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January 20, 1924 - Image 19

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-20

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2. The bibliography is a bit The only means of realizing a dance
thin. which would be wholly American is
to establish a dance-laboratory where
II choregraphies may be worked out

Considered from the easier and to their highest possible artistic at-
more human side, the book is very tainment. To have such a labora-
interesting reading, especially to the tory as the Denishawns look forward
layman. Mr. Bastian has, without to establishing, it would be necessary
any pretense of literary form, set to endow their school, but with an
down an immense number of facts endowment not in any sense restrict-
about the newspaper business; and ing their work. Then only can dig-
all of thent "will appeal," as the nified and lasting creative work be
jacket says, at least to those to whom
the facts are new. There is no effort Miss St. Denis believes that when
to make the facts dramatic, as in' an American ballet is produced it will
Henry Justin Smith's "Deadlines," be a composite of all we now have.
At present it is a crude art, and yet
where a drab day is sudlely tne many tureink it is the beginning of
rosily exciting by the explosion of something worthy of becoming our
a bomb on the treasury steps at naticnal atlet. It is perhaps the look-
Washington. Tsere is none of this. ing-forward to this which is expressed
Mr. Bastian's methad is rather that in the Denishawn dances. With an
of a man who has decided to write a original, representative ballet estab-
book about newspapers and has made lished, America will gain a rightful
an outline of it first. Paragraph after place in the world of art relating to
paragraph contains only one sentence. the dance.
For instance, he says:
"Here is a rough sketch of a metro- MAGAZINES (i
politan newspaper organization, di- (Continued from Page Five)
vested of its details." nm's folk story, "Princess Swallow
And then goos on, devoting a sen- Heart"
tence each to General Management Among the articles there is Hamlin
Anndng theyarticlsnthereaisgItamt,
and Policy, Business Math.eent, Garland's "Pioneers and City Dwell-
ers," in which he presents a brief for
Probably the most valuable thing the twentieth century man to live in
in the book from the layman's point cities. Rupert Hughes in "On a Cer-
of view is the profuseness with which tain Condescension Towards Serials"
all these minor points are illustrated, points out that this condescension is
Ite takes a single news story and unjustifiable from the historical and
makes it more and more of a news non-American viewpoint, and even
stry fron the professional stand- from the American viewpoint at an
point by the rather simple process of earlier time. The evidence brought
killing more people in each version. forward in Marguerite Harrison's
Further, be gives examples of prop' "The Bolos and The Arts," which is
erly written stories leads and head- most informing, proves that the Bol-
lines sheviks have by no means extermi-
Among the many good chapters are nated the arts in Russia. Sketches
those on pictures, Sunday papers, and of some of the present-day Russian
editions, but the one I found most ab art exponents, by Usa Gombarg, illus-
sorbing was that on routine. Here trate the article. A critical essay on
is the unadorned and unlovely life of Frank Swinnerton is contributed by
the newspaperman laid bare. He Thomas Beer.
works, it appears, from sun to sun. The Literary Spotlight is turned
Six to six. And still it's fascinat- upon Amy Lowell. The anonymous
ing. . . . author considers that Miss Lowell's
Mr. Bastian is well qualified to philosophy of puritanism and of re-
write the book. He Is at present copy tributive justice, and her longing for
reader on the Chicago Tribune, which, escape, are the motifs underlying
as some one has said, is the World's much of her work. Stephen Vincent
Greatest Newspaper. He has been, Benet selects the poems of the month
again to quote the jacket, "reporter, (September).
managing editor, part owner, libel in-
vestigator, fiction reader, day and The Midland for November has
night city editor, and assistant Sun- three short stories of the type gen-
day editor." erally appearing in this magazine.
On sale at all bookstores, or send While reading them, t reflected that
ten cents to cover costs of packing, a rimantic mind is required to pro-
mailing, etc.-F. W. duce good realism. Of the poems
- -___ _ which make up the rest of the issue,
DANSE MOTIFS F. S. Putnam's "Strength of Grass"
(Continued from Page Three is the best
expression to sone innate and per-' The Midland bas announced an in-
sonal feeling.T seir prograns oescrease in the size and scone of the
not present any one philosophy but magazine, beginning with the Janu-
instead a composite of all the other ary issue.
wise unexpressed ideals of the m.em-
hers of their company. 1 l"The Se ladder" is the "organ"
Through all the Denishawns' roper- of the Order of Bookfelows, whose
toire can be seen the constant striv American association, by the way,
tng of light, enchanting spirits to 1as such people as Cabell, E. A. fRoh-
impart a message. The message is inson, and Van Doren n its advisory
an attempt to reach m aand to in- board."East Aurora Ten Years
terest and enthrall them to a point After," in the December issue, chal-
where they will become patrons cc lenges attention. Its author starts
this medium of expression. Then with "Elbert Hubbard Was a Fakir,"
and only then, can they hope to estab- and continues in that tempo; he
lish a dance-poem truly and essen- states that Son Bert, as the Fra was
tially American. given to calling him, or Elbert Hub-
Now is the rennaisanee of the dance. bard It, as he is given to calling him-
We have gained a sense of balance, self, is a business man striving to
:after a :g period of following stretch to te linit therHubbard
where other countries have ed. This ureole, and that the Roycroft esta-
is our rennaisance, but as yet it is lishment "looked larger ten years
in its infancy. We have not yet a ago," when the showman was still
consciousness of the dance as a spir- with the show. For the rest, there
itual concept expressed in cocrte are book reviews, poetry, and numer-
Sform. t'ntil this is developcerml the Ocs references to B okfettosv No. so-
best we can do toward evolving e ra- -,-c"
tional Itype of ballet is to atte__pt

through the mednim O classic cav-
ing to educate the catrons to a po't
where they will acc'pt th ballet a 0
somethin not les t.:an tc e -t C
t old world. J


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-.. . .

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