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January 13, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-13

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Publication in the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members oa
the University. Copy received by tb Assistant tv the ;' "'dept until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Satur'a"..

Volume 4


Number SO

To The Deans:
The next conference of the Deans will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 23.
There will be no conference on the intervening Wednesdays.
K . . Burton.
Senate Council:
The next regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held Monday,
January 14, 1923. . Y. L Robbins, Sec'y.
University Senate:
The second regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1923-
1924 will h held in Room C, Law Building on the evening of Monday, Jan-
uary 14, at eight o'clock.
Annual Report of the Board in Control of Athletics.
John W. Bradhaw, Sec'y.
Art Exhibition:
The following pictures will be on exhibition under the auspices of the
Ann Arbor Art Association, January 8th to January 21st, from 1:30 to 5:00
on week days and from 2:00 to 5:00 on Sundays.
Paintings by Western Artists, (The Taos Colony and others).
Paintings by California Artists.
January 8th to 15th only: Original Works by Bakst.
University students are admitted to this exhibit free of clarge.
Warren P. Lombard, President.
university Service:
' Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, of Cleveland,-will, spakt on, "The Triumph
and FailureAof Democracy," at 7:30 this evening in 'fll Auditorium. Uder
the direction of Mr. William Howland, the double quartet choir of the
Temple Beth E of Detroit will furnish the special music for the service.
]. K. Latta.
To Department Heads:
As an aid in listing the items and preparing detailed estimates for the
Repairs and Maintenance Budget for the coming year, I would like to have a
list of all the items which, in your opinion should have our attention in the
coming year.
There should be included in this list of items any painting which you
think necessary, improvements in p.lumbing, heating, ventilating, and
lighting and such items as locks, doors, windows and curtains needing at-
In the past, complete lists have, in some cases, not been turned in as
items which were asked for in previous years were not taken care of through
lack of funds or other reasons. I should like very much to have your list
include any items which you have asked for in the last few years and which
were not taken care of.
I would also appreciate any suggestions for the better carrying on of our
work or any criticisms 'in janitor or other service.
I would like very much to have the above iifomation witin the next
two' weeks.
Pardon, Supt. Bldg. & Grounds Dept.
College Of Pharmacy:
The faculty of the College of Pharmacy ias adopted the following rules
relating. to examinations and mai-k whilh are to take inmmedate effect.
The final semester reports are to be made iri acordance with the following
system of marking; A, excellent; B, good; C, fair; D, deficient, passed
without points; E, not passed; I, incomplete; X, absent from examination.
. The grade D will give hours credit but is an unsatisfactory mark and
will give no points for graduation. Like other grades, it is final and cannot
be raised by subsequent work or examination. All grades of D previously
incurred,.if not removed before the end of this semester will become grade
E in tecordance with the old rules. C. C. Glover, Sec'y.
The Faculty Nursery.:
The Faculty Nursery, closed since the holidays on account of an epi-
demic, will be reopened Monday, January 14. The nursery has been very
thoroughly cleaned. The sand in the sand-box has lbeen removed and re-
placed by new. Mrs. Christian G. Parnall.
Econ. 82:
An hour examination will be givn Muonday, January 14 in Natural
Science Auditoriuin.C. (,:Ednionds.
Read The Daily "Classied"Coumns
The Oratorical AssociationAnnounces

English Department:
The English Department will meet for luncheon at the Union on Tues-
day, January 15, at 12:10 o'clock. W. R. lHumphreys.
French Play Tryouts:
There will be tryouts for the Annual French Play in Room 202SW on
Tuesday, January 15, from 4 to 5:00 o'clock. All interested come out, this
is the last chance. Helen Nancy Woodruff.
Players Club Tryouts:
Players Club will present The Dover Road a Three-Act Comedy by A.
A. Milne at their next regular* program February 20th. Tryouts for this
play will be held Tuesday afternoon, January 15th in Room 205 Mason Hall
beginning at 3:00 o'clock. Tryouts may obtain copies of the play and try-
out in groups if they wish. Application for membership in Players Club,
may be made at this time. Stacy R. Black, President.
Tryouts For The Spanish Play:
All those interested in trying out for the annual Spanish Play which
will be given March 12, will meet in Room 201 South Wing Monday after-
noon at 4. MIlton Peterson.
Freshman Glee Club:
Every member will be expected to call at the business office, Room
308 Union, on Monday, to-morrow, between 4:00 and 5:30 to receive the
Varsity Concert Tickets that they are to sell. Each one will receive a non
transferable complimentary ticket besides. As yet we haven't enough men
to sell. Bring along a friend if possible. John X. Russell, Mgr.
Research Club:
The January meeting of the Research Club will be held on Wednesday,
January 16, 1924 at 8 p. m. in the Historical Laboratory. The following
papers will be presented:
Read The Daily "Classified~ Columns

"Caviat Emptor and the Judicial Process" by Professor J. B. Waite.
"A Physical Study of Protoplasm" by Professor L. V. Heilbrunn.
T. H. Hildebrandt, Sec'y.
All Members Of Adelphi:
The icture for the Michiganensian will be taken at Spedding's studio
at 7:00 o'clock Tuesday nighty Ray L. Alexander, Speaker.
Botanical Seminar:
Meets Wednesday, January 16, at 4:30 in room B173 N. S. Building.
Paper by B. M. Davis-The behavior of Oenothera neo-Laimarckiana in
selfed line through six generations. B. 1W. Davis.
University Of 1fichigan Band:
Formation Monday night at 7:45 p. m. at Yost Field House for Illinois
basketball game. Full unlform, no capes. By order of the Director.
William Graulloh, Jr., Asst. Manager.
Read The Daily "Classified",Columns

Moffett To Head
Northern Fligh
Washington, Jan. 12.-Rear Admire
William A. Moffett, chief of the brii,
eau of Aeronautics, will command t.
Navy's Polar flight, planned for th
coming summer, Secretary Edwii
Denby announced yesterday.
"Jimmie the adtaker" sells anythinj
quickly. -Adv
am w- M a -
r Shorthanid, Typewriting, Book-
keeping, Accounting, Secretarial
lHamilton Business College
State and William
-rm w e m r

WAHR'S University Bookstore



For the Balance of








Late Inspector-General of Antiquities, Egypt

Will speak on


Your own newspaper! If there
are not enough papers to go
around, order more today. This
is a season of bargains.
Get yours!


The Recent Discoveries
rn Upper Egypt
Mr. Weigal will tell of his personal connection with the
locating, excavating, and opeiing of the tomb of Tutankha-
men, as well as something of the lives and times of The


He has only recently returned from another visit

Fhoe Te irculation M1'ana er

to Upper Egypt, where he pursued further archaelogical in-
g' ls 8Iuji g agi s i gui i gui~tgmu rif~tiguit I Ig.g ''ig rfty' suI I8u s , t ".ia .



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