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January 06, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-06

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The Day's News At
The Capitol
! (By Associated Press)
Secretary Mellon in a letter to Sen-
ator Couzens, of Michigan, renewed
his argument for a maximum surtax of
25 per cent.
The weather bureau predicted that
sub-normal temperature would con-
tinue 'throughout most of the coming
week in every part of the country.
Democratic leaders in congress pre-


Will Talk Here




Foreign 1
In Brief




Ex-Service Men Press Demands for pared for a fight against several im-j
Conference Despite Opposition portant provisions of the Mellon tax
of Leaders plan.
Washington, Jan. 5-(By A.P.)--- In furtherance of President Cool-'
The Mellon tax program will become idge's shipping reorganization plan
a storm center in congress under Edward P. Farley stepped out as
pans of democratic leaders. They president of the emergency fleet cor-
made known today that they were poration in favor of Leigh C. Palmer,
preparing for a sharp fight against the the new directing head.
proposal to cut in half the present-
maximum sur-tax rate of 50 per cent Petitions were filled by War Veter-
and in favor of even greater reduc- an members of the house for a con-E
tion in the taxes on small incomes ference of house Republicans next
than had been proposed by the treas- Thursday night when an attempt will
ury secretary. be made to instruct the ways and.
At the same time, Secy. Mellon made means committee to report a soldiers)
public a letter to Senator Couzens bonus bill.
republican, Michigan, in which he re--
newed his argument in favor of a
maximum sur-tax of 25 per cent. Mrr
Mellon declared it was not those who1
have the capital who are hurt by a
system of war time high sur-taxes;
that "it is the whole country who
would benefit by its productive use
who suffer."
The soldier's bonus again was in- May Be Secured From Registrar Hall;
jected prominently into the tax sit- And From Other College
uation today with the filing of for- Secretaries
mal petitions for a conference of house S
republicans next Thursday night to de- I
cide whether the ways and means MOREINGIOF JAN. 28 WILL
committee is to. report a bonus bill 'ARK BEGINNING OF FINALS
ahead of tax legislation. Former serv- Es
ice men who are members of Con- Examination schedules for the se-
gress pressed their demands for a mester finals in the literary college,
conference despite the opposition of the School of Education, the Graduate
some party leaders to their program school, and the engineering college
A call for the conference probably
will go out early next week. are ready for distribution and may
________________be secured -at the office of the regis-

Wiegall, Leacock, Andrews Scheduled
In Near Future; Sponsored By
Oratorical Course

Revolters Sustain Heavy Losses
Both Casualities and Prisoners
Taken by Regulars


Judge Ben B. Lindsey, of Denver,
noted lecturer and authority on juv-
enile delinquency will present the
sixth number of the Oratorical lec-
ture series 'vhen he speaks at 8
o'clock tomorrow night in Hill aud-
itorium on "Experience with Kids."
This is Judge Lindsey's second ap-+
pearance in Ann Arbor recently as he
spoke on the Oratorical course two
years ago. At that time he was said
to have been the most popular speak-
er on the program. It is through
humor that Judge Lindsey makes his
points ,explaining chiefly by stories
taken from his own experience in the
juvenile court of Denver.
Authority On Child's Problems
Fame of Judge Lindsey has chiefly
come through his work with this
court, as he has been judge there.
{ since 1901. He is the originator off
of many of the features of the present
juvenile court system, and almost all
that have been founded ow( their in-j
spiration to him. European nations
have sent delegations to see his court
at Denver in action.
Judge Lindsey was born in Jackson,
Tenn., in 1869, later going to Colo-
rado. Since 1901 he has spent much
time lecturing throughout the country
on children's problems. He recent-
ly spoke in Detroit. In addition he
has written many books upon the juv-
enile deliquency question.
The Colorado Juvenile court law'
was first drawn up by Judge Lindsey.
This provides that boys should be put
on their honor, and out of several
hundred sentenced to an industrial
school where they go unattended only-+
five have broken their trust. Judge
Lindsey also was instrumental in hav-
ing the first contributory delinquency,
law against adults passed in his state.
French Artist To Lecture
Another number of the lecture
course is scheduled for this week as
Leon Baskt, noted French costumer
and artist, will speak Saturday night
in Hill auditorium. His subject will
be "Costume and Personality".
One more speaker will be heard in
January, and .the concluding two will
appear in March. Arthur Wiegall, ex-
plorer, will talk Jan. 1G on "The Tut-
ankhamen Discoveries in Egypt."
Other men who will .talk here, are
Stephen Leacock, humorist, and Roy
Chapman Andrews, explorer.
University' TioAid
Tokyo's Libraries

Judge Ben B. Lindsey
Judge Ben B. Lindsey who will tell
of his experiences. with 'Kids' in his
talk at 8 o'clock tomorrow night at
Hill Auditorium. Judge Lindsey is a
noted juvenile authority and judge of
the juvenile court in Denver, Colo
Two years ago he spoke in Ann Ar-
bor on the subject, "Why Kids Lie".
The Week's News
In Brief
The fol'owing column is a sur-
vey of news of the world during
the past week, compiled from the
press. An attempt has been made,
to present the news as brifly and
concisely as possible.
The administration closed its deal
with the Obregon government to sell'
$1,000,000 worth of arms, amunition.
and aeroplanes. The negotiations
were rushed through in order to block
the opposition of congress which had
displayed little enthusiasm over the
plan. Both 'houses had planned in-
vestigations of the affair. The sale!
was made in order to foster "stabil- 1
ity and orderly constitutional pro-
cedure" in Mexican politics.
y v,*
It was also disclosed that the gov.
ernment has sold $100,000 worth o
arms to the Cuban government dur-
ing the last three months.
r. * 6

New Orleans, Jan. 5-(By A..)-
Associated Press dispatches today
from Washington quoting officials as
saying there was no provision of law
against arms purchasesunless there
'is evidence of a conspiracy to use
IAmerican soil as a base for opera-
tions of foreign powers resulted in
instructions from Aeolfy de la Huer-
ta, Mexican Revolution Leader, to his
agents here to immediately purchase
a large quantity of war munitions
says the Daily States.
The subsistence of the dispatch was
cabled to Vera Cruz by Peodoro Frz-
ieres, revolutionary government agent
here, and de la Huerta replied imme-
diately with instructions to purchase
three million rounds of rifle ammu-
nition, 5,000 rifles, 10 machine guns;
and 1 million rounds of machine gun
ammunition. At the same time, de-
clared the newspaper, funds to cov-
er the purchase were cabled to a
New Orleans bank.
Washington, Jan. 5.--The Mexican
embassy declared in a statement to-'
day that the federal troops were pre-
pared to go into decisive action against'
the rebels on both the Vera Cruz and
Jalisco fronts. Referring to recent
victories scored by the Obregon forces,
the statement said:
"General Carazeo, commander of
federal troops in the state of Guerrero
has sent to the war department a de-
tailed #report of the victory scored by'
his troops at Zacoalpan, over forces
operating under General Figueroa.
The losses , sustained by the rebels
were heavy both in casualities and in
the number of prisoners taken.
n ni mm mnrnaianrainrl

(By Associated Press)
Paris, Jan. 5.-The entire Russian
Soviet commercial organization in,
Paris, headed by M. Skobeiess, repre-
sentative of the Soviet Commissariat.
it is reported will be transferred to
London soon.
Tokio, Jan. 5.-Three bombs were
thrown at the Imperial palace by a
Korean during a demonstration to-
night. The bombs did not explode and
the man was lmediately placed un-
der arrest.
Geneva, Jan. 5.-Argentine has of-
ficially notified the league of nations
that she will send an observer or
"auditor tothe forthcoming naval con-
ference at which it is planned to ex-
tend the principles of the Washington
Treaty to those powers, which did not
sign the pact".
Berlin, Jan. 5.-A group of the larg-
er Berlin banks has contributed
700,000 gold marks to the national
fund for general social relief.
Paris, Jan. 5.-The Seine flood i,
abating, the cessation of the waters
coinciding with a sharp frost.
FOR ,MAR.CH 8-90
Fraternities And Societies Will Have
Booths And Floa s In
Gala Event

Chicago, Jan. 5-(By A.P.)-Upw,
of a dozen deaths resulted today f
one of the most severe cold wa
.that has swept the entire countr3
years, disrupting transportation
communication and causing un
The north central- section was
greatest sufferer from the cold, C
cago and Illinois state having
marks which have not been pas
since 1905, while 'Kansas, Misso
Wisconsin, Nebraska, Minnesota
Iowa also reported exceptional c
some temperatures being the co:
in many years.
The coldest point in the -Un:
States today, according to unoffi
reports, was Virginia, Minn., who'
39 degrees below zero was repor
but this, record was closely approve
ed by Mankato, Minn., with 38 be
and Gordon, Neb., 37 below.
Tonight the death list in Chic
where the lowest official reading
day was 16 below, but where un
cial readings in suburbs reached
below stood at 6. Three deaths h
been reported at St. Louis, Misso
and at dSt.Paul a park policeman A
frozen to death.

Chicago and Illinois State Have
Marks Not Passed Since

Deplores Lack Of Engineers As Pub.
blic AdministrationE
Adressing members of the engineer-
ing faculty last night, W. E. Wicken--
den, head of the national investigation
of engineering education which is he-
ing conducted by the Carnegie found-
ation and the society for the promo-
tion of engineering education outlin-
ed the need for a broader education
of men engaged in engineering work.
"An engineer cannot take. his place
in society if he concerns' himselfl
solely with matter and energy," the
speaker said. "A graduate will have
to be a leader of men if he is to take
the position of mastery due him."
There is a lamentable lack of en-,
gineers in high executive positionst
and as le'Lers in public administr-
ation according to the speaker.;
"Engineering education in the fut-:
ure will be conditioned by a consid-
erable number of factors" said Mr.
Wickenden. Prominent among them
he mentioned the qualification of the
student himself.{
Uncovered Slab
Shows Trace Of'
Virginia Dare?
Washington, Jan. 5.-One of the un-
solved mysteries of history. has been
called to the attention of scientistsJ
of the Smithsonian institution as. theI
result of the discovery of a slab of
lead here today three feet. under
ground bearing an inscription which
may throw light upon the disappear-
ance of Virginia Dare, the first white
child born in America.
Digging in his back yard, Russel
Jackman uncovered the slab, which is
one eighth inches thick, 14 inches
long, and 6 inches wide. When clean-
ed the following inscription apparent-
ly cuc with a hot instrument was dis-
"Virgin Dare-Died here-Captis
Pewhatas-1590--Charles R.
Officials of the Smithsonian institu-
tion declined to express any opinion
on the genuineness of the finding
pending a more thorough examination
next week.
Brith May Recognize Russia
Moscow, Jan. 5.-(By A.P.)-British
recognition of-Russia is being discuss- I

trar in University hall, and at the
offices of the secretaries of the other
Finals will be held beginning Jan.
28 in the mnorning from 9 to 12 o'clock(
and in the afternoon from 2 to ,5
o'clock except in the. case of the en-
gineers who will have the usual four
hour examinations from 8 to 12 o-
'clock and 1 to 5 o'clock.I
All students in every class must
take the final examinations, and in-
structors are required to give ex-
aminations as announced in the sched-
The time of exercise mentioned in.
the schedule below signified the hour
nt which the section meets for the
first time in the week. The schedule;
Monday classes, at 8, second Mon-
day morning; at 9, first Tuesday
morning; at 10, second Tuesday morn-
ng; at 11, first Monday morning; at
1, second Thursday morning; at 2,
second Wednesday morning; at 3, sec-
ond Tuesday afternoon.
Examinations for Tuesday classes
will be held as follows: at 8, first
Saturday morning; at 9, first Thurs-
day morning; at 10, first Monday af-
ternoon; at 11, second Monday after-
noon; at 1, first Wednesday morning;
at 2, first Friday morning; at 3, sec-
ond Wednesday afternoon.
Special examinations including those
for many of the freshman and sopho-
more courses are given on a special
schedule: French 1 (all sections),
first Saturday afternoon; Spanish 1
i (all sections), first Saturday after-
noon; Rhetoric 1 (all sections), first
I Thursday afternoon; history 1, la, .b,
first Tuesday afternoon; economics 1,
46, first Wednesday afternoon; pay-
chology 7, first Thursday afternoon;
I mathematics C, 1, 1E, 2, 2E. 51 (all
sections), first Friday afternoon.
New York, Jan. 5.-The plan for
universal peace which won the ap-
proval of the jury of awards in Ed-
ward W. Bok's $100,000 prize contest
will be made public tomorrow by the
American Peace award.
Simultaneously with the publication
I referendum will be started through-
out newspapers, magazines and pub-
ilic and private organizations, which,
acording to the referendum man-
agers, will put the ballot within reachI
of all the 110,000,000 people of the
United States.

The Union Fair in which the entire
campus individually and in which or-
ganizations will join will be held Fri-
day and Saturday nights, March 8 and
9, in the Yost field house, it was an-
nounced yesterday. It is possible
that an additional session of the Fair
will be held Saturday afternoon.
John D. Briscoe, '24E, has been ap-
pointed general chairman of the com-
mittees of the Union that will have
complete charge of the Fair. Bris-
coe has been active in Union work for

More Than 500 Students I
Raising Finances Nee


The public
was reduced

debt of the United States
$400.000.000 during 1923.
* * *

Sir Aukland Geddes resigned his po-
sition as ambassador from Great Bri-
tam, due to ill healthl. He is suc-
ceededl by the right honorable Sir
Esme Howard, P.C., K.C.B., K.C.M.G.
at. present ambassador to Spain, who
will arrive in this country ear:y it

The consensus of opinion of 43
leading bankers, and business and pro-
fessibnal men of New York city on
the Mellon plan of tax reduction is
that the door would be opened to a
new prosperity, and that it would re-
sult in a fair and scientific taxation
of all classes.
* * *

flLMIU 1four years. At present he is presi-
dent of Mimes dramatic society.
Assisting Briscoe in the manage-
Washington, Jan. 5.- Advocates of ment of the Fair will be a number of
Filipino independence are prepared to committees that will have charge of
level their bik guns on congress now- the arrangements. These will be ap-
that the national legislative body has pointed next week.
settled down, to its work after the Revival Of Former Custom
Christmas recess. The entire field house will be used
The center of the independence fight in the giving of the Fair which will
shifted to the capitol from the White be a revival of the Union Fairs of
House just prior to the recess, when " formrer days on a larger scale. Ac-
President Coolidge cooly received cording to preliminary plans of those
Manuel Roxas, young speaker of the in charge, a circus will be held inj
Philippine house of representatives I the center of the house, with clownsI
and leader of the independence move-I and acrobats and the other types of
ment at the White House, and refused performers that can be 'used. Box-
to give him his support. I ing matches will be staged at different
Foreseeing a bitter fight, Roxas I times during the night.1
leased a large house here for himself At one end of the field house
and his delegation and settled down to dancing will be held. The regular
wage a war of attrition on congress Union dances will be discontinued on
for the remainder of the present ses- I these two nights and the Union orch-
sion. I estra will probably furnish music for
The Filipino leaders believe they this feature of the entertainment.
have enlisted the full support of the Organizations To Have Booths
Republican insurgents in both house Booths will be placed around the
and senate and think that when entire floor of the field house under
brought to a vote these votes, together the balcony. Fraternities, honor
with those of Democrates, will force societies, and other campus organi-
passage of a resolution favoring inde-, zations will each occupy a booth pre-
pendence at some fixed future date. senting a side show or some other

"Contribution of books and maga-1
zines to replace in some measure the
700,000 volumes destroyed in Tokyc
during the earthquake and fi ,e last
September will be acknowledged and!
forwarded for assignment in Tokyo if
brought to the general library," said
William W. Bishop, librarian of the
The library of the University of Tok-
yo was not completely destroyed, as
first accounts of the disaster indi-
cated. The collections in pure and I
applied sciences were housed in- a sep-
arate building and were saved. Plans
(;for the reconstruction of the variou I
libraries, ten important governmen'
as well as many smaller ones having
been completely wiped out, are under
Modern publicatiois are particularly:
requested by the Japanese. The P
versity library has sent a completec
set of the University publication's sc
far as they are in print, the annual
reports of the Michigan academy of
science, 'a valuable collection on math-
ematics, and has sent a list , of other
available material which will be for-i
warded to Tokyo upon request.
Mr. Bishop is the chairman of the
committee on library cooperation with
other countries of the American Li-
brary association.3
Extension Service Busy
Among those who have been sent
by the extension department of the
Student Christian association to speak
-4--- - a l

President Coolidge
that he will oppose
with the important
Mellon tax-reduction
* *

made it known
any tinkering
features of the

Democrats hope to go Mellon oneI
better by reducing still further the
levy on the small tax-payer. No defin-
ite action will be taken, however, un-
til the bonus question is disposed of
* * *
The army announced the develop-
ment of a new gun capable of hurling
a 1,500 pound projectile' 23 miles.
(Continued on Page Five)
f -
Pfann To Assist
Dobie As Coach
Ithica, N. Y., Jan. 5.-George R.
Pfann, captain of the 1923 Cornell
eleven and choice for All American
last season has been named as assist-
ant to Gilmour Dobie, head coach of
the -Cornell squad for 1924, it was an-
nounced tonight. Pfann's appoint-
ment sets at rest reports that he would
enter West Point next fall.
l I
South Bend, Ind., Jan. 5.-
Playing a whirlwind brand of
basketball Notre Diue defeated
the Michigan court team here to-
night by a score of 29-25.

More than 500 students will l
ticipate in the campaign for the
dent Christian association's finan
drive which has been set for T'
day, Wednesday, and Thursday. J
DeTarr, '25M, general chairman of
campaign has appointed 10 capt;
who in turn have selected 10 lieu
ants each. The lieutenants will th
selves each choose five privates
make up their team.
A large silver loving cup is tc
presented to the individual turnin
the largest amount of money, and
sub-team which includes a lieutei
and his five privates, bringing in
I 'argest amount, will be given a s
dinner at Joe Parker's cafe. Mem
ship in the Twenty-five Dollar
will be awarded to all men who
tain that sum or more in subsc
tions. The entire club will be en
tained at the Majestic theatre.
Captains Named
The captains named so far to 1
the various teams are as follo
Chares Campbell, '25L, team one;
bert Isbell, '26L, team two; Do
Chubb, '24, team three; Rensis I
ert, '26, team five; Donald Willi,
'25L, teant six; Donald Cook, '24, 1
seven; Kenneth Wiggle, '24, t
eight; Prentice Ford, '25, team n
Perry Hayden, '25.
The amount aimed at in this d
is $5,000. This is one-fourth of
sum necessary to carry out the v
of the organization formthe year
the remainder of the money wil:
sought from alumni and local co
Workers to Meet Tuesday
The success of this drive cannc
over-emphasized said Harold Coffi
executive secretary of the Stu
Christian association. The organ
tion has been in debt each year
its continuation is vitally conce
with the attainment of 'the am
that has been set and the suppo:
the student body.
Prof. T. H. Reed of the po'i
science department will address
men who are to take part in
campaign at a dinner given by
S.C.A. at 5:30 o'clock Tuesday r
in the Methodist church and imn
ately following the meeting the c
will be opened.
Marine City, Mich., Jan. 5.-
that broke out early today in the B

Berlin, Jan. 5.-(By AP)-No less
than 60 banks and many hundred
merchants and craftsmen are facing
heavy penalties as a result of the
prosecuting attorneys determination
to root out profiteering which bas
been going on unhampered here for
many months past.
With the mark suddenly enjoying
the ranks of "preferred" currency
both natives and foreigners are find-
ing themselves consistently victim-
ized by the corner grocery, the butch-
er or the plumber all of whom de-
clare that excessive interest charges
and incidental fees levied by they
banks have caused increased oper-
ating expenses, which they in turn
unload on their patrons.
Winter to Deliver Lecture
Prof. John G. Winter, of the Latin
department, will deliver an illustrated
letureo n "Aneient and Modern

form of entertainment in each. Two
cups will be presented by the Union
to the organizations, one for the
booth making the most money and the
other 'for what is considered by a
group of judges to be the most novel
and the best show.
The barkers that will be placed out-
side of each booth to draw trade, the
orchestras that will play for dancing
and for exhibition purposes and the
circus and similar features used, will
transform the field house into a gay'
bedlam of noise and excitement, ac-
cording to the plans of those in
charge. Refrshments will be served
from other booths with fraternities
in charge.
Parade To Be Held
Preceeding the opening of the Fair
a parade will be held, floats being
furnished by the fraternities who
have booths. The parade will wind
about the town in the afternoon be-
I The completion of the Yost field
house and the obtaining of this lo-
cation through the Board in Conrtol
of Athletics makes it possible to hold
the Fair under ideal conditions. The
gigantic size of the interior of this
building together with the overhang-
ing balcony that can accommodate
hntQmnP it. he pafnnep n sos


at various occasions, are H. .eete,
U'25, Egbert Isbell, '26L, Stanley Muir-
P RvNuE. .WHPS iwuS head, '24, E. R. Slaughter, '25E, Her-'
bert Steger, '25, Fielding H. Yost, di-
.. ector of intercollegiate athletics, Hars

Owing to failure of telegraphic re-I
ports to come through, The Daily is

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