1 S ED 'I ItE~l S1i~tSV
Cross Predicts No Radical
Change In British Policy
Closer Relation Between Railroads
and Universities Aim of
Twelve university professors and
railroad executives will meet here for
a two day session tomorrow and Fri-
day. The men compose the commit-
tee on co-operative relations with Uni-
versities of the American Railway en -
gineering association.
Coming into existence as the result
of the inquiry of railroad men as to
why they are not getting UniversityI
men in the railroad industry, the com-
mittee endeavors through its meetings
primarily to foster a ;oser relation-
ship between rauroads and the univer-
sities of the country.
Riggs Will Speak
Starting the two day session tomor-
row at 10 o'clock, Mr. W. B. Storey,
president of the Atkinson, Topeka and
Santa Fe railway, will lead a dis-
cussion dealing with the stimulation
of greater interest on the part of rail-
road officers in assisting the univer-
sities to develop the best possible
methods for the techniaci courses. A
second topic for discussion, of a bet-[
ter means of bringing to the univer-
sities the results of the executives'
deliberations will be led by Mr. H. R.
Stafford, vice president of the Chi-
cago. Burlington and Quincy railroad.
Mr. W. C. Cushing, engineer of stand-
.,,,a .F Oh po nevtr~n Q7C' L1T7 W ^
When labor really assumes the po- the Soviet government of Russia, and
sition which it now holds in England MacDonald talks of settlement in the
as the dominant party fi the parlia- Ruhr.
meat an RasayMac~nal strts "So long as he sticks to basic, fun-
ment, and Ramsay MacDonald starts damental things, he will be supported
ni on s the firs labor prim bythe liberals, but the moment hettrys
minister of the Empire, there is notf anything, radical, he will be swept out
likely to be any distinct change in the of office. MacDonald is himself a very
policies of the government in the op- brilliant political leader, and with the
inion of Professor Arthur L. Cross of sense of his responsibility, he has be-
the history department. Labor en-fcome decidedly national, as is seen in
ters upon its first attempt at admin- his declaration against paying the
istering the government with too slen- debt to the United States, but he is
der a support to try to put into effect embarrassed by wild men further
any of the pet theories that they have down the line of his party. One pro.
been fostering since their beginning blem will be to keep these in order."
as a political party. Foreign Policies are Same
Settle Employment Situation Professor Cross sees no particular
"The new government is not a coa- reason why the foreign relations o
litfon," Professor Cross explained 'Britain will change with the new gov.
"but is simply a union between the ernmenl. "14idwin, bhyd Georg,
liberal party and the labor party in and Ramsay MacDonald are agreed in
opposition to the foreign policy of the their foreign policies. MacDonald fa-
conservatives, and particularly the es- vors taking a strong position in the
'pousal of the cause of protection by Ruhr fight, and an interesting thing
Stanley Baldwin. But, the liberals will be to watch whether he with-
and conservatives are just as firmly draws the British troops from this ar-
opposed to capital levy and national- ea. Baldwin also took a decided stand
I ization which are the fundamental doc- on the matter. His note to the
I trines of the laborites. Mr. McDonald' French on August 11 indicated to that
will not go far toward the fulfillment government the possibility of separ-
of his party's ideas before the united ate action. The fact that he did not
liberals and conservatives, curb him." seem to follow this up is explained
The new prime minister will in all by the fact that Germany abandoned
probability devote his attention to the her policy of passive resistance, and
settlement of the employment situ- Baldwin wished to wait until the Im-
ation, Mr. Cross went on. "The labor perial conference opened that he might
party for the most part supports this get their opinion. This opinion was
platform. They insist that protection unmistakably voiced by Genera'
would be no remedy for unemlploy- Smuts, and the result was the ap-
ment, but stand for nationalization and poinitment of an expert commission
capital levy which they rebaptized un-. in conjunction with America to inves-
der the name of "debt redemption tigate the ability of Germany to ,pay
levy". They also wish to recognize their reparation debts.
Change in Ministry Follows Vote of
Lack of Confidence by house
of C omnIons
London, Jan..22.-(By AP)-The
labor cabinet goes inta action ahead
of all expectations. J. Ramsay Mac-
Donald kissed the hand of the King at
Buckingham palace this afternoon.
sealing his entrance upon the high
office of Prime Minister, and the ex-,
change of seals between the ministers'
of - the old cabinet and the new will;
take place at the .premier's officialI
residence in Downing street at noon
tomorrow. :{
The names of the new cabinet min-!
isters were published soon after Mac-
UOT AL COST TO $3,855,000
Reduction in C'ost of Raw Materials
Enables Eestimated Saving
of $1,000,000
Lansing, Jan. 22.-=Immediate re-
sumption and completion of building
operations on the new University hos-
pital at Ann Arbor was made possible
today when tae i tete administrative
board released the $2,300,000 voted
for that purpose by the last legis-
As a consequence of this action, the
University is now able to draw im-
mediately against the $800,000 appro-
priation for the fiscal year ending
July 1, after which date the'1924-25
Mr. §ok Shows
Committee He
Means Business
A proposal from Edward W. Bok
that the Senatercommittee, investigat-
ing propaganda selected from the 22,- I
164 plans submitted in nis American!
peace award the one it regards as best
will be presented to the committee
tomorrow, Mr. Bok was informed late
today by Chairman Moses.
Mr. Bok in a letter to Senator Moses
today in reply to one written him
yesterday by the chairman said he
would be glad to give to the author of
the. plan selected by the committee
$50,000 when, "your committee has
selected the better plan," and $50,000
addition "if and when the plan in
substance and intent, is approved by
the United States Senate."
Giabrlowitscli, Conducting, Shows
Poise and Finish
in Work
End Cones to
Great Dictator at
Villa Near
Moscow, Jan. 23-(By A.P.)-Nick
lai Lenine, premier of soviet Rus
is dead. The end came at 5:30 Mo
day afternoon but the death was n
announced for some afterward.
Premier Lenine's death occurred
his country villa near Moscow, whe
he had been living in retirement.
came after a sudden turn for I
worse, culminating in a stroke whi
paralyzed his respiratory organis
Announcement of his death was ma
by the all-Russian soviet this mor
. '
Mlie~ligan AliumTias Will TSlk Upon; Coolidge Supports Fundaniental Irin-
Brit Gbor cijials of Mellon
discussion on stimulating interest in
the science of transportation among'
engineering students.
Further discussions to deal with
kindred subjects are to be held under
the leadership of Mr. M. S. Ketchum,
dean of the department of engineer-
ing of the University of Illinois and,
Brig. Gen. C. H. Mitchell, dean of the
faculty of Applied science of Toronto
university. Mr. E. T. Howson, wes-
tern editor of the Railway Age, is to
speak on methods of educating stu-
dents and public regarding the value
of transportation to the nation as a
whole. Following the introduction
of each subject the committee will in-
formally discuss subjects bringing
forward individual ideasand views.
liii Meet Den.n's Representatives
Luncheon will be served for mem-
bers of the committee at noon in the
dining room of the Union. At the
close of the session for the first day,1
at 4 o'clock, the visitors will go in'
a party on an inspection tour of the
Friday morning, from 9 to 10:30
o'clock, members of the committee
will meet for discussion with repres-
entatives of the engineering Deans
conference which will be held here
Friday and Saturday. There are men
engaged in the same form of endeavor
attending both conferences and "it'
is believed that members of the re-
spective committees will mutually.
benefit by engaging in discussion of'
the problems to be faced," said Pro-
fessor Riggs in an interview yester-
Mr. W. E. Wickenden, head of the
national investigation of engineeringI
education and formerly vice president
of the American Telephone and Tele-
graph company, returning to Ann Ar-
bor today to be present at the confer-'
once for the Promotion of Engineering
Education, will sit with the railroadz
officials and professors during their
morning meeting. Representatives
from the National Industrial confer-
ence board and from the American:
Society of Mechanical engineers will
also be in attendance at this meeting.
Will Dine With Burton and RegentsI
From 10:30 to 12:15 will be taken
up in summarizing the discussions of
the conferences in the formulation
of plans for future work and in out-
lining a report for the annual meeting
of the American Engineering associ-
Friday at 12:30 members of the rail-
road conference will be the guests of
the University at a dinner. Presi-
dent Marion L. Burton and the Board
of Regents of the University are to b'
present at the dinner.
"British Labor on the Threshold of
Power", will be the subject of an ad-
dress to be given by Paul Blanchard
'14, at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in1
the Natural Science auditorium. Mr
Blanchard is field secretary of the 1
League of Industrial Democracy and
author of the book, which is to make
its appearance sometime next month
entitled "An Outline of the British La-5
bor Movement".
In his recent lecture in Detroit Mr
Blanchard declared that American in-
dividualism was the cause for the
'failure of the workingman in this
country to reach the prominence in.
govelrning power that the workingman
has reached in England. He further
stated that the Americans are neces-
sarily violent, whereas the British
people have a reverent respect for the
law. This fact he asserted, has help-I
ed to gain for the Labor party in Eng-
land the prestige that it now pos-
Mr. Blanchard, while at Michigan
won first place in a number of ora-
torical contests both local and inter-
collegiate. He was also a Varsity de-
bater. After graduating from the!
University, he took up post graduate
work in Harvard and Columbia. While
studying at Harvard, he became as-
sistant pastor and later, pastor of the
Maverick Congregational church in
East Boston.I
Leaving the church during the war
he worked first in the shipyards of
Jersey City and later as an organ-
izer of the league to enforce peace
In the summer of 1919 he turned def-
initely to labor work and became or-:
ganizer for the Amalgated Textile
Workers of America in Utica, N. Y
Later he, joined the Amnalganmatedl
Clothing Workers at Rochester, N. Y.
and in the fall of 1920 was appointed
educational director. During the same
time he served as the secretary of the
Rochester labor college.
Mr. Blanchard has written numer-
ous pamphlets and educational arti-
cles on labor, and during the sunimer
of 1923, studied labor conditions in
England and on the continent..
An open forum will also be con-
ducted by Mr. Blanchard under the
auspices of the Men's club of the Con-
gregational church at 7:30 o'clock to-
night at that church. The address and
the open forum are both open to the
Glee Club Sings
' I1 V'rha i Tn ;af1
Washington, Jan. 23.-(By AP)-!
House Republican leaders continuedj
their efforts to reach a compromise
basis on the sur-tax rates of the Mel-
lon tax bill despite renewed indica-
tions from the white house that
President Coolidge was determined
to accept modification in this feature
of the treasury revenue measure, con-
sidered the crux of the tax reductionI
Tax revision was discussed at to. -
day's cabinet meeting and afterwardI
it was made plain that the president
was squarely behind the Mellon plan
and its principals and would!
agree only to amendments designed tok
perfect it. There were intimations I
that Mr. Coolidge would regard any1
sur-tax rates above 25 percent as urg-
ed by Secretary Mellon, as a change
in the fundamental principles of the
Mellon bill and a basis for a veto of'
a tax measure.
Representative Longworth, of Ohio,
Republican floor leader, reiterated
that his interest in the new tax bill '
was tie framingof a measure which
would pass in the house. Adaption,
of the Mellon suggestion for a re-]
duction in the maximum sur-tax rate
from 50 to 25 percent, he said, would
prevent such action. What course
will be taken relative to the normal
income rates has not been indicated.
Chairman Green after two meetings
of the Republican members announc-
ed that the full committee would be
called into session tomorrow to start
work on the rate schedule. What pro-,
gram would be followed was not an-!
nounced. The committee has been
instructed by the Republican confer-'
ence to report the tax measure by'
Feb. 11.
Cast Chosen For !
New Spanish Play
SThe cast for "Dona Clarines", the
annual play of Lia Sociadad Hispanica
has been chosen by the Spanish so-
ciety's dramatic committee, under the
directiondof their faculty adviser, E
A . Meroado of the Romance languages
department. It is as follows: Dna
Clarines, Sarah Slocum, '25; Tata
Helene Schimansky, '24; Marcela, Ma-
bel August, '24; Daria, Esther Kern
grad.; Dn. Basilo, M. H. Levy,; '27;
Lujan, D. M. Whittemore, '27; Crispin
W. E. Shawaker, '25; Escopeta, L. G
Bartley, '27; Miguel, Marsh Sinclair
Washington, Jan. 22.-Preident+
Donald submitted them to the King. appropriation of $1,500,000 will be AAA ThDeath Not Unexpected
Baldwin Exits available. ARTHUR SHIATTUCK DISPLAYS. The news of his death, while not
Stanley Baldwin met his cabinet This amount, together with that al- RARE MASTERY OF TECHNIQUE unexpected to those who had been
for the last time as Prime Minister ready invested in the hospital will closest to him in the soviet, came un-
this morning. He then proceeded to bring the total cost to approximately By Ruth A. Howell expectedly at this time to the great
the palace for a last -official audi $3,855,000-an estimated saving of at Appearing in Ann Arbor for the last majority.
ence. Soon after his departure, the least $1,000,000 over the figure orig- time this season, the Detroit Symphon- Nikolai Lenine, lawyer, pamphleteer
labor leader, Mr. MacDonald, descend- inally contemplated. This saving is y orchestra made a most favorable and finally dictator of all Russia, was
ed in the palace yard fro a private I due to the. great reduction in the impression on the audience which the organizer and chief exponent of
motor car. The Scottish prime min-' cost of materials and equipment which heard it last night-in Hill auditorium the movement which became known
ister--as he now is-attired in frock has taken place in the last four years- and was received with a warm en- as Bolshevism, and which he charac-
coat and silk hat, neglected none of i thusiasm evidenced by vigorous and terized as "the great experiment; the
the conventionalities of office. Hen- When informed of the administr- complimentary applause. Ossip Gab- Dictatorship of the Proletariat."
ry Thomas and John Robert Clynes ative board's action, President Marion rilowitsch conducted the concert with DiThe career of this short, plum
the new prime minister's colleagues, L. Burton declared that the Univer- poise and finish, and his interpreta- , w t
attended in their capacity of privy siy will at once proceed to work upon tions revealed an unusual insight into Ra topsy turv and probtblyea
councillors, for a privy council was the hospital which will be ready for the possibilities of the compositions Russianluenc tr andprobably as
presided over by the King, at which use Feb. 1,1925. It is' expected that and of his orchestra.muchinfluenced the other nations of
Mr. MacDonald was sworn in as a an order for starting work will be ' Symphony, No. 4 in E the world as any other man of his
Mr Mc~nldwa won nasa norr iSchumarn s SmhnN. ,i ~century, was full of adventure from
privy councillor. issued by the committee of five o minor, marked the point of highest t ry, He was advotionist
Recelve Reply the building program which will hold achievement of the evening. The first his boyhood. He was a revolutionist
ament fe its deliberatns regular meeting tomorrow with movement with ts continas ,atthacadem a his uni-
by adjmnournmnent of fnshbothit houses until President Burton. movmhnwt h niscnndous case-j versitya and ever afterward.
February 12. Almost the only busi-' Although time funds for completing ess hurry to armonim n eps Lenine Not Real Namie
ness of Parliament was to receive the the hospital were voted by the state al climaxes, was ably sustained, rhy- Lenine's real name was Vladimir II-
Kings reply to last night's address, [legislature last year, the measure thmically and emotionally, an litch Uliancff. He was born April 24
in which the King said, "I thank you contained a proviso that none of the down by the vigored employment of 1870 in the town of Simbirsk, of a
for your Royal and dutiful address and moneys so appropriated should be the brasses. The Romarnza and bourgeois family with a pronounced
will at once give it my careful con- available before January 1924. In Scherzo movements were most beau- Tartor strain, reflected in Lenine's
sideration." now resuming work on the building, tifully played with ample sympathy high cheek bones and slightly slant-
In the House of Commons, Mr. Bald- ! therefore the University is taking ad- exquisite orchestral color and withal ing, cynical eyes. His father was re-
win, the retiring premier, merely an- vantage of its first opportunity to do a pervading delicacy. Violin obligate sponsible master at a communal
nounced that the government had ten- so. Orders for equipment which will work in the former and the sparkle of school at Simbirsk and was very well
dered its resignation to the King and be given in the near future indicate unisoned strings in the Scherzo, added known among the school teachers of
that its resignation had been accepted. that the new hospital will be "the much of charm. The Finale, recapit- his district. Lenine himself attended
The House adjourned until February last word" from the standpoint of ulating what had gone before, was the high school at Simbirsk, and by a
12 on the proposal of Mr. Baldwin, in scientific efficiency, although every characterized by its forcible movement I strange coincidence his principal was
ag~reement with the new prime min- effort has been made to secure sim- gained under Mr. Gabrilowitsch's di- the father of Alexander Kerensky
ister. ?plicity in construction of the build- rection. , whom Lenine afterward overthrew to
ing. Saint-Saens' "Rouet d'Omphale," al- become Premier of Russia
When the present hospital is vacat- ways a favorite, was the most delight- The spirit of revolution against the
MIME ed, it is probable that it will be ren- ful of the lighter things, a pleasing Czar entered into practically every
M LIITL ted and made fireproof so that it contrast. Its seductive rhythm and Russia school in those days, but Lenine
cmay be used for convalescents and emotion-compelling melodic theme himself never was a member of any
onic invalids, thus increasing the were effectively put forth by the on- terroristic organization. His active
new building's capacity to handle chestra. It moves with a lilt and yet revolutionary work began in the early
more serious cases. is held to its form by the spinning 90's, when he entered the University
Mimes of the Michigan Union, lion- impression. of Kazen, from which he was ex
orary dramatic society, initiated 11} The clarity of thematic compositiongelled one month later for participat-
men at a regular initiation held last Iin Bach's G minor Fugu s added tc ing in a students' revolutionary move-
night in the Union. .A banquet was by the orchestration, and was carried entTenteolutonarove-
held at which E. Mortimer Shuter, di- [rthrough in a novel manner by an un- attended the university, ard studied
rector of Union dramatics, and John wavering consistent tempo. An over- for a Lawyer's degree.
D. Briscoe, '24E, president of Mimes { ' ture of Rossini's, not subtle, martial In 1901 Ienine finished a term of
spoke. yet of a fleeting character, with its in Siberia and emigrated
,Those honored by tihe society were: Reservations are now being made by contrast, formed a fitting close to the1 deportation I iei n mgae
Vernon Myers, '24, John Hasburger Dennis Donovan, house manager of concert., to Switzerland, where, together with
' Er , Ha for the overflow dance that rti two of his friends, Martoff and Plak-
25M, Edward Stark, '24, William Hal- i Arthur Shattuck, playing the. Fifth hanoff, he published a newspaper en-
ley, Jr. '24, George Buchanan, grad. 4 will be held by the Union on the nightCocro fSan-es'frpin~,
be, JHum'm4,erg'2ChalesSrd.of the J-Hop and for the Hop break-W Concerto of saint-Saens, for piaric titled "The. Spark", devoted to revo-
Robert Hummer, '25, Charles Sword fast which will be held at the s and orchestra, proved himself a mas- lutionary propaganda in .Russia. He
'24, Frank Stiles, '2-, John Dinwid- ' fat Bhic wl b hed afthessame ter of technique, and of the range of wandered from Switzerland to Ger-
die, '24A, Lyman Savage, '25, and place later. Both of these affairs will his instrument. The instrument he us- many, to England and to France, eking
Thomas Lynch, '25L. be possible only if at least 100 con- ed seemed somewhat lacking in res-
__________ples signify their intention of attend- onIe n hrfr xgeae h out a simple existence by journalistic
p es signify r ~onance, and therefore exaggerated the efforts, or was suprtdywathr
in.cart ftone which is his. Hiseforws suppor ted by wealthier
Rep toy ersThe price of thetickets tothe dance playing is brilliant, yet easy. The revolutionaries.
will be $5 while those for the break-'Reunto usi
concerto chosen exhibited admirably In Rtmsto usa
TO APPel ar T ! fast will be $2.50 a couple. The dance osenthh d and p In 1905, when Russia almost crack.
To A pearTo-nght a will be $2.5al couple.t Te a n cc his abilities of technique arid tempc ed under the "'first r'evolution", Len-
will be formal, starting at 9 o'clock mastery. The Andante movement was ine surreptitiously made his way back
"March Hares," a three-act farce j and lasting until 2:30 o'clock. The as well done and evidenced a mores
by Harry Wagstaff Gribble, will be regular Union orchestra will play. Stu-: as welnsone anevidenced a t R U d csdngertof
dens wllbe required to pay for botl-opeesieitrreain t an toarest, she. ne remained tn hidden In daPetro-
presented by the Michigan Repertoryhe bre and dance whe bte any. Mr. Shattuck's work found con- arfs two mnth an th es-
company at the Whitney theater to- thesbrekfs add e when they siderable favor with the audience. caded to Finland, from where he di-
night. This will be the opening play mnake their reservations. cagetoFinlndfrowheehdi
of the second group offered by the The Union will hold a regular in- rected the activity of the Bolshevik
company this season. formal dance the Saturday after the Technic Delayed; 'group. In 1906 he emigrated again
fThe company, as before, is under [ Hop. No extra price will be charged Arestablishing his headquarters first in
fthe directioni of Frederick McConnell and the Union orchestra will again ! Appears TomnorrOWz Paris arid afterward in Galicia, from
- "'1 "' ' ----'' - fl"" where he maintained an underground
on re &uvemau raynoseno a
of the Pleveland Playhouse, who has Pay.-
already produced this play with con--
spicuous success in that city.
The cast is headed by Douglas f
Moore, in the role of a temperament- LPHA DEL
al fellow who lives in a temperamen- T
tal household. The action of the play
develops into a reductio ad absurdum
of a number of Freudian theories, and Alpha Delta
is guaranteed to fur*h an evening ary advertising.
of hilarious amusement. egtnwmn
Tickets for the performance may be ight new men
obtained at the box office of the Whit- Ion. AIbanque
Sigma, national honor-.
The January number of the Michi-
gan Technic, due to a delay at the.
printers will probably not go on
campus sale until tomorrow morn-
ing. The magazine, which appears
four times a year, is' published by
the Engineering and Architectural so-
fraternity, initiated
last night at the Un-
et followed the initia-'
dictatorship of the Bolshevik faction
in the Russian Duma. When the World
War began he was at Cracow in Aus-
When the Czar was overthrown ear-
ly in 1917, Lenine, with a group of his
supporters, returned to Russia. They
went from Switzerland, through Ger-
many. At the time it was charged
and generally, believed in all Allied
countries that Lenine was an agent of
the German government, whom the
German General staff aided with
funds and advice to disrupt the Rus-
sian army, and break Russia from the
When Lenine arrived in Russia he
made his first appearance at the All-
R,,-m V,,n,,r' O aof S oiets,. uin o
ney theater.
Nine Elected to
Delta sigma Rho
tion. The initiates are G. A. Alderton. t
'26, J. J. Kane, '26, II. H. Hale, '25.'
C. E. Kane, '25, C. C. Purdy, '24, J.
A. Sabo, Jr., '25, H. J. Wettlaufer, '26.
and C. G. Winger, '26. I
At the business meeting which fol-
I n w r - rl iwcr lrirIAi frihn o A ld cmyi-
Appointments to the staff of 1
the Michigan Daily were made'
at the regular staff meeting yes-
terday afternoon. Those ap-
p nointed to. the staff follow: Hyde I