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January 18, 1924 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-18

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- ~ 4 clauses in the constitution of the body around to the oti
e t o bode ill to certain individuals, asYE R Ltodaltop
- much of the anti-Klan propoganda T A f D R L ed and he hani
1IfAL NEWSPAER OF THlE tries to show, the Klan is distinctly boards to sit on N
M' It'' l ICH"IGAN un-American by being against some NOW~ IS THE TIME tall enough to shoe
UNV4~T kof the finest things America has stood FOR ALL GOOD Then he crawled
f uhiishcd every morning except Mlondsy for since her conception. MEN TO, COME TO looked and then ca
ring the Unive-rsity y .ar by the Board in-1
;trof of S rudent Publica'ions. In either case, it seems unlikely that THE AID OF THE PARTY look pleasant but1
such ail organization would appeal toc snapped the buttoi
'~enesof Wetstern Corferenice Editorial i We, hear that the beneficent Ku Klux. H okfu i
tiarion. I men who presumably are learning to H okfu i
__----:- _- -- cope with the problems of life in the !Klan has begun to kick people out,
le to ciiat furress blcist axl1~ n- b.lroadest sense. .A clear headed Inves-1 of college. That's swell. The Klan -
tare~is erc.itcd to it or not otihevwise tigal1,ion of the question would easily i afa
dited in th,,s jpaper and the local trews u-I1 ieognzto;w aeawy
tid ttherei, pu-reveal flaws in the organization which ha e or hganiz aionrwaven alwayis
Swould prejudice anly initelligent'i1di- a h ihs diain'o t
is k, assc "nd cla s matter. Special rite iulaati.Te possible dan- iel;w elv hti styn cC M U
wotac aintvd b y third Assistufat Pcst- JIgei o ,rosnesof the Kui Klux Klan isI mare America 100 per cent American -
isrciao ycrre,$.0;b .J ulmtdx4iete muto good and so forth and that it's a mighty TC TH
3ss,2r~ ri ;, t h l h l o n f o dW T H TEfictiie s: t ' Atb ror rPr e s uibung, m ay-i that it can accom plish is negligible ; fine little club. *GE .
A policy of privately dispensed justlc(***
5~b .,S ~ioil 44adi6M is bazardous and most unnecessary in M3y ]First Swimminig Lesson T h dtr
- a freely constituted government like; The other evening I left my abode As was feared w~
sivned cowmmnihxionis, not exceeding loo that o~ the United States. Anarchyj in the west part of this celestial city: essay contest was
)rd7, will 1ht, -ith shcd in The Daily at
(is:etiof ofc h~ dtor. Upon requtest, andl civil war are the natural product:: equipped with umbrella and raincoat pears evident that
,i r io communic ants will be re- I g
~deor as contlientiai, J from the inevitable friction, suspicion and bound for the library. I passed of Nations poo
~~~___ ____ _ - -- - and lhatred which it engenders. Fair3 through Nickel's Arcade and started the evil effects woi
LITOE' llI *Ij ST1AFF I seeing Americans who havye the love across State street. It was a foggy with the propose
'its 3at~c5,'Ii ~dII= of their. country and their country's eveinlg. Even the glaring Arc lightscuddiftwe
.i'e~sjli~es,2414iiid '6- I welfare at heart cannot endorse the' were a bit subdued. Finally I stepped change the control
Alt ^'c~l~uEDITR IKu Klux Klan and it seems but natura: upon the hard steel of the street car' bring it from undo
HARRY D. HOEY to expect that the great body of track, 'proceeded 'a foot or so and- ation.
- mercan ollge sudets wll 'e aleSPLASH! I found myself half-swim-' From the day th
w5 ~dttor......... .....Julian 'E. M& -k iercncolg tdtswlb al ming, half-sinking, in one of those rWilson went to Rt
itori' Board Chairmnan... .R. C. Moriarty I o rightly judge the organization on
ty Edior........... (. arliinhouse these grounds, icy pools which this municipality has ent moment there
Night Edit.)a___________ so geneously provided throughout its but political ambit
l-. Ailes A. J5. Convable4j limits. I swore; but being a bum, I League machinery
cA. C.M 1i: ilitt t . I:.. P1iskge i e 6 Ih Y HOPES AS AUSTRIA , soon calmed myself; managed to re- Council of the Le
oi is l~citor...............alihth N. -Byers fUCE) gain the car tracks; and proceeded !nine seats, was to
~melte';i. ,tior...........iWinuona fIlibard {rF i ~a' tt tet hstm
Ins ,, nh t.., . ............... K. B. far! Tule ~te tatha the record of be- agai cosSaestet hstm permanently: Eng.
i rly Ma4gazhe iEditor.......F . L. ' (,n ;remaembering childhood stories ofJan and the U
ic Ulta .---............. Kuh A 11J)ell ing 1the 1most completely bankrupt inJan
r.........e h z t r n fl strong squiaws plunging cringing pa- failure, or ratherl
sEtl ( t 1' Barafle history of organized government poe into crystal brooks, and won- ed States to enter
ulEilten o,ert iRa" <1, Geramny', continues along in a state dening why it is that the men deem ent seats. and fivt
Andrew Proei of mind that is decidedly hopeful. And it necessary to spend time and energy The five' are Belg
:Ao Uioiditantwdesad ru
G. raetce R 1. S. Mlansfjeld ;this is because its neighbor, Austria ciUindie.SeeadUu

her end. And then'
)eople to move their
ided a lot of people
>ecause they weren't
d under his rag and
ame around and saidj
don't grin and then
MLr. Jason Cowiles;.

i ----

Diaries and Desk C alendars-.







3 _

vhen the peace prize
sannounced, it ap-
its aim was League
a'nda. Even at that
)uld not be so greatr
ed reservations in-
re only possible tcg
)I of the League and'
ter Romanist domin-'
hat forme' President
some up to the pres-I
ehas been nothing
Lion and intrigue for
y. The dominating
eague, consisting of
o have five of these
'land, France, Italy
United States. The
refusal, of the Unit-
;r left four penman-
e elected members
gium, Brazil, Spain
quay. At the recent {

Limiteds : 6 a. in., 9:10 a. mn. and
every two hours to 9:10 p. in.
Fxpress: 7 a. in., 8 a. n. and every
two hours to 8 p. mn.
Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 a. mn. and'l
every two hours to 8:5:; p. in.,
11 p.mi. To Ypsilanti only, 11,:4
P. im., 12:25 a. mn. and 1:15 a. mn.
Limiteds : 8:47 a. mn. and every two
hours to 8:47 p. in.
Express (making local stops) : 9: 50!
a. i. andi every two hours to 9:50!
p. in.
[ocals: 7:50 a. mn., 12:103 a. mn.
.. . 1 2 3 4 fi
*6 7 R 8 9 10 .I11 12
1:3 14 15 16 17 IS 19
21) 21 22 2.3 24 25. 26
27 28 29 i3l" 31 . ,



Dark winter days often make you
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4 r

N . l; -rznian
glen !;rown-
rnadlctte Cate
rc;i li,ic>
P. Ti ery
i7 t >cy i ,a !.''71'1n

V"er na tMoran
Ret, ina Lcichmans
11, t Stud::
K. 1,. S4y er
ti. R i'1> ciubk

hias so far made good in the past year
i as to give to the German people a host
of confidence. This of course is a
,tgood thing.
I-,xceedingly interest ing and pleas-

--ing figures in r'eference to production

4;6a"phone .39 60*

ate Austria have been recenty releas-
c.:i U.nemrployment has declined most

noticeably, while the deposits in the
LA1J~I tCL' H. FAVROT . ,avings banks have greatly increased
°_Eng..........lo~Dun ut the most important thing of all
W'vc; I;; yYary ii Codin tothos iiostintimately ac-
dve, i vtg..............W. Ro- " (r quaitedi with the i tukation, is thIe great
Ovel usn............W1. xK""[)erer;
...............A. S. Mturton ' retJraLtiilior conifidenlce amnong the!
ircu ,:irton........ ..Perry AM. Hayden Aiti~ epe
'u3:..itn .. ......L arcuce Pierce I t7i1 }1pe
AsitnsGetrminy its specttor of all thisj
;. V. Campjbell eMw. D I To-eenaker sxccesS has conic, to the Conclusion
~ ao N. E. 1holland ; that she too can do what Austria has
:as. 'Chal-Ilion iM. I_ Ireland
0111 CallnnHarold A. Aarks (,=one. She however knows that until
, uis AM. lDeter lByron Parke, , oniioC changes are brought about in
vsp . E in r It. M. Pockwell
)vdA. Fox IT. E. Ro',se ~the manlner in which* she must paya
:nurnnHaigha A. 1. Seidlman '[or er l"art in the war-, She will be
i. JL,, lHale Wiil 11 else
L. E. lawkmsn ~t~ C. t,. White uitiEr1ly he-lpe1.S9 so far as the attemnpt
_c.______ I- to returni to normnalcy is conernied
B1ut after sgeeing what really can be
done, she is most anxious to be given
the samte chiance that was given tc
F1,D~,AY, JANUAR 18l, 1924 Austria. She continues therefore in
1^giht Editor -ED.[GAR 11 . AIL-ES ' a prorsi~C5ve state of iiid hoping for
...........tlw best.
;:N 1,A R C'1lG o i lE hONOR I0:Afte leaderH in G-rrnanicy, both fin-
SYS f1' tEM in(ial anid political, s ay that if they
\erson :whoeave twatchied with iii- tare iven a <:settlem3enlt iionly for <
erest the growth of thehoor sys-temn few years;, and a little assistance on
t 1 'ichigan and elsewhere will prob- the order of the Austrian plaii which-
bly be int8ieested in th° radical move hast; techn provided since the League
akcn 1byth honor council of the of Nations took over the receivershilp
Iniverslty of Te!xas A, few days agto.oif Austrian finances, they will be ins
"hey hatve m.adet' a sweeping set of ! a position which will enable them tc
r-ovisions which mlore than quadruple E "h "Ithrough".lThe Austrian plan
hte scope of the system formerly in' coistted~ in placing that nation in the
se there. The former ruling was ap-jb n'oareiernthprsnf
roximately similar to the one in prac-!iiie representiative of the League of
ice inl thi eng;ineering school at Weicl- aon. Th cuty' crdor
'an.r agrteed to forego their claims upon
Th nicw code adds to the original her (inicit ing reparations) for a per-
q.,l at Int three jlnarnnalv ~n-1 iod of twenity years., A loan was float-


- DUMB !
i\'liguel and Cowles are standing out-
side, smoking a cigarette-or, more
precisely, one apiece. A bum is out
there carting something. All of a sud-
den she turns to Miguel and Cowles
and says: What's house in German?
Miguel and Cowles both say, simul-
tan eou sly: Haus! And then they both
laugh and laugh and go and get the
editor of the Gargoyle to ask 'em what
the German word for house is and they
tell him and laugh some more.
Here's' another kind person that
rushes to help us in our hour of need.
1We are all well now,,but are no 'more
capable of getting ,out 'a whole co'
wheni we're well then when we're sick;

session of tne Assembly a strong at-I
tempt was made to retire the Swed-
ish member, but it was unsuccessful
As a result the present Council con-
sists of two Protestants, one non-
Christian, and six )Romanist mem-!
A similar situation exists in the"
World Court instituted by the League;
of Nations. Furthermore, the" presi-!
dent and secretary of the League have
been and are, aggressive Romanists
In the light of these statements any-
one may. check over the whole mem-
bership of the League and classify
them as to their affiliations, It* give:
enlightening Informaution.
The world has beeni weary of, war,
for many a 'day, as is evidenced by
Attem~pts- at some other means of set-
tling. humnan differences: Recent in-
stances 'are the~ Thirty ;Years War, the
Napoleonic Wars, the Holy Alliance
the recent Hague Tribunal. It is
doubtfuli'wether the contrivances in-
stituted were more productive of
peace or war.
The one outstandi~ng preventive of
rwar has been our enforcement of theI
Monroe Doctrinie. Notice the word en-4
forcement in the light of history since
the time of President Monroe.
The assertioni is v~entured that to ncI
nation in the world'is wam4 more dis-,

1(Where 'D. U. R. Stoops at State)
Tickets.Trees Checkas. Letters of Credit. Tour
ist Insurance, eC. Passport, Visaes. clearance
p')pers, readmnission affidavits, etc.. I nformat ion -
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Our legalized'papers brim r1eatives and friends to
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kinds, Best Co's. lot your business, home, auto, etc,
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617 Packard St. Phn l


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Mann's Dr
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Toilet Articles

Ann Arbor

I'd I is III I Rd



r 7en
Men are brutal beastly things,
-1 hate them, every one;
And through my pure anti upright life.
Those horrid men I'll shun.
Some have blue eyes and yellow hair,
They're fickle, vain and crazy;
And some have eyes of deepest
Thley're flirts, and dumb, and lazy.


r~ r ('"

I . ,

principles. Ilenceforth it is to be
nsiere,! an infraction of the honor!
stem at Texas to copy other stu-
ants' themes, to lend themes, to oth-
,s for this purpose, to omiit bibliog-;
jphy or quotation marks from pa-
rs, or to copy laboratory notes.
Whether or not the honor system
as a success in its simlple use in ex- i
ination roomrs, we do not know. If!
was a bi g succ'ess at Texas, that!I
stitution mray be consideredI a bril1-
.nt exception to the rule. Certain-:
no extension of time principle was
stifiA if it was, not a success in'
.;i s1mper ormn. The situation re-,
Ives itself into one a great deal Aike
e present cievil one. There are too
any rules being passed and not
ough cfthem being enforced.

ed to corer the expenses (luring the
two-,yocar period of re)construction
whli(ch began in November, 1.922, and
ap~ei° l eenure were set aside for the
ser'.'ic o. tes loans. Numierous oth-
er d etails were worked out' and the
r'esuls havt already been spoken of
What has beenl accomplished in Abus-
tria can 1 E e:)ccoplished in other)
ccountries jusot as well, and Germany
~r, cause of its :Ipresent condition
slzhld be given the saine opportunity
a13 wv,,s given to Austria.
Twenty-Five Years
1From the files o(f the F, of ?6. Daily.

IArid so I hate the whole duinb mess- tasteful than to the.United States. For
With no man will I go this reason we should be exceedingly
To dance or show, or anywhere circumspect as to any political ma-
"fil I am .asked, you know. cine that we may attempt to use
The Good Samaritan. Watch out fore unprotected gears.
{Communication Harry N. Cole.
My Good Cow les:
An eccentric gentleman of Aurora. PROHIBITION A SUCCESS
Ill., by the name of Linco.n, after To the Editor:
killing his wife who had just shot her The forepart of the editorial on
brother, "dipmembered both bodies "Prohibition a Law" found in the,
with a hack-saw before burning them Daily of January 11 is commendable
buried the ashes and destroyed the In that it brings to our attention G
clothing of both; washed away the splendid piece' of courageous work on
blood- stains, and went to a picture the part' of the women student at Cor-
show that night." nell uiversity. I wish to take ex-
You are bored quite to the limit ception, however, to certain inferences
With shooting at your wife, drawn from that incident.
EOr, having killed your baby boy, In the first place, the statement is
Dissect him with a knife. made that it is a strange thing how
Of such dumb domesticity large a place the .Cornell affair has
You're apt to get your fill, found in the daily' news. There arc
So biff off to the movies certain values in the story as' news
a . If you really want a thrill, which no newspaper would overlook
Miguel. But that is no reflection on the status
* * * of prohibition among the people of the
In re this here straw vote, only five United States today, as is the infer-'
ba-lots have come in as yet, so we ence in the editorial.
shall withold our report until the polls It is untrue that "the better people
show a little more activity. Let us all over the country will not or can-
repeait once more that this election isI not take this attitude." The fact is thai,
absolutely bona fide, that there is nc a minority at both extremes of the
hooker, that what you say will not be social scale are evading the law. The
used against you,' and that Cowles great majority between these extremes
Ewishes you would vote and doesn't were responsible for the creation of'
care how you vote as long as you vote the law and they are today themselve,
Here is the ballot again, obeying it.
Prohibition is "rightly considered by
I i the American people," and is anything
COUPON but "a disgrace and a failure," A
I careful survey of the governinent re-
D)o you favor repeal of the -..I port recently rendered by Mr. Royi
1 (ow-.itrtional A Mt e n d m e n tI Haynes sets forth in. plain terms the
'e :t-ihst Intoxcatng liquors?.,:.. C jfacts of the case. The dissenting mi-
I.... ...... "........I ority would do well to inform them-
I Do you favor mnoditication ofj selves on time prohibition question
Ithe Volstead Act to permit light +I from dependable sources. While we
inffes and beer? ............... ) regret the fact of evasions of the law.
Do you favor rigorous enforce.1 yet the citizens of the United States
I ment of all liquor laws?.... I may fell proud of its wide spread sup-
N .............. . port -and its increasing enfor-ceinent
..l..s by the vast majority of, real Americans1
* * *W. S4 Westerman, Jr., '17.
Yesterday noon the Daily staf rol- Ann Arbor pedestrians may look for-


When you realize that we're
selling $40' art S'chaffner'
&Marxs suits and overcoats
at; this price, you realize

Present day college students spend
certain number of years pr-eparing:
hmiselves to deal with life. Wheth-
r they aimT for a wider knowledge of
umtanity or for better means of mak-,
ig a li, ing, the purpose of their
utrses are basically the sarne, to give
hem- the -Poise and insight with
'hichk to judtge impijortant problems
0rrec;tly. The recent activity of the
-u KlAux Kla.n brings a nation wvide
roblem before the students of Annj
rhor ve ry viv'idly whether one con-
ides the reputedl Klan happenings to
e actually nmotivated by the organi-
ttions or mel;rely included in some fa-
- ..A . LJ'h l t . ' 1 -P --1 -


"vralues. this .sale offers

S The Univer-sity has received a col-'
lection of about 200 rare and valuable
rcoins from Win. Lanmbert Dorr of Fed-
eral Point, St. John's RTiver, Pa. Mr
Dorr was at one time a resident of
.iln, Arbor. The collection which con-
sissprincipally of European coins
I N",ill bwe placed in the University Gal-
I The coflnittele having charge of the
W Vashington ir thday (clebration are;
ha vimig a hard time getting an oratorI
fori the occasion. Grover Cleveland
is the latest one to refuse, and in
f I ttAt f n -r- .,l '4 . ". . _.-____ ,

'2 .65

Other s, $x20.65 to $38.35

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