorities.
with his work up to date. Racey, It? Sigma Phi,' Phi Gamma Delta, --
paired with Eklund, makes a very ,Delta Upsilon, 7 o'clock, Thursday I Basketball for the independent, so-
capable offense as both men are yx- night, Theta Chi, Sigma Nu, Phi Delta 'ciety, and church teams will not start
cellent floor workers, and clever Chi, 8 o'clock, Alpha Sigma Phi, Sig- until after the examinations. Entries
shots. Olson, at running guard is an- ma Delta Kappa, Acacia, 9 _o'clock, will be received any time until the
other Gopher who has been hitting a Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Phi, Tau first Monday after school starts. These
rapid stride in recent games and the Delta Phi, 7 o'clock, Friday night, teams can practice on the courts,.at
grid star will probably start against Theta Delta Chi, Trigon. Waterman .gymnasium any night be-
the Wolverines. Pesek, the Gopher Fraternity teams which intend to tween 6 and 7 o'clohk, by calling the
center is getting better in each game. roll in the Ipreliminaries of the Michi- Intramural office and having a space
Dunder will play the other guard for,.! gan fraternity meet, can roll their reserved for them.
the visiting five. scores any time by arranging with the
It is expected that coach Mather will Tntramural department for a date.
send the same team against the' This applies to those not entered in All men desiring to try out for
Gophers that he used in defeating the the Western Conference tournament, Assisndtrkngrofre
Iowans. There is a possible chance scores made in this tournament count- urged to report any afternoon
that Henderson will start. Dick ing as the preliminary round figure urge t reran ayeno
Doyle who performed so well against for the local tournament. tis an a
the Illini and Hawkeyes is practically ium.
sure to start at the pivot position. A complete account of the basket- Track G aer.
Against the Iowans, the rangy Sopho- ball standings of the fraternity teams Track Manager.
more center was always in the game, until the end of the first semester I
(By Norman E. Brown)
trying out in the two-mile grind. Pat, genial son of the bl' sod that he
Davis has. so far shwthe most abil- is, thrives on knocks. He fights hard. I I
ity of the lot, and Steve is attempt-
ing to find a capable team mate for est when the going's toughest. And he
him before the opening of the sched- has fought a winning fight todate. The
ule. fact that he has led his teams to sec-
Brooker, Rhoades, and Wilson will ond place or better in the National
all be entered in the pole vault, Brook- league six of the nine years he has
er being the single veteran in this been wearing a manager's epaulettes,
event. Last season Brooker, together tells the story.
with Prosser, who is not in school Moran's efforts as manager have
this year, wastthe best in the Confer- been confined to two clubs,te
ence during the indoor season and
should repeat this year. Rhoades lies and the Reds. The former had l
and Wilson are both sophomores. been the weakest team in the. National
Hubbard, Aldrich, and Snider will league, generally speaking, for years.
take care of the broad jump. Hub- The Reds have broken the backs of
bard is expected to not only smash a score of managers-Mathewson, Her-
the Conference record this year but zog, O'Day and others. But that did
also to set a new world's record, while not worry Pat. He won the pennant
Snider has done better than 22 feet with the Phils in 1915 and with the
in practice, a distance better than is Reds in 1919. He finished second four
generally made in Conference dual times, fourth once, and sixth twice all
meets. Smith, McEllven, Nufer, and told.
McCain, all but the latter members of McGraw may hold many managerial
last year's Varsity, are trying out Mcnrs-may hald anrmanatem.
daily in the high jump. Last year honors-may have a corner on them.
Smith, McEllvan, and Nufer all went tonniesMana er toeaofathel,
around six feet and should be sure greatest managers ever to lead a ball
point winners in the dual meets. club. Others have starred in manag-
Brooker, Hunter, Doyle and Ier will erial roles. But Patrick has one dis-
try out for the discus throw, Hinds tinction no other luminary boasts. He
Doyle, and Her for the shot put, Nufer is the only man who ever led two dif-"
Steger and Groshko in the javelin ferent teams into the world's sor-
throw, and Hindes in the hammer ies.
throw. Steve is hunting for good Moran has lived his baseball life in
weight men, but except for the shot ffme National league. He joinma the I
put, none of the weight events are I'Boston Braves in 1901 and remained
bothering him until the opening of the with that club until the end of the 1906
oudoor season. campaign.. Then he moved to the Cubs
Three meets will makecp mich -rand remained in the Windy City until
gan's indoor track schedule: the Illin- 1909.ndnremainent W ind ditpnil
ois relays on March 1, the Conference 1909. In 1910 he went to Philadelphia'
Indoor meet, March 15, and the Cor- and became chief adviser to "Red"
nell Indoor dual neet March 29. Dooin until the latter was released v.f-
ter the 1914 campaign .Moran suc-
Walter F. Koppisch will captain Col- ceeded him .
umbia university's football team next The club had been rambling along,
fall for the third successive year. getting nowhere. Moran whipped it
His reelection was unanimous and is into a pennant winner the first year
believed to set a new record for con- he led it-1915. He managed the
tinuous captaincy of a major college club the next three campaigns ane
eleven in the East. then got the usual curt notice from
Owner Baker, champion manager can-
Allain Gerbault, who made a peril- ner of the league .
ous journey from France to the United Pat was jobless for a while. Mc-
States in a 30 foot boat and who was Graw took him on as coach but was
made a member of the Legion of Honor more than glad to release him when
for this feat, has been awarded the Garry Herrmann offered Pat the gold-
annual Drize of 10,000 francs by the brick job of managing the over-man-
French Academy of Sports . aged Reds.
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:, s
ri "i
t a
coat tailored by hand With a
long roll--
low pockets and low button.
atively styled to give the Ion
of correct service.
gest period
Trousers cut full and with the
necessary high waist.
1. ii
With either white or black vest
The correct accessories.
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®R a I qE