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January 13, 1924 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-13

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atgeneral personality from its entering
studentsand what the school can give
- in return. Es IROLL

IAfter the initial announcement of
Published every morning except Monday
uring the University y::ar by the Board in the Bok Peace Award contest in July,
ontrol of Student Publications.
-- --- -- -;The Freeman predicted the futility of
Members of Western Conference Editorial its purpose and editorially stated that,
sia;cat loll
. -- -- -c---a --y- j"When the causes of war are made
'fle Ass;ociated Press is exclusi-e~ly en- citr hr iib otobei
tled to the u<, for epublication of all news lear, there will be no trouble in
ispatces creited to it or not otheiwise bringing about such modifications of
redited in th paper and the local news pub the social order as will destroy war;
at its source, by breaking up its breed-
Entercd t the postrice at Ann Arbor, r ing places; but until then no patent
f postlSe grated by Third Assistant icst- medicine or shotgun prescription for;
later e.,eral..-
Subserition by carrier, $3.50; by nil, the suppression of war will be worth!
S~ a moment's notice."
(l,.., rn r ir t Ba~ fik~t Q_ 1


THIS column is dedicated to Cali-I
gula, not because we admire Vis man-
ly qualities, nor because we envy him
his indomitable will, nor because he
is handsome. It is dedicated to Cal-
igula because it was HE who devised
this thrice-cursed dedicating space up
. Also, we went to lunch with him
yesterday and the following drama en-

To the Editor:
The winning plan in the $100,000
Bok Peace Plan contest contains noth-
ing to insure world peace and there-
fore nothing to recommend it to the
American people.
What part of the plan will prevent B O T -H
Germany or any other country from
causing a world war as was done in
1914? Almost the same machinery
existed then as the present Peace plan
propose. There was a Hague court .tle or no interest
poropoese.itieL or no onnterpest


iaries and Desk Calendars


In the ordinary




0,r Arm Aruor Vress nui ag, way
.nia w l et: . . *
Phi 3Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Buisi-
Hess, G'"o.
aigned comnhti Ion5, not exceeding 300
1,6-- dwii be i il shd tinThe Daily at
the Ois -retion of th }ditor. Uh.or reqnest,
the i(Llity of coMMunicants will be re-
gairded a2s conicidetial.
Tohejlpontes, 2414 and 176-M

Today, just six months later, it pub-t
Tishes the following judgment on the
contest and the plan of "Mr. Bok's,

modeled almost exactly; on' the pres-
ent Permanent Court of International
Justice that the plan proposes the!
United States join with modifications.
The Hague Conference had commit-
tees at work on many of the subjects


Anonymous Dove-fancier": "We wish WAITER: (to Caligula)C
only to point out that it has done CAL: (to waiter) Coffee.
nothing for the cause of peace, and , Coffee?
is therefore inert and silly; and more- COWLES: Coffee.
over, because it pretends to have done CAL: (to waiter) Coffee.

(to Cowles)

amusements of the class, dresses with
carelessness, and seemingly has no
ambition except to earn a little more
in order to lay up something for rainy
The mental fires that burned so

712 Arbor Street
Near State and Packard Streets
D. S. C.
Graduane and Redristered
Chiropodist and Orthopedist
707 North University Phone 2652

Made to Order
707 N. Univ. Ave. Phone 2652

something for this cause, and will be
elaborately advertised and widely ,e-
lieved to have done something, while IWAITER:
really doing nothing, it is a vicious ;CAL: (to
fraud." Cowles)

(to Caligula) Mince pie?
waiter) Mince pie (to
Mince pie?
Mince pie.
waiter) Mince pie.
* * *

the League has today, and notwith- brightly have
standing this the war came about. pearances. It
This peace plan is a big step back- precocity how
wards. The idea of compulsary arbi- izing that all
tration was first proposed in the first successes are
Hague Conference and again in the! such philosopl
second only to be rejected due to the speed shown
selfish opposition of Germany and her while young
allies. Finally after a four year criticized adve
struggle Germany was put where she for not wantin
could not object and a League of Na- it is hard not

died down, to all ap-
may be, of course, that
takes the shape of real-
is vanity, and ordinary
not worth seeking, but
by is a poor result of the
early in the race; and
Sidis is no more to be I
ersely than anybody else
ng what he doesn't want,
to regret that his mar-

ANews5 ndcltor...........3 lian .E Ya'k ly
Editoria! JBot.d Chai n1an. . aR. C. oria.ty This decrying condemnation of an C
Night Editnrs earnest effort to divulge some prac- C
E. . Ailes A. is. Conrrable tical working plan for peace is sur-.
R. A.C. lar lango . E. tFisrikegat
1arry C a J arlighouse prising, even considring that it comes
PI'. G.Wager .from The Freeman. Suggesting in its
spoli nis Edit ........ ioN I ar atest issue that some use be made of
Tele:aIl' Editor........... ....., B. 'ar those submitted plans labouring with
5undlay Mtil:i: e ditor. ..... . I~. ilden I
Music dhto, r..... Ruth A lowell"the problem of changing the hearts:
Assi tat t City F:litor......Kenneth C. Kell.r of men and disposing them towards,
EiitorialBoarde ert Ra kay peace and good. will", and further=
Andrew Proppe, along in the same article deploring,
Assistants the absence of any practical sugges-I
B. (1. aetcl.e R. S. Mansfteld tions in No. 1469, this periodical joins
jN. I; rkman E. C. M-,ck
eden Brown V erna Moran Ithe ranks of the perpetually dissat-
e naittec Wt heina Rtclnman isfied multitude which can find fault
ErrolIhli.:1ch . St ,- in anything. Had the plan chosen for
Her N.the award flaunted as its keynote, the
.t~ ai S. Tienr institution of a moral crusade for the
1'lial,.th tikermanwt purpose which The Freeman now so
heartily recommends; the shower ofr
!USCLESS STAFF ridicuie from its editors would have
Telepbone 960 been voluminous indeed, and justly so.
Slurs at the sincerity of the contest
BUSINESS MANAGER have emanated from everywhere but!
LAUR;NCE "H. FAVROT the pulpit, and today we can expect'
to hear from that source. In criticismI
Adf~ ,itg ................ E.-I.D neI.,
Alve i....................C. Purdyof the decision of the jury, nothing butIt
Adge 1.inqg............... . W Roesser
Ar.lv&4 1isiig . ...... . . , 5ch. constant delegation of the blame toe
4 couqts.. A. S. Merton Tihu Root has been offered. No mat-f
6 rcnliition..............1'erry M. Hayden I
vl ................awvrerce lPiet":J1,ter what the personnel of the Jury
Assistants I of Award had been, however, accusa-
G. W. Carnpbell w. P. loerletr aker ' tions of prejudice would have poured
Celn Canj I . l. irland forth from one group or another. The
Chas. Cha:oliaon TA. L. IrelandI
J0n11 onlirl aroid A. Marks United States has not been sentencedl
L 1.is M. 1) eter Byron Parkc,
Loga hJ. I-;t u.r . rockwell to a milenium in pursuance of the doe-
aviI A trines of the "dove-fancier", but rath -
tauren Ilaig lt, A. .,.Seidinan
M. 1,. Hale \\,i!.V.eise eir been recommended to a plan con-
. E. Hawkin C F White ceived and submitted in conscientious
- -- _____ --sincerity. As such, take it or leave
That some people- should criticize
Nighlt JEditor--HARR1Y C. CLARK
Nt - Cthe good works of others because they
3ELET N4 A COLILEGE have as their object advertising, is a
High school seniors, about this time great injustice to the advertisers.. 1
They deserve praise for selecting some
of the year, are looking carefully ov-J
t bOnl o t ,rin tlh ntt tin of r

AL: (to


The Medic's Swan Song
I love the smell of ether
And of chloroform as well,
And even hydro-sulphide,
Altho it smells bike-tut-tut.
I love to play with shiny knives
And cut up birds and mice,
But when I cut up humans
It really will be nice,
With fine disdain I-pull apart
The fibres of a stiff
To find the nerves and arteries
That compose the Diogliph.
I love to chop off fingers
And see what makes 'em go,
Or make incisions with my knife
And' see the red blood flow.
I play all day with broken bones
And wigg'e 'em around,
Until with great painstaking care
The proper "set" I've found.;
Or make a wet compress;
I like to paint with Iodine
I'm tickled pink when I am called
An ugly wound to dress.

tions with power to prevent war was vels should
set up. A court of arbitration with ado escence.

have been confined to

power to enforce its decisions was al-
so brought into being.
Now plan 1469 proposes that the
League reject all the articles that
allow the. court to enforce its dec-
sions. -There is no court in existence
that could function without power to
enforce its decisions and yet this plan'
proposes that the world reject a court
with power and set up on whose de-
cisions may be accepted or not by the
parties concerned.
Just such a court existed in 1914
and it failed 3to prevent war. Why
would one work now?
This court is under the modified
League the only League agency that
could prevent war and it could not
deter any nation from violating its
Therefore, because this peace plan
proposes going back to methods which,
have been tried before and failed, andj
because;it does not advwnce any other
meansfor insuring world peace, it
should ; be rejected.
Douglas W. dlephane, '25.

_.a i



X MT 1 T 'F S
1 2 3 4 5
7 8 9 14) i1 12,
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 2s 29 30 1

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Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books
Cameras and Supplies
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617 Packard St. Phone 17
(Where It. U. It. Stops at State)
Central Tile Slow one)
leave Chamber of Commerce
'Week Days SunAys
6:4.5 a. m. 6S 45 it, M.
12 :45 P.1'm. 6:45 P..
4:45P .
jAS . ELLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone 926-M Adrian. Mich.

- . ......- . ............,....................... ...................
Stationery and
nvitations for
r -Hop Festivities
Leading the season's calendar of interesting
events are the J-Hop and the House Parties
which go with it. Correctness in every detail
iS imperative.
Our samples of Stationery, Dance Pro-
grams and Invitations will convince you that
our work is characterized by the finest work-
manship. Years of experience in assisting Uni-
versity of Michigan students in finding the
rAit designs is at your servce here.
I r sI
The Mayer-Schairer Co.
Pr ners-Engravers
Phone 1404 . 112 South Main St.

O saws and. probes and scalpels,,
°I am wedded now to thee,
My instruments all sharp and
My (l)awful wife shall be.
-Connecticut Yank.
* * *
From the Bulletin for Today
The Faculty Nursery:,
The. Faculty Nursery, closed since
the holidays on account of an epidem-
ic of measles, will be reopened Mon-
J3, nir 14 The nursery has

useful ODjeCL to gain Le a cen~t11 on
er the ]Lst of colleges and universi- the public instead of using the usual
ties of the country in an effort to so- useless media such as billboards and;
lect one which satisfies all the re- street signs.
quirements of what they consider a A great American newspaper con-I
good alma mater. This matter of se- ducted a worldwide advertising cam-+
lection is a big problem for upon the paign not long ago that was a model
choice rests a great deal of the suc- of what we choose to term "advertis-
cess or failure of these very seniors ing plus." A huge reward was of-
throughout their whole lives and all fered for the best designs for their
the happiness or misery of those four new building which was to be the
years which should be the happiest in finest of its kind in the world. Arch-
anyone's life-college years. itects the world over put forth their
Final choice must of course be bas- best efforts in the contest. A minia-.
ed upon whatever information is ture occurred in that vocation. Public
available. Acquaintance or relatives interest was aroused in the idea of
-who have graduated from any partic- making professional buildings beau-'
ular university or college, particular tiful as well as useful. Architecture
courses which one or two of the received a real stimulus through this'
schools specialize in more than the advertising.
others, opportunities at the school for This type is something better than,
a broad education in many fields both the kind of publicity that is obtained
in and out of the class room, are all through bathing beauty contests and
elements which must necessarily sway the like. It performs two worthy fun-'
the mind for or. against an institu- Ections instead of one of doubtful
,tion. Wherever personal contact with worth.
cne or more schoo's is possible how- In another case the same newspa-E
ever, a more satisfactory choice is per risked tremendous financial loss-'
sure to be the result. If prospective es to sue corrupt city officials with'
students can at some time visit sev- the object of bringing about the re-
eral institutions, see the campus, rub turn of graft fees paid to friends of
shoulders with the undergraduates the administration. The paper had
and professors of the institution, and nothing to gain financially, and a
live the life of the college or univer- great deal to lose. Envious contem-
sity student, for a few days before poraries scornfully termed it a big

1day, <anuary li. in olyui
been very thoroughly cleaned. The
sand in the sand-boxes has been re-
moved and replaced by new.
* * *
A house on Forest Ave. had a fire
the other day. It was one of these
houses that bims room in.
The house got smoky, as houses with
fires will. The bims, however, in-
stead of tearing down the stairs, sat
The firemen, arriving presently,
climbed up ladders and carried the
bims down-all safe and snug.
A-1-l-1-l right.
But-in yesterday's Daily we read
! of another fire in the same place.
Oh well, we hadn't ought to be so
snoopy and-snoopy. The second fire

To the Editor:
Speaking as one of the many into
whose souls were burnt forever the
hope~s and the last words and wishes,
of those comrades and friends who
-were about to die, gallantly, on the
battlefIds of France, permit me to
say thatafter a preliminary study of l
the wining plan, I find myself in en-
tire accord with it.
Such, if I may say so, was not the
case with the peace treaties.
In voting my approval of this plan
I am performing a simple duty, name-
ly, fulfilling the promises I gave to
these departed fighters, persogal
friends of mine, when they bade me,
in their last hours of earthly exist-I
ence, not to neglect the first real op-!
portunity to raise a hand in favor ofI
real peace, as opposed to a "fake";
peace, such as the present one is, or
to a visionary peace, impossible of
early fulfillment.
It is with pleasure that I perform
this preliminary duty.!
Bernard F. Dostal

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alf. Colleg- " se c
ck and tan. printing and developing service
will be an aid to you.
'A N E _ 3 rn .
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o7 AM
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15y SMYTiE

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was probably an accident same as the .
first. Sure.
Baffler The New York Times writes of an
Dear Mr. Cowles interesting case among "wonder chil-
Here's one that's absolutely STINK- dren": Parents whose boys ^how no
O! If you can tell what it means, indications of being or becoming in-
then you're .a better man than I. But tellectual giants can get consolation
won't you admit it rhymes wonderful- from observing what has happened in
ly? the case of the once much-advertised
"There, little hen, don't crow; son of Dr Boris Sidis, the Boston psy-
For I'll tell Apple Jack and Cherry chologist.
Joe." This youth, at the age of 11, was
Very sincerely, lecturing on the fourth dimension to
31cGee1ee Harvard professors, to their astonish-1
* * * ment if not their edification, and they
Classes of Ignorance had no difficulty in. convincing them-:
1. There is the bim who says "So selves that he really knew something
there was me and him, all alone in about his subject-as much as any-
the dark." body does, perhaps, which isn't say-
2. There is the boloney who says ing much-and that he was not re-
"How about a little party some peating something learned by rote.
night, girlie-just for you and I?" This, however, was but a small part
of the child's attainments. He had
It will be readily (we hope) be seen learned to read when 2 years old pick-1
that these are not classes of intelli- ed up half a dozen languages in an
gence, but of ignorance, modified by almost effortless way passed the en-
varying doses of education. The bim trance examination for the Massa-
of no. 1, if she had went to high school,, chusetts Institute of Technology at 8,

v ,0


r 0

they are called upon to make a final advertising scheme. Perhaps it was.
choice a great deal of the uncertain- If the world is going to have adver-
ty is eliminated. I tising, this kind of advertising is fari
For many students, however, the di- preferable to the kind that pastes up
rect personal contact method of se- ramshackle structures with colorfuls
lecting a college is impossible and posters and endangers the lives of,
with a view toward bringing Michi-, motorists and pedestriias with sign-
,an coser to the high school seniors .boards hiding roads and railroad
of the state, The Daily is starting its tracks.
drive to place as many copies of the
paper as is possible in the high t
schools. The Daily being run by stu-
dents of the University for students of Twenty-Five Years
the University, is well qualified to rep- ,
resent Michigan. It is, to large ex- o Alt Mich an
tent, the mouthpiece of both the stu-1
dents and faculty of Michigan, its ed-
i' orials are plroducts of the thought Fromii the files of 1he IT. oI M. Daily,2
here, and its news columns are full of an. 1', ti9.
11wha~ iani iiia s of the scUhool life. Al -

-' -i r ' _lkjr . . .R
Universal Electrical Conveniences
On r entire a sortmbnet of electric appliances has been given the
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would be in class two. If the bim in
class one had further gone to college,
she would have been in class three,
and would have adored Browning.
Mr. Cowden is at liberty to use these
statistics in his c.lass ,in Thin*iInn andi

having passed already that in anatomy
at the Harvard Medical Schoo'; at 10
he entered Tufts, and went thence to
Harvard, whence he was graduated at

(1.1..1 }:L G'. iRN )'P







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