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January 09, 1924 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-09

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loia Sigma Pi will :ieet at 7:1.; -
clock tomorrow in Martha Cook build-I
All members of Mortarboard are
requested to attend an important meet-
ing to be held at 7:30 o'clock tomor-
row night at the Chi Omega house.
Women who have been taking the
club leaders' training course under the
auspices of the University Y. W. C.
A. are asked to meet at 7 o'clock
tomorrow night in the Upper room
of Lane hall for a discussion of the
examination outline. The examina-
tion on the course will be given witli-
in the next few weeks.

January ],ledges for the
are now due and may be
office of Newberry hall.

Y. W. C. A.
paid at the

All athletic managers of
will have their picture taken
o'clock tomorrow in Barbour

at 12:15

Basketball managers for the inter-
house tournament should turn in to
Miss Erley a list of teams and sub-
stitutes in the tournament as soon as
Beginners in the optional dancing
classes will meet at 7, o'clock Wed-
nesday nights in the future. All oth-
ers in these classes will meet at 4
o'clock of the same day.
The Girls' Mandolin club will meet
at 5 o'clock tomorrow in Newberry
All women interested in education
are invited to attend a party given by
the Women's Educational club which
will be held from 7:30 to 9 o'clock'
tomorrow night, in the -parlors of Bar-
bour gymnasium.
All women who are working on the
University of Michigan. League drive
are expected to report to Charlotte
Blagdon, '25, befween 2:15 and 4:15'
o'clock today in Barbour gymnasium.
All sophomores who are interested
in trying out for class basketball
teams are asked to be at Barbour gym-,
nasium at 4:15 o'clock on Mondays
and at 715 o'clock on Thursdays.-{
Signing out slips for December
which were not handed in before vaca-
tion should be turned in at once at the
office of the dean of women.
Wyvern will meet at 7 o'clock to-
night at the Kappa Kappa Gamma
Miss Clark to Speak
Miss Zelma E. Clark, social director
of Mfartha Cook building, gave a talk
before the Business anid Professional
Women's club ;,last evening at thel
city Y. W. C. A. The subject of:Miss
Clark's lecture was, "The BusincSs of
Being, a Womsan."
G '

OUSES TO BE CALockwood To Give 'Suffrage Lobbyist Says Women
Lecture-Recital Must Prevent War In Future
O U LIMUU M LMULS liP Matinee Musical Student league pro-
gram will begin at 3 o'clock today "If war is ended, women must do it, 'shown in the suffrage movement; thef
RESPONSE EXPECTED FOM SEN- at Martha Cook building, instead of men will not," states Mrs. Ben Hooper, feeling of women could not be stop-
ORS AM) UMDEIWLASS. Iat 3:15 o'clock as previously planned. of Oshkosh, Wis., for 14 years lobbyist ped."
AIENti Albert Lockwood of the School of for woman suffrage, and recently a In her campaign in support of the
MEN Music, will be heard in a lecture-re- candidate on the Democratic ticket for world peace movement, Mrs. Hooper
cital of Bach's chamber music. The the United States senate, against Rob- will makeo speeches before clubs
IMore than 20 organized houses will selections played will be preceeded by ert LaFollette. throughout the state. During her stay WR
be canvassed immediately after the an interpretation and explanation of "Asa prominent Catholic priest once in the cityshe was the guest of her.RK
dinner tomorrow night by representa- the numbers, said to me, the one thing in the world daughter, Mrs. Louis Warfield.
tives of the membership committee for Members of the organization may of which men are afraid is being
the University of Michigan League bring a guest to the program; a small thought cowards. For fear of this
members y campin admission fee will be charged others, they will not do the work of bringing
By Thursday evening, all houses peactohewrldEvenmenthem___
will be reached and it is expected that peace to the world. Even men them-
as a result of such thorough can- Swiss Back S. selves agree as to the truth of this.
mTheywill not come out square and say
vassing an unusually se rnumb er of InDrug Control the thing that hurts. We women are
subscriptions will be secured. This is 'tbeyond that; the situation is too ser- Y c
the last year that seniors will be able ious. We have got to make it hurt be-
to obtain memberships which will be Geneva, Jan. 8.-The decision Just Yfore people will realize that we are
tions and as theralumnae are having taken by the Swiss parliament and simply drifting into another war. ;I I°
success with the project in their cam- the Swiss Federal Council to ratify "I feel that the country is eternally
paign districts, those in charge of before the end of the parliamentary disgraced until we have made good to
the undergraduate work hope that the session next June the Hague conven- our soldiers. We told them from press
women in the University will respond tion for the control of the opium and andth plpt tha therct a would I Cheerio! But these are g
Lio fo th cotrl o th opum ndbe the last. We must make good! If ~Il
withequaldenth uiga, ed hus harmful drugs traffic renders virtual- we had kept our promise to the sold- catches one's cheeks and
Residents of unorganized -houses logcace oes hes n.
may sign pledges at booths in Univer- ly certain the eventual world-wide iers to end war, I believe the bonus for and other
sity hall and at the Library which adoption and application of the Am- would never have been mentioned." )skating d t
will be open from 10 to 3 o'clock every erican program for the suppression ! Mrs. Hooper stated that she was not ave a part to play-yo
day. All women who are working on of the drug traffic. in favor of the Woman's party, believ-
the drive will report to the chairman, , This program which has been of- ing that the adherents of such a party
Charlotte Blagdon, '25, between 2: 1 fically adopted through the effortsI were definitely harmful in the effort to
and 4:15 o'clock today in Barbour of Rep. Porter, chairman of the House obtain suffrage amendent. "They in- uIIII
gymnasium. commission on foreign affairs, as the sulted the men whose votes they most
basis of the League of Nations pro- desired. Men and women must work .
gram, provides not only for the limit- together in politics. Men are better
Fancy Dress Party ation of the manufacture of prepared acquainted with business methods than
opium, cocaine, morphine and heroin are women, who know the most about
etua 19 to the world's actual medical and the human side of legislations. t
scientific needs, but a similar limit- i"Men get tired of things, but when 10
The annual fancy dress party spon- ation also to the production of raw a woman has made up her
sored by the Women's League will be opium and coca leaves. a thing, she is unswerable. This wsa
given this year on Saturday, Jan. 19, in To render the application of this
Betsy Barbour gymnasium. Dancing program possible the League has Women's Research Ulul Meets
and stunts arranged by the different summoned two international conven- At the meeting of the Women's Re-
class committees will provide the ev- tions for July of 1924. The first of search club on Monday evening, two -
ening's entertainment and prizes will these will either limit or suppress papers were read. Mrs. Carl Erlan- u
be awarded to those wearing the the produc.ion and use of raw opium son, of the botany department, out- f//1
prettiest and most original costumes. for smoking in Pacific countries and lined the history of the University of
An admission of 10 cents will be which is still held as legal. under the London, of which she is a graduate,
charged those not in costume. An or- Hague convention. and described the system of colleges
chestra is being secured for the dance The second conference, which will and studies of that university compar-
music and at the end of'the evening meet as soon as the above limitation ing it with those of this country. -
refreshments will- be'served. to the production of raw opium hastin__ntwihhseo _tiscunr...
tbeen attained, will draft an inter- Cherbourg, Franse, Jan. 8. -- Gen.
Business Manager Resigns national convention among' all the Charles G. Dawes and Owen D. Young,
of great producing and manufacturing the American members of the expert
Miss Haifner, the business director o a countries limiting the production of co m - es'wic wllInuie into
Betsy Barbour 'dormitory, will resign cutislmtn h rdcino committees which will inquire into :I
Bets B a dormito wil resI the manufactured oderivative pro- German resources, arrived here today.,
her position a stdtheend of thissemes-ducts to the worlds actual necessities.
ter to -accept a position as director of NCI{________ Its rj
Stanford' hall, a women's dormitory Washington, D. C. Jan. 8.-The u It's true efficiency to use Dail-
at the University of Minnesota. The Kl an C., toa t a a Classileds.-Advn
hu fwhhshwl hechgeKlux Klan failed today to obtain an;gln
1house of which she wvill hays charge. action of the supreme court restrain- ParneThDilAvrtes. -~="=='
provides living accommodafions for n the t crt e Patronise The Daily Advertisers.
200 students and is the only large it alleged had been stolen.
women's residence at the university. -
Miss Hainer has been business man-',____________________
ager of Betsy Barbour for two years.-j A')DRTAN-AN\ ARBOR BITS LINE
[ ~Central rirne (51o v Time)}
Announce Engagement ' wLeave-aChamber of Commerce
Weekc nagmn Mnet 4 Days s45ndays '. - Co F-kR WO QWARD & TATE;
en:4gemen. o:45eir daughterMarNLY 4sAP. .O6.45 p, M.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mann aunounce .. 64 .m. liCONNECTION WiANYOTHER
za V. Mann, '22Ed, to William J. Laud- . As. i. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
er, '22. 'ho-e 926-M Adrian. Mich. DETROIT
I. _ __a

o HO o



All our work is done carefully,
by the most experienced workmen


reat days to be out where the crisp wind
whips them to a rosy pink-great days
winter sports. Warm, woolly clothes
u'll find them here.




The whi
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head and
Priced $
A pair
will be n
true spori
at a glan
easily ta
clad. Pi

te sweaters of heavy yarn are
skating. They slip on over your
have rolling collars that prove
protection from thee sharp wind.
8.75 and $10.75.
ickers for omfort
of tweed or corduroy knickers
most comfortable for skating-a
tswoman recognizes their virtues
ice. Long, graceful strokes are
ken when one is appropriately
riced $3.95 and up.



f ..
-- .


Scr en-Today


- Richard Barthelmess

Majestic-Virginia Vallii n "A
Lady of Quality."
Wuerth - Dorothy Davenport
Reid in "Human Wreckage."
Orpheum-"A Man's Man" with
Lois Wilson.

Statge-This Week.

Hamilton Business College
State and William Sts.,

C_ ;

1 Garrick (Detroit -"Give and
Take" featuring Louis Mann
' and George Sidney. f



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