THE MICHIGAN DAILY AN ATTE1PT TO ORIGINATE L~ 1hd~r ~~i~;IPLACE Efforts cf the contestants for the CIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE Bok Peace laward whic h is to be NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN awarded in January are now turned lished every morning except Monday to the final details of the plan. An! the University year by the Board in o1 of student Publications. I effort to circulate the various ideas nbers of Western Conference Editorial submitted to a nation wide referendum iation- will be made loon after the winning Associated Press is exclusively en- essay has been picked and "published.' to the usefor republication of allnew The large prizes, however, will be, cies crediited to it or not otherwise ed in this paper and the local news pub- withheld until the plan selected has therein.1 -_been given the sanction of Congress. ered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, The contest has held an extraord- gan, as second class matter. Special ratea. stage granted by Third Asiistant 1'cst- mary amount of interest all over the I , (iewrcal., s-ription Ly carrier, $3.50; by mail, country for the last. several months, due partly to the astonishing purpose AborSl, r w4 iding-May-s for which the idea is being carriedi upi 5: E'ditorial, 2414 and 175-M; Busi-out, but mostly because of the large 960. - - - --- -- money prizes involved. Some of the ned communications, not exceeding 300 most brilliant minds of the nation , will be published in The Daily at iscretion of the Fditor. Upon request, haye contributed their thoughts to this{ ! "nrtity of communicants will be re- d as confidential. survey of peace methods and there isl little doubt but that a great deal of EDITORIAL STAFF good will be accomplished from the Telephones, 2414 and 176-M projects. The hope of producing a method of preventing all future wars' MANAGING EDITOR however, can never be realized unless oIOWARD A. DONAHUE it is accomplished by a complete re- r..............Julian E. Mack organization of the world. Editor...................Harry imey War is merely justice and injustice rial Board Chairman.I. C. Moriarty Night Editors on a large scale. When one reads in Ailes A. B. Connable the daily papers of a fight betweenj L.Billington IT. E. Fiske C. Clark 1. G. Fisk ue bandits and the police, there is a P. M.Wagner miniature war. People, as individuals s Editor...............Raloh N. stwjers en's Editr............Winona Hibbard and as states, will always .ise up raph Editur...............1<. B. a:r against their oppressors, or their im- ly Magazine Editor.......F..' TiJden c Editor...............Ruth A lowell agined oppressors, .and, moved with a Lant City Editor...Kenneth C. Kear spirit of revenge or of justice, they Editor.aa Board Iwill bring all the power they have Einstein RtetRi~a Andrew Propper to the fray. War is natural and in- Assistants evitable unless the whole. physical S13acteke R. S. Mansfield world is changed. People will have B3Nrkman E. C. Mack Brown Verena Moran to undergo a very radical change to' idette Cote Regina Reichnman ht L. Datis %' .f. S" nenian prevent them from testing their rght- d Ehrlich H. R. Stoae eousness with their might. . Fingerle K. l. Styere . Henry N. 1- iad If the Bok Peace award can bring thy -ain S. B Timble h Krugei W. J. waitkoir forth new "systems for the control of _e__ _ __i_erman htman emotion which will make BU)SINESSSTAFF peaceful conditions more permanent, TeUepone SSAFit will have achieved a great deal, but Telephone it seems impossible that anything more than that can be accomplished. rtiINESS MANAGER _.__- -- LAURENCE H. FAVROT (,10N .GSKATING rtising.. ........E. L. Dunne tising .................... C -urdy Winter-.the ideal season of the year OASTED ROLL CAMPUS OPINION GOTCHEIEt A VINDICATION OF PACIFISM CHIMESI To the Editor: GARGOYLE? You have given in last Friday's AT LAST! paper, the text and some account of the resolution submitted by Prof. Wil- Although it is a difficult matter to he impartial in this business of se- liam H. Hobbs and passed at a recent' lecting a team that shall be truly rep- meeting of the Army and Navy club. resentative of the wealth of grid tal- The expression of a contrary opinion ent that lies strewn anong the educa- is provoked by the positive tone of tional centers of our country, we feel this resolution. that our choice will probably satisfy, r. as many people as any team of eleven Pacifism does not strike at the very men could. After all, opinions differ, root of our political and social life. , We have not consulted the sporting Pacifism may be a cloak for coward- editors of any paper, nor any other ice, which is perhaps as likely as that competent judges; but this drawback militarism should be a cloak for profi-1 is somewhat balanced by the fact that . teering. But it requires more cour-. we have personally seen in action allB the men of our choice. age, for a man to refuse to go to war, COWL1ES' ALL-AMIERICAN than for him to go' and fight. To ree- aognize the continued existence of war, Marion......LE.....Michigan in the world for a long time to come, uirhead.....LT. .Michigan and to provide for it, is, I think, just Slaughter .... LG......Michigan what keeps war a contiued possi- Blott.r........C......Michigan bility. Europe in 1914 was full oft Steele........ ......Miigan Icombustible material and such a Vandervoort .. RT......Michigan minor incident as might have hap-I Curran.......RE......Michigan pened anywhere started the conflagra- lteritz . . ......QB......Michigan tion. The liklihood of war is the greater as the number of advocates of r ipke . .. .. .. LNB. . ... .ichiganE Stager .......RUB....Michigan preparedness is greater, and it will Miller........FB.....Mhiganjbe less when the number of pacifists becomes great enough to be effective Bit of Christmas Cheer from Chimes in determiniug public policy. It has God pity the man who cannot enter not been proved that war is intrinsic- into the spirit of Christmas! There ally necessary, as eating and sleeping will always be the scoffers who con are y sider this season as a period of vitiat- ing sentimentality; they consider United States. I do not oppose the I themselves above such emotions as continued existence of this nation, nor are demonstrated at this time. Letl do I wish any evil to the people of it.' themgeit cannot be accepted on any .man's thmgo their way.. The man who - knows the genuine joy of a real Christ- assertion that my opinion, or its ex- mas would not trade it for the com- pression in this letter, convicts me of bined self-satisfaction of all the blase treason or of any other felony. For, aristocrats in existence. neither Professor Hobbs, or anybody; (Chimes, with its nifty typographi- else, has proved that pacifism is wrong, cal equipment, has a means of putting, nor that it will be futile. Until these' an accent on the word blase; we things are proved no one should be have not.) censured for doubting them.! Open Until BOTH E Christmas A"I ciraham Iv.s, N D S O F Tl H D I A G ONA L W A IK ,} DETROIT H ITED UNES EAST, BOUND, Limiteds: 6 a. m., 9:10 a. m. and' every two hours to 9:10 p. m. Express: 7 a. m., 8 a m. and every two hours to 8 p. ri. Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. and every two hours to 8:55 p. in., 11 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11.:40 p. m., 12:25 a. m. and 1:15 a. M. WEST BOUND Limiteds:'-8:47 a. m. and every two hours to 8:47 p. m. Express (making local stops): 9:50 a. m. and every two hours to 9:50 Locals: 7:50 a. m. 12:10 a. m. . . ,; StUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE III SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, ountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos ' ' .: _ . ....... a .rn u"~ n a ..,~'.oqu .. ..... ... .... .. Perfumes 4 Vanities toilet Water Sets These Gifts Are Always Appreciated. ceBeautiful Selections Offered at Our Store. P" DECEMBER S X T W T F S 2 4 * 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16, 17 1S8 1',1 20 21 22 23 24 25 233 27 28_. 29 .30 $1 .. .. _ ._._ PRE-HOLIDAY SALE ON MEN'S HATS Hats that were $3.60, Now $3.00 hats that were $4.00, Now $3.50 Hats that were $4.50, Now $3.75 Hats that were $5.00, Now $4.25 Hats Cleaned and Reblocked at low prices for Illgh.Class Work. FACTORY HAT STORE 117 Packard St. Phone.1792 IAIhr fib UT It Sln ofgn THE EBERL3ACH & SON CO. 200-204 E. LIBERTY ST. ....................- k e ertsin...............W. IRovsSer ctising............. W... Scherer nts.... ..... .. . A. S. Morton ulation ................Ferry M. Hayden hcatwajn................Lawvrence Pierce Assistants W. Campbell 1dw. PThoelemaker ini Capian, N. E. Holland s. Champion M. L. Ireland n Conlin H aroid A. mvark,'s is M. Dexter B ayon 'ar