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January 09, 1924 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-09

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v. ________________ _ ..._-. ____ ____ __------- - --


one of a few decades ago, just differ-
Underneath all of this written and

CUAIL NEWSPAPER OF THE spoken comment there is undoubtedlyj
a certain basis in fact. ire lia^ been
TIchangel, speeded up, a gerat steal in
ished every morning except Monday the last twenty years. Movies, autos,
the University year by the Board in
I of Student Publications.e d radios and a host of other luxuriesI
- - __ ~~~~ ~ have been placed within reach of a)
bers of Western Conference Editorial,,
ation. W CE huge number of people. The people
have not yet learned holw to use
Associated Press is exclusi ekly en- the iey ehv o u d
to the use for republication of all ne , isely.W hvnt t
:erelited to it or not otheg~wise I dustee ourselves to these new devices.
: in this paper andk the local news pu-
therein. Or0, in other words, we haver't yet"
protected ourselves against them.
red at the psostoffice at Ann Arbor, Thnooiwol
ran, as second class matter, Special ra The inspection now going oil would
tage granted by Third Asust nt lost- therefore seem to be a very der irablet
£'ene ral.
eription by carrier, $3.50; by moil, thing. It ,is the only means of suit-1
AtArbo P sBuiag May2 ing our conduct to our best interests.


PLAN su edn9
Of the 22,165 plans submitted in the


Diaries and Desk Calendars

While we were strol ing hither and
yon, hunting inspirationsin this stone
ani that brook, up comes a him tand
desires audience. Granting it gra-
ciously, we settled ourself in the
attitude:.ktnown as that of 'courteous,
attention' and awaited developments.
Nor were they long, as the books
say, in coming. The him says- "I
wonder if it's possible to get anytning,
into your column."
We though it was, and said so.
"Good," says she. "I wonder if you
could put something in about the Wo-
men's League Drive."

Edward Bok peace contest the one des-
ignated as No. 1469 has beon adjudged
worthy of the $100,000 prize.
Contrary to the expectations of
many, No. 1469 does not propose any-
thing particularly new in the way of BF
?remedy for War. It is, in fact, BOT H FI EPN DS +
something of a composite p'an, made
up of suggestions that have been of-
fered time to time by various__
pubulic i enas methods of bringing
about universal peace. In short, per capita wealth is de-
President Harding was the first to lightful when you have it yourself but
propose that the United States adhere not so striking otherwise. It, for ex-
to the-world court. Plan 1469 pro- ample, you went to Los Angeles this
vides that this action be taken under minute and stopped the flrst man wo
the conditions laid down by President j man or child that you saw and asked
Harding and Secretary Hughes. Steps to see that $2974, you would run the
to safeguard the Monroe Doctrine and risk of arrest. The experts say that
to co-operate with the League of Na- each of those people have $2974 and
tions have been advocated by different when you ask to see it you are treated
individuals and groups ever since the like a thug.
World war was fought, and it gencr-
nl"v hai, h'~ 1-i..,-.d*ta*imoral.!The only thing to do is to leave
noD u~.. ~ ~.at ..~,






,r, : Editorial, 2414 and r76-tM; Bsi-
ped cowmuni. tions, not exceeding 3001
,, will he pullished in The Dail yat
is"retion of the Editor. Upcon requist,
identity of conimunicants will be re-
d as confidential.
Telephones, 2414 and 170-M
s Editor...............Julian E. Ma :k
>riWl Board Chairman...".F. C. Moria.ty
Night Edita r
1. Ailes A. i3. Connable
A. Billington a. E. riske
y C. Clark . . Garliughouse
P. M. agner
ts Editor......... .'Ralph N. Tlers
ins Editora...... ..Winona llubland
graph Editor..............R. B. TarIr
ay Magazine Editor.......F. L. 'Tilden
i Editor..............Ruth A Iowell
tant City Editor. K ennveth C. Kellor
Editorial Board1
Einstein R4.ert Ram,,ay
Andrew Propper
. Backe R. S. Mansfield
B'orkmraan 1::C. M-,cK
n Brown Verena Moran
adette Cote Regina Reichinans
V. Da riaXW.'I1. S-)nernan
dd lEhrlich TI . .Stonej
Fingerie RK.EStyer
'. Henry N. R. 'Vial
thy Kamin S. B Tremble
ph Kruger W. J. Witiour
aheth Lieberman
Telephone 960

Now that we have national "movie",
"auto", and "church" weeks, along
with a few dozen others, it should be
acceptable to establish a "borrowed
book" week. At this time all people
will be requested to devote a ittle
time to going through their various
book repositiories and returning all
i those novels, textbooks, and other
kinds of books which they have bor-
towed from their friends during the
preceding twelve months. Ceitain it
Pt that there is no other article so
often borrowed and so seldom return-
ed. It has almost come to be recog-
nized: when one lends a book he re-
signs it to the borrower then and
This practice is particularly notice-
able around the campus. It is not the
kind of think which makes for the
most harmonious condition. The con-
scant abuse of the privilege makes
I many unwilling to lend a book they
wish to keep more or less perman-
We suggest that readers of this
paper make today their "borr'owed
book" day and go through their ef-
fects after other people's books.
And incidentally, all this doesn't on-
ly apply to books.


"Drive?" Wq, says.
"Yeah," she says.
"WelJ is it a drive for funds?"


. r t tr


"Oh no," she says. "For a build- k
ing--just like the Union."
"Oh," we says.
"Do you think you can run it?" she
"Sure," we says.
"'Every senior a member" is the mot-
to that has been set for the Women's
League Life Membership drive, start-
ed yesterday, and continues through
Several memberships were sold yes-
terday, bringing the total up to 14:'
Sue Schnitzel, '25, is high girl with 2
memberships, while Helen Clam, '25, is
captain of the high- team, which has
signed up 4 birms.
* * *
In bounces a rhetorician, with the
news that in one of the themes he
was correcting the other day there
was this sentence; composed by a
lad who was weak in orthography:
We only stopped for a few minu-
ets at the station in Columbus, Ohio.
* * *

any Ian ee cuneu , t Iur
rather than military force, should be
the instrument used to make ivar im-

statistics to the efficiency expert. They
are paid for believing in them.


,-- E~i

rert sing .................E. L. Dunne
et sing........... C. Purdy
vertising ..........W. K Scherer
outs................A. S. Mcrton
culation ................Perry M. Hayden
)liLton. --.---.. ...Lawrence. Pierce
W. Campbell Edw. P. -oeden aker
nnl apian N. E. kolland
s. Champion M. L. Ireland
to Conlin H-aroid A. Marks
us M. Dexter Byron Parkea
eph J. in 2HM. R ockwell
vid A. Fox 1 H. L. prose
iren Haight A. J. Seidman
L. Hale Will WeiseL
E. Hawkinson C. F. White3
R. C. Winter

The French elections have just been
completed without any change of im-
portance being effected in the sen-
ate. As a matter of fact no party can,
boast of a victory in these elections.
One result of note stands out, and
that is the almost unanimous elec-
ion of M. Raymond Poincare for the
Meuse. It shows very conceretely how
much the people think of the way
the former president of the French
Republic is carrying out the affairs
of France; it gives evidence of the
unusual esteem and prestige that the
premier enjoys among his fellow coun-
So far as taking any active person-
al interest in the elections, the pre-
mier was far removed from, any such.
1-I did not attempt to place his stamp
of approval on any one particular par-
ty. This same opportunity will how-
nsn . l t f ho n -n itin 'i the

'Did you know that the S C A spon-
sored the Older Boys' Conference in
November, at which there were 1,500
boys present?
* * *
According to the G C D, Doctor Cab-
ot said: "At the worst the surgeon
merely is trying to show the lowest
possible morality among his cases."
Did you know that the S C A pro-
vides a library, study hail, telephone,
,heck room, public speaking practice
room and other advantages to all stu-
* * *

If the League of Nations is to be an
effective agency of peace, it must of
necessity ,be open to all states that
wish to join, and it is equal:y true
that for the same reason the United.
States should have some affiliation
with it. And it likewise has been well
understood that this country should
not be bound by the Versailles treaty.
The clauses dealing with interna
tional law appear to be the most im-
portant in Plan 1469. If international
laws are to be observed, it is essen-
tial that; they be given expert atten- l
tion, that they be revised and develop-
ed, as he prize winner suggests, "to
reconcile divergent opinions, to con-
sider points hitherto inadequately pro-
vided for but vital to the mainten-
ance of international justice, and in
general to define the social rights and
k luties of states."
Plan 1469 appears at first glance
to be somewhat of a disappointment.
Some brilliant, novel, surefire idea had
been expected by many, instead of this
,compilation of more, or less old sug-
gestions for the e'mination of war.
The plan evidently is an attempt to
harmonize the conflicting features of
these various suggestions which have,
to some extent, represented the views
of, posing political parties and fac-
-tio t In that regard the plan l as
g .h e ly a eme for end-
ii tha u 0 entrary to
t e es f any large group of
peg would be predestined to fail-

. .. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 ' 1 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 23 29 30 31
617 Packard St. Phone 1..,
(Where D. U. R. Stops at State)

Arrange for your Michigan-
ensan group photographs now.


Figures cannot lie, says the
man, but liars can often figure.



! Ii



The idea that a drive for funds must
be preceded by a heavy artillery of
publicity in the Daily and elsewhere
is- apparently based on the allacious
theory that when the studeint reads
in the paper that there is .going to be
a drive he fills his jeans with extra
coin to give the -nendicants..
This theory, as we say, is tallacious.
The first thing we, Cowles, do when
we read of a coming drive is to ?ay
all our coin in our top bureau draw-
er and then march up and .down in
front of a pier glass rehearsng the
following telling speeches:

4 '

;~ I ~




The reception accorded the pr-z ', o t LU Me1o Uii1U i z Me 1. Sorry-I'm broke.
peace plan in the sanctums of Con- next legislative election, for at that 2. (Smiling) Just cashed in with
gress has fulfilled the anticipations of time the voters will be asked in a the boy at the Engineering Arch. .
those political prophets. who herald- ,very direct way to declare themselves 3. No- the boy at the library got
ed the offer of Mr. Bok as another hol- for or against the general policies of me.
low attempt to instill impractical the premier. Out of the 810 votes cast 4. (Silent sneer).
ideals into the national conscience of 794 were returned in favor of Poin- What we would advise all prospec-
t ae.Ti fcus hvsavr tive drivers to do is to make their
the American public. Not so, however, care . hs of course shows a very ives more ambushy.
in the academic and foreign diplomatic decided and favorable majority. * * *
circles where the comprehensive cun- Conditions in the French senate as Did you know that the S C A sends
sideration which the plan's author ha I a legislative body have been of a ra- an annual delegation of picked men
apparently given all phases of the pe- ther calm nature of late. No striking to Lake Geneva Conference?
culiar' position occupied by the Un- fraction exists among even the two * * *
ited States is highly regarded. extremes at the present moment. In If you have not as yet seen th-e pic-
Reopening, as it does, the League of the elections spoken of here, the left ture in Calkins' State street window
Nations dispute the attitude of the lost several seats. This however will entitled the Discussion Group, go and
rtheook it over now. It s probably
administration opposing the entr nce about the niftiest little sketch we've
of the issue into consideration at this strength of the various political par- sbou thitiest
moment in the light of the approich- ties in the senate. The entire Social- h* *. *
ing political battle is not unexpected, ist gains numbered two, while the Froui the Varsity Blotter
but highly unworthy of the offitial (,Communist party failed to elect a Let us solve your RADIO problem.
government of the world's so-called single senator. The net results of the Sets built to order and to fit your
"greatest republic." Partisan policies election gives the government 56 seats pocket book. Such and such a com-
and consideration has manifested it- instead of 58, and the opposition 59, pany-
self as the ultimate standard of our the latter gaining one seat.
great legislators and executives. The " -Head in the Detroit News
task of fulfilling the ofilcial duties en- ON BLIND PIG
toustedto responsible individuals is Twenty-Five Years Hm-blind ones, too. Too, too cruel.i
overlooked in a large measure when s Page the S.P.C.A.?
those occupying the most command- Ago lA M chigan * * *
ing posts in our government frankly Did you know that the S C A sends
admit a desire to forestall action on ~~out, through its extension department
an issue of world wide importance that Fron the filer of the u. of . Diiy, men to speak on different occasionsI
their success in the ensuing politicaI Joa. 9, 8 9 Ithroughout thestate?
struggle ma 'y be assured. .j
strugle ay b assred-The _Ypsilanti Whist club has in- -
Teeare many who deem the prize~TeYslniWitcu a n By now, _-f this copy paper Is nor-
There a merican eace Ard vited the Detroit, Jackson, and Uni- mal size, we should be quite nearnthe
plan of tha American Peace Awar. versity whist clubs to attend a meet- bottom of the col. In fact we should
contest- uniorthy of serious consia- ing in Ypsilanti tomorrow evening. be all through, except for one wise,
eration by the public, but should le The club from here will attend in a crack.
refendu no being taken throd and the other two clubs will The trouble is that we knew in ad-
ut the country demonstrate the ge nd teams If this first meet is a vance what the closing line was go-
uine desire of the American publih ses , ste.Ips fit eetw s igtobe; and that muffles inspira-
for the official adoption of the suggei-_t- stlion. Well, here it is-
ed plan, it is indeed worthy of o fcial establishing a league consisting of Let your conscience be your guide.
consideratien by our Congress, z:ccn-whist clubs of southern Michigan. Mr. Jason Cowles.
sideration that would for once, dernn- - _n the Chora_ .
strate that the representatives of Aan-- The next concert in the Chorale Schick Test For
erican citizens re-echo the sentime.ts Union seres will be given by Adelaide
of their constituents. Aus Der Ohe on Friday evening, Jan- IiMihtheria Offered
uary 20. This change was necessi-
tated by the fact that Alexander Siloti S
YOUTH Students desiring to determine
has cancelled all his American dates.
America's youth is undergoing crit- j their immunity against diptheria are
ical exarinatio. Most everyone seemn Pofessor Dean C. Worcester, the requested to report to the Health ser-
wro ng withre th a rng e neratim n or ne-Wly appointed member of the Phil- j vice for the Schick test. The test
wrth the methods that are being used lipine co, mission returned from takes but a few minutes and in no way
t brn ithu Colleges are being Washington Saturday afternoon. He incapacitates it is said. The Health
;i i v bth from the ini-de and will remain here making preparations service is prepared to take care of

tiy smY1'JIE



r 4

Quite often some question of fin-
arse or political economy must needs
figure in this co'umn. Hence the time-
liness of an item in the Worcester
Telegram stating that Los Angeles in
wealth has the highest per capita fig-
ures of any city in the United States
over 700,000 population. The glad
news further has it that the wealth
of men, women and children in Los
Angeles by the head if $2974. Inspir-
ing figures! Perhaps many readers
of the glad tidings may decide to mi-
grate to Los Angeles where with their
$2974 they might buy themselves a
good suit of clothes and some groc-
cries and live in comfort for a little
J.H.S. in the Boston Transcript
comments humorous'y on this news
with a hypothetical case. "Suppose
that M. Andre Citroen, Lord Iwver-
hulme and Mr. Henry Ford were all
put on a dessert island, with modern
I conveniences naturally, but desert as
to other human beings. There they
would be happy and contented as they,
played knuckle-bone and loto. Sup-
pose they had a store, at which they
sold one to the other such alimentary
conserves, agricultural tools, cloth-
ing and toi'et requisites as are re-
quired by refined people on desert isl-
ands, and that the prices for these ar-
ticles were fitting for men of much
wealth. Go a step farther and sup-
pose that you or some other respected
citizen were deposited on the shores
of that desert island by Jonah's
whale, now advanced in years, or that
you were shot there by a mutinous
crew. Anyhow, you find yourself there
and are welcomed. Now the minute
you fetched up on that island your
per capita wealth would have much in-
creased and that of, the other gentle-
men correspondingly decreased andj
yet the same copper would jingle in
your breeches pockets and the same
gold in theirs. When you went to the
island store and were told that a

Copyright 1923 Hart Schaffner & Marx

Tuxedos that will make you
look your best. Tailored for us
by Hart Schaffner & Marx.





Others, $35 and $37.50


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