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Tubercular Germi
S. C.eA. C. MPAIGN Enters Body Via
E GEye, He Declares
Reports of Flnancial Drive; ShowMore.
Than $4,50 Obtained; Some
Returns Not In et
Lamp Fragment Whi
Of Carthagte Not,
Smashing all previous records, the
net cash results of the Student Chris-
tian association's financial drive has
made this campaign the most success-
ful the association has ever had. De-
ducting overhead expenses, the proc-
eeds will far surpass the campaign of,
three years ago which yielded gross1
returns of $4,500.
Final reports showing more thanI
$4,000 taken in by the organization as
net results, and with 50 men and 20
fraternities yet to report, the total
will probably be swelled to an amount
which will insure reaching the $5,000;
goal. This will mean that the sum
subscribed his year will be more than
$3,000 more than that of last year
which yielded approximately $2,000.
With more than 300 students actual-
ly working on the campaign, the av-
erage pledge subscription which was
received was $2.30 and check subscrip-
tion $3.70. The average fraternity
amount was $18, the Zeta Beta Tau
fraternity subscribing the most with
Breaking all previous records for
subscriptions taken in through a sin-
gle individual's efforts, Donald Wil-
liams, '25L, was announced high man
with $365.50. He will be presented
with the Stephen's trophy as a result
of winning first place. This amount
does not include the fraternities Wil-
liams canvassed which brings the sum
to $443.50. Chinese students contrib-
uting in a group were second with
$137. The lieutenant of the highest'
sub-team was V. A. Gondos, '24, un-
der team number one captained by
Rensis Lickert, '26E. Daniel Miller
'25, under team number two captained
by Egbert Isball, '26L, came second.
"The fragment of the ancient lamp
which started the excavations now be-
ing undertaken at Carthage, which ex-
cavations will be shown by Count Bry-
on Khun de Prorok, archaeologist, in
his lecture this arternoon, in Natural)
Science auditorium, now forms part
of the archaeological collection of the
University," said Prof. Francis N
Kelsey of the Latin department in an
interview yesterday.
"It seems that in the thirteenth cen-
tury, Louis IX, of France, went to the
site of the ancient city of Carthag(
on a crusade. He died there and lat-
er a chapel to his memory was erect-
ed. He is known to history as Saint
"When the French occupation of
Tunisia became secure it was deter-
mined to make the hill of St. Louis
a center of religious work and a con
pany of monks were stationed there
about 1850. One day one of them pick.
ed up this fragment of the ancient
lamp with the representation of the
cross, showing that it was of Chris-
tian origin. Father Delattre, who lat-
er took charge of the work of exca-
vation and is now living, saw the sig-
nificance of the find, and obtained
funds from Paris to start the work of
excavating with the hope of discov-
ering the remains of Christian Car-
thage which spread over a large part
of the site of the Punic city which the
Romans destroyed. In this he way
successful and by 1910 had brought
co light the remains of several an-
cient churches and tombs from the
Greco-Roman period.
"Excavations have been continued
except during the interval of the Great
War, up to the present time and i
is with the hope of aiding in the Con-
tinuation of this work-that Count de
c/6 Reveal L I LIUM ed Site tha Tf It will increase the capacity to 2 l,-o ralselections to be played by the
TO WITNESS 000 and he i going topa the co st rlesia
v In Collection Herel ILIestimated at $25,000, out of his own
pocket. He also declined to accept
DE PE-GIBN 9C any rental for the Garden. N E U G
Prorok is lecturing over the UnitedSeveral bis aimed at boxing have
States." ---- been introduced at Albany, but it is
Sts"This frgament of the lamp which New York, Jan. 17.-Far the enter- the unanimous opinion now that theyf
was found by the monks was present- tainment of the thousands who gather will be allowed to die naturally. If
ed to Professor Kelsey by Father De- here next June to nominate or see the Republicans insist upon forcing n ex:aining the reasons for t
lattre on his recent trip into that re- nominated the Democratic candidate: action, the Democrats out of grati hnge in the marking system in t
gion. Another complete lamp bearing for President Tex Rickard is going tc tude will be forced to rally and kill pharmacy college bean Edward
the same design has been found by s h yht chmp*nhi them, politicians believe. pracy ye e DanEdwad
stage a heavyw~eightchampionship liusesterday pointed o ut that1
Father Delattre in later excavations fight. m in reazon was to eliminate the r
The promoter of Madison Squar ) mo able D. He stated that, because
Garden has definitely decided to stage the fact that so many students of ph.
Iflflt t I the Dempsey-Gibbons bout, which he m lly wer-e taking course; in the .l
YOST tO TALK AT Ihas practically signed, during the con- [ olear., it nga s ncessary t
vention. He figures that Gibbons i comlegT itwasark syt emde to h
HISH "'SCHOOL DBINQthe big hero of the West and Middle mrcnise with that of the literary c
West and that he would be a big at-!lege.
traction. Dean Hugh Cabot, of the medica 1n the past a grade of D in the c
Coach Fielding H. Yost, director of Rickard already has practically sav- school is to be the principle speaker loge o pharmacy has meant that wc
intercollegiate athletics, will speak at ed boxing in New York by putting ov- at a smoker to be held at 7:30 o'clock in that course has been deficient a
three high school football banquets er the deal which brought the con- tonight in the upper reading room of not passing, necessitating the remo'
in the next few weeks, it was an- vention here. Wise political observ- the Union, when all members of the' of the D and the raising to a C grs
nounced by the Athletic association ers are certain that the Democratic class of '27 will gather for a general belore credit is given. With the n
yesterday. Two of these will be in the politicians who have been after him get together. Dr. G. Carl fouber, Ir rules, the grade of I will correspo
state and the other at Oak Park, Ill cannot be so ungrateful as to continue Rollo E. Cotter, and Dr. Stacey It with that mark in the literary cole
Tomorrow' night the coach will be the campaign against the man who put Guild are also expected to make ,hor i and will b2 a irnal mark which c
the guest of honor at a high school over the convention deal after they talks, although none of the subjects nt be raised by subsequent work
banquet at Clinton, Mich. On Feb. 1f had failed. chosen by any of these doctors hal examination.
he will speak at another dinner at Rickard has volunteered to make al- been announced. The new grading system will take
Hudson, Mich., given by the American terations in Madison Square Garden Ine uded in the program are sev- feot beginning this semester.
Legion for the local high school ath. - ------
On Feb. 2 the Men's Booster club
of the Pilgrim Congregational church
Dr. William3 1. Stockwell
Tubercular germs enter the human
body through the eye much more fre-
quently than has been estimated by
students of the disease, declares Dr
William M. Stockwell, superintendent
of the Connecticut State Tuberculosis
sanatorium at Newington.
Oak Park, Ill., is giving a banquet in;
honor of the high school letter men
At this banquet Coach Yost has been
asked to be the principal speaker. Oth-
er prominent men who have been in-
vited to the affair are Major "John
Griffith, director of Western Confer-
ence athletics, Walter Eckersall and
Colonel Hackett.
Irwin C. Uteritz, '23, and Herbert
Steger, '25, captain of the 1924 Var-
sity football team, both graduated from
Oak Park high school and starred on
the football team there.
Remodel Prescription Laboratory
Remodelling of room 306 of the
chemistry and pharmacy building as
a prescription laboratory is now tak-.I
ing place and it is expected that it
will be ready for use by the begin-
ning of the second semester. The lab-
oratory is being finished in white e-
namel and fixtures are being furnish-
ed by the building and grounds de-I
Louis K. Anspacher lecturer and
dramatist, will address the Wesley-
an Guild at 7:30 o'clock Sunday night
ht the Methodist church, corner Was h-
ington dnd State streets. His subject
, will be the "Drama in the Social Lift
of the Democracy."
Mr. Anspacher received a bgcheloi
of law degree at Columbia universit,
in 1905 -after which he became prom-
inent as a lecturer. He was secular
lecturer at the Temple Emanuel, New
York. He has also lectured as a mem-
ber of the staff of the League for Po-
litical Education andfor the Univer-
sity Extension. ;Center, both of Ne,'v
York city.
Mr. Anspacher is a noted dramatist
'having written some twenty plays, or
one of which he collaborated with Max
4" 2
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Stationery, ,Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books
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Amerlean Attache Praised
Tokio, Jan. 17.- Foreign Minister 1 premier
Matui spoke in praise of Lt.-Col. FResigns
Charles Burnett, retiring military at- Stockholm, Jan. 17.-Premier Kalo-
tache of the American embassy, at a io, of Finland, has resigned in a dis-
farewell dinner, which also was made agreement as to dissolution of parlia-
the occasion of welcome to Mrs. Theo- m dent. Elections probably will be con-
dore Roosevelt, widow of the colonel j ducted in a few weeks.
and her son, Capt, Kermit Roosevelt,
who are touring the Orient. Daily classified for real results.
er 1 S
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They loom large and heantiful.
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sumed February 12th.