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January 04, 1924 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-04

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Luxor, Egypt, Jan. 3.-(By AP)-
Today was marked by excitement and
thrills, at the tomb of Tutenkhamen in
the Valley of the Kings, for Howard
Carter, having at last removed the
curious pall rack that obstructed the
entrance to the door of the second
shrin, decided that the time had ar-
rived for penetrating further the sec-
rets of the Royal tomb.,
Mr. Carter, and Mr. Callender, of
his staff had spent some two hours
yesterday in easing the wooden bolts
of the gilded doors of the sacred
shrine, bearing delicate figures in
light relief of the pharaoh at worship
and shortly before noon today the
doors were carefully swung back.
The powerful arc lights which had
been swung into position to illumin-
ate the massive doors of the second
casket then shone upon a third gold-
en shrine, richly covered with hier-
oglyphics, the doors of which bore
the figure of a God with the head of
an animal-either zebra or horse-
with the Goddess Hathor standing be-
The gilded doors of the third shrine
were then unbolted and there is reas-
on to believe that another case was
discovered within. It it understood
today's operations were purely in the
nature of a. reconnaissance and that
nothing was removed from thej
shrines., Mr. Carter's official photo-'
grapher made records of the differ-
ent stakes of today's proceedings.


Ha!; But Job


To .Visit America


Wallstreet, Somers. Now something like 1,000,-
000 shares change hands daily. I pre-
Land Of Promise, (hctthat before 1924 has run we wll
NwYrkeJn0.00.00T shres day.
"Thtis iac~ns, that experienced men
New York, Jan. .-That the Unit-, wil1l be in gr eater demnand. It means



"Modern Stadia" an article by Maj-
or John L. Griffith, director of West-!
ern Conference athletics, dealing with
the great football stadiums in the
country today is the leading feature'
of this month's Athletic Journal.
Speaking of the 'many immense ovals
that have sprung upin all parts of
the coi7try to accomodate the thous-1
ands who are now flocking to inter-_
collegiate encounters Major Griffith
says: "The last five years has been
a period of exceptional stadium con-
struction in the schools and univer-
"Before the war many institutions
boasted of athletic fields with wood-
en stands for the spectators and a
'ew concrete stalls, but today nearly
every university has a modern stad-
ium. Many of these structures haves
been built so that they will last for
a century."
"The chief purpose of building theseI
playing fields on an elaborate scale
is that the increased interest in ath-
letics, especially in football, has creat-
ed a demand for stands that will be
ample to provide seats for the stu-
ents, alumni an the general public
who may esire to see the game be-I
tween rival colleges."
Major Griffith then takes up thet
question of whether the stadiums are
being built on too vast a scale or not.
He believes not and feels that the
game will continue too increase in
popularity in the future. Also he
says that stadiums are now being
built to provide for running tracks,
basketball courts, handball rooms and
gymnasium facilities in the area unr
der the seats, which makes them of
more general use.

R Berkeley, Cal., Jan. 3.---(By A.P)-t
IStatistics recently circulated stated
{ [that horses, in large measure freed,1
because of motor power, from the Ia.-
bors that made them beasts of burden,l
,.r were increasing rather than diminish-,
ing in number. But now comes Pro-r
fessor E. L. Furlong, curator of the
vertebrate collection' at the University
of California, with the prediction that
the horse will be virtually .extinct on
the American continent in anothers
I century..
IxProfessor Furlong is so confident ofl
jhis supposition that he has started for
posterity a collection of all modernE
specimens of the equine family. 'His
collection will rest in the museum oft
paleontology, along with the bones of
"--- Ithe three-toed horse and other prehis-
toric kin.s
The Crown Prince of Norway Recalling the dominating position of{
The heir to the Norwegian throne motor conveyances in the cities, Pro-
will visit New York, Philadelphia. fessor Furlong adds: "Daily the trac-<
Washington, Chicago, St. Louis and tor and the automobile are taking the
,California in a tour of the United place of the horse in rural life. As' the!
States he will undertake next Spring, usefulness of the horse passes, so will
when he reaches his majority. Th,, the necessity for his existence. Before
prince is enthusiastically devoted to many years the use of a horse for the
sports. purposes with which he has been iden-
tified, since time immemorial will be a
Chicago, Jan. .-Investigation of the curiosity. In another hunderd years
financial operations of Leonard Wood, you may find horses in zoos. I am
Jr. son of the governor-general of the sure you will not find them anywhere
Philippines, today was in the hands of Ielse."
Federal authorities.

ed States remains a land of oppor-
tunity is evinced by the fact that dur- E
ing the last five years 30 former page
boys and telephone clerks have pur-
chased seats on the New York Stock
Exchange at $80,000 or more each.,
Benjamin Jacobson, former page boy
who paid $80,000 for a seat, is the most
recent example.
reeteape Among the members who w~orked
from a humble position to a seat in
the exchange is Celestip A. -Durand
whose phenomenal rise from an ob-
scure clerk to his present position oc-
curred in a period of eight years. He
has the record of being a trade gen-f
ius and has purchased seats in the
exchange for two assistants.
Another striking example -is Arthur
G. Somers, now a member of Charles
M. Scott, Jr., & Co., of which he be-1
came a senior partner Jan. 1. He1
began his business career as a run-!
ner for a Wall Street brokerage
house. For 12 years he worked as
clerk and six years ago- bought ex-
change membership with $30,000 bor-
rowed money. He now has 100 clerks
in his employ.
"There are now more than 1,000
stocks listed on exchange instead of
about 250 as there were years ago.
These are increasing steadily,' said

that more men who have served their
apprenticeship as page and clerk must
buy seats."
Mr. Somers declared the first req
uisite for the young man who would
succeed in Wall Street, is honesty.
iMoore Gives Talk
Be fore Meeting
Professor Earl V. Moore, director of
the University School of Music, at-
tended the convention of the National
Association of Music teachers at Pitts-
burgh during Christmas week, and
gave one of the principal papers on
the program, before that organization.
Since the close of the convention Mr.
Moore has been visiting in Philadel-
phia, New York and Boston. He is
expected to return to Ann Arbor on
Central Time (Slow Time)
Leave Chamber of Commerce
Week Days Sundays
6:45 a.m. 6:45 a.m.
12:45 P. M. 6:45 P. M.
4:45P. 'm.
)AS. H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone 926-M Adrian, Mich.

William Rowland Hopkins
Cleveland, 0., Jan. 3.-City govern-
ment under the management plan is
about to receive it's greatest test. Wil-
liam Rowland Hopkins, railroad exec-
utive, former member of council and
widely known as an attorney, has been
named city manager of this municip-
ality-the largest municipal corpora-
tion in the world to give the plan a
Hopkins was chosen by a majority
vote of the new council, which will
meet officially Jan. 7. This council
was the first elected under the propor-
tional representation 'plan, also given
its initial test by the voters of the
Hopkins is president of the Belt an
Terminal Realty company. He is 44
years of age. He had a public school
education and then worked for a living
before entering college.
He worked for a time as weigh hoy
in the rolling mills. He studied short-
hand at night and finally became pri-


It's true efficiency to use
C lassifieds.-Adv,



The Chicago Temple,
Chicago, I/linois
Drawn by Hugh Ferriss

Patronize The Daily Advertisers.

Mitchell Field, N. Y., Jan. 3.-
light, termed by Maj. William I
sley, Jr., commander of the Ar
iation station, as the greatest
achievement in furtherance of
flying, was demonstrated last
The beacon, manufactured by
is company, diffuses a volumee
over a distance of a mile squ
stead of emitting it in the for
beam, ias a searchlight does.
a radius of 180 degrees.
Under its rays, first Lieuts.
Connell and M. L. Ellitt each ma
flights, beginning at 5:30 o'clo
powerful was the light that
in Hempstead, a mile and a hal
were clearly visible, some oft
servers being 'able to distingu
colors in which they were pain
The beacon is the size of a
head-four feet high and abou
feet in radius. It has five;
candlepower, a strength of 11
peres. Under its light, night ba
easily would be possible.
Plans for a reorganized Uni
dlee club activities schedule
been formulated and will inc
concert in Hill auditorium on ti
of this month and a concert in
lanti on the 23. 1 The men wh
sing in these concerts will rei
Michigan in the intercollegiat
petitions to be held at Chica
February 18. This is the firs
that Michigan has entered thi.
petition, wiich Wisconsin wo
The personnel of the club th
has been more carefully se
and under the guidance of
Oscar Bowen. director, is expe
create much favorable commen
conceits. The club will atte:
avoid the vaudevillejtype of eni
men' and will follow purely<
work as much as possible.
BeDides the annual spring
wihhlb the Glee club takes at
vacation there will be several
end trips to the larger Michig
ics, and to Chicago.

-A new
N. Sen-
my av-:
f night
a Par-
of light
are in-!



in of a vate secretary to the superintendent of The Union Trust company, Detroit,
It has the mills. Then he attended Western
Reserveuniversity and the University has decided to set aside $5,000 an-
of Chicago. nually, beginning in January, 1921,
.de two While still in law school he was for the purpose of "establishing five
ck. So elected to the city council and served $1,000 scholarships in any preferred
h.es one term. He served for a time as university or college' in the' UnitO
f away deputy U. S. marshall. IStates for seniors graduating from the
the ob- From 1903 to 1910 he promoted the schools in Wayne, Oakland and 'Ma-
the belt line railroad, securing a franchise comb counties.
ishte from the city. The road was designed These scholarships will be awarded I
. hog to facilitate the movement of freight by the Union Trust company it the
t hogs- through the city. boy .and girls of the, schools in the'
mt three three counties' mentioned for the best
million essaywritten:bythese students on
20 amI- subjects related to banking, invest.
se ball ments and the servces rendered to
the family by a trust company.
It is part of the pl'an formulated by
the Union Trust company that con-
T OT testants for the scholarships be sel-
ected by the several school faculties
Lan;ing, Jai. 3.-The year 1923 was from those students who, in their
NH . very successful from the public health, judgnt, are best fitted to pass uni-
versity requirements, and the winners
point of view, according to Dr. R.. M. wi l be named by a committee chosen
versity Olin, Michigan Commissioner of by the Union Trust company consist-4
have Health. ing of Honorable Henry S. Hulbert,'
lude a Outstanding among this year's ac- Honorable Alexis C. Angell, of De-
he 17th complishments was the holding in troit, and Honorable John H. Patter-
i Ypsi- check of diphtheria. Michigan is one son, Pontiac.
ho will of the worst diphtheria states in the j
present country, and the incidence of the di-
e com- sease last summer cast an ominous
ago on shadow on the Wolverine health hori-
st time son for this winter. But through the IER
s com- efforts of health officers and physi-
n 'last cians in impressing the import of
I toxin-antitoxin as a diphtheria pre- Walter Scanlan is announced to ap-
is year ventive on the public mind, the disease pear at the Whitney Theatre on Sat-
elected, has been forestalled. The state lab- urday, Jan. 5. Irish plays with their
George oratories distributed 30,000 of anti- I sparkling wit and humor have always
cted to toxinduring November, and 27,000 been pOpular with theatregoers but
t ill its during the first three weeks of Dec- no 'interpretation of Celtic characters
mpt to ember. has been a greater favorite with the
tertain- The ever-increasing atteption be- public than Walter Scanlan in "The
concert ing paid to disease prevention was Blarney Stone."
another mementous feature of health The story revolves around the ad-
tour work in 1923. The media for ac- ventures and niisadventures of a
Easter complishing this are education, 'pub- young man of that name, who is an
week- licity and immunization. As an ex- editor by profession and a composer
an cit- ample of the former we have health 'of music by predeliction. The latter
habit training of school children.F proves more profitable than the form-
Through publicity the lay mind is l er, for his songs win the heart of a
kept in touch with progress made by 'charming heiress and his successful
the medical world, of the rules and opera brings him a fortune. A bud-
regulations pertaining-to quarantine, get of new songs rendered in Scan-
how to keep well, and the value of lan's style, will feature in the per-
SAEthe periodic physical examination. formance. *

Engagement DeLuxe of
Eugene O'Neill's Pulit-
zer Prize Play
"' ol don't know the
seai, Anna, 11a. Tug
Come l an' ve gait
fo edI out on voyage-
j ws~t iwater all round,
1,; ma , you,"t 1 , .
l(Iclthly gel. Aye', it
,akale you all clean,
A a.



._ Building
a .Picure"

' - _.

HERE the architects envisioned a picture, saw the modern 'office
building in terms of the great art of the Middle Ages-and the
result is a demonstration that the utilitarian structure, the modern office
building of commerce may be as picturesque as it is practical. Vision,
imagination, courage and practical ingenuity in stylistc'sadaptaion
have enabled the architects of this countryto astonish the world with
their achievements of today and their promise of tomorrow.
Certainly modern invenion-modern engineering ski and organiza-
tion, will prove more than equal to the demands of the architecture
of the future.



Offices in all Principal Cities of the World

Due to the unexpected demand for
the new 4/% Treasury savings cer-
tificates it has been necessary for the
government printing office to send out!
a second allotment of the bank certifi-
These "Baby Bonds" has proven so
popular that is was impossible for the
printing office to meet- the demand
of the twelve Federal Reserve banks
and the 40,000 post offices engaged in
their sale.
Over three million dollars have been
invested in these securities since
Dec. 1, in the ,nth Federal Reserve
district alone. he new interest rate,
tax-exemption and payment on de-
mand features of these bonds are at-
tracting large investors also and
many of them are disappointed when
they learn that no individual canin-s
vest more than $4,000 in them this

"Can You Beat It?"
Three square meals a day for a dollar.
Plenty of variety and quality the best.


Tables for Girls


i :, .




Fraternities Notice I

.........., ..y :.. , ... ... . ......... .

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