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November 27, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-27

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.


Among those schools seeking to per-
feet their internal organizations along
lines of English and continental uni-
versities, some have given their stu-
dents an opportunity to exhibit their;
interest in academic matters through l
the manifestation of initiative in one
manner or another. Princeton has un-


detaena.panwhreya .jr- L A C R I M A E,
Members of Western Conference Editorial dertaken a plan whercby a major por f
Association. tion of the outside study is self se- Little drops of dew
lected readings in a broad and expan-- Hang on the window ledge like
The Associated Press is, exclusively en- tas
titled to the use for republic'ation of al news sive field. Others have attempted tears.
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise litterefo cmpl I wish I were
credited in this papertand the local news pub merely to lift the rule for-compul I
lished therein. sory attendance, but in no case thus A November day-
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, far have college men demonstrated the That I might weep so.
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate unqualified interest with which more M. K.
of postage granted by Third Asiistant Post- . , , ,
master General. optimistic educators have accredited
Subscription by carrier, $3.$o; by mail, .
$4.00. tem Sunday we began our monthly in-
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- The adoption of a system which
tjard Street.'spection of the Building program. We
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Blasi- placed the complete determination ofI
ness, 96o.I first visited the New Law Club; and
grades and credit upon daily recita-
Signed communications, not exceeding 300 tion and informal written .quizzes of finding it progressing nicely, reviewed!
the disretion of the Editor. UponD yrequesat, an impromptu nature, would, if proper- some of the old buildings. '
the dniyofcmuias
the identity of communicants will be re- ly directed, open the way to elimina- The Home of All Michigan Men had
-d --dt-tion of obligatory attendance rulings., a very homelike atmosphere Sunday
EDITORIAL STAFF It would, through its self corrective afternoon. All the men were in the
powers, obviate the necessity of lim-
Te ones, 24 and 176-M iting students to a fixed number of room where the newspapers are, and

(From the New York Tribune)
The'idea of abolishing examinations
at Columbia university and possibly
of making attendance at classes vol-
untary is a right honorable plan. The I
faculty, pursuant to the student vote,
is to consider whether or not when
the responsibility of seizing, an educa-
tion is laid upon the students, if they y
are the right sort of boys, they will
take it rather than leave it. The Co-
lumbia undergraduatesare not averse
to giving perfect freedom of action to
their will to work. They have the
high-minded notion that if they are not
harassed by tests and drill-sergeant
discipline they will rise more nobly
to their opportunities than they have
done in the past.I
In the English universities the court-
eous habit obtains of inviting students
to lectures and the like if they care to
attend. If they do do not, very well, but
examinations provide a day of reckon-
ing. A #mall army of tutors labors
valiantly and profitably at the eleventh
hour to save the loafers from untoward
fate. In American colleges the indul-
gence of a few cuts from recitations is
granted, but study is successfully
evaded by many who attend classes,
and for them examinations mean hero-
ic "cramming." The temptation to
cheat is not always resisted.
But consider the most successful de-
partment of college training, that of
football. The members'}of the squad

News Editor................Julian E. Mdck
City Editor..................Harry Hey
Editorial Board Chairman..'..R. C. Moriarty
Night Editors
1~. 1I. Ailes A. B. Conpable
R. A. Bilington L. E. Fiskebl
Harry. C. Clark ). G. Garlinghouse
h. M. Wagner
Spoits Editor.............Ralph N. Bers
Womn.n's Editiaz........... Winona Hibbard
Telegrdph Editor..............R. B. 'Parr
Sunday Magazine Editor.....F. L. Tihlen
Music Editor..............Ruth A Howell
Assistant City Editor......Kenneth C. Kellar'
Editorial Board

"cuts." The man who could stay away
from classes and still get his work
would -be privileged to do so, and he
who became a habitual absentee would
only suffer from his own laxity.,
The endless red tape of finals could
be cut down to nothing and so many
more days given to the actual diffusion
of knowledge from the professor'sI
fund of information. A few mem-
bers of the faculty have had the cour-

some of them were reading news-I
papers, while some of them had put
the newspapers over their faces andJ
were having a nice rest.
And next we took in the Clements1
Library, which was putting on a kind
of open house for the benefit of stu-
dents who happened to be in town
over the week-end, as well as for visit-

Pal Einstein
S. G. F3aetekt
S . Berkman
I ernatctte Co
V.W. Davis
(faroild Ehiic
s.. C. Fini~erle
. hi-.oery
Lmorothy Kani
Elzeh 'e

Ro?;ert Ramay
Andrew Propper
SCR. S. Mansfield
t E. C. Mack
rVerena Moran
te Regina Reifhma~n
W.. II. S-oreman
e K. E. Styer
N. R. T:ial
in S. B" Tiemble
W. J. Wa tiour

1.swu LlLY lou %V« Iing bolonies from Minnesota and
age to institute the system of basingalni fomierymlaennethd
their markings completely upon daily u.
work or equally on blue books The atmosphere in the Clements Li-
throughout the course of the semester. brary, we are sorry to say, was any-
They have found much less dissatis- thing but stimulating. There were
faction, among the ranks of their about twenty people in there when
classes than their colleagues. The we arrived; all of them were standing

plan, while it undoubtedly would be a
diflicult on to perfect, is worthy of'
consideration, because of the many ad-
vantages it would contribute and the
numerous defects which are in its
power to eliminate.


Telephone 960
17SINESS MANAGER There seems to be little doubt in any
L.AUJRENCE H. FAVROTof the universities of the Big Ten con-
Advrrsing. ...... . ..............E. L. Dunne ference that the proposed "migrant'
Adlveiiing ............ dy
Advertising ..................W. Roesser rulings, now before 'them for approval
Advertising.................W. K Scherer
Ascounts ....................A. S. Morton or disapproval, will be defated. Al-
Cireniation................ferry M. Hayden
Pubication... ..........Lavrence Pierce ready, one university, Minnesota, has
Assistants voted it down most emphatically, and
G. W. Campbell '-lw P)-T4oeemaker
mle-nlue tapei N. E. Holland the sentiments of the other members
C n . Chain hMro d L .I Marks seem in accord with her action.
Louis M. Dexter Byron Parker The ruling which would bar athletes
nseph J. Fin H. M. Rockwell
bavid A. Fox H. E. Rose from competing in any Big Ten insti-
T iur(n Haight ' A. J. Seidman tution if they have previously taken
HT. L. Hale Wiii Weise
k. E. Ilawkinaon C. LI. White part in inter-collegiate athletics at
R. C. Winter
R. C.heany other school, is of distinct dis-
adv'antage to the members of the
Big Ten. Hosts of promising material
TUY N E E 2would be lost each year to the univer-
-- - ---- sities, and no school will deliberately
Night Editor-A. B. CONNABLE, JR. I turn away men of varsity calibre be-
-"-jcause these same men have partici-
PROVIDE FOR THE STUDENTS pated for other schools. It is a known
FIRST fact that at the present time in all
In athletic equipment, Michigan is colleges, athetes who have already
far °behind other universities with a proved their merits are very welcome.
What the "migrant" ruling would do
far smaller student body. The Uni- in such a case would be to say, "we
versity has struggled along year after are sorry, but
year without a swimming pool, in spite and so, the school you first entered"
of the many protests that have been The whole situation is such an ob-
registered from time to time. This vious one that to even suggest such a
particular piece of equipment is a ruling seems rather foolish. Michi-
thing which is necessary for the gen- gan will undoubtedly vote as did Min-
eral health and well-being of the whole nesota, and as all the other members
Cfndergraduate body. Yet Michigrn of the Big Ten will, against the ruling.
has no swimming'pool.
Although most colleges and univer-

s .

with their hands folded behind their are punctually on the field at the ap-
backs, looking at the fascinating ex- pointed hour, no cuts are permitted
hibits spread forth in the showcases. and the pupils are at attention every
There were a bunch of purple velvet moment. Every Saturday comes a test
ropes hung around everywhere, to against an eleven trained with similar
show the people whd're they couldn't rigor. Football teams are weH edu-
go. One of the places they couldn't cated. Laggards are speedily drop-
go was the place where all the swank- ped. Hard, steady work is the basis
ly upholstered chairs and divans of every football "system"; there is
were, the idea being so the people not a trace of softness in the method.
couldn't stay very long because they? The Columbia idea which the stu-
would soon get tired standing up withl dents have put up to the faculty of
their hands folded behind their backs. taking the colts out of" harness is a
And then we and our, companion pleasing compliment to youthful na-
went outside, stifled by the funereal at- ture, but the football way is the one
mosphere, you might say, and stood in that really seems to teach something.
the nifty niches on .the front stoop. It is certainly the way most college
And we decided that when a sunny graduates will have to stick to their
day came along we would take each jobs once they are graduated.
other's pictures in the niches. .
* * *
IHeard at the Luncheon Table hIIY E E D Y
"I like Professor Wenley so much, YESTER DAY
don't -you?" i ~ y SMYTHE'I
"Why yes, Corinne, I do. I think I
he's the cutest thing. I didn't know
you were in ,that ATilosophy One THE WEALTH OF NATIONS
course-" No doubt 'you have heard about
"O my, I'm not. I'm taking Philos-- the pot of gold at the end of the rain-
ophy of Religion-" I{bow. Read this list of debts owed to
"Is it fine?" this country and you might possibly
"Oh my, yes. Professor Wenley is imagine what such a pot would con-
the sweetest thing. He says the cut- tain:
est things-he's awfully interesting-. Armenia ............. $ 13,673,174.37
[ learn so much!" I Austria..............26,942,394.00
"Oh I'd like to take that course- ijBelgium............' 437,197,129.59
does it hurt your religion?" Cuba-..................7,740,500.00
"I don't think so. HoW do you Czecho-Slovakia ..... 106,292,205.32
mean?" Esthonia.......... ... 16,088,771.261
"I'd take the course if I wouldn't Finland. ........... 9,294,362.27
lose my religion-" France...............3,844,132,250.77
"Oh my, Bible One is the course to Great Britain .........4,746,862,560.29




pities today have a golf course of
some kind for the use of their stu-
dents, the University of Michigan has
felt that the cost of such a course
would be too great. Yet golf is a game
which, besides being easy'to play and

Tweny-Fve Years
Ago .. tMich 'gaa

interesting, provides healthful out- From the files of the U. of M. Daily,
door exercise. A golf course at Mich- 4 November 27, 18981
igan would make up for the great lack The following are the receipts and'
in general physical education here. expenditures of the Chicago-Michigan
But Michigan cannot afford a golf game: Attendance, 7,213; total re-
course. ceipts, $11,176; general expense, ad-
Ignoring the absence of 'the above vertising, etc., $1,419.15; cost of erec-
equipment for the general student wel- tion of the bleachers and grand stands,1
fare, the Athletic association recently $4,580.20, of which Michigan's share,
submitted to the Board of Regents a was $1,145; trip expenses to Chicago,I
plan for raising a large sum of money $711.24; net share for Michigan after'
for the building of a splendid new all deductions, $3,780.87.
football stadium for Michigan. The - -
p...cnt seating capacity is between That Chicago takes their twelve to
35,000 and 40,000 and the new stadium nothing defeat kindly is evidenced in
was to be far greater than this. The the following telegram that Dr. Angell!
Regents rejected the suggestion and received yesterday from President
properly so.' College athletics are not Harper of Chicago university: Chicago, I
great public spectacles for the edifica- III., Nov. 26, Congratulate you on
tion of thousands of strang visitors. Michigan's victory. You will consent'
The contests are staged primarily for to convocation address in January.!
the students and the alumni of the William B. Harper. A message also
University and their friends, and, with came from the Detroit alumni reading
proper handling of the tickets, the thus: Huzzah for the team. Congrat-,
present seating capacity will easily ac- I ulations to the gallant manager.
commodate them.
Michigan can, for the present at The shops of the mechanical labora-!
least, dispense with a new football tory of the University are selting up a1
stadium for the accommodation of turning table, which when completed
huge throngs of outside people when will be worth $1,200. The designs.
athletic equipment which would help were made by Prof. G. C. Taylor, and
the general health of the student body all the work is done in the shops.
is being neglected.

' take if you want to lose your re- Greece.............. ..15,750,000.00
ligion-" Hungary... .....1,888,135.89
"Why ?" Italy ................ 1,932,715,485.51
"Oh, it tells you the history -of the Latvia.................. 5,775,864.01
bible. Honestly, I am so interested." Liberia............ .29,518.85
"It certainly is easy to lose your re- Lithuania ............ 5,728,872.23
Slgion, isn't it?" Nicaragua.........170,585.35f
"Oh my, yes." Poland. ..... 153,281,676.81
"Mother said to me, 'Mary, I want Roumania..............41,992,590.28
you to promise not to listen if any- Russia............... 232,313,968.15
body discusses religion,' so I said I Serbia.and the S. H. S. 59,098,683.50
wouldn't." * * *
"That's the safest way." Those 'are the debts of Europe to
"That's what mother says. She the United States. The American
doesn't want me to think about it.! loans to European allies during the
Mother is so pious." war amounted to more than 11 billions j
Hidalgo of dollars; the loans to war succes-
* * * Ision states amounted to nearly 310
Billee, who was the person that millions of dollars; the loans to al-
sent in the contrib without the stamp, lies outside of Europe totaled some-
sent us a stamp and thanked us for where around 20 million dollars.
'the publicity. We're two cents up on American money, before and after the
that little affair now. armistice, went into nearly every na-
tional treasury in Europe, and even,
COWLES, DAILY Liberia in Africa got its share-our
PLEASE FORWARD TO DEVIL smallest debtor.
GENERAL DELIVERY HELL STOP The largest debts are those of Great
STRAP MENCKEN HORIZONTALLY Britain and France. Great Britain
SEVER CORDS AND SECURE HANDS' already refunded its debt and is pay-
TO COMFORTABLE OAK SLAB; ing although there is still a long and
AND FEET FIRMLY STOP LINE UP hard road ahead. Accordingly, the
TEN THOUSAND MENCKENESQUE largest of the debts concerning which
DISTORTED ECHOES COLLEGIATE the intentions of the debtors are not
IF POSSIBLE STOP GIVE EACH known is that of France. Poincare
ONE THREE HOURS STEADY LEC- } claims that the French debt is not a
TURING ON WHAT MENCKEN ,debt but an item in the common de-
MEANS TO ME COMMA APPRECIA- fense fund and that "Americans will
TION OF HENRY ETC STOP IF not get a cent of money back until
THAT DOESNT WORK WILL GO France exhausts class A and B rep-
THERE MYSELF arations from Germany and ges nt

Via Miguel
* * *
In the course of our extensive

the C class." This would make the'
French debt more of a fairy tale than
an economic good.
rnU- T -.-L-


Two thousand nine hundred and
forty men have been admitted to the

Phi Rnt. TFo.,.,+, C ... ;..+<, ..F v.. ., mss L''~nAnv mffnrnnnn urn aaur

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