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January 23, 1924 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-23

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--_- -.-

,. , ,

Coach George E. Little has been
asked to speak before eight groups in
Ivarious cities throughout the middle-
Kwest during the next two weeks when
there will be a let up in active coach-
ing here, due to examinations. This
po.7pcnement of training for the mhen
has allowed Coach br.ittle to accept
the invitations that have been ten-
dered him to attend numerous foot-
ball banquets sand other affairs whicb
are being held during this time.
*Next Thursday noon Coach Little
will speak at the Exchange club ath-
letic meeting at Jackson. In the ev-
ening hie is to be tihe guest of honor
at a high school banquet atHamtram-
ck. Friday night he will speak at a
similar. affair in :Hillsdale, Mich.
On Monday, Jan. 28, Coach Little
will attend a meeting of the Michigan
Alumni association of, Fort Wayne
Ind., and in the evening will speak at
the Lions club banquet. On Jan. 31
he will* be the guest of honor at
high school football banquet at Rich.
mnond, Mich.


Girls Razz Men, But Angle For
J-Hop Dates Through Gargoyle'


Through tile medium of the Janu-
ary issue of Gargoyle which will ap-
pear on the campus this morning theI
girls will be given a chance 0 p lace I
b~efore the world at large their ideF
of what college humor should be
Some time ago an appeal was made
for contributions to an issue of garg
which would be the handiwork or
girls alone. The response exceeded
the fond hopes of even the most opti-
mistic members of the garg staff. Con-
tributions from all parts of the coun-
try poured in andi now the Gargoyle
places before its reader-public a mag-
azine filled with carefully selected bite
of feminine humor to be accepted and
praised or rejected and criticized aE
the reader's fancy may guide him.
"Razz mere man" seemed to be the
kieynote of the contributions, accord-
ing to the editors. No opportunity
Organist To Give 1
Prograxm Today

was neglected to belittle the college
m ran or to make light of his virtues.
"An Hellenic Fable" deals with the
frailty of aman on the subject of the.
weaker sex. Kipling furnished the in-
spiration for one coribution. "Men"
with the easily recognizable opening
line "I've taken my men where I've
found them." The J-Hop, which In-
cidentiy most of the girls made men-
tion or in their contri utions, fur-
nished the idea for a sketch whicl-
will appear with the title "For the J.
In "Darwin and Volstead," a series
of four sketches men will be presented I
with a girl's idea of nocturnal sere-;
nadies. Illustrations will be plentiful)I
throughout the ;whole magazine, and!
throughout the medium of the pens;
of the girls the men will be able tc
see themselves as the girls see them'

Read the Want Adt
Into Duslessl
IFso, why not eliminate some of thoa
years of apprenticehp usually spent b
gaiming experience.
To help you accomplish this aim Bob=o
Institute offers a one-year intensive train
ig course.
From actual experience the fiindainents
principles of business' are made dlear. B;
positive examples, the student is shown hov
to apply these prniles in the conduct o
every day commercial affairs
Write for Booklet
Send for boolet "Training for Businme
Leadership." Describes the courses in detai
and gives complete information about tbi
facilities of Babson Institute and sbows hov
men are trained for executive r'oles. Writ
today. No obligation.
Babson linsftte [ A4~
318 WashIngOu Ave.
Babson Sark, ( rn°)Mm.li

U. S. Submarine S.47 . 5 W

The two other invitations accept.
ed by Coach Little are for a Michigam
Alumni smoker in Pittsburgh'on Feb
2, and to be ,the principal speaker at
a university convocation at Ohio W s-
leyan University, Delaware, Ohio, ox.
Feb. 6. 'Coach Little graduated front,
this school in 1918.


The newest and most powerful
vhich. means that it can travel that Cis
speed of 14 knots on the surface and
for service-coast defebase duty at pr,

.r -- - i . + .



Advanced students of the Univer-
sity School of Music will give a re-
vital at 7:30 o'clock this evening 'in'
the auditorium of the School to which
the public is cordially invited. They
will offeyj the following program:
Valse Oubliee, Liszt; Xf I Were
Bird, Henselt; "Ruth Stiller.
Scherzino, Moskowski; Margaret,
Autumn,, Winter,-from the Song,
Cycle "The Perfect Year", Matthews;
Dorothy Hartshorn.
Etude, No. 4, Paganinit-Liszt; Don-
na Esselstyn..
Toccata and Fugue, Bach-Tausig;
Virginia Bales.
Ho0w do I Love Thee, White;. Twi-
light Dreams, Sibella; A Vucchella
Tosti; Margaret Trainer.
Du Bist die Ruh, Schubert-iszt;
Gavotte, Godard; Victoria Wordelnm~n-
Daily classified for real ,result,
Limiteds:, 6 a. mn., 9:10 a.,im. and
every two hours to 9:1i0 p. Wn.
Express: 7 a. mn., 8 a. mn. and every
two hours to 8 p.-in.
Locals: 7 a. m:, 8:55 a. M'. and1
every two hours to 8:51 p. in.,
11 p. m.. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40
P. m., 12:26 a. =n and 1:15 a. in.
Limiteds: 8: 47 a. mn. and every two
hours to 8:47 p. in.
Express (making local stops): 9:5So
a. mn. and every two hours to 9:60.
p. in.
L ocals: 7:50 a. n., 1 :l3J a. mn.
S N l T' W T F S'
1I 2 4' 5
6i 7 8 9 10 11 J12
1:3 14 15 16 17 18 -19
20 21 22 23 24 35 .26
27 28 29 30 31 .

12:00- Kiwanis directors' lunch,
room 321, Uion.
12:145-Matiematics 'club lunch, room
319, Union.
4:00-Stud ent '3rttematies society,
room, 122, Chemistry building.
4: ' -Seabad and Blade meets, sec-
ond floor, old engineering shops.
4:00-Romance' club meets In room
302, Union.,
4:006:0--Open house In Harris hat'1
4:1 5-Palmer Christian organ recital
in Hill auditorium.
i=:00--Freshman Fair conmmittee me As
in room 340, Union.
d:30-Waslifnaw County. Medical so
ciety dinner, room 318-20, Union.
7:00-VarsityI hand rehearses at band
7 :00--Qu i'terdeck meets in room :303
7:00 =-Sigma Delta Chii meets in room
°302, Union.
7:10---arsity Glee club leaves State
and. Packard streets for Ypsilanti..
7 :3O-.-1ee l~ by, students of the School
of Music in the School of Music au-
ditoriumn. ,public' invited.
7:30Auto engineering students see
illustrated lIecture in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium.
7 :90--R-epubltian club meets in Un-
7:80--Veterans of Fo~egn W~ars meet
in reading room, Union.
7 :30-Paul Blanchiard speaks at Con-.!
gregational forum.j
7 .:30-'Republtcan tomib meets in roomj
504. Union.
7:30-8igm Alpha Behr meets in r,omj
306, Union.
7:,%-DeMolay meets in Harris Ball.
8 N--llghland Pairk. club meets in
Lane hall.
12 :15_RtLiund-.71p chlib meets ;for ;ple-
titre at 'Rentachler's studio.
7 :00- Alpha Epsilon Mu ,nmeets ini Un-
'7 :0-Glee Club -meets in Union read-
ing room.
byAn exhibiti .n of painting6 by western
rartists as wvell as by Leon Bakst is'
Inow hanging in the opper gallery of
tAlumni Memorial hall. The exhibit
is. open daily fromp 1:30 to 5 o'clock.
All organizations and fraternities
must have' their group, pictures tak-
en during- the month of January.
All clnss%, eampus societies, and or.
'ganizatlons ,mist pay for th' 1r space
in the 1Y'chlganensian before Jan.
Organizatior space ]s still available at'
the Michiganensian osice. Contracts
should be signed 'at once for this
space by' organizations which have
not alreadr done' so..

submnarine of the United States \av y nsa cruiiruius o avuvtur,
[stance without having to stop for fue' or siipplieCs. It is designed for a The regular weekly twilight organ}
12 knots subnmerged and is one of s ix of the type recently. commissioned recital will be played by Palmer Chris-
.esent. tian, University organist, at 4:15 o'-
clock this afternoon in Hill auditor-
*ium. He will offer the followin gpro.
Sectional clubs and any otlier campus, Crocker P/ill GiveA gram:
1organizations that have not signedIN wRasd nBrtnMldeN
fora bothat he nio Far mst ibl ~~Oii,3~1, Saint-Saens; Angel Scene from
do so before Friday. All fraterni-' "Hansel and Gretel," Humperdinck;
ties are asked to have their choice, Lionel Croclwr of the lpublic speak Iou oiuCoprn rld
of acts for the Fair in the hands of } ig department,, who is lcnran ofi and Fugue in E minor, Bach.; Scher-
Charles Livingston before that, time tihe educational (he1Jartmenit of the zo-Pastorale, Federlein; Meditation
also. Student Christian association is mak- d'Evry; Finale from First Symphony
Manuscripts for the February numberi ing arrangem~ents for a s'u-Co1( coiuror Vierne.
of Whimsies will be received at theI in bible study conducti~d in the same The general public is invi qd to thi.
Press building nuntil Feb. 1.E way as the one this semester. The concert. It will begin on time an('
course will begin (during the earlyf the doors will be closed during num-,
4 Iart of next semester. hers.
Daily Want Ads always bring goaj-- ________
results. Patronize The fDeity ,Adlrertlsers. Lans~in.v. Jn:.-Eleovenn itr-nhiI

--- -- --

InP i e o h 'P ieFor the best sentence r'f ten words or less on the valueN
of the Williams Hinge-Cap, we offer the following prizes:
1st prize, $100; 2nd prize, $50; two 3rd prizes, $25 each;
two 4th prizes, $10 each; six 5th prizes, $$ each. Ainy
undergraduate or graduate student is eligible, If two or
more persons submit identical slogans deemed worthy
of prizes, the full amount of the prize will bu. award-"d _t
each. Contest closes at mid night March 14, 1924. Winners
will be announced as soon thereafter as possible. Sub-
mit any numbe'r of slogans but write on one side of paper
only, putting, name, address, college and class at to))'o(-f
each sheet. Address letters to Contest Editor, The
J. B. Williams Co., Glastonbury, Conn.
Williams is as much better to shave with as the Hinge-
Cap is better than other caps: T he lather is heavier and
holds the moisture in against your beard. Quickersoftening
results. Also, W~illiams lather lubricates the skin. There
is noticeable absence of irritating razor friction. And
Williams takes good care of the skin. Though you shave
daily, your face remains smooth and feels comfortable.
Williams is a pure, natural-white cream absolutely with-
out coloring matter. Try it!
.hinge- Cap on
x~/ ('iliams S having
Cream is "on even
" 'zq4zen it's off"'

a.cu-u y0 421:- C A *4S11ULUJ1tflJJLSW
drivers' licenses were suspended by
Secretary of state Charles Delandl
1Following My Usu~ial (Customi, I
Have Engag-ed An
and Hair Dressers
to assist oin
Friday, Feb. 8
Make Appointments Early
Stoddard Hair Shop
717 iN. Univ ersity Phone 265i2

Hear Their Latest Brunswick Record
"Sittin' in a Comner"
"Learn to Do the Strut"


There is magic in the Brunswick Records made by the youthful
Brok,'Sisters. On hearing them one can almost see the scintil-
lating. Music Box Revue. And a fellow quickly forgets the
worries of Caesar et Cicero.
Visit the nearest Brunswick dealer and ask to hear the best of
,the Brox Sisters' Brunswick Records.

Sittin' in a ,Corner
Learn to Do the Strut
Down Among the Sleepy.
Hills of TIennessee
Little Boy Blues

} 2427,

Some Sunny Day
School House Days.
Bring on the Pepper
Come onl Home .


'The Sgn of..usical Prestige






$17 Packard St.


The Chicago Temple,
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Big. Warm O'Coats
S3 $33.65 $39.25

(Where D. U.1R. Stops at State)
rieckets. Travelers Checks.s ,Letters of Credit. Tour-
1° st Insurance, etc..Psr. ,vlsaes. clearance
papers. readnission affidatits.,ec.informata.
ALLEurp. ritCusTurt.
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Our legalized papers bring relativesadns to
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E. G. KIJESLER 601 E. Huron St.
Phone 1384 ANN ARBOR, 111CR.

Drawn by Hugh Ferriss

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Comfortable coats that will defy the
coldest weather. Smart coats that
will meake you well dressed: Durable
coats that will serve you well during
this and other winters to come. We're
selling them now at low, f igures.
Many at these three 'prices were
formerly $50. Which means they're
real values!



r -I



® i

. e. S. #iPi dPlK t {3 X }C. i.


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