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December 04, 1923 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-12-04

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lilYCONCUDE Great Explorer Takes White's NV ILL
101 ONOCUET Place On Oratorical Program 1I fAMIT

n nnrC

U IUU IL1 ILL Roy Chapman Andrews, explorer Asia in an effort to establish definitel i ua iu rui
and lecturer,ha been secured inth proof that Asia is the "mother of all ai
S. C. A. and Y.2%. C. A. Officials Cont- place of William Alleni White to speak life," will speak here on March 11. Coolidge, Approve, Pr&jeot As One of h
sider Ann Arbor Conference Best on the Oratorical lecture course pro- Editor Is Bok Judge Fr wtlal Value; D~etails leP
Eier Held, gram, it was announced yesterday by Efforts were started to secure Mr., Still Pending
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood of the pub- Andrews when Mr. White was forced!__ c(
SPECAR ER SAYS ,VORLD FACE .S, lic speaking department. Mr. Andrews to cancel his engagement for Dec. 11 1SIEAIcc'TOUHTT' B
MOST A1~ERUS STUATIN whois had ofthe tird siati ex-being chosen as one of '.the judges for BSPAR~PFRVYG
pedition which is now "unearthing the Bok peace prime contest. ___
With the adjournment of the twen- secrets from the Mongol plains o fi r nrw n i xeiina
ty first Annual Michigan State Older-1 rive in New York the first of this Washington, Dec. .-(By A. P.)--
Boys' conference at the last meeting ! m ~I hatrhvigcmltdoeA cdash by air for the north Pole will
of the three day session in Hill Aud- nil h * ot e launched by the Navy department f
itorium on Sunday night, there came ;i I f 1 I afo hi ieya rpt sa during the coining summer. Secre-
toacoewa a osdrdb iL i~This tour that is being made has been '41T 0 A 'HTGtoacsew tvscnsdrdb tary Denby announced that 'PresidentI
caldby prominent explorers as "one Coig a ienhsapoa o
officials of both the S. C. A. and Y. AL ald otiprtn xeitoso ooig,. gvnhsaprvlt
C. A., to have been one of the most D HD IR D of the ms npe tepdtin flal ~Drn thepocta ,fgrtpatil
successful conferences ever held. JJ IU1UIU reswilmae11ec value." The rue date and method
More than 1600 boys from all parts,___ ori h ntdSaebgn of procedure for the trip however are
of the state gathered in Ann Arbor for s ctill to be decided upon, a special
the three day session, which is one Informa~il 1Recepifon and 1l~inquet ping with a series of lectures in Car- bado aa fieshae yRa
MrfereSewodEdGnrl Stra.I Se;mn n itrsAdmiral William A. Moffett, chief of I
Mer.ere for theItentoaEdyGeeaSaudy lemnsndPcrs International Y. M. The expedition to date has unearth- Naval aeronautics, having been ap-
C.Adelivered the farewell address!.STUDEN TS T O GIVE PA GE-ledfsslieybns frhiarpone ad b e ret pary. eny o re
*'.fl.. Avannw r ~.vhn.. ng r. t 16Vlily ' )AV~il k man and animals and is bringing backI __ tetildpln

naval aircraft followed. Naval of-
icials feel that the Shenandoah in
miany ways would be the most desir-
able ship for the dash, particular be-
cause the airship can hover over the
arctic region while motion pictures
are made or scientific data otherwise
attained. There is no disposition,
however, to risk the Shenandoah un-
less there is every reasonable pros-
pect that she can successfully ac-I
complish the mission.

Put'one over

Read The Daily "Classified"

on your beard


The Daily editorial staff can
use a. few more tryouts. Repor-
torial and night staff positions
are immediately available to such
Only men who have been en-
rolled in the University for more
than one semester, or who en-
tered the University with advanc-
eo credit, are eligible for this

;tunucay evnniwiIZ . rlV.aUy Inas just
recently returned from abroad, where
he made extensive travels in China,
Japan, and Russia, as well as the
whole of Europe, and was abe to :give
many side lights on the situations in
these various countries.
"Today the world faces one of the
most dangerous situations in all1 its
history,' said Mr. Eddy, "Glermany is
" in a condition even lower than that of
Russia, for Russia has started up
from its bottomless pit. There must
'be no more war, for that beast which1
seems to have a hold upon the entire
world has resulted in the killing of
more than ten million of the best
men, and has left more tan nine
million widows and orphans to be for-
ever blighted by this greatest of tra-
gedies. Let the slogan "Noi More
wear" live forever before you boys
so that your owngenerations may see
the end of this terrible menace to
Included in his talk was the story
of the work going in the far eastern
countries of China, Japan and India.
'Many conferences have been held in
these far off places, he said, and have
resulted in the bringing out of many
great leaders in the world peace
movement and in Christianity.
More than 0lboys,. all presidents
of various Hii-Y clubs throughout the
state, and who were here attending
'the conference, were entertained at
breakfast Sunday morning by Coach'
Fiding HI. Yost' and Regent. Junius '
-D. Beal. There was an election of
officers for the coming year at t is
Junior Engineers elected the chair- l
.m jan and two other members of the
1925 J Hop committee in a meeting
' eld in the Engineering building at
'10l o'clock yesterday morning. Edliff
,Slaughter was elected chairman of'
-the committee with Charles Merriam
and William Kerr as the other repre-
sentatives of the engieering school.
The juniors of six colleges have not
as yet selected their committeemen.j
The junior class of the architectural
college will meet in room 311 of the
Engineering building at, 4 o'clock to-
day for the purpose of electing their
representatives on the committee.
Junior medics will also select com-
mitteemen today, meeting in the east
amphitheatre of the Chemistry build-
ing at 8:.50 o'clock this morning.
Bunting Resigns
Secretary Post
On account of increased responsi-
bility in teaching and research, Pro.
Russell W Bunting, of the DentalI
'college, has had to relinquish his dut-
ies as secretary of the dental faculty,
a position he has held for the past
nine years. At a recent meeting of
the faculty Prof. Francis B. Vidder,
" 18D, of that department, was elected
to the post.
"Professor Vdder was a graduate of,
the literary college in 1916 and has
been an instructor in the dental de-
piartment, and later an assistant pro-
fessor since his graduation from that
school in 1918. All official commun-
ications to the Dental faculty secre-
tary should now be directed to Pro-
fessor Vidder rather than Prof. Bunt-
ing, according to Dean Marcus Ward,
of the College of Dental Surgery.
Students who are experiencingI
difficulty in choosing their life j
work will be given help by the
S. C. A. Vocation committee. Stu-
dents who care to participate in
the beniefts of the committee fill
1out the following blanks and mall

Ithe answers to Eghert Isbell,
I'26L, 329 CatherineI
1 1. Have you selected your life #
I 2. If not, what profession or
vocation would you be most in-
terested in investigating?.....I
................. 3. What men now prominent
jin these professions: would you
ilike to meet?....... .....

t)CtYL tC1(6 Ir 10,000 specimens for museums in this The project grew out of the desire ' rubber. They can't come out, get
country. Motion and still pictures' of Robert A. Bartlett, teepoe lTfI gyn ,~j in the lather-make trouble. Each
An informal reception will be given I takenset BrusIisUguarantee
next Saturday i honor of Prof. Eliel have als. been taen flowing the who sailed with Rear Admiral Rob1 ; U --U ubbersetioBrus. h bisaateed
Sarnn oe inns Arhtc course of the tour. ert E. Perry in the steamer Roosevelt EAST BOUND- at-unodtoal.Te.ite
Although noodefiniteisubjectihas: on the expeditiono 98t 99Limiteds: 6 a. i., 9: 10 a m. and
Althughno efiitesubecthas enof 908to 909Save time. Give ourself this
who has been teachinga class in ad be noneacrigt Pro-1 which saw the Stars and Stripes rai- I eeytohust 91 .my ofr. e ubre oa
van ced destgn at the University Since benanouceacorin M r.oe ry thefor North to It tda
fessor Trueltood M. ndrews will der h ot Pole, t again makei Express: 7 a. in., 8 a. m. and every - from any shop on the campus.
the middle of November, it was gan probably speak on either "The Recen!t that journey.ohurto8 m.adN N.JUS.A
'24}x, chairman of the commitiee icvrsi etralAsi" o "T e Discussion of the pitowssiilymei tofa Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 a. m. an ewar,N..,U.A
y 2p .To Ypsilanti onl,114!________
cTheeprogram includes a reception inI His lecture will be illustrated by stillI beu/nteNv eatet I 5a n n :5a
th feno ntecrioso h'and motion pictures. was pointed out by Naval aircraft ex- I p.m1BOUNa
College of Architecture, when guests Ticket holders for the lecture pro- perts however that if a "difting" ex- WS ON
aunadsdetwilbgieangram are requested to hold the con-I edition were organized by the Navy, Liiiteds; 8:47 a. i. and very two IR
alumni, ad hoursnstoi8:4b7gp.enn.
opportunity to meet Professor Saarin- pons reserved for lliare.m Allen White'others perhaps under another flag,I horto84p.m=13111100Ik
enproaladt e eea ffor Mr. Andrews lecture. might attempt and complete a jour- Express (making local stops): 9:5u051 1
his drawingspesnlyd which will be on ceea x- fc;hy to the pole by air before the a. m and every two hours to 9:501 tRAO sonsR
hibition there. Professor SaarinenpPlIFT osvl at ol make half the Loas7:0. .,110.i. Ith \ 'uora 9
has many of his works here with hhim ULU distance. The decision to employ I__________cieamngthmbinacomlee__NTSTa'
set of city plans which lie made for TfhIITi tr vi'- -__
his native city in 1qinland. I1 I _.l--1IE ~L
Following this there will ibe a ban- AOIH1 stim lan wihfodv l e
quet at the Union, at which Prof.' tm ln wt o dv le
Emileeorchrcfhth oflthe oCollegeFinofsiArchi-semFinalsexinmothis semester's1N111extempor-illofilandil1111111111lllt111111111111111111 111111111111111
tecture, will preside. Mr. George G. aneous speaking contest will be held; raie w e l A rtcs n
Booth of Detroit, is to b~e the princi- at 8 o'clock tonight in the auditorium craiew rtcs
pal speaker, while President Marion of Lane hall. Seven persons whoo i on
rsL. Burton, President Emeritus IHarry were chosen in preliminary tryouts i " -'
BrsHutchins, Dean Mortimer E. will take part in the contest tonight A slcieo
Cooley, of the Engineering school, and and will give short speeches on some I .A sletv survey of the world o
Mr. Ralph Booth, also of Detroit, will phase of the subject, "The United!
be the distinguished guests. States Inmmigration Laws." cuture---
As the concluding event of the even:1I- h rot ed eetytefl
ing a pagent will be held in Aluniloigwrsectdospainhe
Memorial hall, in which students ofoigwr eetdt pa nte A sro sjun lta e e b r ob
contest tonight: W. C. Dixon, '26,1'A srp o na th t emb rs obewl
arhiecuri te 1-g r. ilinM lc
dictthcsnngHarold Latta, '24, Ms ilinMhM-iumorou -
of arts in its various forms. It is Eachern, '24Ed, 5. . Rosenthal, '25,1
expected that there will be some in-!E .Slia,'5 .M htob f"
teresting and amusing features in the!'2,1E and.aszmalenates5, ML .H.Whiubbr, oga te joytl wsdoI
makeup of this pagent, which is the '26 and K.u l.Wig, 24. Tw ntysi
first of its kind ever attempted by tokr ntetyus rubr ________________________________
th olge o rhtcue said to be much larger than the try-!I'
Moe than20sueta ela usls al
many prom2inent architects fromh Tol- otsBlatfll
dicte thirintention of being rs definite phase; of the immigration .
g ,lvlnd n er ihaesi- ah'otsat ilb ssge .'ie I ~ eI h ~
ent at the ceremonies. question at 5 o'cloc1 this afternoon in A .ea
________________room 302 of Mason hall, leaving -them'
trehours, in which to prepare to~ A -=
Plan To Broacast - D spa. °
The winners of first, second and LtJ yU y
t no pr ~sCthird, places will be allowed to take
Unofp r vui part In the Atkinson Memorial contest0
The Radio Corporation of America which will be held next May, at which p rea~' din a se1priso fIoe -ttie$Vada odmdlwilb h
general manager of the Union to! prizes.IT
S LTI~racs h ui fteUin N. B. Johnson, '25, is manager At New Stands 1 5c. Sample Free.E
opera "Cotton Stockings." the contest to be held tonight. Mom-
The broadcasting will be done fromlbers of Delta Sigma -Rho, honorary Try for 11'1 'weeks for .coo -
I station W. J. Z. at New York while' public speaking fraternity, and mem- =.'
the opera is playing at the Metropoli--fibers of the faculty of the public;I -
tan per hose.. seakng epatmet wll ct sTHE FREEMAN, 116 W. 13th St., NE~W YORK CITY. I -
judges of the contest. -E1 14li!iia~llllllt~i#t@111i11HI1llilllii1111111111
It's true efflcien~cy to use Daily° PLEASE~ SEND THE FREEMAN AS CHECKED.l
Classifteds.-Adv. Patronize The Daily Advertisers.
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