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December 11, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-12-11

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L~ 1hd~r ~~i~;IPLACE
Efforts cf the contestants for the
CIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE Bok Peace laward whic h is to be
NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN awarded in January are now turned
lished every morning except Monday to the final details of the plan. An!
the University year by the Board in
o1 of student Publications. I effort to circulate the various ideas
nbers of Western Conference Editorial submitted to a nation wide referendum
iation- will be made loon after the winning
Associated Press is exclusively en- essay has been picked and "published.'
to the usefor republication of allnew The large prizes, however, will be,
cies crediited to it or not otherwise
ed in this paper and the local news pub- withheld until the plan selected has
-_been given the sanction of Congress.
ered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, The contest has held an extraord-
gan, as second class matter. Special ratea.
stage granted by Third Asiistant 1'cst- mary amount of interest all over the I
, (iewrcal.,
s-ription Ly carrier, $3.50; by mail, country for the last. several months,
due partly to the astonishing purpose
AborSl, r w4 iding-May-s for which the idea is being carriedi
upi 5: E'ditorial, 2414 and 175-M; Busi-out, but mostly because of the large
- - - --- -- money prizes involved. Some of the
ned communications, not exceeding 300 most brilliant minds of the nation
, will be published in The Daily at
iscretion of the Fditor. Upon request, haye contributed their thoughts to this{
! "nrtity of communicants will be re-
d as confidential. survey of peace methods and there isl
little doubt but that a great deal of
EDITORIAL STAFF good will be accomplished from the
Telephones, 2414 and 176-M projects. The hope of producing a
method of preventing all future wars'
MANAGING EDITOR however, can never be realized unless
oIOWARD A. DONAHUE it is accomplished by a complete re-
r..............Julian E. Mack organization of the world.
Editor...................Harry imey War is merely justice and injustice
rial Board Chairman.I. C. Moriarty
Night Editors on a large scale. When one reads in
Ailes A. B. Connable the daily papers of a fight betweenj
L.Billington IT. E. Fiske
C. Clark 1. G. Fisk ue bandits and the police, there is a
P. M.Wagner miniature war. People, as individuals
s Editor...............Raloh N. stwjers
en's Editr............Winona Hibbard and as states, will always .ise up
raph Editur...............1<. B. a:r against their oppressors, or their im-
ly Magazine Editor.......F..' TiJden
c Editor...............Ruth A lowell agined oppressors, .and, moved with a
Lant City Editor...Kenneth C. Kear spirit of revenge or of justice, they
Editor.aa Board Iwill bring all the power they have
Einstein RtetRi~a
Andrew Propper to the fray. War is natural and in-
Assistants evitable unless the whole. physical
S13acteke R. S. Mansfield world is changed. People will have
B3Nrkman E. C. Mack
Brown Verena Moran to undergo a very radical change to'
idette Cote Regina Reichnman ht
L. Datis %' .f. S" nenian prevent them from testing their rght-
d Ehrlich H. R. Stoae eousness with their might.
. Fingerle K. l. Styere
. Henry N. 1- iad If the Bok Peace award can bring
thy -ain S. B Timble
h Krugei W. J. waitkoir forth new "systems for the control of
_e__ _ __i_erman htman emotion which will make
BU)SINESSSTAFF peaceful conditions more permanent,
TeUepone SSAFit will have achieved a great deal, but
Telephone it seems impossible that anything
more than that can be accomplished.
rtiINESS MANAGER _.__- --
rtising.. ........E. L. Dunne
tising .................... C -urdy Winter-.the ideal season of the year

CHIMESI To the Editor:
GARGOYLE? You have given in last Friday's
AT LAST! paper, the text and some account of
the resolution submitted by Prof. Wil-
Although it is a difficult matter to
he impartial in this business of se- liam H. Hobbs and passed at a recent'
lecting a team that shall be truly rep- meeting of the Army and Navy club.
resentative of the wealth of grid tal- The expression of a contrary opinion
ent that lies strewn anong the educa- is provoked by the positive tone of
tional centers of our country, we feel this resolution.
that our choice will probably satisfy, r.
as many people as any team of eleven Pacifism does not strike at the very
men could. After all, opinions differ, root of our political and social life. ,
We have not consulted the sporting Pacifism may be a cloak for coward-
editors of any paper, nor any other ice, which is perhaps as likely as that
competent judges; but this drawback militarism should be a cloak for profi-1
is somewhat balanced by the fact that
. teering. But it requires more cour-.
we have personally seen in action allB
the men of our choice. age, for a man to refuse to go to war,
COWL1ES' ALL-AMIERICAN than for him to go' and fight. To ree-
aognize the continued existence of war,
Marion......LE.....Michigan in the world for a long time to come,
uirhead.....LT. .Michigan and to provide for it, is, I think, just
Slaughter .... LG......Michigan what keeps war a contiued possi-
Blott.r........C......Michigan bility. Europe in 1914 was full oft
Steele........ ......Miigan Icombustible material and such a
Vandervoort .. RT......Michigan minor incident as might have hap-I
Curran.......RE......Michigan pened anywhere started the conflagra-
lteritz . . ......QB......Michigan tion. The liklihood of war is the
greater as the number of advocates of
r ipke . .. .. .. LNB. . ... .ichiganE
Stager .......RUB....Michigan preparedness is greater, and it will
Miller........FB.....Mhiganjbe less when the number of pacifists
becomes great enough to be effective
Bit of Christmas Cheer from Chimes in determiniug public policy. It has
God pity the man who cannot enter not been proved that war is intrinsic-
into the spirit of Christmas! There ally necessary, as eating and sleeping
will always be the scoffers who con are y
sider this season as a period of vitiat-
ing sentimentality; they consider United States. I do not oppose the
I themselves above such emotions as continued existence of this nation, nor
are demonstrated at this time. Letl do I wish any evil to the people of it.'
themgeit cannot be accepted on any .man's
thmgo their way.. The man who -
knows the genuine joy of a real Christ- assertion that my opinion, or its ex-
mas would not trade it for the com- pression in this letter, convicts me of
bined self-satisfaction of all the blase treason or of any other felony. For,
aristocrats in existence. neither Professor Hobbs, or anybody;
(Chimes, with its nifty typographi- else, has proved that pacifism is wrong,
cal equipment, has a means of putting, nor that it will be futile. Until these'
an accent on the word blase; we things are proved no one should be
have not.) censured for doubting them.!



ciraham Iv.s,



Tl H




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ertsin...............W. IRovsSer
ctising............. W... Scherer
nts.... ..... .. . A. S. Morton
ulation ................Ferry M. Hayden
hcatwajn................Lawvrence Pierce
W. Campbell 1dw. PThoelemaker
ini Capian, N. E. Holland
s. Champion M. L. Ireland
n Conlin H aroid A. mvark,'s
is M. Dexter B ayon 'ar<ke
ph J. Find H. M. Rockwell
id A. Fox II. E. Ros~e
n Hait A. J. Seidnan
L. lewill Wise
E. flawkit ( C. V.WNhite
S wR. Winter'
light 'Editor-HARRY C. CLARK
vercone by the ethereal notions of
niverse divested of all malice and
angering discrepancies, the group
people which lis adopted pacifisticI
als and measures as a means to'
ablish world peace are striving for
lost inaccesiblc goal through meh-
hardly more suc essful than those
Ynl divsi infarct trying to 'eon-

for winter sports-finds MichiganI
without any facilities for such activity,.
The lack of facilities in the past has1
caused the popularity of these sports
to decline 1 Ann Arbor so that now it
is rare indeed to find a pair of skates
among the sporting paraphernalia of
a student. This year the cold weather
has beeni slow in setting in bit the
months of January and February will
offer unlimited opportunities, from thel
weather standpoint, to the lovers ofj
winter sports.
The University,- in spite of its won-
derfully successful athletic teams and
l elaborate compulsory gymnastic rules,
i almost completely lacks all facilities
for healthy enjoyable outdoor sport

* * *
Sunday afternoon we paid our reg- I
ular weekly visit to the Clements Li-
brary. We got there about five min-
utes before closing time, took a friend
in and showed him the ropes (the big
velvet ones that keep you from sitting
down) and then put our hands behind
our back and looked at the' manu-
scripts and things just as if we were
an habitue (accent). Then we jumped!
over the velvet rope and sat down in
one of the swell chairs for a minute, 1
j just to defy the menage, you might
And then the young bim-custodian
went snip snip snip and all the lights
went off. We and our friend started
for the door, and just as we got there,
in came a lady with a baby in her
arms-to show him the Massachusetts

which the entire student body can Gazette for 1773, we suppose. We said
enjoy. After many years strenuous to the lady, using the janitorial we,
effort, a swimming pool looms on the "Sorry, lady, we're just closing."
horizon as a possibility, as yet a golf And she went out again, and so
course is an unmentionable extrava- did we,
gance, the limited number of tennis * * *
courts prohibits any but expert play- One of our pals tells us that a
ers from enjoying the game, and a freshman at his house suspects that
wholly inadequate indoor rink serves f Emeritus is Mr. Hutchins' first name.
as an excuse for skating facilities. I * * *

. For other winter sports no provision Tretn
r space in his hands. In fxaying whatsoever is made or attempted in Dear Jasey:
un-American atttude of those spite of the favorable natural loca- This morning I read your dear little
, 'n their insatiable desire for r- tion of Ann Arbor. column all about turpentine and such.
national amity, lose sight of a na- With the promise of plenty of cold' And after I was through I dragged:
necessary maintenance of in- weather following the Christmas holi- out my trusty Cur own a and tried
ri's and honossr, Prnofesor m- lays, the University should see that I "turpentine" over on it like tlhs:
rity and honor, Professor W. I1.some provision is made to rectify these turpentine turpentine terpentine
bbs has not taken exception to the conditions. An outdoor skating rink turpentine turpentine turpentine,
pose that motivated the organiza- large enough to accommodate a large a turpentine turpentine turpentine
of innumerable *anti-war organiza- portion of the student body at one and oh! Jasey, I was charmed by theI
s. Rather does he find fault withltime can easily be made at the south rhythm and -balance of it! But Jasey,
meansathatde hve bnd u end of Ferry field or some other suit- did you ever try "nevertheless"? Itf
a h ar able location with an extremely small may not rank with the typewriter
d, without any assurance of suc- expenditure. Whether the University classics as does turpentine, but it has
s, and which will inevitably lead wishes to go further and provide to- a melody all its own and there is no
the complete disillusionment of boggan slides and other facilities on doubt that it will be immensely pop-
se who at present are most en- h s-lopes of the Boulevards or not is ular with the public. Try it over on
a probem for them to decide. your typewriter!
siastic supporters of pacifism. I
lindly closing their eyes to the re- Exercise which is monotonous and JayaR
ted historical Incidents which have forced is of lsthnaftevlu ***
d hst ore caUini d eats w pae than that which is done for pleasure, Conversation
n ith Ute forces fnerees according to most health authorities. "What shall we give the class today?"
ope with the Forces of her enemies, a lbrt Asked Mr. Ogg of Mr. Ray.
er on the field of battle or in con- The University provides elaborateA M g r
t with economic forces of other gymnastic equipment for its students "I'm in a frightful mental fog"
ions, the peace-loving optimists - Said Mr. Rat h to Mr. Og
-e taken a stand against arnaments, ularly by doctors whose general ad- y gg
wever limited), and all the readily vice is for more1 exercise, adyter "Ymostdtoeuat h hg,
lwee iie) n l h edl i" sfrmr xrie n e ot:ated measure's which would serve of the methods for pleasant exercise "You seemed to emulate the hogg,
tedual cascts wof foresallis are impossible to students in Ann Last night," said 'candid Mr. Ogg.
the dual capacity of forestalling e mo
Arbor. ntI
AIdd noyahm offe,

C;~uie aiutiul~ LU~l I i ere 1. . . rtops at te)
It is particularly appropriate that
women should organize an opposition
to war. They do not ordinarily go toI-- I
fight, so they cannot he accused of the- ARt tBlI%
Central ' I'in,e (Slow li )"
evasion of duty. Ijthink it a good - Leavehanmber of Com r
deal more rational as 'well as more Week Da.
noble for a woman t regard war with 1
angry 'resentiment,t ato be willing JAS. H. ELLIOTT , P orietor
or glad, that the min of her family - Airin. Mic'
should g. A woman \ho1 Is glad to
have heltson go to war seems to In
like the roman irr Wf r times who--
wats gld to give10 child to goFLO W Er,
tlrtoug oa 'tmoch. as that :LO W ER
attitudereve r robl as it not some- and '
thing tt gtrown from? REA TH S
I have been p and :perhaps
unreasonable in tit1 l tter, partly be- for
cause I wish to appear unconvinced Ch i
and unsubdued by the dogmatic assur- I
ance of the militarists. I do not know
that wars will shortly cease, neither ~ '
do they know that wars will long con PHONE 115
tinue. It is for. us who wish them
over to believe them nearly over, and=- -
to work with what devotion we may Co;isms &r Hall I'
to bring our belief to reality. I
W. W. Sleator. Florists
A History-Making Party
One anniversary which very few
people remember and yet which is
most worthy of observation 'comes on
the 16th of this month. The Boston
Tea Party was held 150 years ago
from that date and it seems only fit- I
ting that attention should be calle1d
to it.
Never was there held a more his-
tory-making party. The dumping of
the tea into the harbor was not gen-
erally approved. Franklin and many
other liberal colonists of repute and at11Iilli IIIIIIlilllllIIIIH
influence expressed their disapproval
of the act and urged the city of Boston
to make amends to the owners for the
financial loss. The destruction of _ Also
property was perhaps an unfortunate Sheet Music
way of expressing a worthy spirit.
Nevertheless the spirit behind the act
met with the approval of the rising
current of liberty throughout the col- arsity ongs
onies. Its results gave the colonists a
sense of brotherhood, and created a TheYellow and Blue
bond that held them together. ;
The Province of Massachusetts was
punished for dumping the tea. The -fhe Victo rs
port ofhBoston was closed to trade C
until the tea was paid for. Town College Days
meetings, those hotbeds of discussion and
and disobedience, were forbidden to
convene. Local self-government was Many Others
curtailed, and in other ways a heavy
penalty was inflicted. Then it was - --
that Massachusetts stood by Boston,,-
and the rest of the Colonies stood by
Massachusetts. The ultimate import-
ance of the Boston Tea Party became

Wit . yTheatre Sat.RNight


to c

hostiie encroachmnen s upon our na
tional rights and preparing for war
in the event that it could no longer be
avoided. One who has so readily
dlrawnfor us the similarity between
"national defense" and "national ag-
gression" unfortunately has not found
it convenient to create a similar paral-
lel between "pacifism" and "heedless
waiting," for such it seems, is the sole
function of the pacifist.1
Were the aims of pacifism to gain
widespread support in this country,
he degeneracy of the nation to the
position of a nonentity in international,

Twenty-Five Years
Ago At Michigan

I did enjoy a ha rsoufflee "
Replied the worthy Mr. Ray.

From the files of the U. of 3. Daily,I
December 11; 1898
The seating capacity of the law li-I
Ibirary has been increased so that now)
224 students can be accommodated at)
a time at the tables..

"You're getting fat; do take a jog,"
advised the careful Mr. Ogg.
"I'd rather sleep than jog today,"
Then remonstrated Mr. Ray.
"Before you sleep, try this egg nogg,"
Proferred relenting Mr. Ogg.
"Is this made in the good old way?"
"If so, I'll try it," said Mr. Ray.

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