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November 27, 1923 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-27

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TUSANVME 7 9THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _r__ __ _

UIrnfFV IDDIUF~ Begins Exposure



. 4

Astronomy Professor to Find Desir-
able Place From Which to
Study Southern Leavens

Sop hotnore" Defies Gravity And It will be necessary for someone to
( climb t h top of the pole' to replace
the rope. Teary has volunteered to
Tears Down F eh a anne make the ascent again. The pole will
also have to be painted, it is sa'_d. This
expense will be met by the freshman
*Kenneth Teary, '26, climbed to the urday morning when a Puick cart class.
jtop of the flagpole yesterday afternoon drove up to the flagpole and from it
and tore down the flag of the fresh-' stepped a group of freshmen. Their flf iE Mats. Thurs and 6 at.
lrman class which has been fly'ng there ,* ll" 10oo0 to $2.00
plans w~ereal made up for within 1 G R IC Nights 500a to $2 50
since Saturday morning. It was a haz-I
ardous feat and the crowd which had, minutes one of their nuniber had j Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
assembled by the time Teary reached' climbed to the top of the pole and tied Matinee and Night.
the top of the pole was given many the flag securely. On his way down lie ! "THE DEVIL'S DISCIPLE"
thrills before he reached the ground. greased the pole and pulled the flag ; b BERNARD SHAW
Uses Climbers ,rope through the pulley. FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY
Teary used climbers in accomplish-{ Yesterday afternoon a crowd of N WHO GETS SLAPPED"
ing this feat. The top of the pole sophomores gathered to' attempt to by I1EONID ANDREVEV
had been greased by the freshmenI tear down 'the flag. Teary volunteer-' - -
' when the flag was put up, and thisI ed to make the ascent with the use of Saturday Matinee and Night
made the task all the more difficult, climbers. After 15 minutes of climb-' by HENRIIK ISBENi
Once, when he had almost reached ,the Ing he reached the flag.' "PEER GYNT"



~Prof. William ;. Hussey, of the as-
tronomy department, who left Oct. 1
for' South Africa for the purpose of.
locating a desirable place to study of
the southern heavens, arrived in Cape
Town, Nov. 19, aboard the, royal mail-
ship "Armadale Castle", according to
word received yeterday by President
Marion L.. Burton.
Professor Sussey, who, is director
of the University. observatory, plans
to go to Bloemfontien, South Africa,
from which point he will carry on in-
vestigations in order *to determine a
definite site for the $40,000 telescope
which he designed and which was giv-
en to the Unliversity, by' Robert P. La-
Monte, '91E, of Chicago.
The telescope contains lenses which
are surpassed in size by only a few
now in existence. It' was due to ar-
rive in this country 10 years ago but
shipment was delayed by the war. It
was not received until last February
at Pittsburg where an 18 inch cry-'
stal was ground and polished.
Professor Hussey's original inten-
tion was to conduct his researches in
Australia, but better lahor conditions
in South Africa were responsible for
the change to that site. He will re-
turn to Ann Arbor in time for the sec-
ond semester of the current academic
year, and at that time, the location of
the new telescope will be definitely

Goy. Charles A. Templeton-
Gov. 'Charles A. Templeton, of Con-.
necticut, has just startled New Eng-
landers by his announcement that the
exposure in the near future of a "di-
ploma mall" in the state, run by practi-
tioners, will prove to be the greatest
scandal in the state's history. He
claims to have evidence on 142 practi-
tioners who have been licensed to
practice certain doctrines despite lack
of medical .knowledge.
Alumni Discuss
Game AtI Luncheon
Chicago, Nov. 26.-Alumni of Michi-
gan and Minnesota universities, num-

top of the pole, one of his c'mbers
failed to catch in the side of the pole
and he slipped for about two feet. I
The sophomore class made a collec-
tion yesterday afternoon to pay him
'for the damage done his clothing.
I' Pole Greased
It was between 3 and 4 o'clock Sat-
Prof. C. C. Ednmonds, of the econom-
ics department, has been secured to
conduct a course of industrial man-
agement in the city of Flint.
This course is to consist of a series
of 15 lectures, given once a week, and
has been made possible by a joint ar-
rangement of the Industrial Mutual
club and the Executive club of Flint,
cooperating with the University Eix-
tension department. More than 40 ex-
ecutives including men from the
Buick. the Chevrolet, the A. C. Spark
Plug companies and other concern:;
have already enrolled in the course

For that 8:45

sprint against time

;f IU . !:.l

A BIG night and an early morn-
ing class. Hard lines-but a
Rubberset Shaving Brush can
help 2 ways.

BOSTON ALUMNI MEET 1 of Michigan club. A mock varsity
band was also present.
SMakedspeker repesetedPrei Coach Yost and President Burton
Mased peaersrepesetedPrei-sent greetings to the 70 assembled
dent Marion L. Burton, Coach Fielding graduates.
I-I. Yost, and Dean Mortimer E. Cool--
ey, of the Engineering school, at a re- It's tru3 efficiency to use Daily
cent meeting of the Boston University Classifieds.-Adv..
_rB sns Peopl'
- N9oon Day Dinne
r ,
A 4
r _
r Sr
r \-ierdnnr


It's true efficiency to use
Class ifi eds.-A dv.


' .
' %t
4 "

bering nearly 100, held a joint lunch-
Students who are interested in eon at the Hamilton club today. Prof.!f
w riting advertisem en s have an op- J. Paul Goode, of the U niversity o, ofpr u i y t i 'r z s o f r d b h h c g ;: n l m u f M n e ot ,APs u e e l c m a y w i h I o - g v h r a k h g w s f l o e u ti g,~ d w i i g c n e t a o g b p n d s u s o ft e; a e a n ECL
al, the colleges of the country. The Arbor Saturday between the two rry
advertisements are to be written for schools. ja hein d M
college publications by college stu- A number of those present had FRthestudentorprof,the
dents, on the cereal products of the actually witn~ssed the game 'and told superb VENUS out-rivals
company, Grape-Nuts, Post° Toasties about it to the rest, who were anxious all for perfect pencil work
and Post's Bran Flakes. to hear first hand descriptions of the 17 black degrees-3 copying
The company is offering $1500, total contest.AmrcnLa
cash prizes. The first prize is' $200,IPencil_____Co._
second $125, third $75, and fourth Patronize The Daily Advertisers. NwYr
$50. These will be awarded for the _____N____w____York_____
best advertisements received from all ____________________
the colleges. In addition , a prize of Ttwit o
$25 will be awarded for the bet ad-I "THE PUPPET 3
vertisement received -from each co- bREVUE"o
The contest is open, to all studentssusicsaol ivrsiy ilsA
of the {university. Anyon~e interested
xnal secure further information by _______
writing to the company or by calling
the Business Manager "of The Daily.,ltllll~11lltllllllllllllllllillllllltl1iI1~ll1i1llll
:; -
The contest will close Jan. 5, 1924. -
Meeting for the purpose of electing= MADE BY EDERHEIMER STEIN COMPANY
five J-Hop committeemen, the junior
literary class will gather at 4 'o'clock ____-
this afternoon in the auditorium of i,
University hall. Five men- will be21
chosen at that time to work ornJ-Hop I ii
committees and these men in turn -
will appoint their'. own suzb-commit-
- ~, , I
According to the custom of choos- J j
ing the 'J-Hop chairman one year i=-
from the literary college and the fo- .
lowing year from the ° engineering .°. 2
school, the chairman this year will be w = -=
picked by the members of the junior f
engineering class. John P. Lawton,y'
'24, was chairman of the Junior Hop
last year.I
Hmold Exhi bition-_1
Of WaterwColiors-
An exhibit of water-colors, now I;
being shown in the upper :gallery of=
Alumni Memorial hall under the aus-I -
pices of the Ann.Arbor Art associa- w=
tion, comprises a collection of more ~2
thn9-aitns-aewrs fbt
American and European artists have -
been collected and set up °by the Chi---
cago Art insttute for the purpose of 2
sending 'them to various schools I=
throughout the country. fj=-2
Later in the week a series of gal- !
lery talks will be given in connection -
with the exhibit. Members of the Art22
association, townspeople and students =
may attend these talks. = 21
It's true efficiency to use Daily ?e C l t e -
_______________________ ~With the beginning of winter you will be interested in the
ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BTS' LINE 2 Suits and Overcoats we have to offer.2I
Central Time (Slow Trime) -
Leave Chamber of Commerce
week Days Sundays { These clothes are the finest made by the FI TFORM shops,2
6:45 a. m. 6:45 a. to.
=2:45 p. t. 6:45pv M.2 and te carry all the yothulcosevais characteristic of
44 , . -.-te ~ i yuhu onev~z
JA I. P. ELLIOTT, Propietor = college men. =
phone g26-M Adrian. Mich. w21
_________________- ~ An early selection will insure you fnding just what you want.
It never pays to delay at Corbett's.2






V/ill Help Solve Tour


e 4

'robl ems



The Telephone Manager'
holds his position because
he is expert in every branch
of thel telephone business.
He passed through years of
experience before he became


He is therefore, able to un-
derstand and help solve 'any
telephone problem you may
have. In his organization are
men and women who are at

your service.

Consult them, freely. T;
your telephone problems



They. will be glad to be of
service to you.

Here's Proof Thai
Famous Wrigley Building in Cb
The part of the Wrigley Build-
ing erected two years ago has filled
such a want that the north section,

Adverlting Pays
;hicago Being Doubled in Stze
Here is a concrete (as well as a
steel and glass) proof of the sayl-
ing that "advertising pa; %." I

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