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January 04, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-04

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3kP 41

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VOL. XXXIV. No. 72





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Miss Ethel Mae Tuel To Lead.
1925 J-Hop With Slaughter,'25E

.. . j ! .. _ 1

Authorities Using Every Effort
Aiding Marooned People To
Find Shelter.


Ethel Mae Tuell, a senior of the nis champion of the city, having held
University of Louisville and a native1 this position for several years. She
yearas te prtne of ~ophas, been runner-up for the women's
of that 'city, will lead the 1925 J-Hlop atb en t u e
ofthyeat sywlla the 12 state tennis tournament for the past
thispartner of Edliff R three years as well.
Slaughter, '25E, general chairman. During the time that Miss Tuell has
The Hop will be held on Friday, Feb. been in college, she has taken active
8, in Waterman and Barbour gym- part in other athletics as well as
nasiums. tennis. She has been a member of
Miss Tuell is one of the popular so- the university basketball team, acting
cial leaders of the southern city, hav-' as captain of the team that won tl}E.
ing taken. a leading part in the ac- state championship among similar
tivities of that nature for the past few teams
years. She is a graduate of the Girls' Ticket applications for . the Hop
high school of Louisville. During her must be returned to the ticket com-
period in that school she was also a! mittee by. Monday in order to receive
leader in social and class activities. consideration. The committee, con-
In .addition to being one ofIthe most sisting of- William Kerr, '25E, as
prominent of the younger set in a chairmian, and of Charles Merriam
social way, Miss Tuell is one of the '25E, and Ray Billington, '25, will act
foremost athletes in Louisville. At! upon the applications at this time, re-
the present time she is women's ten- turning them within a few days.

Revtling For Interstate Head Leaves
Smith And Cummins Still
Practically Tied ,


ParIs, Jan. 3.-(By AP)-The ra-
ages of the Seine floods are becoming
more tragic in the suburbs, though
the city officials remain optimistic as
concerns Pari. Their optimism is
not shared by many thousands of per-
sons crowding the bridges who are
watching anxiously as the water line
creeps closer and closer to the high
mark of 1910..
The most serious situation is at El-
fortville, just east of Paris, where the
swollen river Marne is sending down
a rush of water that is carrying away
embankments and flowing so swiftly
through the streets adjacent to the
river that the residents are unable
to get away without the help of boats.
Means to succor these floodbound
people were insufficient tonight and
calls for help were heard from houses
where anxious faces at the windows
gazed distractedly at the inpouring
The authorities. {re using 'evey
effort to 'aid the marooned people
but many will have to spend the night
in ho.uses where the ground floors
are well awash.
There is some comforting news
fromthe basin of the Seine, whence
comes the biggest part of the flood;
it is to the effect that the affluents
of the river are subsiding, though
further off there are still great-quan-
tities of snow, which unless the weath-
er grows colder, will continue to melt
rapidly, again swelling the streams
that pour Into the Marne and the;
Washington, Jan. 3.-Chairman Win-
slow of the House interstate com-
merce committee and Secretary Hoov-
er, with the advice of the aviation
experts, are engaged In drafting a
new legislative proposal designed to'
increase the efficiency and use of com
mercial aircraft. The main purpose
Mr. Hoover said today, is to establish
a federal system of airplane inspec-
tion, which would give some guaran-
tee of security to the public as to
the safety of machine and appliances
for passenger carriages, sport, or ex-
MAanufacturers of aircraft generally
are anxious for such a federal policy
Mr. Hoover added, pointing out that
a bill brought forward by Senator
Wadsworth, Rep., New York, for a sim-
ilar purpose passed the Senate last
year' but failed of enactment in the
Reports received at The Daily of-
flice late yesterday indicated a gen-
eral improvement in the condition of
Howard A. Donahue, '24, man ging
editor of The Daily, who is confined
to his home in Lansing by a general
Donahue was found in an uncons-
cious condition near his home Tues-
day 'night, and an early diagnosis in-
dicated pressure on the brain. Sub-
sequent examination proved this de-
cision to be incorrect, and the phy-
sician in attendance expects that Don-
ahue will be able to return to the
University within two weeks.
Dean Allen S. Whitney, of the Uni-
versity School of Education, attended
the Michigan state Teachers conven-
tion at Lansing and presided at the
dinner given last Thursday at the con-

Professor Calvin O. Davis, of the
School of Education, spoke on Dec. 27
at a meeting of the Ohio state teach-
ers convention held at Columbus. His
topic was "The Training of Secondary,

Judge is Well Known Lecturer and
Authority on Delin.
Judge Ben B. Lindsey, of Denver.
well-known lecturer and world au-
thority on Juvenile delinquency, will
speak at 8 o'clock Monday night in
Hill auditorium on "Experiences with
Kids". Judge Lindsey is being brought
to Ann Arbor by the Oratorical as-'
sociation and will offer the sixth num-
ber of the ten which comprise the
lecture course.
The speaker has appeared in this
city once before on the Oratorical
lecture course, two years ago. At that 1
time l he was said to be one of' the
most popular speakers of the year
In addition Judge Lindsay las spoken
in Detroit several times recently.
Fame was first gained by Judge Lin-
dsey through his work as judge of the
Juvenile Court of Denver. He became
judge .of that court in 1901, and his
inspiration has led to many other
courts, based on the Denver court.
being founded over the country. He
has been, for years the leading pro-
mter of the juvenile court system and
was the originator of many of its
Judge Lindsey has not only been
recognized In this country but holds
a world-wide reputation in matters1
concerning the court. Many European
nations have sent delegation to Den-
ver to learn his methods, and Japan
even went so far as to take pic-
tures of the court room in order to
reproduce it exactly.
Several books touching the prob-
lem of the children of today have been
written by the man who is to speak
here Monday. Monday night's lecture
will be the sixth number on the Ora-
torical association course. Tickets
for the address are one dollar.
Union Production
Praised By mby
Letters of comendation on the re-
markable success of the 1923 Michi-
gan Union Opera, 'Cotton Stockings"
are being received by Mr. E. Mort-
imer Schuter from many prominent
men who witnessed the production
in the cities in which it payed during
the holidays. One was from Mr. Ed-
win Denby, secretary of the Navy, who
was present when the opera made its
Sappearancein Washington, D. C.
"I had the pleasure last night of
attending the Michigan Opera with
some friends," said Mr. Denby, "and
we were all perfectly delighted with
the show. How it is done I do not
know, but you have succeeded in pro-
ducing an entertainment equal to any-
thing profesional I have ever seen.
You may be sure my pride in Michi-
gan lost nothing of its intensity on ac-
count of this fine, 'clean and attract-
4ve entertament.",
Mr. Denby graduated from this in-
stitution with the class of '96L and
saw the opera in Washington with
many other government officials of
Has replaced the old for the new.
What are you going to do with
the old? To someone it will be
as good if not better than the
new and besides there is the least,
posdibility that the 4money ob-
tainabh will nm in hand.U se

Luncheon Will Be Held Today
Union For W. E.


Deans of the University will gather
this noon in room 319 of the Union
for a luncheon tendered by Dean
Mortimer E. Cooley of the engineering
college in honor of Mr. W. E. Wick-
enden, who has recently been placed
in charge of a national investigation
of engineering education in the Unit-
ed States being conducted under the
auspices of the Carnegie Foundation,
and the Society for the Promotion of,
Engineering 3iducation. Mr. Wicken- ,
den will arrive in Ann Arbor this
The visit to the University of Mr
Wickenden will mark. the beginning.
of a comprehensive survey of the en-
gineering schools of the country
which is being conducted by the ex-
ecutive board of the S. P. E. E. He
will investigate the curricula, build-
ings, and equipment of the local coll-1
ege and will confer with the local1
committee composed of Prof. J. Ral-
eigh Nelson of the department of en-
gineering english, chairman; Profm
Louis Hopkins, secretary of the engin-
eering college; Prof. W. E. Hoad, I
head of the department of .sanitary
engineering; Prof. J. H. Cannon, of
the electrical engineering depart-
ment; and Prof. James Aairey, direct-1
or of th engineering shops which has
been cooperating with the national
board by an investigation of conditions
.here in the University.
At 6:15 o'clock tonight members of
the local committee will attend A j
dinner in the main dining room of!
the Union at which Mr. Wickenden
will be the guest; and tomorrow night:
the entire faculty of the engineering3
college will be given the opportunity
of haring the Mr. Wickenden discuss,
his plans at another dinner which
will be given in the rooms 318-20 of'
the Union. ' .
Although Mr. Wickenden has for
the past few years held an executive
position with the American Telephone E
and Telegraph company, he has had
a constant association with college
men. He has had charge of the in-'
troduction into the telephone business
of more than 2500 college graduates,
1500 of whom were graduated from
engineering colleges. He has theld
several important positions with other'
large corporations, previous to which
he was professor of electrical engin-
eering at -the University of WisconsinI
and at the Massachusetts Institute ofI

Washington, Jan. 3.-(By AP)-
Congress returned today from its
holiday recess, listened to several
hours of pent up oratory, transacted
a few routine details, and then ad-
journed until Monday. Next week,
with committees at work both the Sen-
ate and House are scheduled to get
finally into a stride which will carry
them up to adjournment, planned for
before the national political conven-
tions next summer.
Discuss Tax Reductions
Work on administrative features of
the Mellon tax reduction bill was re-
sumed by the House ways and means
committee, which hopes to bring forth
legislation in ten days or two weeks.
The first appropriation bill of the
session, that for the interior depart-
ment, is to be presented to the House
next Tuesday, followed by the Army
and Navy budgets.
'The Senate today made another in-
effectual effort to elect' a chairman of
the interstate . commerce committee
by taking two more ballots. The vot-
ing stood approximately as before,
Senator Cummins, Republican, Iowa,
receiving 28 and 29 respectively for
re-election; Senator Smith; Demo-
crat, S. C., receiving 31 'bn both ballots
and Senator Couzens, Rep. Michigan,
LaFollette Returns
Nine insurgent Republicans and the
two farmer-labor Senators voted for
Senator Couzens, their strength be-
ing increased by Senator LaFollette,
Republican, Wisconsin, who has been
ill and ..returnea to the Senate today:
for the first time this session.
. A solution 'of the contest is looked
for next week, however, discussions
today centering upon plans to shelve
the fight on the Senate floor and
leave to the committee itself, tempor-
arily, at least the selection of a chair-
man or a temporary presiding officer.
Amendment of rules is to be taken,
up soon in the House. The rules com-
mittee will meet tomorrow to con-
sider changes being urged by the
progressive and insurgent Republican
groups and hopes to bring out recom-
niendation for discussions by the
House by January 14.

I '

Frank B. Leland
Regent Leland who retired from the
Board of Regents at its last meeting,
will be succeeded by Ralph Stone of
Detroit. During his two terms of of-
fice he invested and re-invested more
than $50,000,000 in trust funds for the
University, and though the country
passed through one financial panic
during this period there never wash
a delay in the payment of interest on
the University's investments, officials
State Department Makes Pubii Long
Communication From
Washington, Jan. 3-(By A.P.)-
Secretary Hughes resumed the ag-
gressive today in defense of the ad-
ministrative policy of refusing to deal
with soviet Russia, while that gov-
ernment continued to direct revolu-
tionary propoganda in the United
States. Tlie state department, by Mr
Hughes' direction, made public a tran-
slation of a long communication "to
American Communists".signed by G
Zinoviez and which appeared in the
issue of Dec. 141923, of the Moscow
Pravda, the translation including the,
following note carried by the Moscow!
paper in explanation of the article:
"Rewritten at the. request of the
American comrades for the first num-
ber of the Daily communist newspa-
per (in English) "Daily Worker"
which will appear on Jan. 1, 1924 in
New York".
Zinoviez is identified in the state
department's announcement as "Presi-'
dent of the Petrograd Soviet; Presi-
dent of the Communists Internation-
ale, Member of the All Russian cen-
tral executive committee and mem-
ber of the federation central execu-
tive committee".
The article translated hails the ad-
vent of a Daily communist's newspa-
per in English in America as "a great
e'ent not only for the American la-
bor movement but.alo for the whole
communist international."
Cleveland, Jan. 3-(By A.P.)-A bit-
ter attack on the Republican national
committee for its action in increasing
southern delegate representation 't
the national convention, a big gun
bombardment against the administra-
tion for supplying arms and' amuni-
tion to the Obregon forces in Mexico
and a thrown gauntlet' to the Ohio
Republican state central committee
which indorsed President Coolidge for
the Republican nomination marked
the opening address of Senator Hiram
Johnson, of California, in his canm-
paign for the Presidential nomination
here tonight.
Senator Johnson also. made an at-
tack on. the foreign policy of the
administration, reiterated his Chica-
go speech insofar as it referred to his
unqualifiedly favoring a soldier's bon-
'us, cautioned the people to look care-
fully in the Mellon taxation plan, al-
though advocating a reduction in tax-
es in no uncertain terms, advocated
help for the farmers by the lowering
of freight rates and finished with a
scathing . arraignment of those who
would have the country join the world

The Day's News At1
The Capitol
Congress convened after the holiday
recess and adjourned until Monday.
Lower anthracite prices were demand-
ed in an address by Representative
Treadway, Republican, Mass.
Consideration of the administration
tax bill was resumed by the house
ways and means committee.
Lewis Marshall, of New York, at-
tacked proposed further immigration
restrictions before the House immi-
gration committee.
Another failure marked the Senate's
efforts to elect a chairman of the in-
terstate commerce committee.
Pedro Guezara, resident commis-
sioner for the Philippines, 'advocated
Philippine independence in an address
in the House.
Representative Upshaw, Georgia,'
and Blanton, Texas, democrats, in-
troduced a resolution to stop drink-
ing liquor in official life.
A resolution authorizing investi-
gation of the election of Senator
Mayfield, Democrat, Texas was adopt-
ed by the Senate.
President Coolidge 'called the shipp-
ing board and othersnto the White
House for a conference on the Mer-
chant Marine problems.
The shipping board was asked by
the Senate what efforts had been made
to forestall decisions of American
organizations to travel on foreign
Additional' evidence was made pub-
lic by the state department in support
of its charge that Russian soviet pro-
paganda is being directed against this
New York, Jan. 3-(By A.P.)--De-
velopment of a new X-ray tube for
cancer treatment with such high em-
missive power that the time required
for exposure. of patients can be re-.
duced from 2 or 3 hours to 20 min-
utes was announced tonight by -Dr.
Francis 0. Wood, director of the
1Crocker Institute for Cancer research
at Columbia university. Dr. 0. T. Ul-
rey, research engineer of the Westing-
house Lamp company, is the inventor
Radiating five or six times as many
curative rays as the ordinary tube
the new X-ray machine which has been
used successfully at St. Luke's hos-
pital for the last three months, en-
ables specialists to treat a much larg-I
er number of persons and to treat
them more effectively than at present,
said Dr. Wood.
I ,_
London, Jan. 3.-A dispatch from
Dusseldorf says it is officially. an-
nounced that the general staff of the
army of occupation will leave Dussel-
dorf during the first fortnight dur-
ing January .for Mayence. .General
Degoutte, however, will maintain
1 his headquarters in Dusseldorf. The
I various civil services now in Dussel-
dorf will be grouped together and re-
main there.
Paris, Jan. 3.-A dispatch to the
Havas agency from Dusseldorf says
the regrouping of French troops in

the Ruhr and the Rhineland which
began December 28 is continuing.
Thus far, the dispatch adds, seven
infantry regiments have been with-
drawn from the occupied region.

Explosion, Probably Caused by
Rocks Country-side With I
Pekin, Ill., Jan. 3-By A.P.
ward of two score of workers, po
victims of an explosion and fire
early today destroyed two bul
of the Corn Products company
here still were missing tonight
day the' employment office iss
statement listing between 34 a
persons as dead or missing,
jured in hospitils, and 1 probab
,ally hurt, and 14 injured remov
their homes.
Superintendent H. B. Lawto
night issued a statement to the
that he could not tell how many
killed as some workmen may
left the plant without checking
Keep Flames in Control
The explosion caused probal
dust rocked the country side w
yiolence. Tonight the fire whh
lowed was still burning. Fli
from Pekin and Peoria kept the
in check but their efforts add
the difficulty of relief workers b
ering the debree with a heavy c
of ice. A second shift of wr
had accomplished nothing at
fall except to clear away some
Nearly all the dead missing,.a
jured are Americans, residents o
little town, whose 13,000 people
torn with similar grief in 1917
the river steamer Columbia b(
Pekin excursionists to ra grave
Illinois river.
State and federal investigatio
the explosion were in sight ton
. There were 1,000,000 lbs of sta
the buildings destroyed, which
Chemist R. .' Shermnan, said
tained 12 per cent moisture.
starch of this moisture content
have produced explosive dust sul
to cause the extreme damage do
plant, was a thing he added, tb
could not explain.

Comedy Club To
Offer New Plays


Columbus, 0., Jan. 3.-(By AP)-
Harry Kipke, Michigan's football and
basketball star, may become a mem-
ber of the coaching staff of Miami

An innovation will be offered by the
Comedy Club in their third program
to be presented Thursday, Jan.10, in
Sarah Caswell Angell. Hall at 8:15 o'-
clock, consisting of two one-act plays
"At the Hawks Well" by William But-
ler Yeats and, "The Key"by Franz
4Molnar. Both of these plays are of
a type not commonly seen in Ameri-
ca and neither of them have been
produced before in this country.
"At the Hawk's Well", is Yeats most
recent play and in his most modern
manner. It is an Irish dance drama
and tells a weird, fantastic story of
man's quest after immortality," thel
water of a hidden spring that seldom'
flows symobilzes his desire. The old
man who has wasted his life in the
search falls asleep at th ecrucial mo-'
ment, while the young man full of
conflence and hope is distracted by
the purely physical and sensual beau-
ty ofa kawk.
Marian Miller, '24, who takes the
prominent part of the Hawk, studied
'for some time under Ruth St. Denis
and Ted Shawn, while Gordon Wier
'25, is already well known for his un-
ique dances. The cast includes I-or-
tense Road, '24, Donald Snyder, '25
Robert Henderson. '26, Elwood Fay-
field, '25. The cast of "The Key" in-
cludes Mattie Proudfoot, '24, and Rhea
Schlaak, '24.
As a further corroboration of the
significance of this program, the Com-.
edy Club has been invited to present
the plays before the Ypsilanti Play-
ers the following day in the Ypsilanti
Washington, Jan. 3.-A resolution
,authorizing the investigation of the
election of Senator Mayfield, Demo-
crat, Texas, was adopted today by thej

Peoria, Ill, Jan. 3.-Between 21
30 men, trapped in the baseme
the starch works of the Corn
ducts Co. plant at Pekin, Ill., a
lieved to have been killed by th
plosion which wrecked the bt
at 3:35 a. m. today. More tha
other workmen were injured, of
20 probably will die of burns,
clans said.
Rescuers report seeing sever
dies in the basement, but the;
be unable to reach them unt
flames are controlled.
The plant employed ,about 80
and it is- estimated that 250 w
work in the starch house whe
explosion occurred. They were
hers of the night shift which w
at 11 p. m. Among the victim,
were about 25 workers due to
at 4 a. m.
The cause of the blast has ni
been determined, but it is be
was caused by a dust explosion
blast was so terrific that box
alongside the plant were shatte
blown off the tracks. The
wrecked 'the starching establis
table and retable house, and
I causing more than $600,000 da'
Employee Plays Hero
Trapped on the third floor,
Lichtweiss, 26 years old, sang
follow workers for nearly an b
calm them, and when the last
was cut off, jumped from the 1
building . Some of his comrade
to their death. He did not jur
til all the men able to leave th
had done so. He was severely
and is in a hospital.
Fire companies from Peoria a
kin responded, but the distant
severe cold handicap% d the fir
ters and rescue workers. Wate
on the ruins and gave an icy
to the blackened walls of the
house and debris.
Five men working in five bc
about 30 feet from' the buildi
missing, and believed to hav
killed, as the cars were destrc
the explosion.

[University, at Oxford, Ohio, next
year, according to word received here.
While in Oxford with the Michigan
basketball team, recently, it was said,
Kipke was closeted with athletic
officials of the University and the pro-
posal that he become assistant coach
there with the possibility of taking
over full control later, was made.
It was not indicated whether the Wol-
verine star would accept the proposal.
England Succumbs
I Tn VV;.Vnlnon Rsl

London, Jan. 3-(By A.P.)-Eng-
land is showing some anxiety over the'
repayment of the fifty million pounds
which she lent to Poland, Jugo-Slavic
and Roumania in the war period, and
diplomatic inquiries are being made
at Warsaw, Belgrade and Bucharest
into whether the discharge of these
debts will be delayed or prejudiced by
the 800,000,000 francs loan which these
countrie recently contracted from

Cappon Injures
Kneecap In 1
Detroit, Mich., Jan. 3.--'r

Wkoiokty fli ffy" I

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